THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WKEKLY TRlBliNE mm The Most Sensational of all Price Slaughters READ A Mighty Sweeping Sensation MASSACRE Of Prices and Profits ' I Harding AND I AM GOING To SLAUGHTER THE PRIf FS ON This great $75,000:00 stock of ready-to-wear Coats Suits, Dresses SAYS "I'm the Man" Millinery, Furs and Skirts. Over half must go in ten days. A Plain Statement To the Public By Harry I. Block Friends and Patrons, Listen: For the past nine-years, with you here in North Platte you have seen my Business, built on Honest Merchandis ing and sincere service, grow from a small beginning, until the present day finds this great store of "BLOCKS" with a $75,000.00 stock of the world's finest READY TO WEAR SUITS, COATS, SKIRTS, in fact everything for the WOMAN, MISS, CHILD or INFANT, in wearing apparel. TODAY--A backward season lias left me with double the stock on hand that should be upon these two great floors, accounts are daily coining due they have to be paid HALF OF THIS STOCK MUST BE TURNED INTO MONEY AND QUICKLY!! YES INDEED HALF OF THIS GREAT STOCK IS TO BE THROWN INTO A VERITABLE "Merchandise Massacre"" placed at your mercy foj a ten days' selling. In order to make this sacrifice complete, and fast, I have engaged the services of Mr. Harry I-J. Harding, you all know Mr. Harding, and his cyclonic methods of "CLEANING OUT." He is here to conduct this TEN DAY riot for me, to put these goods out to you at the lowest conceivable prices. WHATEVER HE SAYS GOES!! HE HAS THE POWER TO CUT EVERYTHING iN THIS STORE any prices he makes are right with n.eI am personally back of MR. HARDING in any PRICES OR STATEMENT HE MAY MAKE. The same guar- antec of satisfaction and service you have always enjoyed ,vill continue to be in force during this sale, and at all in the future as in the past you will always find only the BEST HERE. HAltKY I. BLOCK. Doors Swing Open at 10 VZZE a. m. on Wednesday, NOV. 2nd Be the First Here Wednesday a. m. $1.50 L. B. Corsets go i 88c i I SAVE ON SUITS II K $3.50 Women's Silk Camisoles go 88c SAVE ON DRESSES 1,0 Ladies' Pure Silk I Gloves go I $100.00 VRmU FREE! FREE!! TALK CHEAP HEKK MONEY TO BACK IT UP!! $100 to bo divided to tlio First Comers at this great sale Promptly at TEN O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY MORNING NOV.- 2nd, RAIN, OR SHINE THE DOORS WILL SWING OPEN In order to pay those who come early for their time, anil to creato an Interest in MORNING SHOPPING 1 am going to present to the firm ONE HUNDRED ADULTS Whether man, or woman, aj they enter this great MER CHANDISE MASSACRE, a CASH CERTIFICATE for $1 ONE DOLLAR $1 Understand me folks, thoro are no strings on this offer you get the certificates id you como in, use it right a way, select anything you want, and MAKE A DOL LAR. Ladies leave the Dreakfast Dishes and HURRY! HUR RY! DOWN! LQT NO- 1 sM() WOMEN'S SUITS $19.95 Tricotines, French Serges ant! Velours, some plain! 'others with fur collars, in one great lot, values to $40, out they go for . . . $19.95 LOT NO. 2 $25 WOMEN'S AND I1SSESVC0ATS iM)5. Polos Velours, Cheviots, some' trimmed with Fur Collars, others plain belted models beautifully lfncd, values to $25, and they go thef entire lot for $9.95 LOT NO. 3 . $25 n'OME.VS DRESSES Tricotines, Serges, Taffetas, Georgettes, all em braced in tills beautiful lot of Women's Dresses, values up to $25, and thoy go in one great slaugh ter for $9.95 LOT m s 2.1 WOMEN'S DRESSES $9.95 $3.00 Voile Waists go for LOT NO. 4 0 WOMEN'S COATS :,".,-,. Evoras, Vcldynes, Rnmonas, Normaudlcs, Suade Ve lours, some with Fur Collars, and every garment a