The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 08, 1921, Image 7

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The Omaha Bee
Ha reduced it
Bubzcription price
per year, DAILY
and SUNDAY, to
THE BEE, under its new management, has be
come Nebraska's best newspaper.
Complete in its news general, markets,
sports, etc.
Straightforward and fair in its editorial policy.
Clean and entertaining in its features.
Subscribe Today!
THE OMAHA BEE. Omaha, Neb.
Enclosed find $5.00, for which you may aend me The Omaha
Bee, Daily and Sunday, for one year.
Information Regarding One of
America's Largest and Most
Distinctive Crops.
ShinSng-up Days Are Here
Us Shine is Wonderful
There approaches the open season
for football casualty lists.
To Have a Clear Sweet Skin
Touch pimples, redness, roughness
or Itching, If .nny, with Cutlcura Oint
ment, then bathe with Cutlcura Soap
and hot water. Itlnse, dry gently. and
dust on a little Cutlcura Talcum to
leave a fascinating fragrance on skin.
Everywhere 25c each. Advertisement.
"That was some haul," said the hold
up man.
"A few more like It," replied his
partner, "and we'll be able to become
landlords and make real money."
New York Sun.
Picking winners Is usually n losing
The Drlces of cotton and linen have
been doubled by the war. Lengthen
their service by using Red Cross uau
Blue In the laundry. All grocers Ad
vertisement World's Armament Goes On.
San Marino, the smallest republic
In the world. Is nbout to double the
size of Its army, which In future wlU
consist of six soldiers.
Concerning Hiccups.
Gen. Colerann Du Pont, Delaware's
new senator, was lunching In the sen
ate restaurant.
"This magazine here," he said, lay
ing a periodical aside, "contains a long
article on the best way to stop hic
cups. Now, It seems to me "
And Genernl Du Pont chuckled.
"It seems to me," he added, "that
a good many readers would rather
know the best way to start them."
Embarrassing, Moment
T hnd lust received r letter from
my beau. I read It over and nt the
end he had written: "P. S. Isle of
View." I rend that phrase over three
or four times but could get no sense
out of it, so finally I took It Into the
whrro ttiv folks were all
a ' w ---
nUtlnp nnd said: "Mother, what does
Harry mean by this?" And I read the
phrase out loud. Imagine my embar
rassment when the meaning suddenly
flashed over me as I read the words
aloud. I made a hasty retreat. Chi
cago American.
Life as I See It
I admire these stories in which the
horn struceles nlomr nobly on S4.000
per year. Statistics show that 00 per
cent of us never earn that mucu.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Starvation Recommended.
Profiteering Landlord Doctor, when
I was poor I hnd a splendid appetite,
but now that I am rich I don't appre
ciate good food and can scarcely eat
at all.
Doctor Forget your wealth and ent
onlv what your tenants Invite you to
sit down to. Wayslue Tales.
Two contractors of a type unfortu
nately too familiar were talking of
some buildings which had collapsed
before they were finished. '
"Well, Blllerton," said one, "you al
ways have better luck than I do."
"Better luck? How's that?"
"Why, my row of new houses blew
down In last week's wind, you know,
while yours weren't harmed. All were
built the same same woodwork, same
mortar, same everything."
"Yes," said the other, "but you for
get that mine hnd been papered."
Harper's Magazine.
Bureau of Plant Industry Has Con'
ducted Series of Experiments In
Tuber Growth of Much Inter
est to Growers.
(Frapared by tho United States Department
ox Agriculture.;
now do notatoes crow?
Why do some vines produce many
tubers and others only a few?
Do big pieces produce better pc
tnrnnn than small nieces?
When does the tuber begin to form?
When does moisture have the most
pffocr on tho nroducllon of potatoes?
What Is the relation of soil to potato
Exnerlmcnts Conducted.
These me a few among many ques
tlons which have been asked about tho
growth and yield of America's lnrgest
and most distinctive crops, and which
former observers have been able to
answer only Incompletely. The bureau
of plnnt Industry, United States De
partment of Agriculture, ims con
ducted a series of experiments 1n
potato growth, .the results of which
are published In department Bulletin
058, Development of Tubers in the
Potato, which ' just been Issued,
The Information contained is of In
terest not only to the plnnt physiol
ogist but also to tho practical grower,
as a knowledge of the rclntlon of the
setting and subsequent development
of tubers cf the potato may, to a
certain extent, be put to practical use.
