The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 11, 1921, Image 4
Till; NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TR1BUNM v Let Us Show You the New Onyx Rings, Plain and Diamond Sets Engraved Christmas Greeting Cards, don't wait too long before you order CLINTON & SON, jewelers and Opticians Sign of The Big Ring Satisfaction Sure Try Us. Graduate Opticians DR. 0. II. CKESSLEK GRADUATE DENTIST Office over the McDonald State Dank. LOCAL AflU l'L'JtSONAL Tho city schools will bo closed tomorrow to celobrato Armistice, Day. Mrsi Hugh Brogan of Keystono was among tho out of town vloltdrs yesterday. Earl Hall left this morning for Ogden, Utah, where Jig has ncceptcd a position. ! Clinton & Son. tho Eyo Glass Men. Sorvlco and Satisfaction. Mrs, Theo. Totlouhoff and child ren will leave today for Choycnn'o to inako their futuro homo. A nurabor of peoplo aro planning to attond tho Armlstico Day Celebra tion In Hershoy tomorrow. Clinton & Son, tho Eyo Glass Men. Service and Satisfaction. Mrs.' Arthur Walsh of Minneap olis arrived yestorday to attend tho funeral of her brother-in-law. Mrs. John Horrod visited hor daughter Mrs. MIko McFaddon in Taxton tho first of tho wcok. Miss Emma Boguo cntortalnod tho Chancery Brldgo Club at lier homo Tuesday ovonlrig." After n pleasant evening refreshments wore served FINAL CAST IS SKLKt'TKD I'OIt KIKIUIKN'S PLAY "YOU TELL 'KM. COMIX ti MEETINOS LN TUfc VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY. BAPTIST 11.00 "Royal Wagons." ij 7.30 "What tho Will Must Chooso" j CIIItlSTIAN SCIENCE 11.00 Christian Sclenco Service Services In Building & Loan Bldg. At The Theatres a. .The Sun i TODAV ' 1 ' A pbitywYN PICTURE . THE CONCERT" ' .. f.v . TdMO'rillOW and SATURDAY Howard Harding, director for tho firomens play "You Tell E'm" has selected tho cast for tho play and work and practlco continues nightly at tho Flrcmens Hall. Tho cast is as follows: "Wild Cat", Buck Jones tho boy from Alabam, Howard Hard ing, Snow Ball, vis- Gcorgo Wash ington Lincoln O'Brien, Snowball Smith, Denver Wilson, "Dad" Heady money "With Young Ideas", Paul "Harrington. "Art" Brandon, "Love- able but poor'' John Rltncr, "Walt" Whllcoway, "Art's side kick, Cecil Lako, "Skylark Rooms", tho mystery "You Tell J3'm" Harry Plzcr, "Pu Pu" a fronch arm of tho law Arthur Bullard, "PI PI", another ono of theso birds" Thos. O'Noll, "Periot", A vagabond of tho quarter, John Poul08,;,'Chanco' Again," a friend of tho Missing, Prank Turplo, "Donnls O'Ranahan, Chief of tho FIro Boys, Andrew McGovern, "Pomatlcr", an apacho of tho Latin quarter. Earl Hall, "VIrglo" tho pride of tho FIro department (In front) Floyd Hall, (in back) Molvin Elliott, "Elonor Readymonoy," a daughter of hor fathor, Miss Marlon Richards, "Kilty O'Mally", an Irish "Fronch.Dotoc tlvo, Katheryn Fltzpatrlck, "Ma Readymonoy" tho kcopor of Pa's Goatt" 'Mahal Gibson. "Coljusto, ' (ho flower of' tho Latin Quarter, Josephine Oulmottc. Tho Genuine Queens of tho U. S. A. aro "Phyllis" Miss Marjorlo Ltddol, "Lolo" Helen OYSTER SUPPER LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY BE CAREFUL t v IN CHOOSING A HAT The Hat frames the face and can so easily affect one's entire appearance that its selection is a matter of importance. There is no reason in the world why one should wear an unbecom ing hat when smart, new, distinctive and beau tiful Millinery can be had at so low prices. S IS CHIRSTIAN 11.00 Preaching. 7.30 Preaching POSTPONED Bradford Division No. 200, G. I. A, of B. L. E. has postponed this weeks mooting until Nov. 25. EPISCOPAL 11.00 Special Prayer and Sermon by Rev. Oilman. 