THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE i WILSON TOUT. Editor nnd Publisher. ... it fcdflfored at the North Platte, Nebraska Postofftce as Second Class Matter. SUBSCRIPTION PIMCKi One Year, In advance- -..-$1,150 UWKgDAY, NOVKMIWK 15th, JD2I. KMTOIHAL i TOfllorday wo oamo down town without our Rod Cross button. As opn an wo fli&covorod It wo got a dollar all ready for tho first person ' who KOltcltcd us. I) ut no ono din. Wd got through tho day without any .ono saying a word .about It. Today wo have our button. We aro proud to woar It as It Is a badge proclaim- ' ing to tho world that wo havo Jolnod ' fofcoi with tho other inomhors In holplng the lied Cross to do Its groat work. It does not say money as some badges do but It says sor vlco and that Is why we are proud to woar it. woman and tho memory of lior llf$ Is an inspiration to. thoii. Who WOlV clouett to her and who loved hd! dearly. W attended the Armistice Dny , program laet Friday morning. Out of the'' four ) liundrod people thoro wo mlMed ninny of the bunlnosn and pro foslonnl inon of tho city. There wore vory fow of ,tlio Amerlafli Legion boys, practically no farmers or labor ing men and almost no chlldron. We saw a sprinkling of housewlvos, a few teachers, almost none of the respons ible young women and a fow old poj ple. It Hecmed as though most of tho audience was composed of friends of tho band and those who were taking part on tho program. With business houses closed and a holiday for labor it must have been n disappointment to those who put on the program, whon tho hour camo and tho houso was not full. It Is said that two thous and people paid 75c each to see the football gamo in tho afternoon and only four hundred could be attracted to tho morning oxccrclscs which were freo. What docs It mean? Wo aro temptod to urge aomoono ,to volunteer to help In tho lied Cross membership campaign. People aro taking out mombor'shlps pretty gen erally when solicited but so many people have had oxcmbcb when they aro asked to solicit that thoso In .ctargo of tno work aro goling dis couraged. Miss Anna Kramph Is in chargo of tho city campaign an'd tho .fact that she is leader should line up a strong cominltijo to back her up. But sho is met by this excuse a'nd that oxcuso and as a result she ftdopfl not havo enough helpers to koop things going. She Js not com- ,plainjng but if about forty ladleB 01 this city would call her up and offer ito give one half day each to tho cam paign; It would uiako her smllo so th'cy could hoar 11 at tho Slate Farm. We woro 'privileged' to know ChaB. Crosby. lie was a good man and a good citizen. Ho novcr lot his pat riotism and lovo for his country re place his love for his God and IiIb church as bo many others have dono. And yot ho sorved his country faith fully and long and at tho tlmo of 'hlH' nnth ho was First Lieutenant Quartermaster In tho Reserves. lie Was a comrad whom tho older men of tho arnty loved and admired. Ho wa.B n father whom four chlldron will; iuIbb and wliom tho widow mojhor will long for. Tho novs of his death- was a blow to hla many friends and ncuunlntancaB and his memory will bo held in tho hlghoMt roHpoot by those who know him well to valuo him. Clinton & Son, .TIioy,e dlaes MfN. SorVico and Satlsfactldi Mrs. Julia L. Wood returned Frhl y from Alliance whore sho trnnsactrd busInoM. Mrs. Wood now has chat' e ot the Itombrandt Studio. Mr. P. Vn Gravon Is operating a studio In ! Hnnco. Winter is coming on Ico 'and slip pory iiavomcnts do causo accidents. See Temple, tho Travelers Man flr.