THE NORTH PLATTE SEM1-WKKKLV TUIH1 NK WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY IN'TEKESTlNU ITEJIS 1'UO.U EX CHANUES WHICH HMACH OUU DUSK. Von owe it to the stato, tlio county you live In and to your noighbors to lend what assistance you can In pro tecting aocluty and aculng that Justice la meetvd out to every man. So don't bo gnllty of neglecting your duty by finding an excuse to oscspO serving on a Jury. Maxwell Telopost. :o: LOCAL AM) LMi'RSONAL 61 . - i i i i i "i, 1 1 1 1 1 m. ill! ir . i till i ii i i i ii in rv 'ii i a i ' n . i - i AFTER COIN I. S. rtnd J. W Phillips With Jim MoDermott playing the part of the jockey, stnrtod Thursday nftornoon for the Lodgopole aim South Plntte valloy towiiH, hont mi matching tha Llsco pony against the running horses in -the towns along the route. In case nothing sorlous happens, tlio party will travol as far south as llolyok and as far oast as North Pkitto, In nue-t of easy money. The Llsco pony, MlgB I)uIcj0 Frat0P lg ()n apaolul Ih the fastest running horse in tho (Juty ut tl)C 0onontl Hm)M. country of Ills weight. A good many! Wi H LnJvrenco r PttXlon trans will not ngroe with thin statomont. A,acU),, ,,I1BlnagB , th0 clty Saturday..' difference of opinion is wlmt makes j MIg(, 0Jft)ly8 IIlingen Bnont tho Wook a Jiorse race, tjio pony mis neon very,on(1 m 0ou)lc muffs witla relatives. Kticreasful all season and we hope the rr- rpimminti winihiir. n.i iihbv l.oys will again return home with the bacon. Llsco Tribune. QUEBR ACCf.DKNT Last Sunday morning while working about the kitchen, Mrs. Charles Davis living just north of Arnold. was ttcci deritly shot by ft 22 cnHbor bullet, whic h had been lying oil tho. wanning oven of tho range and In soma man ner was brushed off onto the heated ntovo whoro It cxplotlod. 'The bullet struck just back of Uk templo, making a scalp wound, but the family to Insure against further trouble, took Mrs Davie to Callaway Hhowod that tho bullet hud glnncott making a lloeh wound, Frlonds of Mrs. Davis will ho happy to lonrn that what might hrve boon a aorlous acci dent will not dlscommodo hor In nity way excopt for a soronoss for a short time. Arnold SonMiiol. MORN TROUBLE So:n at tho tratiBmlsslon lino mnC erinls arrived today, and will bo stor ed in Horshoy untlf tlmo to uso thorn. Wo trust tho controversies over tho rlght-of- way can all be cloarod up within a short time, us this is all that is now holdlrg tho contractors from oroctlng tho line. Tho village board of Pnxton, Sutherland and llur shoy moot again today to mako an endonvor to nrrlvo at somo arrange ment with tlio owners of tho Suther land Telophono Company, who aro bucking tho proposition, claiming tho liff.h.tnfnialmi llnm will 4nlitt.n. Hint. I RorvVlco, Unless Horshoy gets tho OUoraUon at Clivrkaon, Memorial IIos transmission lno sorvico before lonts! ,tal FvUhiy nnd 18 r8P'),,to1 to 1,0 K' wo miy bo up against an oijiorgenoy as our light plant Is nil but "shot.! JleiHhoy Times. A Dt'TY An'iMier reason why justice seema -! i fti n to mhiciirry in the courts ot bis i on n try Iho practice of many u.oil .ti:l usel'n! citizen i of dodglna ' iiirv tty- Men f thr type we need t Juries ' hi easily make tar mo," ncmcy ;ii their business than tie ' ii' i . i.' to pny them for the M.ii, iirfth oi : ' mo !H'vve:l on a Jury. Vi result too many who are unfit io -.i in Jiidgini'iit got on our juries hi" ini-.o men of l ctttsr Judgement ro fur Id Rorvo. pi t have unpopular Afrilii-t 111 itiimi itiul T1fn'f a... h.rv duty. Serving qn thejury v in n it ia nt all possible for you to do so H as much of a duty , as paying o. r t- () and doing what yon onn to - , i i .. ii i i i PUBLIC SALE I am leaving the farm I will sell at uiy place six miles wait ami one mile north of North Platte en the farm Jtuown as the