He Jflorth THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., DECEMBER 9, 1921. No. 96 STUDIO HAS NEW OWNER YANUHAVEN SELLS REMHRANDT : STUDIO TO MISSOURI ' PHOTOGRAPHER "Mr. nnd Mrs. Parmerloc of Kansas wiy nave uougnt tue iicmbnanut 'Studio and have taken possession. They have spent most of their busi ness life in Kansas City although re cently they havo been In Colorado, doing work in different galleries there. This 1b the photograph gallery inado famous by V. VonQoctz and which was sold to Mr. VanGraven Inst spring. Mr. VanGraven leased his Al liance studio but the man who took it turned it back and Mr. VanGraven decided to go back to Alliance and sell the North Platte place. Mr. Parmcrloo saw his opportunity and "took it The name Rembrandt will bo retained and the studio will bo con tinued at the samo location. "When seen last night Mr. Parmerleo said lie proposed to maintain the standard of the former proprietors and to Im provo where improvement can be made. "I believe- there is a future for North Platte and that this studio can take its place with the best institut ions of the city," was the opinion of Mr. Parmorlce. The Tribune extends its greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Parm erlee and assures them that even now North Platte is the best town in the, state and welcomes any newcomers who move hero to make this their borne and who will help make North Platte better. VOCATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL IS EXPLAINED TO PATRONS OF SCHOOLS W. B. Lawrence of Paxton trans ncled busines in the ity Tuesday. Give thought to Christmas.. Dixon, the Jeweler. A Joint meeting of the Parent Teacher associations Wodnesday eve ning was held at the Franklin audi torium. The High school orchestra played several pieces at the opening and during the program tuo High School Girl's Gleo club sang several songs. Both organizations were much enjoyed. Miss Loomls spoke of girls evening classes nnd Mr. Hartley on "Our Greater Responsibility. Tho addresses were good nnd explained the work that is being attempted by the vocational classes in other places. At tho clpse of the program those present wero served with coffee and doughnuts. :o: Word was received here yesterday tolling of tho death of Joe. Grace at Green River, Wyo. Mr. Graco was em ployed on tho railroad thero and was killed while on duty Ho was at one tlmo a resident of North Platto and worked on tho railroad here. The' body will bo brought to this city for Interment besldo Mr. Grace's father and mother. Mrs. "Win. Richards of this city is an aunt of tho deceased and Richard Graco of Omaha who ar rived yesterday Is a brother. Yesterday afternoon a safety meet ing was held in tho conductors' room at tho Union Pacific dopot. This meeting was In charge of H. A. Adams, assistant to tho general man ager and in chargo of safety work. A number of local employees wore in attendance. Att'y James T. Keefe returned this morning from Omaha and Lincoln whore ho transacted legal business. R. L. Cantlin returned this morn jng from Lincoln whero he accompan ied local prisoners to tho peniten tiary. King Rhiley passed through tho city this morning enrouto from east ern points to his homo in Oshkosh. ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CURRENT COMMENT ABOUT PEO PLE AND THE THINGS THEY ARE DOING HERE. Frank Smith, faculty manager of tho basket ball team announces to day that tho North Platto boys will meot Sidney at Sldnoy on Fobruary 25. This loaves but one open date, that of Fobruary S. At tho regular weekly luncheon of tho Rotary club, II. H. Newman pre sented tho club with a beautiful gavol. It was his own handiwork an J was mado of maplo, inlaid with wal nut Tho design is artistic and the workmanship of tho best. Mr. New man is in chargo of tho Manual Arts department of tho city schools. W. II. McDonald of tho McDonald Stato bank, attended tho meeting of bankers which was hold at Onialm this week. Tho object of tho session was the organization of a corporation to co-operato with tho War Finance corporation in getting funds for tho agricultural interests of this state. About 200 bankers wero In attend anco. Tho North Platto Shrine club hold Its annual meeting at , tho Masonic Temple