THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LINCOLN COUNTY PAIR WINNERS A'.COJIirLKTK LIST OF ALL I'JUZE WINNERS AT Till! mi LIN COLN COUNTV FA IK. JDOUGHNUTS First iMrs. Fred Erlckson. Socond Mrs. Llndbcrg. Third a'RESERVES, PEARS Klirst Mrs. Edw. Oglcr. JSocond i Third , IPRBSERVES CHBRHY First Mrs. Sander Second Third PRESERVES STRAWBERRY Flret, Mrs. F.rod NelBon Second Mrs. T, Doollttlo Third 'JOMATO PRESERVES YELLOW Hirst Mrs. Fred Nolson Sgccond Mrs, Peterson '.Third ItED TOMATO PRESERVES ."First Mrs. Roborts Second Mrs. Ogior '.Third tfJRAB APPLE JELLV IFixst Mrs. J. Doram 'Second Mrs. Zoda Robbins "CURRANT JELLY Firstr Second Mrs. Zoda Robbins Third GRAPE JELLY First Mrs. Sbanah ; Second Mrs. Roborts Third TDLUE PLUM JELLY 1 .First Mrs. 11. P. Ilonckol ' Second-Mrs. Zoda Robbins Third .APPLE JAM First Socond Mrs. S. R. Pattlson Third OIDURRY JAM , First Sooond- -Mrs. S. R. Pattlson Thlrd rORAPB JAM First Mrs. Shnnah Socond Mrs. Roborts Wall Paper "Tlinvo received my 1922 stock ot Wall Pandr. It is tho finest stock over carried In North Piatto and 25 to 100 j COCKEREL nor cent cheaper than Inst your First Pooplo lianglng tholr own paper their! Second Tom Mongol trade U Just as desirable as. any ono's J Third cUa. ! PULLET PHIL DEATP Phono 10C1J. How Gasoline Affects Motor Instant ignition, quick starts and steady power depend on the mixture of air and gaso line vapor in the cylinders. If you use gasoline of dependable uniformity, it is not difficult to adjust your carburetor so that you get uniform results. How satisfactory these results arc depends, in turn, on the quality and nature of the gasoline. If it is straight distilled gaso line, with a proper proportion of low, inter mediate and higher boiling point fractions, you get instant ignition and lots of power from a lean, clean-burning, economical mixture. Red Crown Gasoline is straight distilled gasoline that meets all the specifications of the U. S, Government for motor gasoline. YOU CAN'T IMPROVE ON IT FOR WINTER USE. Authorized Red Crown Dealers Everywhere Wherever you go you can always get Red Crown Gasoline from rohablo, competent, obliging; dealers. The gatoline and motor oils they sell make motor operation more pleasant, more economical and more dependable. Drive in where you see the Red Crown Sign, Write or ask for a Red Crown Road Map STANQAltD OIL COMPANY of NEBRASKA HEDCi GELDING 8 YEARS AND OVER Flrat Fred McClymont Second A. E. Rishel Third D. S. McGonnoll , SUCKER UNDER 1 YEAR First A. E. RlBbel Second A. E. Risbel Third MARE ANY AGE First J. M. Sotidor Second Third SHETLAND PONY i First Vorncst Peterson Socond ' ( Third ' COLT "'. ; ( FIrflt Vcrnest Peterson SHETLAND PONY STALLl6N, First Homer Brooks V, MULES TWO AND UNDER 3 YEARS First D. S. McConnell, Horshey Second D. S. McConnell Third SUCKER First Clarence Cooledgo Second Clarenco Collcdgo Third D. S. McConnell TEAM DRAFT HORSES Pir8t prod McClymont Second A. E. Rishel i Third POULTRY PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCK FliBt M. C. Rogers Second Third , ' ' PLYMOUTH ROCK HEN "' First M. C. Rogers Socond Third " i PLYMOUTH ROCK COCKEREL First M. C. Rogers Second M. C. Rogers Third PLYMOUTH ROCK PULLET ' . First M. C. Rogers Second M. C. Rogers Third V COLUMBIAN PLYMOUTH ROCK HEN Firstr Second M. C. Rogers Third PLYMOUTH ROCK COCKEREi. Flrsl Second M. C. Rogers , . Third ' - PLYMOUTH ROCK PULLET First Second M, C. Rogers , ', Third SILVER WYANDOTTES 1 ft First Tom Mongol Sucond Tom Mongol WYANDOTTES First Mrs. L., Powell Second Mrs. L. Powell Third ' COCKEREL First Mrs, A. R. Frame, Horshey PEN OF YOUNG WYANDOTTES First J. C. Hollman, No. Piatto Second 'Third COLUMBIAN WYANDOTTES COCK 1 First M. C. Rogers ' Second Tom Mongol Third HEN t First Tom Mongol Second M. C. Rogers Third COCKEREL . First M. Second Thfrd C. Rogers PULLET First M. C. Rogers ' Second ' ' Third PULLET First M. C. Rogers Second-r-RHODE ISLAND RED SINGLE COMB COCK First S. R. Pattlson, Maxwell Second Fred Walker Third HEN First S. It. Pnttlaon Second S. R. Pattlson , Third COCKEREL First S. R. Pattlson Second L. I. Tucker Third PULLET First S. R. Pattlson Second L. I. Tucker Third PEN OF OLD CHICKENS First S. R. Pattlson Second L. I. Tucker . Third PEN OF YOUNG CHICKENS First S. R. Pattlson Second Third LIGHT BRAHMA'S COCK First M. II. Deems Second Third HEN, FlrBt M. H. Dooms Second H. M. Dooms war. WALDORF, Tinner. Miikos or repairs anything made of tin or aheot metal. 