Frank Tur- pit- plate, on ; Tuesday, November 22nd, :,y-v j, following described property consisting of 3 - 80 HEAD OF CATTLE mi)k cows, 1 freh. 1 alvina milk now. M h r fen,w 11 HEAD OF HORSES ; spaa of black uiarert. weight 1700, o yearn old; span ot brtfwu mar olght gftOO, 0 and 7 years old; sitan of mulea, 4 years bW, welL li-'OQ and broke: spun of brown oolU, 8 yeara old, weight 8100: saddli jony. S yars old, weight 600; brown span, mare and gelding, welglit 2tioo, 0 jrenrs old and one smooth mouth . - FARM MACHINERY AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS New 4 inch wgoa, good 3 inch wagon, gang plow, sulky plow, potatd dinger, new corn -cultivator new P. A O. beet cultivator, John Deare - utui, i-iuuvBuir, iubu, in noi, a aovuaa narrow, njower, nay hake, bay eep, hay atackor, l)t spray, 4 seta of Qonoord harriwa, rauigo cook stovo, Ice box and other articles too numerous to mention. . SVI-i: STARTS AT 11 O'CLOCK. Wtllll LUH0R AT NOON TKRMB OF SALT3 All sums of $20 and under cash. All sums ot Umt amount six mouths tlmo will be given with a baukable note bear ing 10 per cent Interest from date ot sale. Haruo Kawashima, Owner. ED KI12U1U, Auotlonabr. RAY C- LAMOFQKD. Olark R. Jtmrttou of Gothenburg Bpdnt Friday In tho city. i Mrs. 1). Ilelsner loft .Saturday for Gothenburg to visit- it Mil Agnes PdwMr'ot Ognlhiln' w a city shopper Suturday. Enrl Stflhhlns of Gothenburg spent Armistice day In this dlty. Mrs. II. II. Sohol of LoMoyno had her tonsils removed Saturday. Dr. Gtindol of Gothenburg spent Prl(lfiy ln ti10 oIty colobrntlng. left tho Genornl Hospital yesterday. Attorney M. K. Crosby transacted legal buslnoss in Ogallala Saturday. Or. h. J. KRAUSE, Dentist, X-Ray Diagnosis. JrcOonnld Bniik Building. Phono 97. , Mrs. A.- J. Frastler of IJraly visited in tho city tho latter part of the wook. ' Mr. ami Mrs. M. IC. Navllle anil ohlldron left rlday Fnlgllt for OmafujJ to visit. ( ,y Mrs. Walter Morris; of, SIdnoy v(i Red rolntlvos In tho city tho latter part of tho wook. MIshos Etlfbl and Ilalon gousor 1rv turned to hor homo Saturdny nftes they spont a few days. Mrs. Kolth MoorohousO returned, yesterday from Omaha whore alio Hhoppod for a fow days. ;"' A .baby girl was born to Mr. -and Mrs. L. J. Anderson Thursday. Mothor and baby aro doing ntcoly. Mr. and Mrs. Nols Maddox of Millar spont the week ond at tho homo of their son P. P. Maddox and wife Mra. D. Wing and ohlldron return-) od Saturday from Grand Island whoro &ho vlHltod her parents Mr. and Mrs. Splinter. ." You will only buy ono phonograph in a life tlmo if you buy tho rlgh' ono Soo tho Victor Mrs. K. G. Dolph of Curmlno, re turned to hor homo Saturday aftor undergoing nn operation at the PlntfQ. Valley hospital. Mra. Arthur Tramp underwent -an ting along nicely. Roland Looko and Donald Yost lott Friday night for, Lincoln whore they wor'o guosts of tho Alumnao Associ ation ot tho Stato University. Money was sent for thoir transportation by tho association and Uiey wore anked to ntlond tho University next year and play on tho football team 1 f.?MilSM?.i!.!i!4MMMKMM:iMM!4tt:.t:' ! . S. TWINEM M.D. lliiiiKMipalhlr I'lij-Hlelnn Suwon r.inicral Practice anil ('iinstructlou Surgery "M'Hnl Accommo.lntlon H Plutle Valley Hospltnl g former Name Twlncm Hospltnl. NORTH PLATTU, NH11H. JT iff u r $fffm f iV . ' ' ' ' - 1 ' V' V' ;r ' ;: " ; '(. . V' Wi, V: l i, t , li ?i ' The Farmer's Auctioneer H. M. Johansen, North Plitte, Nebraska. Phone 783F3 For those who do not have enough stock or uiachlnory for a genornl 'fa tni an 1 n T n ir Inrintod can T au r r A .. .. . ..... . i. a comuinnuon aaie nt worm riaim or at tho Fnlrvlow dairy 1 Vi niilo,st wost ot town. I bavo always gtj unough stock oV mnchlnory listed with j. my so vu can uuKi 11 vuuiuuiuiiuii um , any tlmo. GEO. . DENT - 