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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE KEITH THEATRE SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY. Matineo Efich Day. "Peck's Bad Boy" Starring Jackie Coogan also comedy. .LOCAL AND J'KUSONAl. SUN THEATRE Sunday and Monday. ''Once to Every Woman" Starring Dorothy Phillips also good Comedy. LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY C031LNG MEETINGS Itf THE YAKIOlS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITX. BAPTIST 11:00 "How to Hold Out." 7:30 "The Foundation Laying." CHRISTIAN 11:00 "Tho Glory, of tho Cross.' 7:30 "Moses." EPISCOPAL 11:00 Services. 7:30 Services. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 11:00 Chrlstlon Science Service In Building and Loan Building. PRESBYTERIAN ' 11:00 Preaching service by Rev. David L. Miller of Gordon, Nob. 8.00 Rov. David L. Miller -will oo- METHODIST t 11:00 "Not Over Yet." 7:30 Address by M. E. ' Gilbert. Superintendent, of tho Kearney .District t TONIGHT Regular Communication of Platte- Valley Lodgo No. 32 A.' F. & A. M.' at 8 p. m. "- LUTHERAN 11:00 "The Measure of Foygt rc ess. 8:00- -"Tho Unsinkable Ship." "cupy'llio iiufpiti" TUESDAY. The Literary, Music and 'Art 'De partment of tho 20 th Century Club will' meet Tuesday p. m. with Mrs. T. N. Arnold, 1102 West 4th Street. All 1 members are requested to be WITHE STUDY IX PARKS. OUR CITY RED-SI I AFTED FLICKER ' This Is a species of woodpecker with red under tho wings In tho place of yellow which is the color of the commoner flicker found here. Tho Flicker has a bill Hko a woodpecker and searches in dead or decayed wood for its food which consists of larvae and eggs of InsectB and tho Insecte themselves, We have often found this bird by tho sldo of tho road, busy open ing an antliill from which ho was ex tracting tho eggs and larvae. Tho fllckor has never been accused of do ing' any harm to trees but he some times gets ambitious and In a spirit of fun as It were, cuts holes In build ings. It Is true that he sometimes uses those, holes as a refuge In deep win der." Tho eggs nro glossy white and are placed in a hole In a decayed tree. Tho antics of tho flickers at ti.u matinir time are really funny and many have written ubout them. Sonic of these red-shafted flickers stay here all winter but most of them migrate to the south. :o: NOTICE Tho Nebraska State Teachers' As sociation will bo held in Omaha Nov. 9th to 11th. A reduced fare of ono and one-half of tho current faro will bo given to all teachers who. , hay North and South rivers have decided tiflcatcs can bo secured upon making application to the county suporind- ent's office. AILEEN G. COCHRAN, County Superintendent :o:- Members of tho A. K. Chapter P E. O. went to Maxwell Wednesday afternoon where? they were "delight; fniiv onfortalned by Mrs. Leslie Prior. Tho house wafk, beautifully decorated with bitter sweet and at the close of tho afternoon delicious rcfreshpients were served.'- Mrs. Louiso Peters and Mrs Claudo Welngand and son Teddy of. Los Angeles, Calif, arrived Wcdnes present. Ivan Johnsondfi'jHerHhey was j day to visit their mother Mrs. Tan- city visitor Tuesday. . gcr who is m. - ' - ' ' A QUIET' PLACE to bring your friends to dine. A place where the greatest card is ex excised In tho selection of the food materials. A place where tho cuisine is exquisite, where the china and cut lory is tasteful, and the surroundings pleasant. This is such a place. Come and enjoy It. HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE MASQ UERADE Jitney DANCE Halloween Night. Monday, October 31st, 1921. Lloyd Opera House. 