-d. Tho ox-Borvlce men and tholr ladies woro delightfully entertained at the Lloyd Opera IIouso with tho war mothers ns hostcssos. A pleasant evon'lng was spent In dancing and re freshments were served. Tho Imperial Five furnished the music on this occasion. -sot- It,, wilt bo a shock to a largo numbSr of poople whon they loam of tho death or Mrs. Major Walker. Several years ago alio foil and sus tained luju'rlofl from which she novcr ji-coxi rod. Before that time bIip wns vorv aotlvo for ono of her agr ind In company with her hUBbiui '.nd 'duughtor she attondod lr mnreh faithfully and waa often boo. ,t chic and social events. All o tho oldor cltlzonH knew her and kuo ior woll. Years of Btruggle In tm nlpnder life of Ihe west did not din, ur finer HouHlbllltioji and her hlgl BCiniq of right and honor. It la airvtlpgo to havo known such At The Theatre At The, Sun Wednesday 8 Thursday s - IJebe Daniels in "OH LADY LADY" At the Keith Wednesday Mildred Hurris in "HABIT" AtjThe Crystal Today GladysWullon I" RICH GIRL POOR GIRL Wednesday '& Thursday Carmcl Meyers in DANGEROUS MOMENTS WATER MAINS TO UK SHUT OFF Tho contractor Ih now. putting In tho now C Inch mains and sovoral times in tho next threo weeks It will bo noccssary to Bhut off tho water In all that portion of tho city west of tho COO block and between tho U. P. railroad and First strcot. There bo Ing over 300 consumors In tho district It wilt bo Impossible to notify each one individually In advanco hlit u half h6ur'a notice will bo glvon each tlmo by blowing tho flro whistlo tho Ramo uh for a flro only slower. Tho water will bo shut oft each tlmo for from 3 to 5 hours and consumers are roquostcd to take out sufficient water to RUpply tholr ncods. Wator will bo shut off In tho above district this af ternoon, Tuesday, Nov. 15, for about threo hours, beginning shortly . after t o'clock. HERSHEY S. WELCH, Wator Commissioner. :o:- LOCAL 4jt PKKSON A I, Mr. and Mrs.Chnsi Wolr and dau ghter Mrs. Homer Peterson left last night for Omaha to spend a fow days. .1. j.-iuintist- wilson oppositi: mcCAjh; iiotkl, ovimi fc'I'WS 1IAKKKY. PH0Ni:,7l. Mrs. Mary Moyora and' daughter Mnblo-of Smith Center, Kans." aro guests at tho J. . E.. Wasloy home. STETSON AND KNOX HATS AT 15.05. JOHN U. EDWARDS CO. Mr. and irs. Win. Allan of Mason CJ lty, Iowa visited Sunday a tho homo 1 01 t'ho'laltor'H Bistdr Mr'M. J; Forbos1 They yoro onrouto to California.' Hoys Suits, Overcoats, MacklnawB' Sweaters, StocklngB, Waists, Caps,' rnderwoar, etc, Roduced 1-5 to 1-2 off. Harry Samuolson. . Clinton Ut Son. Tho Eye Glass Men, Sorvlce nnd Satisfaction. . i Everett Adams roturnod to Fro- moitt whore ho attonds Midland Col- logo, Sunday, after spondlng a fow days .with his parents Mr. and Mm. ThoB, Adams. MonB 'Suits, Overconts, Shoos, Hats CapH. Overalls, Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, Leather Vests and oto 20 to 50 per cent off ffiir.ry Samuolson Dr. O. D. Piatt returned to his homo in St. Marys, Idaho, Friday nftor visiting his cousin Dr. O. It. Piatt Dr. Piatt wut on his way homo from Kansas City whero ho attondod the Amorlcan Legion Convention. MEN HEAD THIS: Our Overstocked salo of mon'a Fine Dross Shoos of fers you remarkable savings. Investi gate them for yourself. JOHN U. EDWAItDS CO. Frank Turplu will sing "That Dear Irish Mother ot Mine" during tho por.. formanco of tho Flromon'B play "You Toll 'Em." Ho has a good tonor volco and can put that quality Into It which ploasos any audlenco. MEN READ THIS: Our Overstocked salo ot mon'a Fine Dross Shoes of fors you remarkable savings. Investi gate thorn for yoursolf. JOHN D. EDWARDS CO. Mr. and Mra. J. C. Strahorn loft this morning for Lob Vegas, Novada to visit at tho Geo. Zentmoyor homo. From Novada they will go to Los An golos to mako an oxtonded trip. They oxpoct to return next May. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ACCIDENT INSURANCE Soo, C, V. Temple, the Travelers Man. FINE FELT HATS $5.00 AND $G.(Vj VALUES 00 FOR $3.88. JOHN B. EDWARDS CO. Tho Frank Konnody homo, 1401 East 12th Stroot was completely de stroyed by flro Sunday ovonlng, Tho causo of tho flro la unknown. This' la tho fourth tlmo within forty days this house has boon sot on fire. AnnouncomontB woro recolvod hoi last wepk of tho marrlago ot Vomo C. Powoll ot tills city, boh ot W. II. Pow oll of this city, to Miss Gaynoll Shanor daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A. Shanor at Ft Scott, Knns. Vorno Powoll at tondod Bchool hero and hail many frlorids horo'. NOTICE OF TAKING UP ESTRAY Taken up by tho undersigned on section 24, southwest quarter 14-11, west of Cody Ranch, County of Lin coln, Stato of Nebraska, during May. 1921 ; Team of brown mules with llglu noses. Ono mtilo has piece of old ropu around neck. Own;er call at this offico, pay for this notice nnd take animals away. Dated this 14th day of Nov., 1921. SIgngd, W. J. THOMAS. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS Notices havo been mailed to all parties delinquent on water ren?. Beginning Nov. 16th wator will bo shut off wherever water rent 1b un paid, Parties knowing themselves to bo delinquent will please give this matter tholr prompt attention ana save trauble and inconvenience. IIERSHEY WELH, Water Commissioner. Want Ads I ... .EBMMCT. g?lJU' LOCK' Tin- outflltliif? storo for the ladies PRESENT TO THE Pl'IiLIC of NORTH PLATTE and tho community an additional NINE DAYS OF BARGAINS. WHY? People came to our great ten day sale for over 50 miles: Just at the beginning the south bridge into town, over the Platte River was closed; repeated letters from residents of Curtis, Maywood, WellHeet and other towns south, have asked us to retain prices for them; wo could not lay any goods away, so we have decided to continue this great avalanche of ifrlce giving for the next nine days, in fact up till Thanksgiving eve. The many days of warm weather has made many believe we will have an open winter do not be fooled; every prediction is for a cold and hard winter. Ladies take advantage of low prices NOW and BUY SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, FURS, MILLINERY everything for the little folks. Children's DRESSES, COATS we are determined to reduce this stock to the very bottom; prices have been reduced a second time, and in many cases three or four times. NOTHING- CAN STOP US FROM SELLING THESE GAR MENTSEVERYTHING GOES NINE DAYS IS THE LIMIT BUT TODAY! $5.00 Kimonos & Bath Robes $1.50 Middies Misses' I $2.50 "Polly Prim" Aprons $2.50 Muslin "Teddies" ii $1.88 77c 88c 88c $5.00 Kid Gloves $2.88 $6.00 Ladies' Silk Vests $2.88 Finest of Jersey Silk, In Pink only, elognnt tailored models, go for $2.88 $1.50 New Corsets go ot 88c L-B. Corsets In Pink only, high and low bust, 18 to 30. They go for 88c For Salo Two ladles' coats. 714 West 4th, or phono 257. Lor Rent Garage. 