Monday evening of this week. The election of officers resulted as follows: J. Hirschfold, president; Robert. Dickey, vico president; Earl Stamp, secrctary-troasurer. Tho plans for the coming year include a number of social functions, some of which tho public will have tho opportunity of sharing. Put Your Dollars to Work The money you have worked hard to earn should be put to work earning money for you. There is no better security than our Real Estate First Mortgages' which can be, purchased on small payments and your money is drawing interest all the tinv i'. is left with us. This institution is under the supervision of the State Bank Board Goodman-Buckley Trust Co, Perhaps there nro othors who llvo horo now who remember tho building of tho old wooden brldgo across tho South Platto. Thero Is a llttlo pleco of sentiment going tho rounds of tho stato which is Interesting to us. It has to do with tho great seal of Nebraska. Tho seal Is a form of heraldry which is nt tached to tho official proclamations and other documents of tho state. Formerly tho seal of a people was tho moro respected on account of its ago but it seems that tho prcsont gen oration, ashamed of those things which como down to us from tho forefathers, Is attempting to chango tho great seal of this stato a seal which was adopted when tho stato was admitted to the union Horo i9 the seal: A littlo fire started tho other day at tho corner of tho two story framo building next to the alloy on Locust neiweon imui ana sixtn streets. Tho building owned by W. H. McDon ald. Tho alarm was given and tho fire boys arrived Just as tho flames wore gaining somo headway Insldo the siding. The fire was promptly, ex tinguished. -Tho next day Mr. Mr. McDonald sent his check for $25 to tho firo boys. Following is a copy of. tho letter they sent in acknowledging the check: North Platte, Neb., Dec. 3, 1921. f Mr. W. H. McDonald, Sir: We wish to thank you for the token of appreciation extended to us by your check amounting to $25. Wo assuro you and the citizens of our clty promptness and our duty to tho fire alarm at all times. Thanking you again, I remain, youra truly, J. Southall, Secretary. The motto, "Equality Beforo tho Law" Is tho basiB of our domocrncy and yet tho G. A. R, had to mako a strong showing in order to retain tho motto in tho now seal. Tho plcturo of tho steamboat on tho Missouri nnd tho railroad train, omblomatlo of commorce, of tho cabin of tho settler and tho sheaves of grain, standing for agriculture, tho smith at tho anvil, typifying labor and tho natural re sources as shown in tho trees, grass and animals all theso spoko tho hopes nnd ambitions of tho pioneers who designed tho seal. What can wo substitute for this seal which will mean moro to us than tho memory of thoso who mado tills stato what It Is. Shall wo blot out all traco of their efforts and substltuto airplanes, Jazz and bluo-sky promoters for their predecessors on our great seal? CUT SALARY OF EMPLOYEES CITY OFFICIALS TALKING OF EQUALIZING SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES A special committee oC tho city council litis been appointed to rovteu tho salary schedule of city employees and mako changes that will equalize thorn. This committee mado a pre liminary report to tho council on last Tuesday ovonlng but on account of tho absonco of two of tho mombors, tho wholo matter was postponed. It argued that tho snlarlos'woro sot nt tho tlmo whon mon nnd womon wore scarco nnd labor was high and that now thero Is plenty of labor and that wagoB aro lower and tho city in debt. Tho employees say that they cannot mako ends meot on a less salary than that which thoy aro now receiving of othor omployors. Thoy say that somo of tho employees nro trained and skilled In tho spoclal work thoy do and that it will bo imposs bio to fill their places with chcapor mon. Tho councllmon say thoy must cut ex 'pensos and that somo of tho om: ployeos can stand a small cut at this time as living is cheaper than It waB and that tho city Is paying moro for certain kinds of sorvlco than Is paid for tho samo sorvlco by other omploy ors. Not all of tho councllmon aro agreed on tho matter and thoy have not been unanimous as to tho places whero cuts shall bo mndo