7.30 Special Prayer and Sermon by by RoV. Oilman. When You Start Out Shopping in response to the many page and half page adver tisements, come to this store lireet or come to this store after you have looked around but be sure you don't buy aijtil you have examined and sompared our offerings und satisfied yourself that here you can save a fourth, a third and often one half.' 11 EA Pattern Hats to go at (Tn ftP $LL.OJ up to $22.60 values Jo.VD In this lot you'll find models and best styles from America's foremost designers, all up to the min ute styles of best materials and perfection in workmanship. In this lot you'll find values up to .2.i.t)U, an now go on sale at So 95 '8! IE3B3E Qil (( Pattern Hats to go at tf i aa SIZ.UU up to $12.00 values M."U The styles just as good as in finer grades, and more expensive, but made up of a .little cheaper materials, but at that good quality and up to $1 2 value, all go now at $4.90, others at $2.90. Limn3n&NJLx . 11:00 "Do Christian. .Standards Mako Martyrs of Presont Day Chris tians?'' 8:00 "A Sweet Chlino for a Weary Soul." $18.00 Including Platters Paced Sailors. Ready-to-Weor Sailors $7.85 Plush Sailors and Beaver Sale Now On of Women's Suits, Coats and Dresses Gotty, ''Frances," Elmlra Brodhock, "Marglo," Ruth McIIugh, "Francos" and Bazaar will, bo hold at the K. P. Hall Nov. 19. Tho Swedish Luth- Sho's a wicked baby, ZIta Donegan . eran church will give an oyster "Rosa", Landlady of tho Prultstand I supper tuid will also servo coffee, Mildred Skinner. A chorus of f If-' sandwltches and cako for fifty cents toon ponies headed by Winifred ! for adults, and twenty f ivo cents for MUlor has boon selected and also a . children Tho ladles will also have Underwear Sale Now On Gwj&eaa&t aemmme Ccr DRY GOODS-WOMEN'S READY TO WEAR - CLOTHING - SHOES ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY J. E.NELSON . MANAGER Blanket Sale Now On chorus of twonty-flvo of the prettiest young ladles of tho city. :o: THE PliRAVESTERNPlCTURI.: !!'8' Wt ! M,Utwdl fi f Z. I a city visitor yesterday. At The Keith theatre , ' TODAY , WANDA IIAWLEY in . TUB BELOVED VILLAIN FRI DAY- VAU DEV1LLE SATURDAY 'CATHERINE CALVERT in THE HARVEST MOON At The Crystal TODAY AND TOMORROW THE FAMILY CLOSET Thoro will bo a Union. Trayer meeting at tho Baptist church from 10 to 10.1 G Friday morning. Prayor for tho succosb of tho conference In Us limiting armaments. Miss Mablo Gibson will act as assistant guardian of tho NIcafogce Campflro. Misses Lillian Storey and GladyB Wild will bo taken into this campflro at tho noxt mooting as social membors. All ox-sorvlco mon and their ladles will bo ontcrtatnod tomorrow even ing at tho Lloyd Opora House at a party by tho War Mothers. A pro gram has boon arranged and will commonco at eight o'clock. Tho Im porlal Plvo orchestra 'will furnish music for a danco following tho pro gram. Refreshments will bo ser a bazaar In connection. Tho public Is cordlaljy Invited. Ticket sollocs ,wlll bo around. :o:- Specials 2 Days Saturday and Monday Picnic Hams per pound igc Swift's Skinned Hams, per pound 20c 10 pound pail of Lard ; $1,45 Beef Boil, per pound gc Beef Roast per pound 10c 8 dozen brooms go at oRc Gallon Peaches for qqc No. 3 grated (not eyeless) pineapple . : i0c IuJolly Powder, samo as Jollo, 3 for 1 25e Dried sweet corn iqc A good unground coffee, 2 pounds for 35c A good ground coffee, per pound ... 28c Box apples per box ; 52. GO 2 No. 1 cans peaches 34o Cocoa, 2 pounds for 35c P. & O. soap coupons taken hero. , , " . 3 standard brands of flour at $1.75, $1,85, $2.10 for 48 lbs. 25 pound sack of sugar for $1,9 j Wecarry a full lino of fresh meats. Tickets given on each and every purchase on a 20 year guaranteed aluminum set. McMichael's Grocery PHONE 441. , CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to thank tho many friends, tho American War Mothers, the Si. H. A. lodRc. Troop 7 of the Boy EDWARD IIEHHAUSEX Scouts,, tho Spanish War Veterans. Ho was. horn at Omaha ,Nobr., tho Nurses of tho Platto Valley H03- April 12, -18C8 and died at North pUal, tho Car Mon, .tho Post Office Platto, Ncbr., Oct. 30, 