cmi-iillecMn frrilnmt j2l TIIIRTY-SEVENTll YEA It. NORTH PLATTE, NEU NOVEMBER 'I, 1921. tNo. 86 fjlatte mJUK START EVENING SCHOOL HERE 'XOllTIl PLATTE I ITIZHX FATAL LY INJURED IX llAlLKOAD AC CIDENT LAST NlElIT Clms. II. Crosby, car repairer for" tho 'Union Taclfie, was run ovor by a train early this morning and died i at a local hOBpItal at sovon o'clock i Mr. Crosby was beneath a car at work and after completing his task nt'oppoil from lienoath tho car onto hto next track where tho switch i j engine was switching cars and was " 'rfeNdbraska Hoard of Vocational struck. When picked up two log ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS ouamhku ok co.mmiJhcj: take ul phoj'ositiox in ; xeau kutukh CURRENT COMMENT AUODT P0. I'LE AND THE THINGS THEY Director Ip interesting itself In. tho proposition of establishing an even ing school at North" Platte. L. A. Hartley, supervisor of trade and In ,futral education and Miss Alice lipmls assistant supervisor visited the city recently and conferred with tho officials of the Chamber of Commerce. It .is proposed to eatab- body was crushed. Ho was rushed Two teachors will represent the city schools at tho state toachcrs association next week which will hu to a hospital whoro ho lived about 'hel(l ln 0maha. No ward school flvb hours. Mr. Crosby was a faith- wlll jj0 reprcs0ntod. Ono toaohoY ful rather and ardent worker. Ho from tho Junor nigh, and ono tench was lieutenant In tho Spanish-Amor- from U)0 gQn)or n,gh wU, ,j(J lean War and served as first Houten-1 lected. N- ant in tho lata World War. Ho j ' ' J leaves to mourn his death his wife, i The Hlgh School Baml nccompanl four Bmall children, Paul, Charles, cd t, footbaU (oam to Gothonhuf u llshan evening school,-to mot on ura and an Infant child, relatives to(lny nnd wlu licjp the tonra (0 ; Chapter AK P. E. 0. gave its an- nunl Hallowoon party this yoar at 1 tho homo of Mr. and Mm. W. P. Snyder, on last Tuoadny evening. Tho decoratlonB woro In Hallowoon colors and tho guosts woro clothed in rural costumos. Tho farmor's din nor wna bountiful and enjoyed by ! all. Tho guost of honor was Mrs. FloldH who was prosontod with a medicine chost ns a token from .the club. Mr. and Mrs. Pryor gavo a akotclt during tho ovenlng and Mian Esther Antonldes sang in hor usual delightful mannor. Tlio Klwanls Club will start Us tribo formation at its hoxt lunoh- eon whfoh will bo hold Tuoiiday noon STATE AID ROAD SOUTH TO IMjAN I'UO.M A STATE A 1I I U) All XOltTIl PLATTH 10 McCO&K A joint mooting of representatives of' Hod Willow, frontier and Lin coln Countlba will bo hold at May wood on Tuesday afternoon of next wdbk for tho purpose of discussing STATE HEOENT OK I). A. It. TO .MAKE INSPECTION OK LOCAL OIIAPTEll certain nights every week for the study of vocational and educational subjects. Tho co-Operation of tho Board of Education will bo necessary as tho use of the school buildings and equipment will be ossqntlal. The school is expected to be open for adults and all subjects will event ually be taught although tho course will- probably bo somewhat limited lit first. Tho Chamber of Commerce Is considering the best means or handling tho matter and a report is expected In the near future. :o: THE CITY IjIIIKAHY DOI3S NOT SELL CHRISTMAS 1J00KS FOlt THE CHILDREN and many friends. ? 50.; t- niuECTon von "KA'fOliA.KOO" WILL ARIUVK LV AllOlh1 TEN DAYS Paronta who wish to get gooa hooks for the children for Christmas can get help in the selection of prop er titles at tho City Library but they cannot bo bought there. Miss Mur nhjf has a .list of good books for children of different ages and, she will beNglad to confer with anyone .Interested in that subject. Tho books .will' bo ordered from tho local book StoresJby-thQ- naronts.