The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 25, 1921, Image 2
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY GHTERESTING ITEMS FROM EX tf.UIANOES WHICH REACH OUR DESK. TUURN COIIN Some people think thai it in ti sin hi burn corn, hut wo think that It la the only thing to do owing to the low .prlco of corn and tho high price of coal and the long distance to haul each commodity. Lot tho coal hurons and railroads kcop their coal as long ns conditions remain tho Hamo as nt iprcHcnt, Tryon Graphic. Several mort- have taken stock in tho company which Insures a largor and Letter hIiow next, yoar. A committee was appointed to secure a show ground nearer Sutherland and two or three locations aro In view. For next year an endeavor will ho made to secure Indians from the govern lent. Also the company is consider ing the advisability of getting som. buffalo, elk, deer, etc., as a jmrt of the t-how. It is the Intention of the company. If propor grounds can he secured, to mako the show a national event each year Sutherland Courier. IXOIKY J. K. Sebastian of North I'latto and one of tho noisiest Insuranco men in the west, nnd banker 0. L. Stout of Lowolkn, woro In Arthur on business Bast Friday. They woro accompanied j With two Bhot guns and what tho in-, tsirrancc agent didn't do to ducks and dtfltikr.ns along tho road would makj . Teal Diamond Dick story. Arthur .Enterjirlfic. "BADLY IIUIIT Monday afternoon tho twclvo year old 'lad of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Harra hill living northwest of Wallaco was BiiUked in the head by a horso and' Kvxudt.$ prcssuro upon tho brain. Ho won taken to North Platto and Dre. j Newman and Retinoid performed an operation, removing a portion of tho, tkull and relieving tho pressure. Un-j less lnfcclon dovelopB, ho will como long nil right. Wallaco Winner. NEW GARAGE Elnowherc In this paper will ho found a half pago advertisement an nouncing the opening of tho Mangold Gamgo this week. Tho new firm has gone to n great expense In erecting a handsoino building, Installing modern machinery nnd a full lino of supplies. Thoy have not stopped there, but call your attention to their repair and sor vice departments which aro in thu hands of two oxporionccd men. Brady pooplo should fool proud of this ne"' institution, which compares well with into service stations in tho Inrger cities. Mr. G. L. Travis Is one of tho owners and manager, and has asso ciated with him Mr. It. II. Guoffroy and Mr. Clarenco Suess. Brady Vindicator. HOUND-UP The members of tho Platte 'ItlVb. Hound-up Co. mot In Sutherland tho r.rst of tho week and ro-organlzed.' SIDNEY BAND Professor Bacher, bandmastor. is highly pleased with tho Initial band practico night both in the matter ot uttendanco and in tho talent report ing. It was hold Monday ovenlng in tho enst grado school building and In every way was a succcoss. About twenty roportod for practice, nearly all formor members of tho band. Mr. Bachor makes an appeal for all mem bers, both adults and boys, to be prcsont at tho mooting next Monday night at tho samo place nt 7:30 A Bib JITNEY DANCE :.: :.: $ 3.t i,t 3.X 3.t .it V -8 n I 3 a 3.' $ 'V V V ),t 3.: J.t 3X Kindly bring all band music which is in your possession. Sidney has a strong hope and belief that after (ulto a long vacation, she is to en- Joy tho benefits of a real band, ready for Its part in community life. Pro. fessor Bacher is master of music, both in teaching and performance. Sldnoy Telegraph. COI NTY FAIR At a meeting of the Keith County Fair Association last Saturday even ing, which was well attended by ot liceru, directors and Interested citi zen, It was decided to sell some more stock in tho association. It Is estimated that the forty' acres of ground and tha Improvements aro worth nt least $12,000. There hns been sold only about ' worth of stock which is held by less than ono hundred and soventy flvo men. This number includes thoso who aro paying tor tho land which was purchased of. tho Union Pacific 'Hallway company. Tho shares are only $10.00 each and aro non-assessable arid thore aro six or seven hundred or more men and women In the county who, aside from being able, should consider it a priv ilege to take stock. Tho County Fair Is the ono great onterprlso which reflects tho condi tion and enterprise of tho county and which, through tho annual fair, bone fits ovcry man, woman and child in tho county. The