323 W. Fifth. Phono 855W. For Salo Ono Radiant Home hard coal Btovo, good as now. A. O. Kocken, 220 West Sixth strcot. For Snic-Dodgo roadster, excel lent condition, cheap for quick sale 412 West 1st. , tor Rent Four room furnished houso at 1820 west 3rd St., good sized barn. Rent $30.00. Flvo room houso at 2111 east 4th st. Rent $20.00. . liJlght room house, modern eicept heat, 902 cast 4th st. Rent $50.00. Bratt, Goodman & Buckloy. Wauled Knitting and crochotln;; to do. Mittens, scarfs, slippers,' baby things, mon's nocktles. Sample of my work at Johnson's Department Store (Phono 79CF13. For Lease Feed lot containing 20 acres, all fenced and subdivided . in ahout twonty or more lots, enclosed with high board fence; part of. lotu havo feed racks, feed hunks, water troughs, stock scalos 'and somo sheds This Is tho feed lot known as the Old North Platte Stock Yards . For Infor matlon regarding terms of lease and prlco wrltd John Burke, 4194 Hooker Strcot, Donvor, Colorado, or see Bratt, Goodman & Buckloy. $00.00 WOMEN'S COATS COATS!!! Ladies, they are beyond description, Evor as, Veldynes, Ra mona, Normandies, Suade Velours, some with Ftif Collars, and every garment a mighty demonsti'ation of value giving. The values are to $60, and they go for nut $25.00 WOMEN'S DRESSES $8.88 Tricotines, Serges, Satins, Taffetas,, Georgette Dresses, all go in one migh ty sweep in this terrible Price Slaughter. It will Indeedbe a genuine MASSACRE to wit ness the destruc tion of profits on this lot of beautiful garments. T li n U values are up to m $25. ' The entire lot goes for $25.00 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS $8.88 Polos, Velours, Cheviots, some plain, others belt ed and some trim med with beautiful fur collars beau tifully lined and many of them em broidered. See these before they are all gone. Val ues in this lot up to $25, and they all go" for ,88 $8.88 $10.00 WOMEN'S SUITS $18.88 This lot of SUITS in Tricotines, French Serges, Suede Velours, a lot of beautiful models, some plain tailored, others fur trimmed, This entire lot, val ues up to $40, go ing in one great smash for $18.88 It WfhYourHeel Jam your floor with the nails of your heel. The nails will dent the wood but thoro will be no crack in tho varnish. Scuff your feet alone its surfaco, so tho hails drag over It. Drag marks may show but there will be no white scratches on tho varnish. That is, if it Is protected with Ix)wo Brothers Dur able Floor Varnish. It stands wear and tear. Water docs not affect it. Easy to use. Dries hard , and stays hard. Wo sell nnd recommend it. STONE PHARMACY mi j I PHARMACY S2 Childrens Gingham Ores? es p;o for 88c rN' Bloomers go for Ladies' Outfitting Store 88c C. F. Teinplo, The Traveler's Man . When you buy Life Insurance, use business judgcmt-nt, and look over different companies. Compare the rates and form of policies, nnjl com pare them with the Travelers. Then buy what you think Is the" best, , WE HAVE PUT PRICES QN MEN'S DRESS SHOES THAT WILL. MOVE THEM IN A HURRY. BE SURE TO BUY YOUR SHARE WHILE' THE STOCK IS FULL. $ JOHN B. EDWARDS CO. Fred M. Dewesso of Lincoln, Au torney for the Nebrnska Farni Bureau Federation will bo in North . Plattt Friday and meet tho directors, of the Lincoln County Farm Bureau for i. conference whon each will ask the questions nnd give tho answers which will holp the work of tho state atio county organizations. BOYS WAISTS STANDARD BRAND YOUR CHOICE FO SIXTY SIX CENTS. NO USE TO WHINE ANY MORE BOUT PRICES. TltE REDUCTIONS WE NOW OFFER. FROM OUR AL READY LOW . PRICES MAKE THIS SALE THE GREATEST MONEY SAY ING EVENT IN NORTH PLATTE'S in STORY. JOHN B. EDWARDS CO. rrS. Big Combination Sale Wednesday, November 23d. Will bo held op the Falrviow Dairy miles west of North Platte on A street. Sale commences at 1 o'clock . ' 52 HEAD OF CATTLE Consisting of 18 good milch cows, l head steers coming. 2 vears old and 8 calves. 