-This is 'a 'Valu able service which the Library offers In the interest of bettor books for fhe children. Tho John B. Itodgors Producing Co. will havo Its director for tho play "Katcha Koo" hero ln about ten days win. A largo number of tho stud ents body also accompanied tip teftih. Ono whole side of tho Gotiififn burg field has boon resorvod for Nor'h Platte fans and tho admission qs only twenty five cents. The city firemen are trying to niilo tmough money to send ropresentltivija This play is being given ! to the stato convention which will lx under the auspices of tho Twentieth hold at Norfolk in January. Tito Century Club and the proceeds will j money must be raised beforovJanualy go toward securing permanent quar- and it moans much to North Piatio tei-B for the. .club. Preliminary'11 t,lc clty ,s represented at this cqn arrangemonts for' tho play havo al-vontlon boousa tjio Toprd3entitlv4s ready been made. It is said that will "ring tho convention to NorUi over 300 will tako part. Mr. Norton Platto ln 1023 if possible. .: will take tho leading role, whilo Miss ' "" Josephine Itobb, Mrs. Charlotto Haz- Nino new members joined Troqp encamp, Mrs, W. J. Tlley, Harry J Ten, tho adult, troop of Boy Scouts Plzor, Miss Helen Bonner, Miss Adola in tho basement of the Episcopal a state nignway running from Norm church. C. l- Plolstlckcr Is ln Platto to McCook. Sucl a road has cftm-Eo of tho Kiowa tribe which will' been undo? (mnsideration by tho furnish the ontertaiumont nt UlQ !commcrcil organizations 0f McCopHj . . I- ..... . . "k 1 Tuqsday mooting. This tribo lnclu- aim this city for several weeks and dos Ceopor, Clinton, Austin, Brooks, at Tuesday's mooting It la hoped to Cramer, Dickey, Dick and Davis, j take tho Initial stops that will finally Mr. Plolstickor says that U will be result In tho construction of this pretty, hard for any nuccoodlng tribo much-needed and desired road. Tho to outclass tho program outlined fo' ( North Platto dologatlon to this meot Tuosday. At each meeting a differ- ' ing vjll be composed of County Mrs. C. I Sponcor, State Itogont of th DaMuhters of tho American Involution Will bo In North Platto and will make hor" regular Inspec tion of tho local Chapter on Monday Nov. 7th., at 7. -30 p. m. Tho mooting wxlll bo held at tho homo of Miss Graco Moonoy, G02 W. Third. Mra W. E. Starr will havo charge of tho program, tho subject being "Nation al Songs nnd their Origins." Theso will bo interpreted by music. Tho ltoll Call Is Favorite Tunes. Tho Of flcora aro working for a largo attend ance of members. -to: ' nro ( Commissioner Qokor, Assistant Stnto i'yan- ( Engineer Cochran, Scott Reynolds, as follows; Kiowa, Iroquois, W dotto. Apachus, Navajo, Illinois mitt J, J. Crawford, S. MSouder, J. V. Sioux. . j Uomigh, T. F. Healoy, E. N. Oglor, J. B. Edwards, Fred McClymont and drove to ira L. Bare. Word has been received . QBTHriftysA I I 111 HMi J'" LeDloyt, George Russell, Cecil Cool, Miss Gladys Wild, Mrs. Homer Petersen, 'Miss Mary Ellsworth, Mrs. Louis Kelly, Mrs. 0. B. Meadows, Hershey Welch and many others will tako prominent parts. A group of 24 oriental ladies and a double quartet of priests constitute part of tiieciibrtrs. Sbther fflWr-iii of North Platte's most graceful young ladies will bo. known as the Veil Dancers. Another group or younger girls, 12 In number, espec- ! ially selected for their ability to danco will appear as Italians. Other groups of girls will ropresent Auld I Lang f5yne, English Jackles, French , Normans, Belgians, Dutch, Chinese i and Yankee Dixie. Eight couples ot j young people will appear as Polo I dancers. The dates afe Nov. 30tn i and Dec. 1st at tho Keith. I -:o:- Tueday the caso of tho Stato of Nebraska vs. John Ehlers was heard in District Court. Hie defendant was charged with assault ton Chas A. Sibloy ami tho jury brought