people of tho county staged a fair second to nono in tho state a few weeks ago nnd should leave no stono unturned to repeat next and every yoar In tho future. Vdry naturally there was a deficit when tho late fair closed and tho plan to soil somo stock Is considered the best way to liquidate and to get ready for next year's fair. Tuko Borne stock and boost your own lnterosts.Kclth Co. Nows. OF INTERES TO RURAL READERS FA KM BUREAU NEWS SERVICE SUPPLIES ITEMS FOR THE TRIBUNE READERS UNION PACIFIC TIME TABLE. Numerous Inquiries como to the ot fico of the State Serum Plant nt tho Agricultural College ns to whether Hog Cholera serum and Hog Choleia virus are available to residents of Nebraska, also the price and how to ordor. Those wishing bucIi informa tion should read tho following para graph carefully: When Hog Cholera serum or Hog Cholera virus or Black Log vaccine aro desired by any person living In the state of Nebraska, wiro, telephone or write tho Stato Serum Plant, Col lego of Agriculture, Lincoln. If you address your correspondence other wise It may be sevoral days befor It reaches tho office of the Stato Se rum Plant, which results In much unnecessary delay and Inconvenience to you. Tho price of Hog Cholera serum and virus is ono cent por cubic centimeter but the Black Log vaccina Is free. Serum and virus aro usually sent by express as only a limited a- moUnt of liquid can bo sent parcel post, but Black Log vaccine is dent by mall. All shipment of serum and vi rus are sent C. O. D. except to Coun ty Farm Bureau or oner state Insti tutions. . at the LLOYD OPERA HOUSE NORTH PLATTE Warm when it's Cool Cool when it's warm EVERY Thursday & Saturday EVENING. Candy for the Ladies Saturday Evening. A real brand new floor. No stairs to climb. LADIES FREE. BEFORE Winter Comes You'll want to "got cleaned up'' havo tho dust and dirt taken out of your rugs. Of course you'll want it dono tho best way. That's why wo'ro tolling you about the ELECTRIC RUG & CARPET CLEANING CO 014 East Third street. Low PricoB, Good Work, Quick Ser vice. Freo Collection and D3 llvory. PHONE 1039W ,, v I - How You Should Figure Your Oil Costs Automotive engineers and garage men agree that improper lubrication causes 90' , of all engine troubles. So when you figure oil costs, add practically all repair and over hauling costs to what you pay for oil. Plenty of oil is important. So is replac ing old oil with fresh oil. But no matter how mucli oil you use or how often you re new it, you can't prevent engine wear and tear unless the oil maintains correct body. Polarine provides a cushioning film that protects against wear and keeps down friction-load. In the cylinders Polarine forms a gas-tight and fuel-tight seal that insures full compression and maximum power. Polarine is made in four grades light, medium heavy, heavy and extra heavy but only one quality. Get the proper grade for your car next time by referring to Polarine chart at our Service Stations or dealers and you will start cutting down motoring costs. 0 Look for the Red Crown Sign Write or ask for a Red Crown Road Map STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA ffi)larme tTo prune n bearing vino Inelli- gcntly it Is necessary to know tho crowth nnd bearing habits of the grapo plant. Below are given some of tho habits peculiar to the grape which are Invaluable In pruning: Fruits is produced on shoots .aris ing from ono year old wood called canes. Not all canes nre good pro duce M odium thick canes with plump rounded buds produce the best and most fruit. The buds on those canes aro from 4 to G Inches apart. Thick canes with pointed buds from 10 to 12 Inches apart are not very pro ductlvo. Usually this type or cane has laterals on It that are pro ductlvo and If such a cano must he left these laterals should not bo cut off entirely but one or two buds should bo left. Tho amount of fruit a vine will pro duco depends on Its vigor. Therefore a weak Tine Is pruned heavier than n strong one, or putting It In another iway? more fruiting wood is given a strong vino than a weak one. A healthy mature vino should vro 10 to 20 pounds of grape. Figuring 3 bunches to the pound, that would mean 30 to GO bunches. Each healthy bud along tho cane is capable of throwing out a shoot that will yield 1 to 4 hunches with an average of 2 So then from 25 to 35 buds should be loft allowing a few extra for those buds which may not produce