THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE CITY A1) COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. Hurry llarkon la reported t5 bo on tho sick list OIvo thought to Xmas. Dixon tho Jeweler. Albort llichlgcr of ftloxwoll visit ed In tho city Friday. Queen Quality Shoos for Lndlos at Wilcox Department Store. T. N. Arnold wont to Omaha Sun day to transact business. , Mrs. Georgo Sholtey of Brady vlsrc cd local friends yesterday. Clinton & Son, Tho Eyo Glass Men, Scrvlco and Satisfaction. AV. P. Klllen of Wallace transactod business in tho city yesterday. Mrs. Earl I&diolman of Ilorshey shopped In the city Friday. MunslnRwear for tho wholo family at Wilcox Department Store. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Johnson of Bird wood were city visitors Friday. Mrs. Esther Uushy left yostorday for Omaha to transact business. Clinton & Son, Tho Eye Glass Mon, Scrvlco and Satisfaction. Mrs. L. P. Monahan left Saturday for Kearney to transact business. Mrs. J. D. Wolbach and children Bpont Saturday in Grand Island. John Ilerrod, Jr. has accopted a position at tho Ilcxall Drug Store. Mrs. J. C. Don will leave next woolc for California to visit her paronts. Harry Lowoll rpturned Sundcfy from Omaha whoro ho transacted business, A. M. Sholver underwent an opera tion at tho General Hospital Sunday, dance. J. J. DKNTI8T WILSON OPPOSITE JIcCABE IIOTKL, OVUU STAMP'S BAKEKY, PHONE 71. " Mrs. Henry Williams Bpont tho wcok ond in Grand Island witlr re latives. Boys' Unco pants at a big saving, way bolow regular prices, at tho Leader Mercantllo Co. Laworonco Souder of Wallace is a guest at tho F. C. rlolstlcfcor homo this week. Saturday is tho lust day of tho special Silk prices at Wilcox' Depart ment Store. j Mr. and Mrs. Albort LoDIoyt of Pax ton spent Saturday at tho W. II. Lc Dioyt homo. ' i' --- Wo do our own lenso grinding in our own shop, Dixon Optical Co., eyesight specialists. ' . ' Jl. V. Lucas 'spent Sunday In Kear ney attending' tho Knights of Colum bus Initiation. " " BlUlkon Shoes for Children and larger girls at Wilcox Department Store. Miss MariorchwalB9r.,.,i?uj,the woek onu in atoning- as mo guoai oi Miss Mildred Wolr. Mrs. L. Hardy of Chappoll under LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS IN TIIF VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS K THE CITY. Tho Annual Mooting of the Lin coln , County Farm Burof will bo hold on Doc 10 at tho Federal Build ing In North I'latto. TONIGHT Sioux Lookout Ohaptor D. A. II. birthday banquot at Episcopal church at C.30 TOMORROW Tho W. W. O. of tho Baptist church will give a one-act play en titled "Tho Meaning of Thanksgiv ing" at tho church nt eight o'clock on Wodnesday evening. Evorynno Is invited, THANK OFFERING Meeting of tho WomonB' Mission ary Society of tho Lutheran Church will bo hold noxt' Friday at 3 p. m. at tho homo of Mrs. C. Brodbeck, 407 W. Fourth. Mrs. Alfred Gil man will bo tho principal speaker of tho afternoon! .. WAR MOTHERS ""r will meet at tho homo of Mrs. Julius Plzor, 303 W Second Friday, Nov. 25th. Tho hostess will bo assisted by Moadames XJlabaugh Stuart and Woodhurst. There will bo election of officers and reports of committees. A full attondanco of mombors is expected, SOCIAL Royal Nolghbor Social at tho homo of Mrs. Mutchoy, 321 Easi 10th St. on Wodnesday afternoon. Each member is requested to bring a friend. Assisting hostesses ,aro Mesdamos Jtoso, Shuster, Basklna and Johnson. FINAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE FIREMANS' PLAY, "YOU TELL 'EM" PERFECTED Lincoln foot ball team telephoned aocoptanco for box reservations for tho fireman's play for Thursday oven lng following tho foot ball gamo. Seats for the balcony which has been rosorved for tho High school ton Thanksgiving night are In charge ot Denver Wilson. Tho "costumes arrived yostorday and ovorythlng Is In readi ness for tho big musical oxtrnvanganaa Tvont an operation at the Tlatto Vnl-J lor tho direction of Howard Hard ley hospital ''today' V Bradley Sweaters for Men, Wqnitm and Children at Wilcox Department Storo. Miss Kato Miles loft Sunday for Chicago, whoro sho will spend tho wlntor with relatives. Mrs. Jos. Souder am' daughter Annabollo of Carroll, Iowa are guests at tho F. C. Bjolstlcker homo. Clinton & Eon, tho Eyo Glass Mon. Service and Satisfaction. Mrs. L, E, Hastings and daughter; Minerva returned Saturday from Om aha whoro they Bpont a fow days. Dr. T. J, Kerr roturned Sunday from Akron, la., whoro ho visited his wife, who Is taking trcatmont thoro. Tho salo of Mllllnory at tho Ar vllla Whlttakor blion la a roal salo of high class merchandise, prices of high grado merchandise, .pylcos ox uc 1 1. v rts advertised. 