rices vs. Corn Prices
Good Corn Is Cheap. Good Tires Are Cheap.
rrrrr. Read and Be Convinced.
30x3 N. S. $ 8.89
30x32 N. S. 9.99
31x4 Plain... 15.50
32x32 ,.: ,.' 16.50
32x4. 18-50
m $19.50
32x42 25.00
30x3 Tube . . 2.00
30x3 Tube 2.25
Other Sizes in Proportion
S. & R. Service Station
Telephone 820 6th and Locust.
Telephone 370W 4th and Chestnut
We have a nice line of Christmas and New Years Greetings and Engraved Cards
Get your orders in early, the engravers will be rushed from now on.
CLINTON & SON, Jewelers and Opticians
Sign of The Big Ring Satisfaction Sure Try Us. Graduate Opticians
Dit. 0. H. CJU3SSL1311
Office over the McDonald
State Bank.
R. A. MM lor returned tho llrst of Ernest Stuln sustained a badly
tlio week from Wyoming whoro ho bruised foot Sunday wjillo on duty
spoilt tho Hummer. at tho P. P. E. Ico house. An lco
Mrs. W. 13. Lawreuco or Paxton ' can roll on his foot. I
Is taking mcdtcal treatment at tho j Mrs. Job. Schwalgor, daughter!
Following the Initiation of officers
of the Yeoman lodge last evening In j
tho K. C. hall tho following program!
was rendered: Rending, Ellen "Die!:,'
several vocal selections by Itnlelgh j
Hosford of Sutherland. Raleigh is I
eight years old and said to be tho best!
soloist in the country for a ooy or.
his age. Little Anita Johnson gavo a'J
violin solo followed by a fairy dance,1
Beatrlco Ward sang a solo, Jennie ,
Johnson read a selection followed bvj
several vocal numbers by John Po
lotis. Following this well selected j
program the remainder of tho evening
was spent in dnnclng. Punch an 1
wafers were served dutinf tho oven
ink'. I
Alias Elslo Malzo of llorshoy Bpont
Saturday In tho city.
Miss Daisy Farroll will loavo soon
for Pittsburg, Pa. to visit.
Mrs. J. 11. Day uhd Mrs. J. MoGraw
returned Tuesday from Dunvur.
Ball Unind Rubbers and Overshoes
at Wilcox Dopartniont Store.
Mrs. Burt Sodestrom and sou left I
Tuesday for Odgon, Utah to visit. I
' Miss Kato Miles has accepted a po
sition in tho offico of Dr. Twlnom. '
T. O. Swonson loft "Wednesday on '
u business trip to Casper and Donvor.,
Deputy United Status Marshal
Mnndovillo was a city vlsKor Wodnoa
daf. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snyder aro at
, tondlng tho football gnmo In Omaha
V Mr. and. Mrs. W. V. Hoagjaud' and
'son Robert aro Bpendlng tho woelc In
(' Lincoln. . t
nmimn. Tnillnn mill Hnfli flilift
. Blankets at Wilcox Dqpartinqujl
Storo. V
Mr. and Mrs. E, S. Gllnos loft oi('
Tuesday for Clioygn.no and Donvor
to visit. ' .
Mrs, 1). A. RuBsoll will loavo thlB
wool; for ItouUtoiiyl Toxrfu to visit
relatives. '
Mrs. Harry Elesburg of Clii.oasg U
a guost at tho homo of her sister Mr.
Richard DIB.
Mrs. W, E. Lawreuco of Paxton tin-
Platto Valley hospital.
If you need a child's coat, the stylos
are pretty and tho prices moderate
at Wilcox Dopartniont Store,
A baby girl was born Tuesday to
Mr. anil Mrs. Chas. Hannlf. Mother
and baby aro doing nlcoly.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and
Mrs. CIuih. Palmer Wodnosday. AM
concerned aro doing nlcoly.
Mrs. C M. Nowton loft today for
Lincoln to visit her son Donald who
attends tho State University,
l Miss Emma Evorott went to Bert
I rnnu Saturday to visit at tho homo
of hor brother CIiub. Everett.
I A baby girl was born to Mr. Riid
Mrs. Robort Salcottl Tuosday. Moth
or and baby aro doing nlcoly.
Mrs. P. It. Baker of Maxwell visa
ed hor fa tli or Captain Bakor who Is
confined to tho Gonoral hospital.