value that will amaze you. They all go, values up to $00, in his great lot for - i $35.55 1 SAVE ON COATS $0.50 Silk Waists and Over Blouses go I $2.88 SAVE ON SKIRTS CHILDREN'S COATS MUST (JO!! S?I2.00 CHILDREN'S COATS GO KOK 1.14 Hero's a great value Moth ers an array of nicely tail ored and unusually good values in Corduroy, Velvet, Plush. Wool Chinchilla mod ols, with and wihout belts, well lined throughout, some trimmed with fur, others Plain, in grey, navy, darker shades of brown and Cinna mon, all that is new and good, sizes 2 to 0 years, val ues to $12, and thoy go for Llt LOT NO. 5 $50 WOMEN'S SUITS (JO FOU $21.11 Deautlful suits In Tricotine, Poiret Twill, French Sorgo, Suade Velour, some plain, othors with fur, Out thoy go in one great display of price giving values to $50, for li $24.44 LOT NO. 0 $125.00 WOMEN'S SUITS AND COATS $IS.S Finest of fine, limited space makes a revue of these garments Impossible Coats of Evoras, Veidynes-v Rumona, Normbandle, collars of Natural Squirrel, Denver, Mole, Opossum, Wolf, Raccoon, values to $125.00. all go In this great lot for ASTOUNDING! !' That is U6 only word for It print ers' Ink could never mako you grasp the trtio. .values throw .out to you Jin this great value lot Tricotlnneb, Serges, Satins, Taffetas, Georgette Drosses, all go In one mighty sweep in tills terrlblo PRICE SLAUGH TER. It will indeed bo a gonuino MASSACRE to wit ness tho destruction of profits on this lot of beau tiful garmonts--tho values aro up to $25, tho entire lot goos for $9.95. FUR COATS ONE LOT OF IlEAUTIFUL COATS O.N WHICH THE PRICES WILL NEVER HE FORGOTTEN. $75 LADIES" 1TR COATS 88c SAVE ON HATS HOc Women's Ilandkoi chiefs for 13c $39.95 $48.88 Ladles, Listen 1 wish this advertisement wero on ly larger, to Justly describe the beauties of this lot nf FUR COATS, built of beau tiful French Coney in lHuck, Grey and Drown, wonderful ly lined and finished; they aro actual values worth $75, you may select ono for $39.95 SAVE ON GLOVES $0.00 Women's Petticoats for $2.88 SAVE ON UNDERWEAR .$:i7.H0 Women's line Dresses go for Oil $7.50 Tuxedo Sweaters go MILLINERY VALUES THAT SHOUT CUT SAVINGS $2.88 EXTRA SPECIAL Yes, Indeed, one lot of Trimmed Hats, Sailors and Ready to wear models in a variety of shapes and colors, all in one great bargain lot, values up to $7.50, and thoy go for --- ,.. SI $10 'HUMMED HATS $2,SS One lot of elegant Trimmed Hats In tho newst stylos, for the young women and tho matron, all now arrivals and thoy aro go ing to go fast, join the crowds and soo theso, values to $10 and they go for $2.8S 5 CIIILDHEN'S HEAVEKS $2.SS THINK - Chlldren"H Genuine Heavers, those rolling brims, 7 different styles to choose from, in Drown, Navy, Dlack Doavor shades, tho very newest Hat for tho little folks, thoy go while thoy last for $2.8$ $19.95 SAVE ON FURS ITU COATS MUST (JO AT COST 1IEKK HURRY Look For the Big Posters If You Don't Get One Phone Us. HURRY .H'ST ARRIVED DHESSES Ono Great 'Assortment of the New JUMPER DRESSES Thrown into this avalanche of Dargains. in Navy Dluo ALL WOOL sorgo, tho niftiest lot of dresses ever placed on sale at sacri fice prices; they como in sizes to 10 to 40; thoy all go, values to $7.50. in one great lot thoy go while they last - $LI1 mat UUXUINK SPECIAL! LADIES READ! Ladies Outfitting Store North Platte. Nebraska 100 Union Suits for You to Pick From. $1.50 LADIES RID UNION" 44c real special at tho right tlmo; this great lot of llnest Jersey Rib Union Suits, beauti fully trimmed and tailored, thoy go In nil flzcM while thoy last at a spocial saving price of . ,. lie rjwam" i mm vm i 1 1 "i 1 w iii 1 n inwyi, 33