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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE, SEMI-WEEKLY Till UIWE MACKINAWS T1IH IDEAL COAT FOR FALL WEAK Everyone knows the vnlue of thoso popular Coata for nil kinds of wear and thlij season the J. C. Penney Company liavo been able to. secure remarlmblo Mackinaw values, purchaB ed nt a tlnio that provides tliein the opportun ity to share their savings on every coat with the customer. MEN'S MACKINAWS $7.!M) AH wool, plaid patterns, made with shawl collar, double breasted, button tabs on sleeves, half belt In back, llsli basket pockets, and cv to thousands of families. dependable shoes for plain colors as well as assorted plaids. Sizes .10 to 40. HOYS' MACKINAWS, $-l.8, $,.0 Thoso Hoys' Mackinaws are In sizes 2G to U4 and are mado of 30-nunce all wool, In as sorted plaids with a 5-lnch storm collar, double breasted; half bolt back and button pockots. JUVENILIS HIACKINAWS, $!.() A fine assortment, In sizes from 3 to 10 years, made In n variety of plaid patterns With full belt; two slashed pockets, and 5-lnch storm collar. (mi HWMUiyiH naaa S Incorporated b 312 DEPARTMENT STORES esources mean ureat ouvmg rower The J. C. Penney Co. resources make it possible to purchase merchandise far in advance of requirements and they have neVer been obliged to buy at the peak market. The prices on their merchandise are based on this command of resources and never on current costs in a fluctuating market. In 312 Stores in 26 Statr-,, our ' customers enjoy the benefit of these resources. FALL SHOES Now Moing Purchased by Thousands In 31.2 Stores in 2G States HeeniiBC tho J. IV Pommy Company have aoM to thousands of famlllos dependable shores foe nearly u qunrtor of a century, tho reliability of every Shoo put on tho market and sold through ;tl2 stores Is never nuoBtlonod. MEN'S shoes $:uis Men's all black kid shoos, whoje (liiartor iUuchor with tip, solid rubber half heel. Ex ceptional wearhiK auallticH. WOMEN'S SHOES $.JS, $1.S, $5.1)0 Tho new Kail Shoe stylos! are here. T'jo .senslblo military heel is a popular feature. Hoth low and high shoos In extra good quality of leather and In all sites. BOYS' SHOES $2.-10 (o $1.50 IUuchor style, sturdy brown calf skin. Leather heels, English last. OIlLS' SHOES $1. OS Ulack calf skin; medium wolght; leather solo's; Hat hools. Men's Gun Metal IUuchor Sshoos fir dress i. 02.98 Men's solfd leather, Munson last Army Style Work Shoes , $2.98 Men's lG-inch Hlnck lace boot $5.90 Mon's 8-lnch outin bals ... $3.98 October Ushers in Gay Fall Draperies Cretonnes , Colored Madras Bordered Scorns Ample Choice Is Allowed in Many Varied Patterns and at Prices Remarkably Low Cretonnes 34 to 36 Inches Wide 15c 10c 25c Gay colors unite with attractive) designs and offer many decorative combinations, for both largo and small rooms. Filet Nets Ivory and Egyptian Color 29c 39c 49o These popular Filet nets are HO Inches wide, suitable for dining room and living room win dows. Exceptional values. Colored Madras Overdrapes 49c 09c 89c An Ideal hanging for windows and other In terior hangings In rich plain shades to bar. raonlze with walls and furniture. 