shoota Bending, girdling or twisting tho cano retards growth and increases fruiting. This principle is used where a vino Is unusally vigorous. Tho fruiting wood or canes may be train ed In many different ways. A common causo of loss Is through attotmntlnc to winter colonies that are too small. It Is somowhat dlffl cult to sot a standard for colony strength at UiIb season, 'but in gen oral It may he stated that It Is unwise to attempt to winter colonloB that avo not strong enough to havo brood suf flclont to fill three to four Langstroth frames two months beforo tho pack mg Is applied. If the colonies In tho apiary aro not of tho propor strength It !b wise to unite nntll tho proper fitrongih is reached;. Any unltln should be done at least two weeks beforo packing. Thoro Is a tendency iln somo localities for colonies to weaken rapidly in early fall, due to tho naturo of tho honoy-flow from ifall flowers. To somo degree this may bo offsot by putting on tho pack lng earlier than otherwise would bo necessary. It Is highly Important that each teplony havo a vigorous queen in or dor that brood rearing may continue In the fall nnd may proceed rapidly In tho spring. With colonies sucii ns nro obtained by tho methods hero doscrlbed it Is not doslrablo to keep queens more than two years and it in preforrablo to roqueen tho entire api ary ovory season. To got the boat results from requeonlng all youfts quoens should bo introduced bo that thoy will begin laying two months bo foro packing. It will bo found that quoons wear out moro rapidly in the unusally strong colonies obtained by tho mothods of wintorlng hero do aoTlbed, but every good beekeeper re alizes that It is theso onormous col onlos which got tho greatost crops. Westbound No. 1 -v . 4:45 p. m. No. 3 1:45 a. m. No. 7 '. 4:25 p. m. No. 11 ..,.2:40 p. m. No. 13 8:10 a. m. No. 15 12:40 a. in. No. 17 , G:25 p. m No. 19 .9:10 a. m. No. 25 7:00 p. m. No. &3 . 8:50 a. m. Eastbouml No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 2 1 8 10 .12:20 -11:15 -12:05 . 2:25 12 11:30 14 G:25 18 1:15 20 7:20 2G 5:40 54 10:10 16 9:20 P. P. P-P-P. P. n. P. a. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. in. m. in. m. The Farmer's Auctioneer H. M. Johansen, North Platte, Nebraska. Phone 783F3 For those who do not have enough stock or mnchinery for a general farm sale, 1 am located so I can hold a combination Bale at North Platto or at tho Fairvlow dairy 1 miles west of town. I havo always got enough stock or machinery listed with me so we can hold a combination sale any time. (Hoagland & Carr Attorneys.) NOTICE OF PETITION. Estate No. 1848 of Charles J. H. Brand, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato ot Nobraska. To all per sons interested in said Estate take notice that a petition has been filed for tho appointment of Fred J. Hass as administrator of said estato which has been set for hearing' herein on November 1st, 1921 at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated October 6 1921. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST. County Judge Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. General Farm Sales A Specialty, all Real Estate Reference! and Pate First Notional Dank. North Platto, Nebraska. DR. J. 11. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to Diseases of Women and Surgery OVER REXALL DRUO STORE Phones Office 113. Rosldencc 640J JOHN S. SIMMS, M. I). . Special Attontion Given to Snrgery JIcDonald Rank Building Office Phono 83 Residence 38 OTIS K PLATT, M. D Physician and SHrgcon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night. Over Union Stato Bank. Office Phono 296 House Phono 1236J Offico 340 HoaaelWl DR. IV. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician ' Ovor the Oasis. North Flatt. WYLIE WALKER. Export Piano Tuner and Repairer. Leavo orders at 914 W. 4th St. I Or Phono 334. GEO. B. DENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given to Snrgery nnd Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building Phone: Office 130. Residence 118 Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska Knights of Columbus Building. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice Is hereby given by the un dersigned City Clerk, that sealed bids will be received for tho construction of a ono story re-lnforced concrete building 12 by 18 feet, located at the city water works well on East First Streets. Plans and. specifications may be seen at the office of Bert M. Rey nolds, architect. All bids to bo filed on or beforo tho first day of Novem ber, 1921 at eight o clock p. m. Tho Mayor and Council reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. DR. REDFIELD PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day rnones UHice 642, Residence 676 Extension Road No. 42. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The special commissioner appoint ed to view a public road as follows Commencing at tho SV corner of section 3G T. 12 N. R. 31 W. running thence north on line between soc tions 35 and 36, 25 and 26, 23 and 24, and 13 and 14 to tho NW corner of section 13 said township and rango, has reported in favbr of tho establishment thereof, and all objec tions thereto nnd nil claims for dam ages by reason of the establishment of above road must file same In the offico of the County Clork of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon of the 12th day of De cember, 1921, or said road will be al lowed without roforenco thereto. Dated at North Platte, Nobraska, this 29th day of Sopt. 1921. A. S. ALLEN, (SEAL) County Clork. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER OR ADD ATE DENTIST Office ovor tho McDonald State Bonk. NOTICE FOR BIDS Notice Is herby given that sealed bids will bo received at the office ot tho City Clork of North Platto, Ne braska, up to eight o'clock p. m. of October 28th, 1921, for tho construe tlon of a lateral sower in sower dls trlct No. 1 In said city according to tho plans and specifications now on fllo In tho offico of tho City Clork and tho City Engineer of said city. Approximate estimate of cost ot sower latoral as por report of city en glnoor Is as follows: 1900 lln. ft. of 12 Inch V C P In cluding 22 Y's complete in place at $1.20 per ft "280.00 2580 Hn. ft of 10 inch V C P eluding 32 Y's comnleto In phi at $1.05 per ft $2709.00 730 lln. ft of 8 Inch V C P In cluding 10 Y's comnloto in placo at 85c per ft $ 624.75 Ono nuBh tank compicto in placo $ 175.00 Six man holes comploto $ 300.00 Ono lamn holo comploto ,.$ 25.00 200 ft. of Vs Inch gal. pipe to con nect flush tank at 30c por ft $ 60.00 Englnoer supervision and Inspec tion 10 por cent $ 617.25 Total $6791.00 Certified check of flvo por cent of tho amount of the bid will bo jc quired to insuro bidder entering into contract A satisfactory bond to bo given whon contract is signed. Tho Mayor and Council reserves tho right to rojoct any and all bids. By ordor of tho Mayor this 15th day of Octobor, 1921. O. H. ELDER, City Clork DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 1021 DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phone 41 Night Phone Black 588 W. T. PRITCHARD Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Govornment Veterinarian and ex aasistant deputy State Veterinarian. Mospitni 315 south Vino Street Hos pital Phono 633, House Phono 633. DRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors G. 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phono 70. Res. Phone 1242 D. E. Harper, Gothenburg, Atty. NOTICE OF PETITION Estate No. 1849 of Mary Stella Sholly, ficccased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nobraska. To all ner- sons interested in said estato tako no- tlco that a petition has beon fllod for tho probato of the above ontltlod es tato, and for the nppointmont ot Frank Shelly as Administrator of said ostato, which has boon sot for hearing herein on Nov. 2, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated Oct 8, 1921. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge. EXTENSION ROAD NO. 61. To Whom It May Concern: Tho special commissioner appointed to locate a public road as follows:-- Commencing at tho cornor to Sec. 13, 14, 23 and 24, T. 13 N. R. 30 W. of tho 6th P. M., running thonco north on lino between boos. 13 nnd 14 one mile, thonco northwesterly througk sees. 11, 10 and 9 following the South bank of the'channol ot tho Platte Riv er to tho Intersection with Rood No. 0, onding thoro sold road to be M feet .wide, has roportod in favor thereof, all objections thereto and claims for damages by reason of tho establish ment of tho above road must bo filed in tho offloe of the County Olork of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on or be foro 12 o'clock noon of tho 17th day of December, 1921. Dated this lth day ot Ootobor, 1921. A. S. ALLEN, (SEAL) , euntr Clerk.