THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY INTERESTING ITEMS MOM EX CHANGES WHICH REACH OUR DESK. tills your which moans a great deal to tho country and Its inhabitants.- Tryon Graphic. HALLOWEEN Hallowo'on was celebrated hero In tho usual manner by tho rlBlng goner j tlou. No particular damage- was rc jortcd, but citizens wcro scon gath ering up lost articles tho next morn ing. Such things as automobiles and farm machinery was not hard to find. Brady Vindicator. DISTRICT COURT Sheriff Salisbury was hero Tuesday with subpoenas for witnesses In tho uutsmobllo theft case, and It looks an though tho throo defendants In the county jail would bo given a Bpeedy trial. Tho shorlff was also hero Wed nesday picking up jurors for a murder trial Brady Vindicator. NEW ATTORNEY Tho county board was In regular, session 'Monday. The most important of tho meeting to noto asldo from routino business, was tho appointing and approving tho bond of W. I. Till inghast as county attorney, succeed ing Milton J. Bauer, resigned, "Bill" is now ordained to rcceivo and dls penso trouble along with other coun ty officials. Arthur Enterprise. NO FIRES Tho recent rains have gone far to ward helping out the country in var ious ways. It- not only helped the conditions of the fall grain but ii put a check on prairlo fires which arc so common to this section of the country at this .time of tho year, wmi reasonable precaution from now on, wo should slip by without a flro WHERE TO FISH Tho State Fish Commission put a full car load of fish In tho lako hovo early Wednesday morning, Tho car arrived on tho Tuesday night train, and at three o'clock tho last croam can of flBh had been deposited in tho lako. Tho lot of fish was taken in throo truck loads to the lake. The fish wero all bullheads, and wove seinod from a lako near Hlannls, Nob and brought directly to tills city. Tho lako from which tho fish wcro ttfkcn is small and almost dry, and will soon bo frozen over or entirely dry.,--Gothenburg Independent. ly McGrow school principal, was JAA nsKca to do present ana suucu inni ho would serve- at salary of $150 por month. This was not accepted, but tho situation can bo handed effect-J tho situation can bo handled ococt irely and at less oxpenso in othci'J ways has taken tho final procedure Under ndvlsemont. Goring Courier. The Biggest Price Sensation in Years. DEDMORE EXPANDS Tho people of Ogallala and Keith county nro well pleased to know that wo now have a photographic studio whoro they can get good work and prompt sorvlce. C. 0. Dedmoro who has boen in North Platte for three years and who has built up a splendid business is tho now ownor of tho Ogallala studio. He considers Ogallala an excellent point for a studio and has securfcu Mr. B. Brown, formerly Of Omaha and a man with twenty years experience as locnl managor, Mr. Brown Is equally welt pleased with tho out look and reports an oxcollent busl noss since tho opening of tho studio last week. Keith Co. News. TRUANT OFFICER Tho official proceedings carry no mention of It, but tho county board Monday dovoted considerable time to tho matter of tho appointment of a county truant officer, whose duty It would bo to correct such actual do -ollctlons In school nttendanco as may develop. This is not because Mrs Hornborger's allegations aro all truo, but because there is more or losa long that lino incumbent on local nuthoritios. C. A, Litchfield, former- T MAY be presumptuous to compare any story with the immortal " 1 reasure Island, but there is a real basis for it here, for. the narra tive does deal with treasure, pirates and a Pacific island in an uncommonly delightful way. In thrills, it must yield to its great predecessor; in humor, it is at least a good second; in variety and up-to-dateness, it has the advantage. It is a real treasure hunt with the unique quality, giving rise to delicious humor, that the hunters are led by women. It is a genuine treat. Watch for It as a Serial in These Columns! SOME RADISH "To tho Hardin family. Dearly Be loved: Blessed aro tlioy that sco and; Hollevo. But I say unto you moro blessed aro thoy that bellovc without scoing. "Did not your hearts burn within you when I told you of "Prlnco Charming" radish? "But you wcro a stiff necked gen eration and turned from tho truth. Six long weeks have I walked In-tho market places. Yea, through tho val ley of tho shadow of doubt have 1 walked. When lo, it lay before mo arrayed in tho perfect llkoness of my summer story. "I looked upon It and knew that It was good, and now henco forth and forovor moro I submit it to your approval and