Miss lima Banks returnod ' to hor
Helen and son, Gordon left yeBterday
for Qjnaha to attend tho football
game and visit friends.
Dr. L. J. KHAUSE, Dentist, X-ltaj
Diagnosis. .McDonald Bank Building.
1'hoiiu 07.
Munslngwoar for tho wholo fam
ily at Wilcox Department Store.
Black Cat Hosiery, tho old reliable
kind, at Wilcox Department Storo.
Merlon Thayer, Jim Lldoll, Law
ronco Hart ,and Chnrlos Hayes aro
nmong thosa nttondlng tho football
game In Omaha today.
Want Ads
Clinton & Son, Graduate Opticians
P... f r,MM..n..
i un iui fui.ivu. - , ,,i momif
Louis Potomm left Tuasdnv "'"lo ""
Ipr Suio New 5 room house, a
roaftbargaln. Inquire 1917 W. Fifth.
Wanted Practical nursing by mht
dlo aged woman. Phono 1019J.
For Snle 'MBit cows. Inqulro .Si
mon' BroR. Tin Shop.
For Bent Light housekeeping
rooms, furnished. Phono 10TJ.
Lost A bag with black gym bloom
ors, black middy, a whlto middy and
' Mrs.
for Lincoln to attaint tho Robokah
lodgo convontlon. Sho will visit In
Grand Island onrouto homo.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCormlck of
hor homo In Shenandoah, Iowa yes
terday nttor attending tho funeral
homo in Chicago Saturday after visit- of ,,op mothor lho lftto Mrs. Pack0.
lug at the W. A. Olson homo. , , ,., , ,, ,,
To whom aro you going to Bell your
MrsVUhas Bpguo went to Grand Is-, v . T,. tirrinCtf,n Mer-
1 VA.'.. ' J ..I.U 1 " " "
laiui wifmiuMdiiy iu visib nur sua uiiu
wife M" apd Mrs. Edw. Boguo.
Irs, Rollo Halllgan roturned to
Co. will offer tho highest
P. W. Rlukor loft Wodnosday
hor hQino In Lincoln yostorday attor , for Chicago to visit for sovoral wooks.
vlBltlng at tho J. J. Ilulllgnn homo.
Mrs. Chas. Macho loft tho first of
tho wpok for Grand Island whoro sho
was eallod by tho lllnow of hor
Mrs., J. Ii Rjadflold and Mrs. M.
J. Forbos transacted buslnoss ' In
Ogallala Tuosday tpv tho Eastorn
Star Lodgo. , '
Mrs. Honnan Sohlautor and ohlld-
, run returnod Tuesday from Grand
For Sale Ono Radiant Homo hard
coal sovo, good as new. A. O. Kockon,
220 West Sixth street.
To Trade A thorobred Hainpshlra
boar for ono of tho samo breed L. E.
Ebrlght, No.rth Platte.
Wa'Ucd A competont girl for gon
oral housowork. Inqulro Mrs. W V.
Hoagland, 1202 "West nth. Phoin;
derwent aujqporatlon at thq PlntUij Island wroro they spout three weeks
Vjilley 'J)ipsday. ' vmuing roiiiwvos.
D. M. Dodgo returned Tuesday from
North Bond and Premont whoro ho
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Saumo of Don
vor aro oxpectod today to visit at tho
liomo of M!sb Margnrot Pralzor. Mrs,
Saumo was formerly MIbs Goorgla
Prlborg of this city.
Mrs. Chas. Stamp loft Tuesday
for Lincoln to attond tho Robokah
lodgo convontlon, Sho will go to
Kansas Olty to visit at thd homo Qf
hor daughter Mrs. W.R. Koelar. .
Tires,. Tubes and Ac
cessories. FERD STRE1TZ
Corner 5th nud Locust.
Phone 526W.
'the universal car
-.V I
U- (
Pride of Ofmership
'TpHE Ford Touring Car has brought to the
farm homes ot tne country more reai plea
sure, comfort and convenience than perhaps any
other one thing.
It has enabled the farmer and his family to mingle
with friends, attend church, neighborhood func
tions, and enjoy the many pleasantries that
abound in country life.
Truly the Ford car with its low cost of operation
and maintenance, its usefulness and efficiency,
has been a boon to the American farmer.
Your order should be placed at once if you wish
to avoid delay in delivery.
This Touring $425.00,
F. O. B. Detroit, Mich.
, 3