Tuber formntlon. it wns found, be
gins In general at about the end of
the period of ilower bud development,
nirhmipli this Is not In nil cases tin
exact criterion. Experiments showed
that the number, as well as the size,
of notatoes In a hill Increased for
several weeks after the first potatoes
were large enough to dig. A small
Increase in the weight of tubers was
found to occur even nftor the vines
hnd been killed by frost. Tho maxi
mum rate of growtli of the tubers was
found to occur about the lust of Au
gust or first of September, which was
approximately 80 days after planting.
An interesting development of the
experiments was that tho number and
weight of tubers per hill were found
to be Influenced by tho size and the
kind of seed planted. Whole potatoes
used as seed yielded heavier than
hnlf potatoes, and these more than
quarters, and the larger the seed
piece the greater the yield per hill. A
whole potato used as seed yielded
more than a hnlf or quarter potato
of equnl weight.
The exnerlments showed that appar
ently light soils are better for pota
toes than heavy soils. The lowest
production of tubers, with respect to
Wails of Most Houses in North
Are Made of Sheathing.
Floors In Cold Climates Are Made
Double to Secure Warmth and
Tlohtness Paint Adds to Ap
pearanco of Building.
(Prepared br th United State Department
OK Agriculture
Wooden floors usually uro mndo of
matched flooring, and generally are
doubled In cold climates to make them
tleht nnd warm. In which caso tho
" . . ... . . .
lower layer of boards Bhouiu do iniu
dinconnllv to clvo strength. Dioors ot
one thickness give good satisfaction
In most sections of this country, auu
In crowing houses. Three-quarter
Inch mesh wire may be used under
wooden or dirt floors to keep out rats.
Tim wnllH of most Doultry houses In
tho North nre built of shenthlng and
r-ovetvd with sncclallv prepared pa
nef. sldlnir. clapboards, or shingles.
Shenthlnc nnncr Generally Is used on
vnll8 and roofs which are to be cov
ered with shingles. A wall made or
sldlne nlnced directly on the studding
makes a satisfactory hen house In the
Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer."
WARNING 1 Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets,
you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by
physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions.
H.ndy tin boxes of 12 tablets Bottles of 2i and 100 All drurerlU.
aapUrla U tb trade mark C Barer Manufeotura of Moaoaoetleseldeater of Salicjlleteta
You remember the story
of the Pitcher ,
It made a good many trips to the well and it
came back in. good order.
"I can take care of myself," it said "they
don't need to talk about risks to me."
But it went once too often.
After that it was only part of a pitcher, and
they didn't need to talk to it about risks it knew.
A lot of people won't believe coffee can harm
them until it does harm them.
"Nonsense!" they say, "it never disturbs me."
When it does disturb them, then they know.
Often the disturbance which they then recog
"rdzc is the result of irritations to nerves and di
gestion which have been going on for a long time.
If you have to lie awake at night and count
the clock ticks, after an evening cup of coffee, then
you know that it's better to he safe than sorry.
The risk of coffee's harm ts gone when the
meal-time drink is Postum.
Here's a delightful and satisfying table bev
erage, with charm for the taste and without harm
for nerves or digestion. You know you're on the .
right road with Postum; there's never the pos
sibility that you'll go once too often.
Poatum comes in two forms: Instant Postum(in tins)
made instantly in the cup by tha addldon of boiling water.
Postum Cereal (In packages of larger bulk, for those who
prefer to make tho drink while tho meal is being prepared)
mads by boiling for 20 minutes.
"There's a Reason"
for Postum
Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc., Battls Cisek, Mien,
When compared with tho tailor
made woman appearances are against
the self-nmdo man.
ehy terms T If o write for prices and de
scriptions on twenty acre of fertile trues
land. I am selling- my own land.
A. I, MCKAY. OCAL.A, FljA., uok lie.
Small Colony Houbo In Use on Gov-
ernment Farm at Beltsvlllo, Md.
Smith. Another method of making a
cheap, tight wall used extensively In
colonv-house construction, Is to use
honrds 10 to 12 Inches In widtli placed
vertically with tho cracks covered
with hattens 2 to 8 nches wide.
Paint adds creatly to tho appear-
ance and service of all buildings. One
may buy ready-mixed paints, or get
the pigments and oil and mix tncm.
All surfaces should bo clean and dry
before they are painted. Use a prim
ing coat of equal parts of paint nnd
linseed oil and then cover with one
or more coats of nalnt. and brush It
thoroughly into the surface. White
wash Is cheapest of nil paints, nnu
may be used inside or out. It enn bo
made by slaking about ten pounds of
quicklime with two gallons of wnter,
covering the pail with cloth or burlap,
and allowing it to slake for one hour.