In a ! named a fino of $35 and costs. ! Pllnton & Son. The Eyo Glass Men, ' Service and Satisfaction. Dr. Goo. B. Dent returned the ' first of the week from Philadelphia , where he attended a mooting of tho American Collego ot Surgeons. last Wednesday evening. Each Baid ho would bring, a no.w member to the meeting next Wednesday ovenlng. The topic, "Tho Boy In Hlo Teen ' was discussed, tho tenderfoot re quirements were explained following which a volley ball game was played between teams with W. H. McDonald nn.i ruirrrrt TVTnvnfu na fintnllltt. " ' Euglhee'r raulIoAilnVgrao stakes today for the new County Court house. Ho has placed tho building on tho west side of tho block and against tho sidowalk. This seems to bo a favorable place and there does not seem to bo any serious objection to such location. It is expected that excavating for tho foundation will begin today. Twonty-Uvo Rctarlans Blgnoli, wetincsuny evening ami f,.om McCook that a big delegation were guests of tho Bignell Commun- of raildB b0ostoru from that city wlll lly Clb. .Tho guests were seated i)0 at tho mooting at Maywood. ln a body in tho front of tho roomJ good naturcd way entertained tho Bignell pcoplo for an hour or more with, songs, speeches and stunts. Thejt tho Bignell people took their turn and entertained tho Rotaiians with sandwiches, pickles, coffoo and apples. Tho hospitality ot tho Dig- YEAR CONTINUES TO SHOW DE FICIENCY LN AVERAGE OP rainfall jmm tJ; ;0: FINAL AlUt A N(!EMENTS FOR THE Fl RUMEN EXTR AYAC3 AN'A "YOU TELL 'ESI" Tlio city firemen havo announced tho" dates for tholr musical oxtrav-. aganza "You Tell E'm" as Nov. 24th noil people Is well known in North aoin. Kinai arrangomenis wore Platte and Wednesday night was a-naAo last evening by director How nothor proof of tho facL At a Into ard Harding and tho characters worn hour tho guests departod for thlB,choson. Tho leading rolo of tho city and woro enthusiastically urged ( muslcalo will bo played by Mr. Hard to como nirain. This they certainly ' Ing himself. T.wonty five of tho Woolt.flUo. dolly? "SwHOonOH pjQSslbU'. prot,tloBt girls In thq city liavo hcgi IchosGiv for the chorus bealUea the October added to the deficiency ln rainfall which has boon roportod oach month during 1921, by Weath erman Shilling. Tho total defici ency to Nov. 1 Is 6.G4 Inches. SInca tho average rain fall Is about IS Inches our doflcloncy this year Is pretty largo. Tho highest tompora turo in Octobor was 90 dogrocs and tho lowest 27. Thd highest ovor known was 94. There woro 24 clear days, 2 partly cloudy and 5 cloudy. :o: NORTH PLATTE ENGINEER IS COMMENDED FOR SMOOTH RUN TO OMAHA Tho city library is planning on a celebration of what has como to be known as "Good Book Week." Ono week In tlio year is set asido 'for emphasizing the purchase of none but good books. The librarian will be pleased to havo inyono visit tho library and seo what the city has to offer in the way of good books. Lo- Buslncss has been livelier this . nonies and tho' leadiiifr roles.' The week than it has been for several quartet that niado sucli a hit ln tho weeks provious. This Is accounted "Follies of 1921" has been engaged for partly by tho :calllng off of tho and Paul Harrington has consented railroad strike Tho people, espec-, to" holptho firomcn. "Thanksgiving ially tho railroad peoplo had been night will bo football nlghWUind the saving up tnolr money to tako care boxos In tho theatro will bo resorvod of them during tho strike nnd when Tor tho Lincoln and No??h Platto" it was called off they bogan buying fdotball teams. Also tho ontlro bai thlngs they needed. Then tho rail- eony will bo reserved Tor tho high road men and most employees had school pupils. On this night a apoc a payday this week. Locally tho lal football munbor will bo tho fea Block salo