510 Locust. Under General Hospital MRS. M. HENRY GILFOYL Teacher of Voice Culture I j and the ' Art of Singing Ufs Studio 108 W. 3rd. Phone 1147 J Uniformity Operation H i""'" w i1"" w Mau H Third PULLET First Second Mt 11 De'cths V. Third .'.-.? COCKBIIKL " First Second M. H. Deems Third LEGHORNS, ROSE COMD & LIOHT DROWN COCKEREL First E. M. Robbins, . Second ;.' . Third PULLET First E. M. Robbins Second Third LEGHORNS, SINGLE COMD, DARK DROWN HEN First Florence Deach, N. Piatto Second Florence Beach Third COCKEREL First Florence Beach . Second Florence Beach Third PULLET First 'Florence Beach Socond Florence Beach Third PEN OF YOUNG First Florence Beach Second Florence Beach Third ' ' LEGHORNS, SINGLE COMB, White COCK First Frank Noel s Second Frank' Noel Third COCKEREL . .. First L. I. Tucker . Secoiid Frank Noel ) l,t Third . ' PULLET First Frank Noel Socond Frank Noel Third PEN OF OLD v First Frank Noel i Second L. I. Tucker Third PEN OF YOUNG First Frank Noel Second Frank' Noel Third MINORCAS, SINGLE COMB, Black COCK First L. I. Tucker Second Third HEN First M. C. Rogors t -Socond M. C. Rogers Third COCKEREL .... First L. I. Tucker ' Second t ',,0 Third . PULLET ' ' First M. C. Rogers Second -M. C. Rogers Third PEN OF OLD First Second M. C. Rogers Third BLUE AXDALUSI AN S SINGLE COMB COCK First M. C. Rogors Second Third HEN First M. C. Rogorfl Second M. C. Rogers'. Third COCKEREL First M. C. Rogers ', Second M. C, Rogers Third PULLET Firat 'M. C. Rogor 1 Second M. 0. Rogorg ' Third AN'CONANS ROST3 C0MBt-M0T-TLED HEN ' ' . . First M. C: Roger i T" Second It C. liogkjm Tliird . ' - ('OCKEREL First M. 0. Roger .' Second M. C. Roferf Third ;' . PULLET Fir it M. C. Regers Second CM. C. Rftffl Third . V ORPINGTONS SINGWCQMB BUFF COCK Flret Bil Walker Second M. C. Rofirtl Third PEN " ' ' - First Ed Walker Second M. 0. Rogerf'" Third . , COCKEREL ' ,'. First -M. C. Roger ? Second M. C. Roger , Third ,; ' PULLET Flrit Ed Walker ' ; . Socond M, C. Rogers Third - 0RP1N0T0N (BLUB) IIEK , FlretL. F, SMmoBv 1 ! - . Second ' " Tlilrd-r . COCKEREL First-L. F. Simon (Continued on pat?e throe.) Dr. L. J. KIIAUSE, Dentist, X-Rnj Diagnosis. SfcDonald Bnnk Building. Phono 07. Ed Kiei ig. Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, aln Real Estate. References and Iat Firsr Nulionul Bank. North Platte, Nebraska. ' A QUIET PLACE to bring your friends to' dine. A place where the greatest care is or excised in the selection of tho food materials. A place whore tho cuisine Is exquistto, where the china and cut lery is tasteful, and tho surroundings pleasant This is such a place. Come and enjoy It HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. The Farmer's Auctioneer H. M. Johansen, North Platte, Nebraska. Phone 783F3 For those who do not have enough stock or machinery for a general farm sale, I am located so I can hold a combination sale at North Piatto or at tho Fairview dairy 1 miles west of town. I have always got enough stock or machinery listed with me so wo can hold a combination sale any time. DERRYBERRY & FORBES. Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Fniiernl Director Day Phone 41 Night Phone Black 5SS EXTENSION ROAD NO. 339. To Whom It May Concern: Tho Special Commissioner appoint ed to locate a public rood as follows: Commencing nt tho Southeast cor ner of section 34, town 10, rango 26. Lincoln Count)', Nebraska, width of road to bo 40 feet, runuing thence northwest from the southeast corner to the northwest corner of section 21 town 10, range. 26, Lincoln County, Nebraska and terminating at tho Southeast cornor of Section 20, tonn 10, range 26, Lincoln, County, Nebras ka, following as near as possible the present traveled road, has reported In favor theroof: any person or per sons haying objections thereto, or claims for damages by reason of tho establishment of the abo'vo described road must file samo in tho office of tho County Clerk at North Platte, Nobraska, on or before 12 o'lock noon of the 7th day of January. 