tender care. Lay him gently in ice water overnight and in tho morning ho shall gladden your hearts with his crispness finis. Mablo Lupas. Tho abovo relates to a story told by Miss Lucas regarding tho hugo rad ishes grown in the west. Naturally, wo drew our own conclusions and opinion as to the" size, but seeing la believing. This radish measures twenty-two inches in length, eight and ono-half inches in circumforonco and weighs two and three-fourth pounds Tho Sentinel can truthfully say that this was "some radish." Arnold Son tlnel. ' - . ! fcllMWI IIBIIIII ! mijlm'1j'jjm:imiuimi.Iji .1 ityiJiii"ww,,HrJ,wjii.iMii u , UIU.JISTI T MAY be presumptuous to compare any story i 1 with the immortal "Treasure Island," but 1 there is a real basis for it here, for. the narra- 1 tive does deal with treasure, pirates and a Pacific 1 island in an uncommonly delightful way. J In thrills, it must yield to its great predecessor; j in humor, it is at least a good second; in variety r unrl nn.rn.rlnrpnpss. it hns the advantage, n BONDS CARRY Election last Saturday as per ad vertisement on the school bond ques tion, carried exactly three to one in tho very light vote polled. Tho nf firmatlvo was 132 and negative 14. This, It' will be seen, gives tho many voters who stayed away very Httlo complaint to nlakc, no matter what becomes of the bonds. Tho bonds must sell at par. That Is tho law regarding school bonds. Not much should be paid In commissions for marketing the bonds, and tho people should have the full benefit of tho $GO,000 for which tho bonds call. Too often public mon ey Is spent In a careless manner by public servants, but tho present school board Is keen to take the floating in debtedness and It Is safe to believe that in this matter of tho bonds thoy will proceed cautiously and con servatively. Below wo repeat what was said last week ofvtho saving to be made to tho district In tho matter of interest: Every teacher's warant Issued fo, $100 costs the district seventeen per cent, ten pe cent discount to tho pur chaser which must bo mado up to the teacher, and seven por cent to the purchaser which is the regular rate oi interest tho warrant draws. Other school warrants for tho buildings and other expenses are - likewise costing tho same lnterost. Each warrant actually costs 17 per cent .interest. The bonds call for six nor cent Interest. It will therefore be a saving to tho school district of oloven per cent to take up the floatlu:? debt of school warrants by tho bond ed debt. Sidney Telegraph. C9 The Greatest Washer Ever Built in a Gigantic Sacrifice Sale REGULAR $170.00 EDENS $119.75 While They Lost You Save $50.25 The factory has not reduced the price. The EDEN is still regularly $170.00. This special price is subject to with drawal at a moments notice. After the sale the EDEN will go back to the old price. Buy This New 1921 Model EDEN With Free Service for One Year and Save $50.25. North Platte Lit k Power Company C. ItogevS, North Plutto John bratts book "Trails of Yesterday" is tho title of a new book just placed in the city li brary Tho writer of this historic... story, which Is wholly in tho nature of biography, was John Bratt, a plori eor who not long ago passed away at North Platte, and who left this man uscript with instructions to havo it published and copies placed in oach public library In the state. Tho Cour- lor writer spent a most- enjoyablo ev ening In Its rondlng, and rogardn It as a distinct contribution to tho his torical literature concerning this sec tton, for Uratt's oxporlenco of a life tlmo nro nearly all centered in tho Piatto Valley from Ft- Laramto down to North Piatto. Ho was in 1840 a young Englishman who came over horo during tho closing days of t!is civil war and by 18GC had becomo idontlflod with tho ovorland traffic and cattle businoss, which after, yoars of cloan hustling and narrow escapes from Indians, floodstrennis, desort privations, made him woalthy and fin nally staid and rQgpoctod citizen of North Platte, whoro ho wrote tho book during tho lator yoars of his llfo. Ho had the diary habit and honco his book is replete with nccurato facts, names and dates. One of tho moot Interesting portions of the work con cerns tho winter of 18CC which ho spent in and about Ft. Mitcholl, just two miles west of Scottsbluff in thd'jy (1,1, DUCKS Mitcholl valloy, but throughout tho I ADULT DRAKE wnoio siory mo scenes aro mm aiong KIr8tM. C. Rogers, North Piatto tno river, uomg copyrigntoa, wo cannot without permission roproduco much interesting mattor which will bo valuable as local history. Whether tho book Is to bo