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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1921)
THE NORTH. PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Biddrablo favor. In thin plan Hie main building would bo rathoi Hiimll being used for n kltohon and a iWo house. Extending ontlroly around tills would bo a wldo screened porch wlilch would be used ns a dining room. Sleeping quarters would bo provided In a number of bunk housos, say a Hoparato house for ouch campflro. Thoo could bo prettily crounod about the grounds and ( 3 jwouht be screened, open to tho I and yet proof ugalnst water Yesterday wo saw a receipt for a Iff0" hol" fml mln fro tT" " wiuru cuuiu uu u iiiuu; uuuiv iiuim-o as thoro nrc campflrcs It would be Idoal but It would probably lake a long llmo to bring that about. The plan allows for a gradual extension of tho camp to meot nil possible needs of tho future. ScmMJJeekly (tribune. WILSON TOUT. Killtnr nml rubllslier. Entered at the North Platte, Nebraska Postofficc as Second Class Matter, ' suiiscimption ntiCKi One Yenr, in advance ...$1.60 khioav, orrojnt nht, im KIMTOItlAh BubBoiptioii'i'tild for (he Tribune by Henry Fackn in 1887. The receipt was nindo out to tho Lincoln County Tribune nnd was signed by Stevens & Mare, proprietors. It wns found among tho papers of tho late Henry Facka and will be trensurod up (htm Tho subscription price then WwJ ' $1.50 a year and tho paper was u ,mVt on our losk a book which weekly. It is still $1.50 a year but ,llltrI8 n onoch 'n io literary life of comes twice a wook: Western Nebraska. Only a few such i volumoH have come into being up tj We nra told the Is a niovo.nont ! u"8 t,nto aM nono I,oarl"K 11 "1('e on foot in IhU part of the stato to ' iwMixt- message of pioneer life, secure stho nomination and .oloctlon J 'r'10 , bok' ' 9 fJ Uiy'by ttr nr r.n...i ' tho lulu John Ilrntt. Tho University State Treasurer of Nobraska. Wo do not know whether1" Mr. Stobblns is availabjo for this office or not but ho look Hka'a find. Ills long ros Jdenco In this part of tho state, his broad outlook 6n Duslnoss principles nnd conditions and his success in his chosen lino of business gives him a wide circle of onthusinstlc friends who will throw off tholr lints and whoop 'or up for him If tho matter goes nfuch further. Wo tiro in rocolpt of a publication of tho' United Slates Department of Agrlcnlturo which contains a summary of tho gamo laws of each of tho states of the Union and of tho Dominion or Canada T!i! : n'-v'iry contains the provisions of tho Fodornl and' state laws and also a copy of tho Migra tory bird act which was n treaty be tween tho United StntOR and Canada regarding tho gamo birds which go lorostliiK all of tho tlmo from ouo country to tho othor. The' Ualj,a ,nunv illustrations in half Publishing Co. of Lincoln undortook tho printing and blndlg and it has sjicceodod In putting out a beautiful, woll-bountl artistically printed book. A fow copies are for salo by book sollora. In his declining years John Ilrntt was very happily located in North Platte, llo was surrounded by his family and frlOnds with enough of tlnancial moans to enable him to livo In comfort nnd to dovoto considerable tlmo to rondliife and writing. IIo prepared tho manu script dealing with hi llfo from the dny of his birth In England ahnost up to tho day of his death. Thoro ts nothing of egotism in the account. It is a plain talo of tho west from the duys of the overland stago to tho days of tho air mail. IIo was closely con nected