1921. When forccl, tho Argonno Mdmorlal Unit ten years of ago ho movod to West of tho' American Legion, Council 878 Point, Nebr., whoro ho lived on a S B. A. and tho American Legion for farm until tho spring of 1887 when kjnilnoss and sympathy In our bc- tho family moved to North Platte, roavoment. After coming hero ho worked for Mrs. May I. Crosby and children. Wm. Grady a whllo and then went MrB J w Boyd. Into tho sorvlco of tho Union Pacific :o: whero ho remained until 1892. Ho Dath robes and klmonaa l suril then went Into tho grocery business prIccs that everybody can afford one. but four years later ho returned to b: t- TramP & Sons- tho railroad whero ho remained until 1905 when ho wont into business with his brother, Henry. Recently he has been partly crippled as tho result of a fall and his old friends havo not seen as much of him as formerly. Ho served for several years 011 the local pollco force be ing chief part of tho time. January 11, 1893 ho married Miss Sarah Duffey and to this union five children wore born. Thoy aro MrB. Edward Tltchner, Gordon, Vlucont, Edward and Madollno. Tho funeral was hold from St. Patrick's church and Interment was in tho South SIdo Cemetery Mr, Rcbhausen was well known among tho down town peoplo of this city. Ho was a kind-hearted man and always roady to holp anyono in trouble as far as ho was able. Tho TrlDuno editor know Edw. Robhau son vory woll and will miss him as will hundreds of others who havo known him so well. 1 -:o:- Cl TABLES H. CROSBY IS LAID TO REST AT FORT WITH MILITARY HONORS ! Tho funeral of tho lato Chas. II. Crosby was hold on Tuesday after noon from tho Catholic church. IJoqutem moss was said at 7:30 In tho morning. Tho pallbearers wero' Tim O'Keafot ,hnd Luthor Tucker, I drosscd in tho Spanish-American War uniforms and Alvin Rauch and Albln Sandall wearing tho uniforms of tho navy and Louis Kelly and Paul Nolan wearing tho uniforms or tho army. Tho Spanish War Vet erans and Amorlcan Legion membors woro In charge of tho funoral with Rov. Patrick McDald officiating. Interment was made at Ft. McPher- SOR, Mellotone for Restful Rooms No matter how comfort able the chairs, a room can bo only as restful as Its walls. Restful walls arc walls that are never noticed. They don't intrude. You may havo restful walls by painting them with Lowo Brothers Mellotone. It's a flat velvety wall paint that comes in a variety of dull, rich color ings; each soft as tho rainbow tints. We havo a new booklet you'll And interesting. Stone Pharmacy , VAUDEVILLE AT THE Keith Theatre, Friday Wright and Vivian are the originators of acrobatic jug gling, doing tumbling and juggling at the same time. The lady is a true artist with the Oriental "Devilsticks." The performance is of a lively nature and full of pep. Friendly and Cunningham consist of two men who are today acknowledged by both press and public to be one of the best comedy acts on the America stage. Mr. Cun ningham is ono of the Hebrew comedians who can really put the comedy side of that type over to an audience that is really funny. Samson and Paulette present a novelty act introducing two steel guitars played entirely different than the rest. Miss Paulette, a late feature of musical shows, doing sev eral styles of dancing, and her concoption of the late Georgio Primrose is considered artistically correct, while her partner, "Doc" Samson, late of the Gus Hill Minstrels, the well known baritone, has been features in minstresy. This act is talented and above the average. Doc Jones and the Lively Sisters. This trio is composed of two pretty girls and a clever comedian, who are said to make the most of the opvortunities provided for clean com edy in this mixture of bright travesty, funny ideas, clever talking and harmony singing. Also four reels of pictures. Ann Reader as Luana and Herbert CharUs as Paul ir a 1 - My . I' ! tv. 1 'I J