Hot I mnn Horth A7 A i THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR, NORTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 13, 1921. No. 97 J. ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS UK11EXT COMMENT ABOUT PEOPLE AND THE THINGS THEY A tE DOING HERE Sup't C. ithat "the L. Llttel announced today enrollment of tho City Schools last Friday was 1834 whilo u year ago it was 1G85. This shows un increase of 157 pupils. Robert H. JnnUcbaucr has pur chased a pedigreed Airdalo dog for Tift nc.Va It. ilnoa nnt mat any more to keep a good dog-than if fmncri,! ami h, i jntinfnn-1 Hon in having a dog which has the l lest breeding. C. L. Kelley of Evanston, Wyo., was a city visitor this week. Ho was J n boy in North Platte and attended school hero, leaving about 22 years ago for Florida. He had not beonj success and the boys wero encored back to North Platto since and his Thoy also gave an exhibition of sig visit this week was interesting to nailing and of bandaging. Tho ap him In several ways. He said the plause was hearty and prolonged. Lloyd Opera house, tha Catholic and tho county court house ut all the buildings that ho' church are about can recognize. Ho - f . i found it easier who were men ' io reeoBuiz0 uiuhu wm, .u , than those who wore boys and have a . 1 i 1 . 1 Pi. T T Brown lU, luauuuuu uucu nu mil. spoke highly of tho appearance of the city and of its substantial growth. Contrary to tho nrevaillng opinion, the Lincoln County board of county commissioners will appoint a .building Insnector to look after tho construe- tion of tho new county court house, wna ,wmo.i nt n inpotinn- hnid vonninv Af tiita mootintr n Vrftflnin- tion was pas'sed and spread upon tho minutes, appointirg Monday, Decem ber 19 as tb.o tlmo when this appoint ment will be made. There is some talk of employing, someone from out U.B.Thrifty Ask me m&nWffh $ he sfevlc tO The thrifty individual is a community asset. The number , of people in North Platte who have bank accounts is steadily increasing. HELP NORTH PLATTE THRIVE ."by being thrifty yourself and help to gather dollars into bank deposits where they go out to help our farmers and business men. Hep North Platto and yourself by maintaining a growing bank balance. UNION STATE BANK of tho. county but tho sentiment of tho members of tho board seems to I bo In favor of appointing a home man it sucii can ue secured, inc commis slonors want a man who can read blue prints and knows what' is what about building but most of all they want a man who will stand on what ho thinka is right. Tho board hesitated about tho matter because of its confidonco in tho integrity and honesty of tho contractors but it realized that 1: would bo roliovcd from many annoy Inir onmnlalnts and carlnc for many 'details if an inspector wero secured 'arid so it adopted that policy. I :o: LOCAL BOY SCOUT CHORUS SINGS AT NOON LUNCH EON OF ROTARIANS Twelve boy scouts picked from the dlont troops ot tho -city appeared boforo tho Rotary club Monday noon a,1 ,ts wc?kly 1nchco" aml fvc " demonstration of scout activities. R. D. Birgo has been going around from troop to troop and giving tho scouts training In singing and he selected twelve to experiment with on the Ro- tarians. Tho experiment proved a PLATTE YALLEY POULTRY ASSOCIATION WILL HOLD EXHIBIT IlEKU Beglnnlng tomorrow and continuing fl tho Platto Valley Poul- try AsoclaUon wm hold its annual - oxh,bUlon ln tho room occupied by mttav& Dattery statlon Juat south of the post office. M. C. Itog crs Is- president and Luther I. Tucker Is secretary of tho organization. Tho men ln chargo expect a largo exhibit of pure .bred stock and are offering some good premiums. Entries may-4 bo made yet. Admission is free and overyone is urged to attend. LINCOLN COUNTY MAN IS NAMED STATE CHAIRMAN OF PROGRESSIVES At' tho state convention of tho now Progressive party last week, J.H. Ed mlsten of this city was elected state chairman of tho Progressive State Central Committee. This gives North Platto two such officers, Keith Nev ille being Chairman of tho Democratic State Central Committee!" Mr. Edmls ton will leave about the first of thu year for Lincoln where ho will make his residence until after the election next November. , ' -:o:- SPANISH "WAR VETERANS TO ENTERTAIN VT AN NUAL BALL Members of the Harry E. Brown Camp No. 11, Spanish War Veterans are making preparations for their an nual ball which will be hold Friday Dec. ICth at the Lloyd Opera House. Tho veterans are planning to make this ball excel any previous affair put on by them. This annual ball Is always one of tho social successes of tho sea son duo to the efforts put forth by the veterans. -tor- EXPERIMENT