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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBbNE OF INTEREST TO MJRAL READERS ffAHM BUREAU NEWS SERVICE supplies items for tub tribune headers plant Ih prohibited from oxtondlng credit except to County Farm Bu reaus and other state Institutions. ' makos impractical Its handling by ' the college. t The Saline county Farm Bureau is conducting a county membership campaign which is being handled largely by the county organization. J. N. Norton, chairman .of the Neb raska Farm Bureau organization committee is spending the week In the county and has with him three experienced Farm Bureau member- Holt County farmors are butcher- tif i men who will nsBlst the local Ing cattle and hogs on their farms nien n their efforts to make Salino rand are marketing the beef and county a 100 percent Farm Bureau pork to pcopfe In the towns on reg- unit. ular routes the same as the milk j . man, selling meats at 17 to 18 cents; Too much corn, If fed alone, will .per pound. Butchers iu the towns produce decidedly unsatisfactory ro--wherc tho farmers have gono into suits. A grain ration consisting of competition with thorn aro roportod ' corn only demands a heavy allow to bo doing very llttlo btiBiness ox- nnco of alfalfa, tankage or somo ccpt in cured meats. .other nitrogenous feed. A ration consisting of 1-3 corn, 1-3 oats and 1-3 barley with cither alfalfa or tankago is good. Minerals such as charcoal, lime and wpodashes may bo kept before them at a profit. Keep tho sows in rugged condition but not fat. Tbc State Serum Plant furnishes free of charge the blackleg vaccine prepared by tho U. S. Department, of Agriculture. It is a powder which Rooks much like tankage and Is put in 10 and 25 doso packets which jamy Ijc' -Bcnt through the mall. Di rections' are furnished with each order, Do not wait to vacclnato until after you havo lost somo calves. A plan recently developed by the Nebraska Collego of Agriculture shows a combination smoke houso, Ice house and butchering room. The building Is 14x30 feet and Is of frame construction with the excep tion of tho smoko house which Is brick lined for fire protection. At one end Is situated the above ground ice house 12x11 feet under which is a cold cellar. Tho central part of the structure forms the smoke house and the other end the butchering room containing the scalding vat and rendering vat. At this end is also situated tho killing and bleeding platform. This combination building forms a practical and convenient unit for the larger farms and ranches. For the cost of tho bluo prints (45 cents) tho Collogo of Agriculture will fur nish the complete plans. When ordering hog cholera scrum .always order enough to do the job wclli'' If- you hnve to cut down on ho dose of scrum in order to finish nho herd serious results may follow. Tho Nebraska Farm Bureau Fed oration headquarters is receiving many answers from its members throughout tho state to its question atro rolatlvo to tho disarmament con ference. Tho answers show that tho farmer Is overwhelmingly in favor of world's disarmament as tho final solution for world's peaco and relief from exhorbltant taxation Thn.minGrlntonilent of fhn (Main Rnr- .um Plant at tho Agriculturo Collogo j Many answers nro also being recoiv- says that no bad results can come , cd, showing thnt tho farmers favor .from -'overdosing .with' scrum, ana .underdosing may moan failure The Nobraska Farm Bureau Fed eration has recoived communications 'Jtrom ulany if armors who lmvo quan tities of-corn and hay, but nro unablo to qbtaln sufficient finances to sccuro sheep and cattle for fedlng purposes Those farmers have signified willing nosa to take feeders onto their farms to bo paid for when finished 'ior market at a prlco agreed upon, or arc willing to feed tho stock for a stated sum per pound gain. constitutional amendments looking to tho creation of a slate rural cred its systom and the classification of tanglblo properly for taxation. Tho Interstuto Commerce Com mission has ro-opoucd tho live stoelc rato case and will hold a hearing) at Washington Novembor 8. Clifford Thorno will represent tho American Farm Bureau Federation and Judge S. II. Cowan will appear for tho national live stock shippers' league Tho Farm Bureau contends that tho 20 por cont reduction In freight rates Soru'm and virus aro still avail-!011 llvo 8toclt shipments should Be sable at the KfiUo sriim Plant, 'applied to tho short haul. The de- Collcgo of Agriculture, Lincoln, in crl!I130 on lonB hauls has already .Bpltc; of tho heavy demand recently bcoa ordered and amounts, to a sav- expcVlcnccd. Either aro available ,n to sappers of $10,000,000. A 'to "residents of Nobraska at 1 cent 20 Dcr' cent decrease on short hauls per cubic centimeter. UnlesB chock would mcnn n further saving of $24- accompanios .the order tho shipment 000,000 in live stock freight rates. lis sent O. O. D since tho state L.; , n , . . . The Nebraska College of Agrlcul turo will not handle picric acid, ow Ing to tho fact that the government will not ship picric acid in less than carload lots. This with the danger In handling and difficulty In making nrrangomontH for- reshlpmeiit, with out providing n place of storage has boon so great that It Is not consider , Vor those who do not huvo enough od feft8U)l to attempt tho dlstrlbu The care that the brood sows re ceive from now until farrowing time next spring will In a largo measure determine whether or not they will produce healthy, vigorous litters, according to tho swine specialists of tho Nebraska Agriculturo College. Dry, clean bedded, well-ventilated quarters should be available for the sows at all times. They should be made to exercise freely, as exercise is absolutely essential to good suc cess. There