'Join the Street Parade between 8 to 9 m. , Follow our Clown Orchestra., , Have the time of your lives. Get your Costumes Ready. Prizes to the Best Costumes. Everybody join in the parade which will 'lead.- you to the Lloyd Opera House in plenty of Time. -One- pi the biggest Masquerade Dances of its kind ever held in the city. And as usual every Thurs. & Sat. Evening. North Platte, Nebraska. Guy Wilson of Hcrshoy visited In ho city Wednesday. Fred Chrlstlnnsqn hn accepted a position at the Loader. Mm. P. A. Norton will, leave soon for Iowa to visit relatives. Mtj&Mjj. Caee of Sutherland shop- pod jn Iho city Wednesday. Mrs." It. W.'Crlppon of Horahoy lslted in tho city Wednesday, Hans Schnmlzrlcd wont to Omaha yesterday to spend a few dayB. New colors in Japanese crepes at Wilcox Department Store. Carl IJackors is getting along nice ly after the automobile accidont. J. R. Patterson went to Omaha to- nttend tho football game thoro today. Mrs. Elslo Hoy of Arnold trans acted business In the city yesterday. Albrecht Furs, the dependable kind aro sold by Wilcox Department Store. Mrs. Laura Dretzer Is attending tho football game In Omaha' today. Edmund Dickey went to Omaha yesterday to attond the football game. Vttornoy J. O. Heeler went to lJrulo yesterday to transact legal business. Mrs. Wm Thayer and children are attending the football game In Oma ha today. Mr! and Mrs. George Austin -will leave tomorrow for Omaha, to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C, Willerton left Wednesday for Oxford, Nobr. to visit relatives. Dr. F. J. Wurtelle left last ovo- nlng for Omaha to -attend tho foot ball game today. Raymond Harrahlll of Wallace is suffering a fractured skull at tho General Hospital. , .Marlon Richards left, for Omaha yesterday to visit friends and attend tho football game. Tom Adnius and daughtor Audrie loft yesterday for Omaha to attend the football game. Mrs Worthloy returned Wednesday fiom Laplata, Mo, where she had been visiting .her brother. Miss Edith Howland of Topeka, Kans. Is a guest at. the home of her sister Mrs. Win. Stack. Mrs. H. Elesberg returned to her hdmo in. Chicago after visiting at tho home of Mrs. Richard Dill. Dennis Bedker and Wallace Mc Wllllams left last night for Omaha to attend the football, game. Mrs. Flora Chamberlain and daughter-,let-;3iefltfrday. 'fri.r. Omaha to attend the football game. Miss Julia Gleason has resumed duties at tho W. J. 'O'Connor' 3toro after an Illness ol two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. .Hugofodonhof re turned the first of tho week, from their wedding trip lo Dvnvci'. Vern Langford of Chicago arrived Wednesday to visit at the homes of Ray Langford and Chas. Yost. Mrs. II. Wilson returned lo hor homo In Watcher, Iowa after visiting at the home of her son Lytte Wilson Howard Purdy and Frank Corn well were among those leaving for Omaha to attend tho footbal game. Mrs. Eva Sweet of Henry, HI. Is visiting her uncle Captain Raker who Is confined to tho General Hos pital. Mrs. Harry York loft Wednesday for Lincoln to visit her husband who Is confined In tho St. Elizabeth's hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Kano returned to their home in Grand Junction yes terday after visiting tholr daughter Helen. If you havo" foot troubles try a pair of Queen Quality Ostcotnsal Shoes you will find them at Wilcox Depart ment Store. W. H. McDonald returned Monday from Los Angeles, Calif, whoro he attended tho National Rankers Con vention. A. Grconrlnh of Gothenburg Is get iiii.'rin" nlrol.v at tho General Hospital after an operation for appendlcitus. Mr. and Mrs. Minor Hull left yos torday for Omaha to