with tho cattlo Industry and much of tho book Is takon up with ac count of his part In Its, development. Tho book Is notoworthy In thnt It Is well written, in good English nnd in- rho book publication motitjoncd Is valuable to ono who wishes to know the provis ions of the gamo laws of some othor stale to which he expects to nmlio a hunting trip. ' , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Votaw announce tho marriage of their daughter Tlorlha to Ralph W. Cqates on Thursday, Oct. fith, 1921 nt Kearnoy. Ncbr, At homo after Nov. 1st. at Maxwell, Nobr. In this formal way tho Tribune receives fts first nowi) of the wedding of two young people who grow up in North Platto. Mrs. Coates1 nttondod tho North Platto High School and lator taught In Lincoln Conjity Schools. Itatpn Coutos Is tho son of Mr and Mr. Elmor Coutos of this city and la man ager of tho Lumber Co. plant at Maxwoll. Ho la a graduate of tho North Platto High School and attend ed tho University of Nobraska. Tho Trllnino editor wishes Mr. and Mrs. ("ontei a long and happy niHrrb'd life. plan for rebuilding the Camp fire Girls' bungulow has boon sug gested which Is meetlnu with con- .tone and sketches and has a frontls- ploco of tho author. It is a monu ment to tho llfo work of John-Draft and tho family Is Indeed fortunnte that thoy havo so much of his career preserved in his own language un.l stylo, We valuo tho book vory muolt. Last Saturday so'voral people appeared on our streets with somo artificial flowers and solicited peo ple to purchaso at from ton to twonty-llvo coins each. Thoy ap proached offlcors of tho local Amer ican Loglon but woro rofuscd recog nition. Thoy thon wont out and employed. a number of people to assist thorn in soiling tho poppies. When questioned thoy claimed to be rahilng funds for a University fat sous and daughtors of overscan vot- ovans. Since most of tho overseas boys do not yet have sons and dan gh'tors of college age and slnco everything in tho nature of creden tials which was produced could havo been printed In any nowspnpor office a question has arlson In tho minds of many as to whether It was a fake PI 1R isass MP or was gonuine. Probably several six per eont (6) nor annum, fay hundred dollars woro realized and llbl "oml-annunlly, o tho first days .. .ii. , . , , . of Janunry nnd July of each year on most of tho people who bought jogontntlon nnd surrender of the thought thoy were holplng tho locnl proper Interest coupons hereto at. American Loglon to build tholr. club tallied as thoy respectively become house or Ronietlilinr nt irfn.i Ul0 ,,oth Principal ami interest horc- nouso or somctiiing of that. kind. on nro hcroby mdo paya1)le ln liuv. :o: fuj inonoy 0f the United States of .HA It IU AGO LICENSES Amorica nt tho office of tho County Treasurer of Lincoln County, at North Following is a list of marrlago Platto, Nebraska. llconso issuod by County -Judge , Th,,g !Td V ono of n ! ?"a wnn,n....n i.t ii , hundred bonds, nggregat ng .$100,000, Woodhurst during tho past weok: suld mUl hoMl nr ,jnyAWe at tho op- Oct.