started and tho Samuel- turo of tho evening. son nnd Hlrschfeld sales aro being Tho following lottor explains lt solf and Is printed hero with con gratulations to Mr. Hardin:' Mr. D. II. Hardin, , . Engineer, U P. II. R. Grand Island, Nebr. Dear Sir I oncloso Mr. Calvin's chock for 5.75, which Is ono. seventh of a check sent him by Mr. Roland Harrlmnn in appreciation pf tho care ful manner In which 1st No. C wan handled North Platto to Omaha, on Oct. 26th. It Is a sourco of gratl 'flcatlan to i'no to know that tho caro used by tho Engineers- ln handling this trnlu was apparent and shown In av smooth and . comfortablo run. Yours truly, Wra. Jcffors. continued. Tho sharp frosty nights and tho warm days tond to causo 1 peoplo to prepare for colder weather and do It whilo tho days arc pleasant Harvests In many lines aro giving cal dealers are planning on having i farmers a llttlo ready cash. Tho displays of good books during tho weok so that interested peoplo can look them over. It is a good movo some aro geUtlng and in this day of trashy reading ' whole tendancy has prices on fresh eggs, poultry, butter and winter vegetables aro fair and ' Tjettor. The ; been toward 50i Miss Anna Kramph and Miss Flo ronco Chaffln, will go to Horshey this evening to confor with branch Red Cross officials thoro about tho work of tho Rod Cross ln Lincoln county nnd tho coming Roll Call. Imagine It- -Hundreds of women dk Amazons of old. riding bare back Into battlo against a hoardof mighty men. Thoy lock In battlo, sword clashes on sword, shield on shield, and In tho dust of flying hoofs you'll seo thorn struggling, still fighting tlio first fight for free dom of women. You'll see some thing you havo novor seen before In Man, Woman and Marrlago at tho Keith, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. :o:- Cllnton & Son, Tho Eyo Glass Men, Sorvlco and Satisfaction. matter, It is to be commended by better business and all thoughtful people. . has had It. North Platto 'Shiw -orovie. toy- hnore expedience- (3 Groceries, like other household expenses are generally carefully bought, and carelessly paid : for in cash. . . LADIES' CHECKING ' ACCOUNTS , i enables careful ' buying to be fol loVed by careful paying. Women who watch ex penses linds checks so simple, and so help ful, they recommend them to others. . Wo do likewise. Keith. Friday Si Est m i m m m i m "ZILLAH" sees all, knows all, ask her any question while blindfolded and alone on the stage. This remarkable girl give a demonstration of mental telepathy and thought transferance. Her performance is Marvel oug. "ROTTAOH and MILLER"The male member, possesses a glorious singing voice of S,uch rare sweetness, that lie is called the Golden Voiced Tenor, and the female's splendid soprano makes the singing numbers ideally harmonizing. - "THE G OLDIES" An unusual comedy ottering, replete with comedy situations, wit ty sayings and repertoire of comic and popular songs carefully selected. ' "WILLIAM DURANT" Mr. Durante spent a number of years in China perfecting him self in language, custom and music of the Orient. He was at one time associated with the Chinatown as interpreter. Not only 1b this a novelty in the musical field, but at tho same time Mr. Durant is ..classed as one of vaudeville's "best musicians, and his act is the only ono of its kind On the American stage. There will bo an interesting feature and comedy picture and news reels added to this enjoyable program. TOM OEROW SATURDAY, NOV. 5th. LAST DAY OF NORTH PLATTE'S GREATEST SALE IS THE ASSESS?! E For a wind up we are placing on Sale MEN"S AND 39 YOUNG AT fl) YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY STEP ON THE GAS SPEED UP H1RSCHFELD c Hundreds of Bargains for Tomorrow The Last Day of the Sale. STATE BANK 3U M r'iiiiMTmrrrrTi-Tiir'i-'"