1 " 5 HEAD OF HORSES 38 HEAD OF SHOATS WEIGHING FROM 75. TO 150 POUNDS FARM MACHINERY un'n I' 1 fr U,X' Hal ,ack' my mowor' 1 cultivator, ;, gasoline barrels, 1 so Concord harness, 1 buggy, 1 carriage, 1 guggv harms "a somo chicken wire, 4 doubletrees. 3 chick r 1 Imine"a' . . . ' , HOUSEHOLD GOODS -:o:- NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of attachment Issued out of tho County Court of Lin coin County, Nebraska on tho 9th day of Novombor, 1921, whoroln tho First National Bank ot North Platto was plaintiff and P. E. Burnett, defendant and by virtue of said attachment J lovlod upon threo hundred and forty (340) boxes ot apples tho proporty of said defendant nnd by virtue of an' order Issued by tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on tho 12th day of November, 1921, I will on tho 2Cth day ot November, 1921, at two o'clock P. M. ot said day at tho North Platto Equity Storo, 209 East Sixth Street, In North Platto, sell said prop orty horotdforo attached In said ac tion at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy said at tachment, tho amount duo thereon In tho aggregate being, tho Bum of $34G.O0 and accruing costs. Nor(h. Platto, Novembor 14, 1921. f V A. J SALISBURY, I Sheriff of Lincoln Couuty. ui"Bf m i" 1 lle" U,bU5' 12 Qha,ra' 5 rock,nK chairs, 1 library table, 2 stands, 1 library set, 3 bedsteads and springs, 1 baby bed, 1 baby buggy, 1 buffet good as now.l cot, 2 oil stoves 1 cup board, i heating stoves, 1 churn, 2 separators, 1 Great Western, somo dishes and cooking utensils,. 2 boxes auto tools, G Brunswick auto tubes, 1 dining tablo, 1 library tablo, 1 wardrobe, 1 wordrobo. 1 side board, G rocking chairs, 14 beds and mattresses, 15 rugs or fcarnets I davenport, 1 sanitary cot, 20 chairs, 1 high chair, 1 heating stove 1 kitchen table, 1 ico box, 14 dressers, 1 elJa washer, ,4 llttlo oil stoves, 1 vacuum sweopor, 1 electric iron, 2 largo looking Classen II bowls and 10 pitchers, 10 glasses, 10 soap dishes, G glass pitchers 8 slop jars, 1 cupboard, 1 Ironing board, 12 blankots, 30 comforts 14 bod spreads, 28 pillows, GO sheets, 11 saucers, & cups, 5 soup bowls 2 deop dishes, 5 sauco dishes, 4 small platters, 2 meat platters, meat chopper, 2 frying pans, 2 skillets, 1 coffoo pot, 1 largo kettle. 2 pans, 1 collinary, 1 bucket, 1 tea kettlo, 1 coal pail and shovel, a dish pans. gallon oil can, 1 stand, 1 tub, 1 washboard, lteplafdoi44noWeIfl GJ pillow cases, 3G pairs curtains, 30 dresser covers. 2 white table covers, 1 red table cover, 1 Gladiator phonograph. I 75 CHICKENS FHKE LUXCJI AT 00X TERMS OF SALE-AU r , 0f $20 and under cash. All sums over that amount six months tm will ho given with a bankable note bear ing 10 por cent interest from dato ot Bale. COL. H. M. JOHANSEN, Auctioneer. p. c. PIELSTICKER, Clerk. Glvo thought to Xmas. Dixon, the Jeweler. FINE FELT HATS ?5.00 AND $6.00 VALUES GO FOR ?3.S8. JOHN B. EDWARDS .CO. Tho Episcopal Young Peoples' As sociation entcrtalnod at a party Sat urday night in .tho E. Y. P. A. Club houso in honor ot Everett Adams who 1b attending Midland Collogo at Fre mont. A pleasant ovenlng was spent In games and dancing after which refreshments wero served. Clinton & Son, tho Eyo Glass Men. Service and Satisfaction. C. F. Tomplo, Tho Travelers Man Automobllos aro tho causo of 28 por cont of all accidents. You don't havo to own ono to bo hurt by one. Got a Travelers Accident policy, It won't prevent tho accident, but it will pay tho bills. ITS OUR LOSS AND YOUR GAIN. WE SIMPLY BOUGHT TOO HEAVY IN ANTICIPATION OF GOOD BUSI NESS BUT WARM WBATirBR WELL YOU KNOW THE REST. JUST HAKE OUR TIP AND GET IN ON TID3SE SAVINGS. JOHN B. EDWARDS CO,