1922, Dated at North Piatto, Nebraska this 25th day of October, 1921. A. S. ALLEN. County Clerk NOTICE TO CREDITORS Efetato No. 1848 of Clmrlos J. Brand decoaaod In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, as: Credit org of said eatate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and filing of olaims against said Estate is March C, 1922, and for Settlement ot said November 1st. 1922 that I will sit at the county coux room In aald County on Decembe 8tU, 1821 t& 10 o'clock a. in. and on March CUi, 1822 at 10 o'oloejk a, m to receive, examine, hear, allow, adjuat all claims and objecttona duly filed. Dated November lat, 1921. WM. IL C. WOODIIURST (Seal) County Judge NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Eatate No. of Oharles F. ladings deceased, In the 'County Court o Lincoln County, Nebraaka. The State of Nebraaka, to all per eons Interested in aald Eatate, take notice that the Executrix has filed final account and report of her ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such Ex eoutrlx, which have been set for hen ing before said court on Dec. 1, 10'i at 10 o'clock a. ro., when you may ap pear and contest the same. Dated Nov. 3, 1921. WM II. C. WOODIIURST, 4 VeWeVe4VeV hhm VV J. S. TWINEM M.D.1 8 Homeopathic Physician ft Surgeon General Practice and Construction Surgery Hospital Accommodation Piatto Yullor Hospital Former Name Twlncra Hospital. NOBTH PLATTE, KEBR. GEO. B. DENT Pliyslcinn nnd Surgeon Special Aitontlon Given to Surgery nnd Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building Phono: Offlco 130. Residence 111 JOHN S. SHIMS, M. D. . Special Attontion Given to Surgery McDonald Bnnk Building Office Phono 83 Residence 38 OTIS B. PLATT, M. D Physician and Snrgcon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night Over Union State Bank. Office Phone 290 House Phono 123CJ Office 340 HOU801Z57 PR. Yf. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over tho Oasis. North Platte. DR. J. R. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to Discuses oi Women nnd Surjrory OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Office 113. Residence 640J Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician North Platte. Nebraska Knights of Columbus Building. DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Office Phone-333 Res. Phone 1029 DR. REDFIELD PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day rnones urtico 642. Residence 676 IV. T. PRITCHARD Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex- assistant deputy State Veterinarian Hospital 315 South Vine Street Hos pital Phone 633, House Phono 633. DR. 3r. B. STATES Chiropractor ', 6. 7 liulldiiig & Loan Building. Offico Phone 70. Res. Phone 1242 NOTICE OF PETITION Estato No. 1S54 of Mary Facka. de ceased, in the County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho State of Nebraska. To all nor- sons interested in said Est-ito take no tice that a petition has been filed for tho nppointmont of William II. Facka as Administrator of said estate, which has been set for hearing heroin on Novembor IS, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated October 21st, 1921. WM. II. C. WOODIIURST. (SEAL) County Judgo. (Geo. N. Glbbs, Atty.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Eatate No. 1815 of Sobastinn Scliwaig- er, deceased, in tho Countv Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. The State of Nobraska, ss: Creditors ot said eatate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and fil ing of claims against aald ostato is March 1st, 1922, nnd for settlement of said Estate is October 28th. 1922, that I will sit at the county court room in said County on December 1st. 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on March 1st, 1922, at 10 o'clock b. m., to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly flic I Dated October 28th, 1921. WM. II. C. WOODIIURST. (SEAL) County Judge. or (D. E3. Harper, Attorney) NOTICE TO CRIMHT0RS 1M LA I.M .Id 'I if 111 llini V .11 HI ;i nillll I Lincoln County, Nebraska. - The State of Nebraska,. ss: Crcdltc of a<l eatate will take notion t' t the time limited for presentation and filing ot claims against said Est it Is Mar. 6, 1922, and for settlement of said Estate is Nov. 2, 1922; that I will sit In tho county court room in said County on Doc. 6. 1921 at 10 r. clock a. m., and on March 6 1922 r.t iu n nincK a. in. 10 rucuive. PYnTniniv ..rt . " I u. - n .".111 V. . . 4 objections duly .filed. Dated Nov. 2, 1921. WM. II. C, WOODIIURST, f ILemtuBMati (SEAIA County Judge 0