- 11 Harry W. Elsonhauor, a Hon of said citv nt any time after the farmor of Greeley, Nobr., and Miss expiration of five years from date Tmlv Vsfniin Pniitrntf nf r,n lioreof and for tho prompt payment df irulj Lstollo Iadgett of Wallace. thls ljond ))()th 1)r,nc)!a aU(, inter. I hoy wore married by the County 0at at maturity, and tho levy of taxes Judge. ' sclficlent for that vurposo, tho full Oct. 15 David Huntor a druggist falUl' crem nnd rusourco8 ot 8,alrt or noasanton, Nobr. nnd Miss Helen Thlg hon(, ls t98UC(, by Hnla Clt,, wort or 1'ioasanton. They woro for tho purpose of establishing; con. married by County Judge Wood- structlng, extending, enlarging, main. i,r-f , tnlnlng and operating the water works . T , . . h sain miy ana exioiuung, relaying Oct. 17 John A. Huompfner a and onlarKlnu water mains In said Union Pacific IJrakoman of Choyonno City In accordance with plans, sped Wyo. and Miss Graco Opal Lytlo a fluIltIon8 "ml csthnntes an fllo with ;,!, n ..... n 1 m. IJIU V-Iiy VJUJJV III Blllll V ILJf 111 lull toachor of Donvor, Colo. They t,,. with the provisions of wore married by County Judge chanter 49, of tho Revised Statutes Woodhurst. 1 of N'obraska, 191.1, us amendod and othor laws of the State of Nobrnska n 1 4-tf 11 r 4 1 1 - n f ntifl tj i 1 1 M t cf t rwl worin 1'iatte and Mrs. Alice 11. Pratt hv nni'i Minn Hut rormtrwl nmlnHtv of the electors of said City voting m an election duly culled and hold tor 4. I . . 4. ... 1.. (.1 "111... 1. .. Missouri Valley. Iowa, nnd Ml 1 l ,,V,"t . " T1.. ilJ u, " 1 1 i . ueuuuiM mu uiiu jirujiuriy iiiKi uim taken bv the Mayor and Council of said City. .Miss Frieda Schuman loft Saturdnv Allil lt hereby declared, recited for Grand Island to spend a fow days1-?"' ,L:e.rt,notl thilt n n,cts conUItlonii .... 1 "'".and things required to bo done and to with hor paronts. j exist precedent to nnd in the lssu- ' 'rr!r- - anco of this bond have been properh ORDINANCE NO. 134. nnd legally done and performed and mi onunnnco providing for tho Is- do exist in due form and manner as war. waldohf, Tinner. Makes or repairs anything made of tin or sheet metal. 510 Locust Undor Geuorul Hospital. North Platte. Oct. 19 Chafl. Smith, carpenter, Laura M. Clmso, Wollfleot. -:o:- Mayor and City Clerk and tho cor porate seal of said city to be affixed horeto, and tho coupons hereto at tached to be executed by tho fac sinii lo Signatures of said Mayor and Clerk, which said officials do by tho execu tion hereof adopt as and for their own proper signatures their respect ive fac simile signatures all as of. the first day of July, A. D. 1921. Mayor. City Cleric (Form of Coupon.) On the first day of , 19 tho City of Nqrth Pla'tU. Llncola County, Nebraska, will pay to bearer hereof Dollars ($ dt tho offlco of tho County Treasurer of Lincoln County, North Platte, Ne braska, same being tho semi-annual interest due on that date on Its Water WprkB Imwovomont Bond for $1,000 Issued July, 1, 1921H , Dond No. Mayor. As I nm moving to town 1 will sell at my farm 12mllos northwest nt North Platto, Section 20, Towndilp 15, Range 31, on Wednesday, November 2, 1921 40 HEAD OF CATTLE 18 head of Shorthorn Durham milk cows ranging from 2 no 8 yearn old, a 3 year old rod stoor. two 2 year old teors. three 2 year old loan ludrers, 8 yearling enlvon. II sn-lag rulves. 18 HEAD OF HORSES Lrown team 7 and 9 years old, wolght 2500. broke to work: span of mules 3 years old. woight 2000 broke, to work: bay twun maroa l) yours old. weight 2100, broko to wntU: brown toani goldlngs, 9 yoars j d, woight 2200. broko to work; sorrel ti-ain mnros, 7 and 8 yoars old. weight 2100. broko to work; soirrl folding.,!! yoars old, woight 1200 broko to work: sorrol mare. H eirs old, weight 1000.' partly broko" 2 iy saddle horsos. 4 snd 5 year? old. w eight 1S00; grev addlo pony an.ooth month, and eolt; suckling u-tnos, r ' IS HEAD OF HOGS l'i.ur I uiiud China, brood hows weight 800 lbs. each: Poland China bonr weight 300; 10 Polnnd China slionts weighing from 80 to 100 pounds each. FARM MACHINERY, ETC. : U-IL. Deerlng mowors,. 