STATION EN TERS HENS IN NATIONAL EGG-LAYING CONTEST Robert II. Jandebeur, poultryman nt the North Platte experimental sub station sent ten white leghorn bona to tho Nobrnska National egg-laying contest which Is bolng hold nt tho state farm at Lincoln. These woro puro bred pullets ready to lay. Tho contest started November 1. At tho I end of tho first month this pon held flfth plac0i iayjng 110 egB8 ln 30 dayB) Two hens wero awarded blue ribbons for producing moro than twonty eggs each. Ono produced 23 nnd tho other 22 during tho first month. This Is consldored as a very good record right after tho birds woro shipped and placed in Btrnngo quarters. Tho con tost lasts ono year and each month wo will get reports on tho standing ot tho North Platto hens. -:o:- LABOR LEADER VISITS THE CITY TO ADDRESS MEN TONIGHT Philo P Green, labor economist and statistician will address a men's moot ing of all unions nt tho Labor Temple tonight at eight o'clock. Subject, "The Rail Situation and tho Opon Shop Drive." Tho public is Invited. :o:- Mi J. Forbes Is transacting business ln Calloway today. Vacation in tho City Schools begins Wednesday Dec. 21st nnd ends Tues day, Jan. 4th. LODGE, CHURCH , AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS IN THE VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY GUILD t Tim PrnahvJnrljm fliill1 will innul tl.ln n.,r.MfMrr l. ll.n . ..(Ill ..nHlnlln ' I PIIIL09 GUNA Club will bo ontortaincd at tlic homo of Mrs. Edw. Burko on wed nesday afternoon. ROYAL NEIGHBORS u will hold their regular meeting to morrow afternoon at 2:30. Election of oflcers will take place. All member are requested to bo present. AUXILLIARY to B. of R. T. will meet Friday nt 3 p. m. at tho K. P. hall. There will bo initiation and Installation of offl- cers. Lunch will bo served. AUXILLIARY to tho American Legion will holil us regular meeung uus evoning wi the county suporlntonuent, s oiucq. Election of officers will take place. A1 full attendance is dosired. BAPTIST ' Ladlos Auxllliary will meet Thurs day afternoon nt 3 o'clock in tho church basement. Mrs. Fred Loudon Is leader and tho topic is tho Amor, lean Indian. The hostesses aro Mes dames Durbln, Guess, Kinsman, Dlxr on and Jenkins. SUPPER Tho Methodist Aid society will hold its Christmas -bazaar and supper In tho church parlors on' Thursday, De cember IB. Tho sale of fancy work, aprons and candy will start nt 2:30 In tho afternoon and supper will start nt 5. Tho menu consists of roaj beef," mashed potatoes, brown gravy,, string hearts, cabbage salad, cran berry jolly, pickles, apple plo, cheeso and coffee. The price Is fiO centc, Everyone Is Invited. :o:- Attorney W. E. Shuman left this morning for Lincoln where he will arguo tomorrow beforo the supremo court tho caso Involving tho right of tho school- board to liconse dnncing In tho city schools. At tho same ses sion he will arguo a caso against tho Union Pacific railroad. A baby boy was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Fred DoForest at the Fred McEvoy homo. Mother and baby, nre doing nicely. When You Think of Your Christmas Dinner think of THE GROCETERIA Choice Vegetables and Fruits. Also Staple Groceries at lower prices. eam AND SERVE YOURSELF. UERK & STACK, Props. LINCOLN COUNTY HAD DELEGATES TO THE MASS CONVENTION J. II. Edmlstcn, Thos. Orton, II. C llartman of North Platto, and Mr. Larson of Wollfleot woro tho dolo- gates from Lincoln county who nt x tended tho mass convention of the ilProgrcsslvo party at Grand Island i last week. At this convontlon tho namo4 Progressive was solected aftor ! balloting on over twenty names twhtch wero proposod. A complete; platform was adopted but no candl- tlntntf Wrtfn MftlYl vt n f nil Two. persona tho temporary oxocutivo comnuttoo which will call a county convontlon tho campaign. Lincoln county will bo roprcsentcd by Thos. Orton, a Union Pacific engineer of this city and Mrs. I. M. Abercromblo, a farmer's wife of Blgncll -:o:- CHIEF OF POLICE SPILL- NER MAKES RAID ON GAMBLING JOINT ! Tho Metropolitan Coffeo House on East Front street was raldod Satur- jday evening and twonty-flvo mon nr- i rested for Rambling. Nick Frlckors ... , j gg i,0UB0 nn,i twonty-four mon worQ fln0(1 jo.gOfor participating in a gamo. Among iiieso men weru mux-. . r ienns, Greoks, colored men and fourjscicnco wiiito men. :o:- NOTED BISHOP TO MAKE ADDRESS HERE ON THURSDAY Bishop Homer P. Stuntz will glvo an address at tho Methodist church next Thursday evening. Tho an nouncement Is enough to sntlsfy thoso who bavo had tho prlvllago of hearing Bishop Stuntz beforo that tho locturo will be worth while. Thoro is no oncos. charge and ovoryono is invited. Ills Raymond