30 to .'t8 In. Novelty Bordered Voiles 25o 33c 4Do Novelty printed borders In a variety of nfc tractlco combinations, Including Marquisettes of exceptional qnallty. Voiles, Scrims and Marquisettes 10c 12c 17c 23c A wide selection of curtain voiles, scrims and marquisettes, plain with tape edge or of a fancy bordered mnterlal In white or beige. Scrims Assorted Colors 10c 1 16c Curtain scrims, 1M and '(J Inches wide, with attractive printed htirtiers, In asHorted colors. Hoyu' .Suits of Dark Corduroy, tin sturdy Itult for. school wear HOYS' SUITS IX HhUK SKltUti Hoys' SultH. In-own and Green Mix tures, 2 pants . .... . $7.90 Otltors at flJ8-;?n.90 v THOUSANDS OF MEN ARE NOW BUYING J. C. PENNEY COMPANY WORK WEAR Men's Work Shirts 69c Men's Work Sox 10c MENS HEAVY WEIGHT FLEECED UNION SUITS $1.19 Men's Work Shoes $2.98 Men's Fall Caps 49c Yarns Included in this fine assortment are ( tho silk worsted yarns, Shetland Floss and the well known worsted knitting yarns, Germantown Zephyrs, assorteJ colors, per skein . 19c Grey, Brown. Keel nnd Mue worsted knitting yarns per skein - -, ( 49c and 69c Porticelli Knltolo 29c Jap Silk Mer. Crochet Cotton, all col ors and all sizes, 3 for 25c SMART NEW COATS Brown, tan, blue and mixtures, i some belted, some with fur collars and cufls, others have large cape collars wonderful values for . ' A special showing of dresses bought to sell for $19.90' $14.75 Your choice of a beautiful line of dresses variety of styles and colors silk & '4 fjj if and worsted for only U Smart new Plush coats, priced $19.90 to $59.75 Blankets Fine Nashua Woohii Hlank ets, in gray, white and tan fancy plaids; tho right sizes. Plain Woolnap Blankets $2.98 Sizes 64 x 76 $3.49 Sizes 66 x 80 $3.98 Sizes 72 x 80 Woolnap Fanoy Plaids ! 349 Sizes 60 x 80 9.98 Sizes 66 x 80 4.08 Slses 72 x 84 Cotton Blankets Gray, White and Tan tlM Sites 54 x 74 1.93 Sires 64 x 80 L49 Sizes 70 x 80 2.98 Sizes 74 x 80 Be Comforts, $2,98, $2.49, $6.90 Well filled end in handsome colon and deaigas. Silkoline covered, at $3.49, and sateen in color at $8.90. Eimond Crib Blankets 79o Assorted sizes, pltut and blue; bird an'' inl designs. Outing Flannels for Cool Days Plain and Fancy Patterns Woven firmly, with soft nap and in many assorted colors fancy and plain materials. Just the right weight. X w is the time, when the days are growing cooler, to plan the making of warm,'mlable garments for the family. The prudent shopper will quickly recognize the ,loj. my she will enjoy by immediately participating in these remarkably low prices toi Ortting Flannels of such splendid quality. r iiu'h Outing Flannels, light. .iT.y and medium dark.... 12V 11 f 117 iin'h Itney Oiitnig Flannels, !n!li I'il: and dark colors.... Amoskeag Outing Flannels, fr standard for years, complete "t rt J color range; fancy patterns. . . 11 -inch Fancy Outing Flannels, in lifJit shades 19 Outing Flannels, good, substan tial quality, white only 27-iuch j. lain Outing Flannels, white, cream, pink, blue, gray. 27-inch Mottled Outing Flannels, extra quality 27-inch Hath Robe Flannel, in as sorted grays, navy, tan and HQ brown '. . . "'v 19 Women's New Fall Petticoats Stlk Jersey Cotton Color Assortment: Navy, Brown, Gfeen, Silver, Tomato The new Fall Petticoat are gay with pleated and plain flouncing in similar and contrasting colors Varied designs in diamond and circular shape adorn the wider flouncing and cordinga and narrow nif ties finish those with a pleatrfd flouncing. ''he assortment include every new Fall shade and all tht regular popular colors. Silk Petticoats $3.98 Soft taffetas, all Uio new co! orfi; oxcullcnt values. Jersay Petticoata $2.98 I'laln colors, soma with fringe uiul (lounccH. CotUn Petticoust $1.49 Plain sateen; bluck and colors. THE LARGEST CHAIN DEPPRTMENT STORE ORGENIZATION IN THE WOILD