nor as to tho amount which shall bo lopped off tho prcsont salaries. It Is probablo that tho matter will bo brought up spanish war, ' veterans iiol! Annual meeting and elect officers. Harry E. Drown Camp No. 11, Unit ed Spanish War Veterans mot last night (It tho usual place and elected tho following officers for tho coming yenr: A. B. Doll, commander; Tim O'Koofo, senior vlce-commnndor; A, W. Brown, offlcor of tho day; J. W. Rowland, officer of tho guard; Robt. M. Wooks, trustee for three years; Andy Scharmnn trustee for twjo years. SCOUTS PLAN JOINT HIKE TO THE SOUTH HILLS FOR ALL DAY SATURDAY. again nt council. tho next meeting of tho :o:- . Charles Weir returned to Omaha yesterday after spending a fow days in tho city. Scout Executive Stephens 1ms an nounced n Joint hike of nil scouts to start from tho Franklin Auditorium at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. Th scouts will liuo up . by troops with tho sonlor patrol leader in chargo nnd assisted by tho other patrol load ers nnd their assistants. Tho march will bo southward whero tho day will bo given for overy scout who wishes to tako tho out-door tests In olthor tho first or second class. Tho scout3 will cook their own dinnors. Troop committeemen and members of tho local council aro invited to go along on this hike. ;o: Anyone buying ten records at tho Roberts Music Co. will bo given free n beautiful record album. This offer lasts until December 24. Como early and got your choice of tho lato rec ords. Anyone buying ton rocords at tho. Roberta Music Co. will bo given freo a beautiful rocord album. This offer lasts until Docomber 24. Como early and get your choice of tho lato rec ords. Tho flrstono hundred kids under 15 years of ago buying a tlclcot' for tho mntinco today to "Winners of. tho West" will got a cap freo and also la freo ticket to tho noxt chapter on. tho f&llowlng Friday. 4, J.-' 4 COALED Good Coal is the most economical Coal for cold weather. If you want Coal that will satisfy you in quality and preparation, and Coal that will give you more heat for your money, we havo it. It is the quality and preparation that counts and we can satisfy you on both. We have a high grade Coal for every 'purpose. If our Coal pleases you, tell your friends if it does not, tell us. "Honest Coal Honest Weight Honest Sorvico" THE ARTIFICIAL ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. PHONE 40 Several small fires havo been re ported recently, any of which might havo become a big blaze but for the prompt response of tho fire depart ment. A blaze got started under tho floor of tho LeMastor repair shop and burned away somo of tho timbers but wan extinguished with moro daninjjo from smoke than from burning. Tho roof of tho old north sido hoso houso, moro recently known ns tho People's Mission, caught from somo unknown cause and nfter a slight damago was extinguished. Tho siding of tho two story building on Locust between Fifth and Sixth caught from somo un known cause and was slightly dam aged. Somo polos on tho Union Pa cific right of way wero on firo and probably would have been a total loss but for tho arrival of tho department Theso belonged to tho Crawford-Back- ors Co. and wero to bo used In the construction of tho transmlslon lino to Ilorshoy. Low operating cost v. : i , 1 Tho work of driving tho piling for tho foundation of tho now Lincoln County court houso began yesterday. Almost 150 of thoso slxtoon foot piles will bo driven Into tho ground to sup port tho foundation of tho now build ing. Tho piling wero pulled from tho South Platto river last week and wore found to bo In oxcollont condition Thoy aro of cedar and somo can re member when thoy wero driven into tho river in 1872. Since that tlmo thoy .supportod tho south river brldgo up to tho tlmo when tho now concrete unugo was bunt. Then thoy wero stripped of tho cross pieces and loft to stand thoro but whon tho county needed them thoy wero found to' bo In as good shape as whon thoy wero put into tho.rlvor 49 years ago. Judeo Wocfdhurst says ho can remember very woll whon tho brldgo was built over tho South Platto and Will Mc Donald ulso remembers it very woll, A Christmas Present For All the Family 4 J. V. Romigh DEALER Dodge Brothers 5EDAN '4 '