Oglor, sonlor, engineer subject has not been announced. . jng. -:o:- Morrls Hart of Marshalltown, la , and John Clifford of Scottsbluff woro sorjpusly injured. Sunday in an auto tempted to cross the railroad cross ing In their car just aftor No. 17, wost bound, passed through Hcrshey nnd did not soo second No. 20, cast bound, which hit tho car and hurled It off the track. Tho men nro suffer ing sovcrc Injuries. Mr. Hart n broken leg and Internal Injuries while Mr. Clifford Is suffering a brokon arm and badly bruised body. ( Tho car was a total wreck. Mr. Hart ha a brother living at Hershey. F. C. Plolstlckor loft for Northport to transact btwdncss. A baby girl was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Patrick. All con- corned aro doing nlcoly. fl BOYS AND GIRLS AT UNIVERSITY NEW DIRECTORY OF UNI VERTISY OF NEBRASKA HAS BEEN ISSUED Tw.onty-sovon young mon and young womon claiming North Platto ns their homo, are registered at tho Unlvorslty of Nobraskn this year according to tho now University directory which is Just out. Fourtoon nro momboni of frntornltlos and sororltlos and thirteen nro not. Flvo nro young ladles and twenty-two aro young mon. By class es, soven aro froshmon, four sopho- moro, ton Junior and six sonlor. Horo nro tholr names with tho class and tho collogo In which they nro rogis torod: 0 , Jolino Antonldcs, Junior, business administration. " Raymond Tottonhoff, freshman, bus iness administration. Russoll Dorryhorry, froshman, bus iness administration. Coy Statos, senior, nrts and scl onco. "Walter Reynolds, junior, law. Rccdo Reynolds, junior, nrts and Donald Reynolds, sophomoro, bust noss administration Harold Sponcor, junior, business administration. Paul Simon, sopohomoro, lino nrts. Mable Walters, freshman, nrts and sclonce. 'Bcaslo Smith, froshman, arts and sciences. Joo Plzor, Junior, law. Mary Drost, freshman, arts nnd scl- Myron Maupin, junior, law. John. Burke, sophomoro, business administration. harlesJlMcJ1.JunJpr,;ojigin.lorInK. Junlbr Hlnmnn, freshman, arts and sclonlccs. Townsond Dent, sonloj, nrts and sclonco. , Jolm NoitIh, sophomoro, arts and sciences. MEN'S GIFTS at ' Quick and Careful Mail Order Service North Platte's Exclusive Put Your Dollars to Work The money you have worked hard to earn should lie put to work earning money for you. There Is no better security than our Real Estato First Mortgages which can be purchased on small payments and your money is drawing interest all tho time it is left with us. This institution 13 under the supervision of the State Bank Board Goodman-Buckley Trust Co, William DaviBv senior, pharmacy. Donald Nowton, Junior, 1 engineer ing. . " ' Loron Hastings,''; -sonlorf business ouls Trexlor, froshman, engineer ing. Eva Hoaglnnd, Junior, nrts and sci oncos. ' ' Mary Temple, Junior, arts 'and sciences. :o:- A MASONIC ORGANIZATION FOR GIRLS HAS INITIA TED ITS OFFICERS Job's Daughters is tho namo of tho now Masonic organization for gils. Tho following officers wore initiated last Saturday " afternoon: Graco Hlrsch, honored nuoon; Ednn Barber, sonlor prlncoss; Mlnorva Hastings, junior prlncoss; Doris Stovons, guldo. Margaret Edward's, marshal. Thoro aro a number o other officers which aro appointive- and which woro filled at tho Saturday mooting'. Mrs. J. Rodflold is guardian to tho ordor. Momborshlnp Is limited to girls from 13 to 18 who are relatives of Masons Tho regular meetings nro' hdld week ly t tho Masonic hall. Job's Daught ers starts with 25 members; :o: LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE SPONSORS TALK ON CHILD CONSERVATION Cards aro out announcing three lop turos noxt Thursday by Darius A Brown, former mayor of Kansas City. Tho first Is at noon when Mr. Brown will speak to tho men at tho round houso. At 1:30 ho will -address tho students at tho high school auditor ium nnd nt 8:30 ho will speak to. adults at tho Sun theater. All ot thoso lectures aro free. Mr. Brown, is brought horo by tho Loyal Ordor of Mooso nnd his talks aro along the lines of child wolfnro , and consorva tion. Tho cards say that tho locturs Is ondorscd by Rotary, Klwanls and Twentieth Century clubs. -at Leonard B. Dick left Sunday for Omaha where ho will recoivo medical trentmpnt. . .j,, Mrs. Chas. Ross rotumed to her homo in Grand Island Saturday aftor visiting at tho homo of hor daughter Mrs. Harry Westfall. Sho was accom- punlcd homo by hor 'daughter and baby. ' a MANS STORE HE WOULD CHOOSE IT HIMSELF osiery Heavy pure silk in Q'r nil popular shades OJjC PAIR Mens fibc silk, look well, very durable PAIK Fine cottoti)bose, lisle finish, pair 40c 2 PAIR FOR 70 CENTS Give him the Hosiery he knows is best "Holeproof of course Holeproof Hosiery Agents t