Water Is then added to bring the
whitewash to the proper consistency.
Hurry, mother I Even a sick child
loves the 'fruity" tnsto of "California
Pig Syrup" and it never falls to open
tho bowels. A teasnoonful today mny
prevent a sick child tomorrow. If con
stipated, bilious, feverish, fretful, has
cold, -colic, or If stomach is sour,
tongue coated, breath bad, remember a
good cleansing of tho little bowels Is
often all that Is necessary.
Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali
fornia Fltr Svrun" which hns directions
for babies and children of all ages
nrlntod nn bottle. Mother l You munt
say "California" or you mny get nn
imitation llg syrup. Advertisement.
It is hard to appreciate good advlco
that doesn't coincide with ono'a own
What Cheer, Iowa "I am very
thankful for tho advico Dr. Picrco bo
vrillinKly gave mo, and wish to say that
I did just as advised. I am now in tho
best of health and can truthfully say I
do believe Dr. Pierce's medicines Bavod
me a very serious operation. Tho doctors
said I would have to be operated or I
would never regain my health, but I
decided to givo Dr. Pierce's Favorito
Prescription and Golden Medical Dis
covery a trial, and they surely have done
wonders for me. My mother thinks
these mcdioincs can't bo equalled any
where and so do I. Dr. Pierce's
modicines have to my knowledge, been
used for at least 16 or 10 years by
different .members of our family, both
. 1. 1 1 1 1 ' 1 .
maio ana lemaie. ana wo cuii mpciiK. wjo
highly of them. Mrs. Elmo L. Orrick.
Obtain Dr. Pierce's Family Remedies
in tablota or liquid from your druggist:
or write Dr. Pierce, Proa. Invalids
Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for frco medical
Paxton Hotel SSSRS
roroLAn piuoed oafs
ntroistrtura tha door front all depots.
Corner Ulh and Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb.
I Uri 8 9 Cetonr Prices. Thuy r Rlt.
Amorican Tent and Awning Ce.
40th and Farnam Sts. Omsk
"But for Eight beyond dispute
Refute to Smoke a substitute."
Far sate br tie Cijir Stent la trtrr torn
4 th Fl. Darker Bile ISA a
Famam St., Omaha. Neb.
For Information ana airoman irnta,
312 S. 18th Street. Omiha. Nth
1 208-3 Douglas St. Omaha, Nab.
Sturgea & Sturftee
UcRlBiered Attorneja.
Formerly In the Patent
Office. Patents and
In aU countries. 432 Patera Trust Bids., Omaha.
Harvesting Potatoes.
" both number nnd weight per hill, wns
on the heaviest soil ; tne highest num
bers and yields were produced on the
lightest soil. The department thinks
It possible, however, that these results
might be modified somewhat under
different climate conditions.
Resulted In Increase.
Two-venr tests with Irrlgntion Indi
cate thnt tho enrly nppllcntton of wa
ter before tuber formntlon hnd start
ed resulted In nn Increase in the num
ber of tubers, ns well as In tho weight
ner hill. Lnto Irrigation actually In
creased the weight but mudo little
difference In the number of tubers per
hill. The Irrigation experiments were
not carried to a final conclusion, but
lndlcnto that encn application ot wa
ter at almost nny period In the growth
of the nlnnt. provided excessive quan
tities nre not used, mny bo expected
to produce nn Increase In the weight
nt tho cron. hut that little or no In
crease In tho number of tubers Is like
ly to result from Irrigation after tuber
formation Is well started.
Tho bulletin contnlns nn Interesting
description of tho tuher-benrlng parts
of potntoes nnd their method of
crowth. It mny he obtained free on
request to the division of publica
tions, United States Department of
' Agriculture.
Efforts to Combat Disease Lead to
Discovery of Thirty-Nlne Varl-
etles Hlflhly Resistant.
Rffnrts bv the United States Do-
partment of Agriculture to combnt the
so-called tnke-ull disease of wheat In
Tillnnls nnd Indiana have resulted In
finding 39 varieties that nre either
immune or highly resistant to tne
dlsense. They nre Belogllnn, Crimean,
Pnrrnll. niotz. Loncberry. Early Mny,
Fulcaster, Fultz, Gipsy, Gladden, Gold
Coin, Grnndprlze, Harvest King, Hun
miriiin .Tonns Fife. Kanred. Khurlcof,
Leap, Malakoff, Mammoth Red, Michi
gan Amber, Mediterranean, Minnesota
Tiollnlile Nleecr. I'esterboden, Poole,
Portage, Pride of Indlnnn. Red Cross
rrori oimfn. Red Rock. Red Wnvo, no-
liable, Rudy, Stoner (Marvelous),
Trumbull, Turkey and Wheedling.