are several methods oi making sows exercise. They may be fed some distance from the sleeping quarters. Feed may be scattered for thorn in a field or pasture. If watered at ono place and fed at an other, they will usually make sev eral trips back and forth during the day. Clean water should always be available for the sows. They should not be on full feed for this provents them from taking sufficient exercise and causes them to become heavy and fnt. The Farmer's Auctioneer IJ. ML Johansen, North Platte, Nebraska. Phone 783F3 fltock or machinery for a gonoral tlon. It cannot be stored in an -farm sale. I am located so I can hold ordinary wnte house but must bo n combination sale at North Plntto stored under special precautions or nt tho Falrvlow dairy 1 Vi miles which would necessitate tho oroc west of town. I huvo always got. 1,011 of storage facilities remote from enough Htock or machinery listed with other buildings. Theso with other mo so we can hold a combination salo difficulties thnt would be mot In any tlmo. financing and use of tho explosive -JH&H s Makes Motoring Economies Not Only Possible But Certain "V With carbon cleaned out and a supply of fresh, clean Polarine, you go faster and further on a gallon of gasoline. But that is not the greatest economy of a clean, properly lubricated motor. Freedom from wear on bearings and moving paris saves much more money. According to leading automo tive engineers 90 of the total expense for motor repairs is caused by using lubricating oils of inferior quality or wrong body. tJ Polarine is made by special processes which render it free from excess carbon. It maintains a protecting oil cushion in the, bearings and between moving parts, and a gas-tight and fuel-tight seal between piston rings and cylinders. , Polarine is made in four grades -light, medium heavy, heavy and extra heavy but only one quality. Get the proper grade for your car next time by referring to Polarine chart at our Service Stations or dealers, and you will start cutting down motoring costs. Write or ask for a Red Crown Road Map STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA The American Farm Bureau, thro ugh its counsel Clifford Thorno, has filed a statement before tho Inter state commerce committee in the senate, contending that tho portion of the transportation act which guarantees to (he railroads returns of 56 to C G per cent is unconstitu tional. The basis for tho conten tion is that shippers on prosperous railroad lines aro compelled to pay excessive freight ratoa In order to help tho weak railroads depending on Industries which aro producing very llttlo business. Many railroads built Into coal lolds, lumber camps, or other places where the Industries nro nenrly depleated must therefore bo supported by the railroads serving the agriculture communities. In ar guing tho unconstitutionality of tho provision, Mr. Thorno quotes freely from a letter written by Charles E. Hughes, -now secretary to Alfrod P. Thorn, general counsel for tho association of railway ex ecutives, in which Secretary Hughes holds similar thought. You will only buy ono phonograph J- KRAUSE, Dentist, X-Ray in a life tlmo if you buy '.tho right Diagnosis. McDonald Hank Building. ono See tho Victor. Phono 07. GEO. B. DENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given to Surgery nnd Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building Phono: Office 130. Residence U' JOHN S. SIMMS, M. I). Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Batik Building Office Phone 83 Residence 3' It pays to advertise u worth while article In Pocalello, Idaho, tho Inspector In charge of the tuberculosis-eradication work of tho Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Department of Agriculturo, came upon a dairyman whose 'herd had been tested and was under Fed eral and State supervision. He turned theflo fncts to good account in advertising his wares, and great ly Increased his business. THE NAME THAT m SUCCESSFUL PIPmSSNEATWG The name CALORIC identifies the heating plant with exclusive patented features that make pipe less heating such a wonderful success. It identifies the heating plant that is sold under a Money-Back Guarantee of your satisfaction (that has made good its guarantee in over 125,000 'homes. The CaloriC fills every room with summerlike warmth in coldest weather cuts fuel bills j to Y2. There is only one CaloriC The name is on the feed door. It's your bond of heating satisfaction. Como In Mid Wt ua bow jrou how you can havo your horns mow comfortablt and healthful bow you can banian dirt and druiieerr ad have avery room warm and livable with as Uttia troubla aa trading .oat Btov. SIMON BROS. "Why pay your dairyman for keeping poor cows when you win get MILK from tho MODERN DAIRY'S pure, healthy, clean cows at ?3.75 per mouth, cash in advanco? Cows all under Federal TB tost. Milk all guaranteed pure and clean," This postor was wldoly circulated in tho district, and on his milk tickets tho fact Is reltoratod that "Our dairy oaws aro tuberculosis froo by Government tost." Those mothods have resulted in many other dairymen In tho Pocatollo district applying to tho tuborciilosls-eradica-tion offico at Boise, Idaho, for tho testing of tholr herds. :o: ALL UNION BARBER SHOPS WILL CLOSE ALL BAY FRIDAY, NOV, 11. OPEN THE NIGHT BEFORE UNTIL 0:30. Wil1! I i ilBli ' 2TkU.S.Co. J. S.TWINEMM.D. Homeopathic Physician k Surgeon General Practice aad CoHstxuctlon Sargery Hospital Accommodation Platto Valley Hoipita! Former Name Twlaem Hospital, NORTH PLATTE, NEBS. OTIS R. PLATT, M. D Physician and Surgeon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night. Ovor Union State Bank. Office Phono 29G House Phone 123CJ Office 340 Hoaaeize DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over tho Oasts. North Piatt YOU THAT HAVE RHEUMATISM Call 320 East 5tli St. for heal ing balm. Room 11 Uatairs (Booler, Crosby & Basklns, Attys.) NOTICE OF PETITION DR. J. R. McKIRAHAX Practice Limited to Diseases nl Women and Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Offico 113. Residence 640J Estate No. 185G of Bernhard Wink onwarder, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebras ka. Tho State of Nebraska. To all persons Interested in said Estate take notice that a petition has been filed for tho Issuance of letters testament ary of Richard F. Wlnkenworder and for tho appointment of Richard F. Wlnkenworder as Administrator of said Estate, which has been set for hearing herein on December 2, 1921 , at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated November 4, 1921. TOL II. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge Office phone 241. Res. phone 21' L. C. DHOST, Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska Knights of Columbus Building. DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 102( DR. REDFIELD PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Anawered Night or Day rnonoa unico 642, Residence 676 W. T. PRITCnARD Graduato Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 316 South Vino Stroet Hos pital Phono 633, Houso Phone 633. (John Grant, Attornoy.) NOTICE OF PETITION Eatnto No. 1857 of Edward P. Reb hauson, deceasod, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska. To all per sons Interested in said Estate take notice that a potltlon has boon filed for the appolntmont of Sarah Reb hauson as Administratrix ot said Eg. t&to, which has bcon act for hoaring heroin on Nor. 29, 1921, at 10 o'clock a, m. Dated November 8, 1921. v WM. IL C "WOODHURST, (SEAL) Cobnty Judge. (Hoagland & Carr, Attys.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 184S of Charles J. Brand, doceased in Uie County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Credit ors of said estate will take notice that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Estate Is March C, 1922, and for settlement of said estate Is November 1st. 1922; that I will sit at tho county court room In said County on December Gth, 1921 at 10 o'clock a. m. and on March GUi, 1922 nt 10 o'clock a. rrt". to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated Novomber 1st, 1921. WM, H. C. WOODHURST (Seal) County Judge EXTENSION ROAD NO. 339. To Whom It May Concern:-- Tho Special Commissioner appoint ed to locate a public road as follows: Commencing at tho Southeast cor ner of section 34, town 10, rmge 26. Lincoln County, Nebraska, width of road to bo 40 feet, running thence northwest from tho southeast corner to tho northwest corner of section 2P town 10, rango 26, Lincoln County, Nebraska and terminating at tho Southeast cornor of Section 20, town 10, range 26, Lincoln, County; Nobras. ka, following as near as possiblo the present traveled road, has reported In favor thereof: any person or per sons having objections therotb, or claims for damages by reason of tho establishment of tho above described road must file same in tho offico of )tho County Clork at North Platte, Nebraska, on or boforo 12 olock noon of tho 7th day of January, 1922. Dated at North Platto, Nebraska, this 25th day of October, 1921. A, S. ALLEN, Oronty Clerk. HOIS. M. HENRY GILFOYL Teacher of Voice Culture and the Art of Singing Res. Studio 108 W. 3rd. Phone 1147J (Beoler, Crosby & Basklns, Attys.) NOTICE OF PETITION Estate No. 1854 ot Mary Facka. de ceased, in the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska.. . Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per sons interested in said Estate toko no tice that a petition has been filed for tho appointment of William H. Facka as Administrator of said estate, which has been set for hearing herein on November 18, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated October 21st, 1921. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge. (Halllgan, Beatty & Halligan, Attys.) NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estato No. of Charles F. Iddings, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested in said Estate, take notice that tho Executrix has filed a final account and report of her ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such Ex ecutrix, which have been set for hear ing beforo said court on Dec. 1, 19it, at 10 o'clock a. m., when you may ap pear and contest the same. Dated Nov. 3, 1921. WM H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judgo. (Geo. N. Glbbs, Atty.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. 1845 of Sebastian Schwaig- er, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estato will take notice that the time limited for presentation and fil ing of claims against said estate Is March 1st, 1922, and for settlement of said Estato is October 28th, 1922, that I will sit at tho county court room In said County on December 1st, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on March 1st, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated October 28th, 1921. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge. (D. E. Harper, Attorney) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato No. 1849 of Mary Stella .Shelly, doceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors pf said estato will take: notice that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Estate Is Mar. 0, 1922, and for settlement ot said Estato 1b Nov. 2, 1922; that I will sit in the county court roam in said County on Dec 6, 1921 at 10 o clock a. ., and on March 6 1922 at ! o'clock a. m. to recolvo, ox amine, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated Nov. 2, 1921. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SHAL) , County Judge. i