THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TKIIUjNK 1 Vm Correct Winter Headwear For Men and Boys Exceptional Values-at These Low Prices Warm Caps For Wintry Weather A big variety of styles for boys and young men and for the more conservative man In heavy materials such as cassl meres, overcoatings, mackinaws, plush and fur silk lined and with real fur bands. AQp to $1.98 Golf Caps for materials, satin linings, fur in lands. QQ and $1.49 Mackinaw tUV capg 0f fjnc rnacklnaw materials, woudtrful values. QQnrtd $1.49 Plush Caps for men. in the staple, conservative llavcrlock shape, of fine, soft, heavy pile plush. ? QC $3.98 and $4.98 Fur p.tU Caps of l)lack (joncj., Near Seal, Hudson Seal and gcuulnc Alaska Seal. Excep tional values at these prices. - If; OUK lint Department is ready with the newest styles and greatest vnl lies wo have shown in years. Made exclusively for us, this high-grade headwear brings to the customers of the .'512 J. C. Poniiey Co. stores the best of quality and style nt the lowest possible cost. Ev erything in the line of Winter headwear for men and boys onn bo had at this store Velour And Fur Felt Hats for men, in all the newest shapes warm Caps of Fur, Plush and Wool for men and boys Plush, 'Chinchilla and Mackinaw Hats and Caps with fur linings and ear muffs for the little fellows nil at prices so remarkably low as to Insure you a dis tinct saving In the cost of your winter headwear. Velour Hats for Men Fine lustrous, nappy Velours, full satin lined with the ilnest quality, silk bandB and sweat leathers. Ideal for overcoat wear Just wintry and warm enough appearing to give .that touch of season able style necessary to tlio well-dressed man. All the At o the wanted colors Heal brown, myrtle,.greeii, russet, olive and black. Remarkable values at $4.98 and. . . . Children's Hats and Caps Warm headwear for the little tots with fur linings and qar muffs attached plush, chin chilla, rnacklnaw anil other wanted materials. We partic-' ulurly recommend, for boys, the little Polo Cap- warm, good lit- ting cups of mackinaw, plush ami chinchilla, as pictured . . . a 89 i Presenting New Plush Coats ' Sumptuous in Style, Finish and Fur Trimmings Buying theso handsomo Plush Coats whon prices' It'wn rt !.! 1 ....... -I. 11. ub uiuu lutvusu vuu, is uio solo reason wily every J. C Pcnncy Co. customor profits in an unusual way in this attractive presentation. Values in tlicso groups arc incomparablol jTfijt. " niun iunuau uuu, is uio soio reason wny every esmi,fUa ',l,cnncy Co. customor profits in an unusual way Tf 7tiL-Ff m ths nttrnctivo presentation. Values in tlicso groups "VS Mens Corduroy Caps, ur bands 98c Plush Coats $19.90 rincat quality silk plush, mado with the generous" luxurious sweep of lino and finish of the more expensive fur coats. You have a wide choice In the matter of collars, for while many In this group liavo smart collars of plush, others show the preva. lonce of the fur collars of ' moy Scalene and Beavcrettc. -s, 10 to -14. Silk Plush Coats $29.75' Rich silk linings make these plush coats particularly attrac tive. Finest grado of silk plush, tailored w h tho utmost care, and adoncd by becomingly shaped collars of tho now pop ular furs, Including heavy Black Opossum, the new Bcavcretto and Itaccoon. Some models havo smartly turned fur cuffs. Alt tho new coat effects that arc fo much In demand. Cloth Coats $19.75 The most exceptional values of tho season are enjoyed both in stylo and material of theso handsomo coats. Soft velour In rich Autumn colorlugs and tho smart Polcene cloth. While many aro fur trimmed, others havo self-collars which allow tho wearer to enjoy the use of tho fur neek pieces so much worn nt present. Sizes, 10 to 44; nil popular colors. Smart Fall Footwear The Shoes That Satisiy For Women, Misses and Growing Girls i BUYING MOST WE BUY FOR LESS Quality, Style and Price Combine to Make these J. C. Penney Co. Shoes the v ' Best Possible Footwear Investment , Shoes for. Women A large variety of new Fall and Winter styles in tho finest leathers black and brown kid and calfskin with the pop- ' ular Military heels. $3.98 $4.98 $5.90 $6.90 $7.90 . Black and Brown, Kid and Calf Skin Leathers, snoes lor Uress and lively Day Wear . $2.7 $2.S $5US Shoes for Growing Girls Style and comfort at economical prices. English lasts and medium and broad toe styles mahogany and black leathers. A big feature in our shoe department. $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 4 Shoes for Misses and Children Sloes that stand the hard 'wear that romping children give their footwear so constructed as not .to retard the natural growth of the feet. Many attractive styles including the broad-toe Orthopedic lasts browns, tans and blacks. 98 to $3.50 Our Unalterable Policy One Price to Everybody il incorporated 312 DEPARTMENT STORES SELLING MOST WE SELI FOR LESS Superior Values at Exceptionally Low Prices in J. C. Penney Co. Shoes for Men and Boys Made especially for our 312 Stores from strictly high-grado leathers painstaking care is taken to produce shoes that give long service and pcrfoci comidrt. Our large cash buying power enables us to sell at unusually low prices tEVERY DAY. Men's Dress and Work Shoes Qualilies That Appeal lo Men Durability - Strength - Altracliocness Dress shoes of finest calfskin, kid and kanga roo leather in brown and black English lasts and medium and broad toes m Blliehcr and straight lace styles $3.98 $5.90 $4.98 $8.90 Strong, durable work shoes of high-grade liotan leath ers that resist .the barnyard acids $2.98, $3.50, $3.98 Boys' Shoes for Dress and Rough Wear More-Than-Ordinary Service at Less-Than-Ordinary Cost Dress styles in English and broad too lasts. Made p tan and black calfskin very dressy and serviceable all sizes. $2.69 $2.98 $3.50 $3.98 Stanly shoes tor school and knock-about wear, .Mado to stmiil Uio'iaEdcat Una of a test from longest woarliiK IoiiUhth lilnck and brown elkskln aud calffikln lace and Hluclior Hlylcs- -hIiikIc and double boIcs. $1.98 $2.49 $2.69 $2.98 $3.50 $3.98 . BUYING MOST YTC BUY fVil LESS Our Unalterable Policy One Price q Everybody ncorbo fated rWiia 312 DEPARTMENT STORES SELLING MOST AVE SELL FOR LESS 1 y f