12-ft. Deorlng mower. John Dora llstor, Trl i til Inter. P. & O. 2-row, John Doere H-row. Iladger riding oultl-ntor. ..adIoy riding oulttvntor, Daisy walking cultivator, 10-ln, stlrrlngV plow, 7-ft Deoring graiu bindsr, KInnnan disc, 3 aootion harrow. i;-ft. hay rack, 8-In. Quality lumber vr.gon and box. corn shellor. l' luse nwoop, food grlndor, Ctminpton buy swoop, woll machine, set of hoavy blook and tackle with 1 1. fvet of 1-ln. ropo. 8G-f t. well dor lick. 200 feet 1-ln. woll pipe, B6 gallon tfe! oil barrel, 56 gallon steol fus barrel, grind stone, anoloaed tchool wagon, lfl-In. John Deore b caking plow, IC-in. John Daoro atlrrlnt plow, 10-ft Woodman"! wind mill, 2 11-ft. water tanks dohornlng uhute, Do Laval cream separator, 0 gallon oroam can, 10 gallon cream can, 5 milk buckets, 4 sots of work harness, 2 saddles, goat, G dosen chickens. FltKE LITXCII AT X0(L TEltMS Oli SALE All sums of, $20 and undor, cash; ou all sums over tUat amount a credit of 0 montiia will bo given with a bankabl noto bearing 10 per cont interest from date ot sals. stlanco of $100,000 Water Works Ini-. renulrcd bv law. nnd that the indebt provemont Bonds of tho city of North edness of said City including this is I latto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, and sue ot bonds, does not exceed any 11m. the lovy of a tax' to pay principal and , itation imposed by law. Interost on snnio. in Testimony Whereof, the saia Whereas, a petition signed by mora. City by Its Mayor nnd Council has than fifty lognl voters of the city of.cauBed this bond to be issued by its worm 1'iauoy LInqoln County, No brnska, was presented to tho Council of said Citv at n regular adjournea meeting thoroof duly convened nnd hold on the Ctli day nf May, 1921, which said petition did roquost thu Mayor and Council of said City to submit to tho local voters nt a sneelnl oloctlon to bo called for that purpose, tho duestlon of said City Issuing Wat or Works Improvement Iionds In th' nmount of 3H00,000 for tho purpose of constructing, repairing and Increas ing of tho Central Water Plant of said City, said bonds to boar interest at tho rate of six per cent (G) per an num; nnd Whereas, tho Council did examine said ,potltIon and canvass tho signa tures thereon nnd found snld petition was properly signed .by moro than f0 -resident freeholders; and Whereas, tho Mayor and Council of tho City of North Platte, Jn Llnholfl County, Nebraska, did, by ordinnno duly adopted May 0, 1921, call a spe cial oloctlon pursuant to said peti tion to bo hold in said city on Juno 21, 1921, to voto upon tho question of Issuing $100,000 Wntor Works Im provement wonds of said City, tho proceeds to bo used for tho purpose of establishing, constructing, ox tending, ""enlarging, maintaining and operating tho Water Works of said city nnd oxtedlng, relaying and en larging water mains In said city; nnd Whoroas, notlco of such oloctlon as duly given thirty days prior to such oloctlon, ns required by aw, and said olect'on was ln all respects duly called and hold on Juno 21, 1921 ; and 20S of tho electors voting nt said oloctlon voted In favor of au thorizing tho Issuance of said bonds V( 74 of tho electors voted agnlns.1 tho authorization thereof; and Whereas, tho returns of said elec tion woro duly oanvnssod by tho May or end CouncM of uaid City,, and said Mayor nnd Council did find and de clare that thoy woro mutorlzod to Issue $100,000 Water Works Improve ment