transact busi ness and attond tho football, game thoro today. Misses Margaret Tottonhof, El onora and Margurlto. Roddy wont to Omaha last evening to attend tho football ganio todnyi Mrs. II. C. Bllckonsdorfor and Phonograph . Record We have purchased a jobbers .slock' of the famous, Emerson 10 inch double records and will ofler these for sale Saturday at the Sacrifice Price of : 4 for 98c rntV. 1 ii i 1 . itftT nn I .1 1 mese recoras are reguiany soia ai .tu.uu eacn, mis sate mves Kl an opportunity to get four double records for the price of one. We Handle Pictorial Review Patterns. W. J. O'CONNOR 5c, lOc AND 25c turn STORE EMM TO THE PUBLIC 1'ITY AM) COUNTY NEWS. At a recent mooting of representa tives o tho county commissioners, city council, tho Red Cross, tho Cham ber of Commerce different church bodies and tho Twentieth Century Club, a commltteo of the latter or ganization kindly offered to supervise the collection of donated clothing and the distribution of tho same to tho needy. Those who have clothing to donato will kindly call Mrs. I. L. Stob- IjlnB, chairman of 'the committee, phono 439W. This service by tho Twentieth Cen tury Club is not intended to conflict with similar service rendered by the ladles of tho different churches with in their own organizations, but on tho contrary to aid them, and likewise to reach tho needy who aro without the pale of tho church. IRA Li. BA1U3, Secretary, :o: Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Oglor left Wednesday by auto for Omaha to attond the football game botweon Orelgiiton IIigl; School and tho local h'igh school team. They will .also visit in Hastings and Lincoln before returning homo. A number of local members of the P. E. O. went to Maxwell Wencsday. Among the ladles wore Mrs. W. J. Ilcndy. Mrs. W. H. McDonald, Mrs. llutlor Buchanan, Mrs. Helen White and Mrs. Anna Church. , Tho City Council mot1 Tuesday evening and cleaned up eomo matters connected with tho sower and water- propositions. Most of tho business was routine. NOTICE TO DIDDERS Notice is hcroby given by tho un dersigned City Clork, that scaled bids will bo rocelved f,or tho construction of a one story re-Inforccd concrete building 12 by 18 feet, located at the city wator works well on East First Streets. Plans and specifications may bo seen at tho office of Bert M. Rey nolds, architect All bids to bo filed on or beforo tho first day of Novem ber, 1921 at eight o'clock p. m. The Mayor -and Council reserve tho right to reject any and all bids. O. E. ELDER. City Clerk Mrs. Dosslo Show Bpont tho wook end with hor parents in Horshey. J. D. Whltmoro, Uvo Btock agent of tho Union Pacific, was a city visitor Wednesday. Ralph Clallaugh has ujcceptedj .a position in tho Illrschfolll store dur ing tho sale. Mrs. G. D. Richards Is oxpocted to return soon from .Michigan whoro sho has been visiting. TMss Oloweno Emory has accept ed a position In tho Htrsohfeld store during tho salo. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wlckwlre left jystrday for Omaha to attend tho foot boll game there today. W. A. O'Donnell returned to Mudrld Monday after spending tho week at tho W. II. LolMoyt homo. Mrs.' A. T. Johnson returned Satur day from Gothenburg whoro she nt-.tehdfcd-.tha -Harvest Festival. Mrs. Jesse. Glenn, of Gothenburg, returned to hor homo yesterday nftor visiting at tho homo of hor brothor. Attorney Lcsllo BaskinB went to Oshlcosh yesterday to transact legal business. Attorney E. E. Carr returned Sat urday from Kearney where ho trans acted logal business for two days. Mrs. Ames of Now York City Is a guest at tho homo of hor sister Mrs. Harry P. Stevens. Sho arrived