Shipment of Potatoes Going From
Washington to Middle west must.
Meet Requirements.
i Monty back without question
I i. utfKiT.a nTliDftNTRRn
I lUnnll. R.lua nl HonnV fill In
the treatment of Itch, Bcsema,
Kinsworm, 1 eneror oineriicn-
U-.LInl...... T.rlli!.lr..t.
sncnt at our risk Sold by all reliable druealsta.
A. D. Richards Medicine Co-Sherman, Tea
Ur Kitlmiltt !Uw ut Cm HIm 4 OBm mure Hew
liluilli. W.OewOnrM,000trrMt.
S. W.Cor. 11th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Nab.
Phone Jackson int. AU we ask Is a chance to bltu
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies: Ere
Cues and Chicken Coops; BOILERS
1309 Jones St. 11 W. Third St.
leew EDWARDS n.
New Location: Southwest Cor,
24 th and Farnam
If you nro n llttlo profiteer you nro
cxcorlntod as n horrible, example; but
If you nro a big one you get nwny with
Turkey, though glad to bo permitted
to rcmnln In Its lSuroncnn premises.
complnlno bitterly of tho inccrnsed
Not only can tho whlte-collnr man
wnnr overalls, but he seems to bo nblo
to do nny Job with which overalls Is
Popocatepetl Is nbout to go Into ac
tion. The whole ntmospnere or Mex
ico nt present, physical nnd political,
1b moro or less volcanic.
AnnroYlmatelv 1.700 enrs of notatoes
have been contracted for In tho State
f WnsliliiL'ton. to ko from the inklma
vnllnv tn Middle Western markets. Tills
stock must meet the requirements oi
iiniti.ii Stntea trade No. 1. Tne Well
ington state department of agricul
ture Is now co-operating wltli tne uiu
tod suites Department of Agriculturo
In the development of Its shipping
nolnt section service, will Issue certlll-
cates on ull cars at tho point of or
Scott-Omatia Tont & Awning Go.
15th and Howard, Omaha, U. 5. A,
Farmer Above All Others Should Pro
vide Himself With Ample Supply
During Winter.
It would seem that If there Is any
mnn who should have his own Ice sup
ply It Is the farmer. Ho nearly always
has access to n stream largo enougn
in furnish nlenty of Ice: It comes on
at n dull season, and ho needs only
n day or two to cut and haul enough
to run him nil summer long. Tho
fnct that there Is so little Ico put up
cun bo duo to only one thing: Farmers
generally have not experienced 1U
great benefits.
A course of mineral baths looks to
hn the nlternntlvc for tho fellow with
rheumatism who no longer can afford
to enrry n potato In his pocket.
If It Is found fenslblo to ship n per
son to Murs In n, rocket, why not
round up a few profiteers ns tho first
passengers? Then there will be no
mourning If they never come back.
The rule nppnrently still holds good
thnt "tho presidency, like kissing, Is
not to be sought and It Is not to bo
LEE Puncture-Proof Cord
and Fabric TIRES
If your dealer doesn't have
thorn write or call on us.
of N. Y.,Inc.
Phono Atlantic 43 H
2212 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb.
Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing
is back of these hotels. Guests may atop
ot anyone of them with assurance of re
ceiving honest value and fair treatment
and Associate Dentists
who have been with him for yeart
now located
Sixth Floor Security Building
16th and Farnam Sts., Omaha
Another wny to reduce tho high cost
of clothing would be to buy tho cloth
and let mother make your suit, ns In
the olden dnys. !
"Tingling toes," tho now affliction
tho doctors hnve discovered, was
doubtless stnrted by nn Impulse to
kick tho crescendo out of the Jazz
VPatsnn K. flnlnman
latent Lawyer, Waihlngton
I. lit.n..nri hnnlr frAA
Bates reasoDablo.Illglies't references. JlMtberrlees
Genuine IIurkHkiii Olovea Dlrtct Vrum l uo
torr S.I)S. Kelnctoil BlUns. Agents wanted.
Quallo-AliKUn Co . Psalt 24, 01ov..rsvlle, N. X.
Opened Sept. 1st. 1320
Omaha's Newest
Most Modern
and Finely
Appointed Hotel
"Soft Water"
Sixteenth at Howard
Centrally Located
Moderate Kates
Room Without Doth tpl.BO and U
Room With Dath 02.6O and Up
W. N. U OMAHA, NO, 44.-1921.