BondB of said City: v Now therefore. Ho It Ordained bv tho Mayor and Council of tho city of North Platto, Llnrpln ;Count), No vraBka, as follows: Section 1. That there bo invj fa heroby ordered issued $100,000 Water Works Improvement Bonds, of tho citv ot North Platto, Lincoln County, Ne braska, dated July 1, 1921, numborod from 61 to 150 Inclusive, of the de nomination of $1,000 oaoh, bearing in terest nt the rnto of six per cont (11) per annum, payable somlannunll:' on tho first days of January and July of each year, said interost to bo evi denced by coupons nttaehod to said Iionds; that said bonds mature July 1, 1911, and bo rodoomnblo at tho op (Hoagland & Carr Attorneys.) NOTICE OF PETITION. Estate No. 1848 of Charles J, II. Brand, deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska. To all per sons Interested In sold Estate take notlco that u petition has been filed for tho appointment of Fred J. Hass an administrator ot said cstato which has boon set for hearing herein on November 1st, 1921 at 10 o'clock a. m. Date"d October C 1921. (SEAL) WM. II. C. WOODHURST. County Judgvf City Clerk. Stato. of Nobraska Office of -the Auditor of Public Ac. counts: I, tho undersigned Auditor of Pub lic Accounts of tho Stato of Nebras ka, do hereby certify that the within bond has been prosented to mo, to gether with a duly certified trans Iqript of all tho proceedings had pre. vlous to tho issuance thoreof; Jhnt I havo examined the within bond and said proceedings and am satisfied thai said bond has been legally Issued for a lawful purpose and havo registered tho same In my oil Ice In a book kept by me for such purpose and do here by certify thnt said bond has been regularly and logally Issued and ha.-i bcon reglstored In my office In ac cordance with tho provisions of tin ltovlsod Statutes of Nebraska, 1912, s amendod. ,tho data filed In my or flce being the basis of this certificate. Witness my hand and seal of of fice this - day of 1921. Extension Road No. 12. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Tho special commissioner appoint ed to view, a public road aa follows Commencing nt tho SW corner of section 30 T. 12 N. R, 31 W. running thonce north on line between sec tions 3G and 3G, 25 and2G, 23 and 24, and 13 and 14 to tho NW -corner of section 13 said township and range, las reported In favor of tho establishment thereof, and all objec tions thereto and all claims for dam ages by reasou" of tho establishment of above road must file same In tho offlco of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Nobraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon of tho 12th day of De cember, 1921, or said road will be al lowed without reference thereto. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this 29th day of Sept. 1921. A. S. ALLEN, (SEAL) ' . County Clerk. SEVi NEtf E NWVl NE VI NEVi . . ! ,i EVs NM.NW14 SVaNWVi &B.V1 SWVi , TOWNSHIP NE V, Lots5-6-7- Lots3-4-All Lots3-4-5-6- NVjSWV, LotS.- Lotl&E SEVi N Va &SW VI &Lots3-4-Lot4&WV2SWVi f- 1 W V2 $E VI NE Vi &W V2 E Va SEVf . E Vi E Va SE Vi &E Va Lot2 11 31.95 12 42.53 14 14 42,53 '17 137.S5 22 42. 5o 25 1G2.0-1 2S 15.76 28 93.56 34 10.7S X-i -RANGE 33 . 148.33 2 5 (i 7 7 !) 9 10 21.13 96. 03 14.3 7 70.4.3 4.68 85.8(5 114.67 65.00 11 33. 78 11 11 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 Lott&EVaSWVi EVs SWVi WVaNEVi- EVaNWVi EVaSWVi PartSEVi PartEVaNEVi WVaNEVi NWViSWVi&NWVl SWVi SWVi EVaSWVi&WVaSEVi SVaNEVi swy, SVaSEVi PartW Vi NE Vi &NW Vi &SW Vi 17 521.95 SEVi . 