Mon day from California where she has been visiting. Miss Harriet Murrln returned Fri day from "Omaha whoro sho spent the week end with hor brother Law rence Murrln who is reported to bo getting along nicely after an npera tlon for appondlcltus. WATCH YOUR SALE DATES. Oct. 25--C Sodacott, North Platte, General Farm Sale, II. M. Johanson, Auctioneer. Oct. 2G J. G. Guynan, North iMutte, Genoral Farm salo, Ed. Klorlg,. Auc tioneer. ' ' v Oct. 31 Casper Rauch, North Platte Cattle aalo at Stock YardB. Xovombor 2 James Ucuhan, ffort'i Platte, General Farm Salo, Ed Klorlg, Auctioneer. :o: Chas. Dalloy, of Tryon, transacted business in tho city Wodncsday; Mr. and .Mrs. A. C. Black of Suth erland wore city visitors Tuesday. . Mrs. N. E, Wch.lllng of Cozad ar rived yesterday to visit friends. James McNeil of Omaha spout Sunday visiting fTirnus in thofefty.- .FABM LOANS I nnvpropared to mako a few farm loans 6n improved farms, occupied toy owners. O. II. TIIOELECKE, 1 H2 KEITH THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY' "Scrambled Wives" Starring Marguerito Clark Also Comedy , ;.' 31 US' 31. HKNKY (JILFOYI TenolM'r of Voice (1iiHun and tho Art of Singing Res. Studio 108 W. 3rd. Phono 1147.? ' SUN THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY "Messago from Mars" Starring Bert Lytoll Also Comedy FRIDAY and SATURDAY "Tho Gamesters" Also Comedy NOTICE FOR BIDS Notice is herby given that scaled bids will bo received at tho offlco ot tho City Clork of North Platto, Ne braska, up to eight o'clock p. m. of October 28th, 1921, for tho construc tion of a lateral sower In sowor dis trict No. 1 In said city according to tho plans and specifications now on file in tho offlco of tho City Clerk anil tho City Engineor of said city. Approximate estimate of cost ot sowor lateral an per roport ot city en gineor Is ns follows: 1900 Hn. ft. of 12 Inch V O P In cluding 22 Y's comploto In placo at $1.20 per ft. $2280.00 2580 Hn. ft., ot 10 Inch V C P In cluding 32 Y's comploto In place at $1.05 per ft. $2709.00 730 lln. ft. of 8 Inch V C P In- 3 " " ' ' ' ' jj eluding 10 Y's complete In placo daughter Madolino returned yoster-, at 85c per ft $ 024.75 il.iv frnm Omnlm wit orn Mmv-Rtient Ono flush tank complete In a few days Bhopplng. Goorge Frafor, Wm. Slmanls and Ralph Hansen loft last jjlgjit for Omaha to attond1 tho Crolghton- 1 North riatto football gamo. Mrs.. Budford will return to hor homo' In Madrid tomorrow aft or undergoing an oporatlon for appon dlcltus at tho Gonornl Hospital. Tho flro depart mont was called to 702 West Fourth, tho homo of Chas Horrod, whoro Bomo outbuildings wore on Are. Tho blazo was exting uished with a small loss to somo shod". Children playing thoro waji tho cfiuso. placo $ 175.00 I Six mun holes comploto $ 300.00 . rtnn lnnin 'linl cnmlllflln $ 25.00 iUU 11. Ol lliuil B'"' I'M'" l" '- 1 noct Hush tank at 30c por ft. $ GO.OOi Engineer supervision and inspoo- I tion 10 per cant $ 017.2" Total $0791.00 Certified chock of five per cont of. tho amount of tho bid will bo ro nulrod to lnuro,blddor entering Into! contract. A satisfactory bond" to bo"iilvan 'when contract is signed. Tho Mayor and Council rosorvos tho right to rojoct any nnd all bids. r By ordor of tho Mayor this 15th day of Octebdr, 1921. O. K. ELDI9R. City Clork. Auction Experience When you hold.jin auction, put it in the htmtls of tho Platte Valley State Bank. Our ex perience in handling auction sales assures satisfactory ser vice. In case you are thinking of holding an auction be sure to come in and talk the proposi tion over with us any way. You are always welcome at this bank. The Platte Valley State Bank