50G Locust St. Tho Sonlor Clnss of tho St. Patrick's school will entertain tho nlumnao thin ovonlng at tho school at a banquet Miss Kathorlno MoConnoll returned to her homo In Hershoy after visiting Miss Mary Ellsworth for a fow days. Frank Conlon and daughter, Sun shine, of Omaha arrlvod yostorday and aro guests at tho Harry Dixon homo. Loron Hastings, son of Mr. and Mrs. L E Hastings is expected tomorrow from Lincoln to spend! Thanksgiving. Salo now on in roady-to-woar do partmont on all women's misses' and children's coats, suits and dresses. Our Mrs. Cantlin, Mrs. LeMastors, Mrs. Garrison would bo very glad to show you tho wondorful bargains on quality-wear that is handled by tho Loader Mercantllo Co. Ing. Reservations hnvo been; made for tho Gibbon, Gothenburg and Lex ington firo departments. This play hns somo of tho best talent of tho city and all aro working with eagor anticipation for tho big musical. The Boats aro being sold at tho Rexall Drug storo and aro going strong. Coming to the Theatres KEITH TODAY Tale of Two Worlds Friday Vaudeville AT THE SUN TODAY r Charles Ray 'in The Old Swimming Hole r Wednesday and Thursday Alice Braday in Out of the Chorus AT THE CRYSTAL Today and Tomorrow The Forbidden Yalley Thursday and Friday The Pleasure Seekers Also Charlie Chaplin in ' The Immigrant When you buy a LIFE INSURANCE POLICY you want a CONTRACT that Is clear in construction arid fair in terms, RATES that, are equitable a propor adjustment between premium charged and risk car. ried, SERVICE that is prompt, courteous and effi cient, ALL backed by financial strength to meet every obligation. Such policies aro issued by tho Fidelity Reserve Company Home Office Fourth and Locust Streets, t ,?; " North 'Platte, Neb, . ft ft ft t.t ft t.t ft tt t.t :.: ft ft ft t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t i.t if t.t t.t t.t 3 ft t.t t.t t.t tf t.t tt t.t t.t ft ft t.t t.t t.t M it 8 8 ft ft t.t t.t t.t ft :.: s t.t t.t t.t t.t t.t i.t t.t it i lArortd Values READY FOR YOU AT THIS Stetson and Knox Hats at Big Saving . You know the value of these two brands 'of Hats, they are America's best. They sell everywhere at $7.50 to $15. s Our Overstocked Sale Price 55 t.t t.t t.t 8 i.t it 8 t.t t.t 8 it i.t it it it tt it -8. it it 8 it ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft t.t ft it ft ft ft ft ft ft ft it ft it 8 ft ft it tt it ft 8 Small Sizes Young Men's Overcoats Wonderful values in sizes running 33 to 36 chest measure. Heavy all wool brown Melton, double breasted and belted back. Some in the new plaid back fabrics. These were made to sell at $20 to $35 and we olfer them, in three great bargain lots I 12.75 $19.75 Hi I 1 T r Great Values in Men's Dress Shoes , Dress Shoes from the leading Custom Shoe Factories of America; all are high grade and are guaranteed to give the seivice you've a right to expect from Our Shoes. Regular $6.50 to $12.50 values; now offered in four great prices that defy all competition $4.44 $5.55 $6.66 $7.77 tab: Men's Superior Finish White Handkerchiefs Made and finished just as you would expect to find any good quality handkerchief, Regular 15c value ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft it ft ft Extra Quality All Wool Sweaters Finest all wool Shaker Knit-made, Pull Over Style and very heavy weight. Colors Brown,' Navy, Maroon and Oxford, sizes 36 to 46, 'X, TWO GREAT LOTS $3.88 $5.55 JOHN B EDWARDS CO :.: :.: ft :.t ft t.t i.t t.t it i.t t.t ft ft it t.t it i.t t.t t.t it i.t t.t t.t t.t i.t t.t t.t i.t i.t ft :.: ft :.: ft i.t ft ft :.: .: ft :.: ft ,ft ft ft ft it :.: t.t ft it t.t t.t it ft ft ft ft :.: ft :.: t.t ft ft ft ft ft 'ft ft ft ft :.: ft :.: ft ft :.: ft ft ft ft; :.t ft' ft t.t ft ft ft ft ft ft ft .ft j.t :.: j.j ft ft SI ft. ft ft ft ft in ft :.: :.: ft ft ft ft ft :.: ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft :.: ft ft ft i ft ft ft ft ft ft : I ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft' ft ft ft tt 8