17 422.58 Parts1; &PartNVa 18 741.09 SEVi SEVi 18 65.30 E Va SE Vi 20 217.98 PartS Va 21 230.36 PartNE Vi &PartSE Vi '22 107.96 PartS Va 22 27.09 SVaNEVi&EVaSEVi 23 113.61 PartNE Vi &ptNW Vi &N Va NVaSEV, 33.76 32.22 62!80 72.77 77.32 64.61 56.92 75.0'li 67.33 14 181.19 14 36.45 93.40 82.80 42.45 59.34 14 15 15 15 o -1 c m 1 (Vudltor of Public Accounts. . ,r Stato of Nobraska, County of Llu-ilUL " com, ss. i I. tho undersigned County Clerk ot ot 6 tho County aforesaid, do hereby cer-1 " Va N W Vi &ptNE V4 tlfv that the within bond has been south R It registered In my office nursuant to! N Va NE Vi &SW VI NE Vi & tho Revised Statutes of tho Stato ot 24 247.43 24 36.48 25 7.83 25 147.64 26 11.46 27 33.00 Nobraska, 1913, as umonded. Witness my hand and tho seal of said County, this . ot 1921. County Clerk. Section 4. That said bonds bo ex ecuted as soon after tho passago here- tlon of said city nt any tlmo aftor five of ns may bo and bo thereupon sub years from dato, bo signed by the mlttod to tho Stato 4udItor. together Mayor of said City and attested with the slgnnturo of tho Clerk ot said City with duly cortlflod transcript of all proceedings provlous to tho Issuanco ED. -ICIBRIO, Auctioneer. 11 C. LANGFORD, Clerk and tho corporate seal thereof, and of tho snld bonds, tlmt, upon rogistra- sald coupons bo executed by tho fac 'Unit of said bonds by tho the Sttfto simile signatures ot said Mayor and iVudltor, the same- bo submitted to'tho Clerk, whtoh said officials shall by tho County dork of Lincoln County, No execution of said bonds adopt iib nndjbraskn, for registration, all as pro for tholr own proper signatures tholr vldod by tho Rovlsed Statutes of Ne resiiectlvo fno slmllo signatures np ' braska, 1913, as nmondod. rearing on said coupons: and both1 Section 5. That upon oxooutlon principal and Interost is payable nt and registration of said bonds, as tho offlco of tho County Troasuror ot horoln provldod, tho same bo doliv. aid Lincoln County. 'at North Platto,' orod to Harris Trust and Savings N'obraska. purchaser of said bonis upon receipt Section 2. That aaid bonds havo by tho Troasurer of said City of the 'orsod thereon forms of oertllloatca purchaso price thereof being not less registration by tho Auditor ot the than par value), pursjnt to oon ' to of Nobraska, and by the Conn- tract lioretofore ontorod Into whlci t "lork of Lincoln County, Nebraska said sale is hereby confirmed and np ctlon 3. That bonds, coupons provod. : 1 cortltlcate ot registration be In Section 6. Said City '8111111. and is tantlally the following forms: heroby obligator to levy m due time and -form, as required by law, in oacn ot the years while any of said bonds ' reiualu unpaid, a tax sufficient to pay I principal and Interest thoroon, Sootlon T. AlLiii-dlnances and perl of ordinances lifMpfllct with the, pro visions hereof be and the same aro No. $1,000.00 ' Heroby (repealed. KNOW ALL MEN BY TUBBfi Sectlou S TbU ordinance shftll b I'RISSENTS: That the olty ot North full force awl effect immediately Platto la the County o Linooln. In upon Its possum, ftpproval aud pub the state ot Nebraska, heroby ac UoaUPn as required by law. knowiedget itself to owe and . for val- Passed and approved this I8U1 dav ue received promises to pay to bearer, ot Ocloborj 19J1. the sum of ONE THOUSAND 1X)L- E. H. BVANS. LARS ($1,000.00) on the first dav of Attest Mayor. Julv, 1941. with infer.'st Iheroon fr nn ( E. KLDP:u. date hereof until pild nt tho rati- ' " itv Clerk Sl".L (Form ot Bond.) r'IT15D STATES OF AMERICA ST4VTia OF NIBBRASICA COUNTY OF (LINCOLN . CITY OF NORTH PLATTE WATER WORKS IMPROVEMENT BOND 28 345.59 . 