plocod on gonoral salo or not wo aro not ndvlsod, but surely tho writor would bo dellghtod to bo able to procure a copy and will try to do so, for wo regard it as probably tho most rollablo pleco of hitory nnent this region over pro duced. Goring Courier. :o: Mrs. F. C. Cooney returned to her homo in Overton yesterday .after spending a week with bor daughters. :o: (Continued from pago 2.) ' Second Third CORNISH (WHITE) i COCK First ' . Second M. C. .Rogers , Third HEN "First R. 11. Jandebour, No. PattoJ Second R. H. JUndebcur, No Piatto Third COCKEREL First R. H. Jandebour, No. Piatto Second It. II Jnndobour No. Piatto Third PULLET First R. II. Jandebour No. Platte FirstIt. II. Jandobeur No. Platte Third PEN OF OLD Second R.-H. Jandobeur, No. Platte Second R. II. Jandebour, No. Piatto Third ORNAMENTAL BANTAMS ( BUFF COCHIN First M. C. Rogers, North Piatto HEN First M. Second - Third . .. , . DUOKS PEKIN ADULT DRAKE First N. C. Bowon, Brady Second N. C. Bowon, Brady Third ROUEN DUCKS ADULT DRAKE First L. I. Tucker, North Platte Second Third ADULT DUCK First L. I. Tuokor, Nortlt PJfttto YOUNG DUQK' ) Flrst-L. L. Tucket', North RJatto YOUNG DRAKE First L. I. Tucker. North pjatto Second Third- Second M. ( Rogors, North Plalto Third ADULT DUCK First AI. C. Rogers, North Piatto YOUNG DRAKE First M. C. Rogors, North Platte . Second M. C, Rogors, North Platte Third YOUNG DUCK : First M. C. Rogors, North Piatto Second M. C. Rogors, North PIatt6 Third PAIR OLD DUCKS M. C. Rogors, North Piatto Third (ii:i:si: (toulousi:) ADULT GANDER First M. C. Rogors, North Platte Second L. I. Tucker ADULT GOOSE First M. C. Rogors, North Piatto Second M. C. Rogors, North Platte Third YOUNG GOOSE First M. C. Rogors Socond Fred Walker, North Piatto Third YOU THAT HAVE iniflUMATISM Cull 320 East 5tli St. for heal lag balm. Room 11 Ustairs Vul canizini Tireo, Tubes and Ac cessories. FER STRE1TZ VULCANIZING CO. Cornor 5th and Locust Phono 525W. SAL I have leased Mrs. Mar tin's houso moving outfit. Anyone wishing work done call 304 East 10th Street. DAVID YOUNG. As 1 am loavln tho farm I will sell at Public Auction throe nnd one-half miles east of Stnto Farm, on Thursday, November 10 Tho following described proporty. 3 HEAD OF COWS One cow 9 years old giving milk now, one cow 7 yoars-old W411 bu freah soon, ono 3 yoar old cow with sucking calf. 8 HEAD OF HORSES Black span horsos 7 yoars old weight 2800; buy spau horsog. gelding 8 years old. maro smooth mouth weight 29G0, black and bay span, 8 and 9 years old weight 2800; black maro smooth mouth, weight 1G50; bay saddle horso C years old, wolght 1030. 20 Shoals avorago GO to 100 pounds. Whito Wyandotto Chickens. Big Broszo Turkeys. Farm Machinery, Household Goods, Etc. 5 passenger Dodgo car in goodcondltlon, John Dooro box wagon, wagon with 1G foot hog rack,wngon nnd hay rack, Rock Island manure sproador, John Deoro 2 row lister now, John Duoro 2 row, Badgor riding cultivator John Dooro 14 Inch stirring plow, ll Inch gang plow, John Deere llstor, single row, Budlong disc, 4 section har row, 2 wheel dirt scrapor Indepondont G foot mowor, McCormlck hay rako, Alfalfa Quoon stackor, blacksmith anvil and forgo and post drill, grind stono, two scoop boards, 3 oil barrels, 3 stands of bq,o, 50 foot wator hoso, GOO pounds Moorman's hog rogulator, 4 sets Cos cord hnrnoss, saddle nnd brldlo, Victrola with 45 records, Axmlnstor rug 11x12, Marquotto seamloss rug 9x12, Brussels rug 7x9, Brus sels rug Gx9, full bed Davenport upholstered in black loathor, good cotton mattross, library table writing dosk with 3 drawors and saf ety dip, 3 rocking chairs, Bottco) Singer sowing mnchino, round bobbin with all attachments in porfost running ordor, 3 Iron bedsteads wltn springs and cotton muttreesos), stool sanitary couch, flvo drawer fum ed oap4 drossor, thrco drawor onk drosser with long mirror, 2 small dreflsors with mirrors, oak chlffonlor flvo drawors, French plato mirror 18x40, Fronch plato mirror 1G.18, 2 oxtonslon tablos G and 7 feet, 10 dining chairs, all stool white onamolod kltchon cablnot, cook tablo, 3 burner white onamolod Alcazar oil stovo, Grand Wind eor hard ooal stovo, slzo 17, Ankor Ilolth croam separator, ico chest, roaster, largo coffoo pot, cooking utonslls and dlshofl, washing ma chlno and wringer, 4 quart Ico croam freezor. nlcklo Aladin mantel lamp. FREE LUC1I AT NOON TERMS OF SALE All sums of $20 or under cash; on all sums over that amount n credit of 0 months will bo glvon with a bankable noto drawing 10 por cont Interest from dato of salo. P. L. WAGNER, Owner ED, KIERIG, Auctlonoor. RAY C. LANGFORD, Work