1'liysicinn and Surgeou Special Altcnllon Glvon to Suruerj . and Ol)Slotric Ofliee Building ft Loan llulldlng ' Phoue: Offico 130. Residence 4J.1 JOHN S. SIMMS, M. I). Special Attention . Given to Surgory McRoniild Hank llulfillnp Office Phone 83 Residence S( OTIS Kv PLATT, XL. IK PliysIoJnii ami Surgeon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatmeut Calls answered Day aad.Klgbt. Over Union Stato Bank. " Office Phono 296 House Phone 13S$J OMee 840 House m mi, W I. SIIAFEEK ' Osleoiuitli ruyslolan Orw the OasU. North Piatt ,7. JU. HoKIltATIAK Practice Liiullud to Diseases ol Women and Surgory OVlSlt REXALL DRUG STORB . Phones Office liar Residence a 101 Office phone Sill. Res. phone Sll L. C. DllOST, Ostooiiathic IMiysicIiui North Platte, Nebrusks Knights of Columbus Building. l)It. IIAKOLD FENNElt Osloonatli QVUR HIRSOHFULD'S Qfflqe Phone U3I ues, rnone ius( ' Meaching "First Aid" . i "First Aid- is Mighty Good Business as long as there i&an average of 75,000 people killed in acci dents every year, as long as 3,500,000 , industrial disabilities y: each year are due to industrial accidents. .To help prevent this waste of life and labor 437 American ( Red Cross Chapters last year conducted 5, 1 00 First Aid Classes, , with an enrollment 0104,496 students. - ; During the year 20,172 persons completed the course . and received their certificates. 4 What do you say to doubling this record next year? Double the Red Cross membership in this, the annual Membership Roll Call, and the Red Cross' will do what it. always has done its best. - The expansion of First Aid Instruction Ly the Red Cross is .up to YOU, because it is only through your membership .dollars that the Red Cross : Carry On. Annual Red CROSS Roll Call yL Join or renew your membership ,;m November. 1124,1921 Mils. H. HEXRY GILFOYL Teiiclier 01' Voice Culture and the Art of1 Singing Res. Stn.ll.-; 10S W. 3rd. PUone 114V. OH. HKDFIi'LI) PHYSIC f.V X, O ItS'l'KT H HI A.N vSnrgoon, X-ltJiy Calls Promptly Aiinwved N'lt-'ht or Du phones Orflce fi42. fes.n.fc w. t. I'lm niAiu) fi rad u 1 0 V el tri jia rihii Ex-Governtuerit Veiertnarlaii aul 'ej. assisutut uepuit 3uue Vateitunria; Hoapltal iA Suuth Vine Street. Hot pita) Phone ii:t3, House PLUme 33 v YOU THAT IUY1J 1UTEUMATISM , pnli 320 Bast 6th St. fotvheitf- ing balm. Room 11 Uatairg (IlalUgan, Beatty & Halllgan, A,ttj.) NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT . Estate No. of Charles F. Iddings, deceased, in the County Court of Llnooln Countv. NehraaUs. The State or Nebraska, to all ner- sous Interested in said Eatate. take notice that the Executrix has filed 0 final account and report of her. ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such Ex ecutrix, which have been set tor hear lag before said court on Deo. 1. iu.'18' lM2' Rt 10 'clock to re- at 10 o'clock a. nu when you may op. pear and contest the same. Dated Not. 8, 1121. ' , WM H. C. WOODHURfl'T, (&KALJ County Judge. (Bseler, Crosby ft Baskins, Attys.) NOTICE OF PsTTITION Estate No. 185 ot Bernbard Wluk en warder, deoeased, In the Oountv Court of Lincoln County, Nebras ka. The State of Nebraska- . To ail persons intsrested In laid Estate tal.oj notice that a petition has been file I for the Issuance ot letters testament ary of Richard F. Wlnksnwerder and for the appointment of Richard V. Wlukenwerder as Administrator of said Estate, which has been set for hearing herein on December 2, 1921, at 1Q o'clooV a. ra. Dated November 4, lMi. . to. 11. fi. wQobiiOKfr. ISIPW. Qount. Judt ij Kierig, Auctioneer. ..fiieral' I'nrin Sales A Specialty; al Itoai Kslnlf. Uefer'ti'i4 and at First National Bank. North Platte. Xebniskn. , . (ISfeeler,. Crosby & Bnaklns, Atty's.l NOTICE OF PETITION Estate No. 1854 of .Mary Facka. de ceased, in the County Court' of Lin eolu County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraskar To all per sona interested in said Estate take uo- tlce that ;i nptlHrm lino 1ao.. Al,t f,. the awoIntment of William H. Facka ! as Administrator of said estate, whicn 1 urn ueeu avi ior Hearing nerein on i .ovemnor us, vjzi, at 10 o'clock a. m Dated October 21st, 1821. TO. II. 0, WOODHURST, (SEAL) , . County Judge. (Geo. N. Gibbs, Atty.