28 71.24 28 421.64 28 277.30 30 109.85 30 26.85 32 19.91 32 50.99 RANGE 33 NVlSWVl All NVa A Pt E ot croolltfh SWVI SEVi J Part wost ot crook in' SWVi All All WVaNvV.Vi&SVslVJi ASWViSWVi ... PartE Vs SE Vi &SE Vi SE U All S All All NEVi&SVa ' E of Creek W of Crook TOWNSHIP 9 RA NEV4 N W VI NE Vt &SE Vi NE VI SEyt SEVt SEVi&NEVi E V2 , NEVi SWVi - , NWVi ' ' f' SEVi SWVi ' NE Vi NWVi SWVi NEVi NEV4&EVaNWVi& EVaSEVi NE Vi &N W Vi W Vi S W Vi NWVi 20 33.94 21 45.1a 22 2.57 '23 80.00 t 2 12.G0 24 51.74 25 30.45 2G 19.57 2G 9.50 27 80.84 32 58.84 33 72.95 34 61.79 35 35.10 35 52. n GE 34 1 20.04 3 120.92 5 39.87 5 62. CV 5 72.37 6 72.37 6 72.37 S 80.04 26 20.02 27 30.93 28 .22.14 28 40.71 29 27.21 29 3G.C6 29 27.21 30 13.70 31 27.2.1 32 t GG.89 33 19.21 TOWNSHIP 10 WVaSVaNEVi&SEVi NVa SEVi . PartNE Vi- PartNEVi , - RANGE 4 Part 'NWVi Part NWVi Part NWV4 Part SWVi Part NWM&SEVi Part Lots 1-2 Lots 3-4 TOWNSHIP 15 All 1 G0.24i NEVi 2 23.46 NEVi&SW1, 4 35.16 SEVi -1 17.C8 All 5 58.84 All 6 64.4S SV2 S 29.51 WVs&ParlNEVi ' 10 50.95 Wost of Croak s 15 13.40 4VU ' IS 70.11 WV&EVa&NWVi 22- 93.80 W Vs N W VA &S W V4 23 35.10 EVi - 25 46.73 WVsNE V &W Vi & W Vi & SE XA &SE Vi SE VI 28 2.' X AH . 30 31.o 1 All 31 31.64 All 33 31.54 WV4EV6 34 9.83 EViW ' ,34 8.04 All EVi of Creak 35 67.10 TOWNSHIP 16 RANGE 88 All 2 51.74 Pert West of Orsk In WVi 3 22.06 All 4 45.19 All 5 45.19 All ' C 45.19 All 7 45.19 All S 45.19 AH 9 45.10 W K SE tf &N Vi NH &N Vi nw w asn m wvm an SWit 19 47.S7 8WtfSWMW14SW.t ftSEVlSWU 10 13.10 SViSVi , 12 13.09 All IS 51.47 West ot creek IB 44.23 All 17 46,19 N Va N 1 15.14 9 11 14 14 SEV4 - " 14 swM . ; is NWVi . ' 19 NEV4 20 NWVI - 21 SEJ4 . 24 SEVi ' "A:' 26 NVa '' 32 SWVI , ' ' '34 TOWNSHIP 11'" RANGE SE Vi NE Vi &NE Vt SE V4 &SVaSEVi 2 SW SEVi l-3NW&NEViSEVi swyi 8 8 10 11 13 14 ; . 18 19 2S 33 RANGE All All NEVi&SVa ,- ' All . . , ' NVa&SEVi .V All ' ' TOWNSHIP, 12 EVa ( N SWVi All WVSSEVi . TOWNSHIP 13 . NEVi ' Lots 2 to 8 &SEViNWVi swy, All NEVi ,'.-! WVa ' NEVi NWVi ' ' SEVi ", ' SEVi ' 1 - v W ' t 1 SEVi NVa ' SEVi SE'i -, TOWNSHIP u All NVa&NVaSy. - SVs,S . . NEM&SWVi NVa , ' All NVa NW Vi N W Vi &Lotal-2-3 PartLots4to7&SEVi SEVi EVi SEVi WVi SEVi "PartS Vi Part North of RR SWVi Parts WVi SWVi PartSEVi SWVi . PartS Vi SWVi - WViEVi&WVj NEVl&SVa 1 tttt . vs i v vi WVaNEVi&pnrtSVa EVi NWVi WVa WVa SE Vi S W Vi &S W Vi SE Vi PartNE Vi SW Vi &NW Vi SEV, NVi SEVi PartNVaNVa&SVa EVi&NViNWVi All N W Vi SE Vi &S Va NE Vi &PartNEViSWVi SVsSWVi&Lotsl-2 NVs&NVaSWVi EVaSEVi SWVi SEVi TOWNSHIP 15 All All All All All All All All All . All All All ' - " EofU.P, 1 4 4 11 i I l" 14 RANGE 6 6 15 17 - 17 18 19 19 19 .20 ' . 21 . 24 27 ,. 27 33 RANGE 1 2 6 10 11 12 13 13 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 23 23 24 25 1 34 31.59 25.98 14.89 3.87 1.58 55.26 33.84 51.44 24.30 29.93 30.04 60.47 08.01 4 7.40 34 13.54 18.97 29.39 41.88 13.55 53.36 78.57' 54.17 47.15 61.83 54.23 34 162.70 151.65 58.23 137.00 145.42 87.51 34 . 45.41 92.12 73.6- 222.71 " 40.91 93.27 84.52 89.81 84.b.s 84.53 195.23 82.01 176.63 82.01 81.53 34 45. 6U 45.63 16.26 44.21 18JL74 101.14 38.74 230.40 18.64 18.36 5G.9I) 20.84 '354.92 320.72 2.30 93.70 686.29 351.90 81.48 171. 5 196.47 25 26 26 28 30 31 32 32 ' 33 34 35 RANGE t v. . township, ia All NKVi&SISVi WVi WVi SEVi ' All All All NVi&NiiSWMft NVfcSEU All All All All AU All AU An; All . . 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