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate Nq. 1846 of Sebastian Schwaig er, deceased, iu the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditora of said estate will take notice that the 'time limits tnr t1lne "wMd tor preaentatlon and fil , lng of ola4mB Wlnst iald estate is Marr-h 1st, 1922, and for settlement ot said Estate i October 21th. 1922, that I will sit at Uie county court room in said County on December 1st, im, ot 10 o'clock a. m. and on March : ceivs. examine, hear, allow, or adjust an claims aud objections duly filed Dated October 28th,' 1021. !X - TO.' II. C. WOOD. ."RST, f8AIi) Count) 'udgo, (D. E. Harper, Attorney) XOTICK TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1819 o'f Mary Stella Shelly, deceased, In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and filing ot claims against said Estate la Mar. 6, 1922, and for settlement of Bald Eatate is Nov. 2, 1922; that I will sit in the county court room in said County on Dec 6. 1921 at 10 o clook a. m., and on March 8 19B2 at 10 o'clock a. m. to receive, examine, hew, allow,, or adjust all claims and Objections duly filed, ' Dt Nov. i, ltti. TO: ,11.' C. W0ODITUR8T, (SBAI4 . , County JHdf, i-1- - "a i 1 U "1 !-. ' w J 1 "V- ... , J (John Grnnt, Attorney.) , NOTICE OF PETITION EsUto No. 1S57 of Edward . P. Rob-. bausen, deceased, In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, Tho State of Nebraska. To all per sons interested in said Estate tak9 notice that a petition has been filed for the appointment of Sarah Reb kauson as Administratrix of said Es tate, which has' been set for hearing heroin n Nov. 20," 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated November 8, 1921. TO. II. C WOODIIURST, (SEAL) Coonty Judge. (Iloagland & CarrT Attya") NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1Sstato Xo- 1S1S of Charles J. Brand, decoasod in the Countj- Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tha State of Nebraska, ss: Credit el's of said ostate will take notice that the timo limited f or 'presentation nnd filing of claims against said Estate is March G, 1922, and for settlement of said estate is Novombor 1st. 1922; that I will sit at the county court room in said County on December 6th,. 1921 at 10 o'clock a. m. and on March pth, 192? at 10 o'clock a. ra. t' .7."' IIV" T n' a"". "ear, anow, or adjust all claims, and objections duly filed. Dated. November 1st, 1921. WM. II. C. WOODIIURST (S1) County Judge EXTENSION ROAD NO. 339 To Whom It May Concern: The Special Commissioner appoint ed to locate a public road as follows: Commencing at tho-Southeast cor nor ot section 84, town 10, range 26. Lincoln County, Nebraska, width of road to be 40 feet, running thence northwest from the southeast corner to the northwest corner of section 2S" town 10, range 26, Lincoln County, Nebraska and termlnaUng at tho Southeast corner of Section 20, town 10, range 26, Lincoln, County, Nebras. ka, following as near as possible the present traveled road;, has reportr 1 In favor thereof: any person or per sons having objections thereto, or claims for damages by reason of the establishment of the above described road must file same In the ofrieo of the County Clerk at North Platte, Nebraska, on or before 12 o'lock noon of the 7th day of January. 192'!. Dated aj. North Platte, Nebrnsl , this mh day- of Qatober, 1921. , - ' A. S. ALLEN, County Clork