0 IKorth ' '.1 . - (Tt'tbttite v. THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. OCTOBER ifc, 1921. , t about People ' and things CUHltENT COMMENT ABOUT l'UO TLE AND THE THINGS THEY ARE DOING HERE. On Tuesday, Oct. 28th, Wallace la toformally dedicate the Johnston Memorial building "with "an all-day program. A number of peoplo frW North riatto aro planning on attend ing during tho day. Gale Baldwin of Dickons has ask od tho County Agent to hold n Pout try Culling demonstration on his farm at 3 P. M. Saturday Oct. 22. Mr. Kellog has accented and a largo audienco of Jnon and. women Inter ested in poultry raising is desirtRl, months loavo of absence. They, will spetul part of this Unlo in. North Plattq visiting at tho IV J. Gilman home; The GllmniiB Svill bo wolcomcd by hoir many friends and acquaintances hero who havo watched their work in tho foreign fields for so many years. With a population of 23,420' us shown by tho 1920 census, Lincoln county has 3,25G more males thnn females. In. North Platte there Were roportctt 0,281 males and 4,175 fc males, a preponderance of 2.116 males, a propoderance of 2,116 ui males is duo to tho large uumuck. of young. unmarried railroad men. In Hastings there are 429 more females than males. A. prairio firo started near the Siapieton road, Saturday, and went epmo f if ten miles east 40 tho river between ilaxwoll and Brady. It la said tho backfiring of a car was the cause. The road had been bayed and tho sparks from, tho backfire caugni mo nay in mo roau. ino mum- Scout Executive Stenhens -(5 annri.l Ings aro reported .burned and Uipre lng: hM of 0ach day and most of 'the was no loss oi me. Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Koch returned Saturday from tho State Convention of tho Lutheran Church. .Itpv. Koch was appointed chairman of tho Nebraska Synodlcal delegation of five men "which will attend tho n&r tional convention o tho IvitfhPr&na at Buffalo next October, -Mrs, Koch was one of threcr delegates elected to' attend the annual meeting of tho Missionary Society of tho Lutheran Church. This convention meets in Pittsburg in Sept. 1922. Tho Kochs report a good time and an interest ing session.' LODGE, CHURCH . AND SOCIETY COMING VARIOUS MEETINGS IK TMJE ORGANIZATIONS, OF THE CITY. yWEBDISII Mission at the Chrlstiun Friday October' 21 r at 8 p: Church, m. YOEMEN " Initatlon Thursday. evening will bo followed uy a &ocivgt ODD FELLOWS, , ' Second Degree at IO. 0. F. hall Thursday Oct. 20. Mrs. Alleen Superintendent night working with the Boy Scouts. G. Cochran, Counlv 116 ls a series of typewritten of Lincoln County sheets giving information and dh-ec- Schoojs, read a paper before the tlons 10 Ule BC0Ut masters and assist State Convention of tho Nebraska Library Association at Grand Island last Friday on . the subject "Tho Need and Value of More Reading Material for Rural iSchools." Tho address is reported to haveben en thusiastically received by the librar ians present. f. Rev. and?Mrs. Alfred Gilman and fchreo children failed from Shanght, China . on October 15 ' via Canadian H' ' Paciilc line, and ylll land in Brltlsli , "tSjlunlbla in about fifteen days. "ReV. China and is returnlngeart'n. six 4 U&Th rif ty sas .:-. SV '" V V '. J. . JT ants. Ho is in his bffico in the Frank lin sehool every day after school arid gives the individual tests to tho scout's who prepare for them. All of tho troops meet on Tuesday evening and Mr. Stephens has ' prepared the pro gram so that some special instruction can bo' given by someone ..outside of tho scout force. THURSDAY Tho Christian. Ladies wil hold their. I'OfiUlftV VncQtlng Thursday nft'ernooil. sic HIGH .SCHOOL CADET. BAND TO riftft ACC ACvOJll'ANY rOOT BALL TEAM I I1 jf IVIXUiKl TO OMAHA Superintendent Littel has lssuod tho following statement about the band't6 Omaha: Last year tho High School Cadet Band, accompanied the Football Team to Lincoln. It made such a splendid showing for the town and shwtyand individually tho boys learnud.mniuch that ths year it has been planned to take. the band to Omaha. Tho band thls-year is much larger, numbering 57, "aiii plays much bettor than last 1r fact; there is ho High School l in. tho State that can approach oar's in nHmber or efficiency. TKq hand Hs 80L CALL SlliLLINd TO 1IMVI ANNUAL HEMIDB HSI HP. OARI PA1GN OF RED CROSS. OAlTAlN At a meeting ofjtho Board of Dir ectors of tho Lincoln County Chapter American Red Cross, last Wodnes- ATTRACTED AND A LARGE CfcOW day afternoon, A. W. Shilling was Unanimously elected Chairnan of tho Roll Call to bo held in November, be-en' self-sunnortlHti. buylRR Its own Mr. aittiUnr win butrmMnU exc?iH jlio big drum nnl county and select his coramittcos YEOMAN y . Business meeting at 8 p. m. Thurs-f day, October 20th at It .0. Hall. Pub lic Installation of officers and social following the business meeting. PHILOS:.Gi)NA . u "' ; Club will .entertain, at the. home of Mrs. Grey Anderson on "Wednes--day afternoon, - Tho auto fourist camp l-bund-' clos ed fortje season Saturday ' after be inir-in" operation for six months. The total number of cars night parked for tho period was 4,985 By months tho parkings ijw'ere 'tfsfoiibws :tpriilJ way ids, June oss, jmy 1227, August 1G52, September 827, October 170. Tho cost of maintaining tho camp for tha season was in round numbers ono thousand dollars. LUTHERAN Girls Club will meet in the church basement on Oct. 19 with Mrs. 13. B, Payne and Mrs. J. F.. Butler. A good attendance is desired the bas hril alo purchasing Its own- mj8l0, frOjlilfBont and uniforms. Tho amount of money necessary to equip tSjo band as it stands today re proseMfs an-Investment -of fully soVeg thousand dollars, "ThefBand has hood unuoavonng thrueuu. the :ear to I'ais Us o.wn monoyor tho trip and has ifois&I n .large paro, but it lacks a certain sum Vitch thY Chamber ot Commerce has asced them to raise by solicita tion,, they themselves starting with ono -hundred eighty dollars. On Tuesday at 4 P. Mi. the band Will, appwrTon the streets. In full. Unlfdrln and reader a few selections watt! tho commjttco Is aolicittng; Seventy men at five dollars each will cover tho deficit 1 with care, having in mind tho best About fifteen hu4r f fans attended the football gawp lutt Friday at tho Fair Grounds betw'iSS tho local high school eleven antlUL ..,..4. I i i ... ... . xr'-SIW Platto won tho toss and scored th-irT! teen points in tho first ten MtalW. of ilay by a scries of forward futmmj' -' Ansley came back ani scorei a touchdown making- the mm 13 to g During tho first wfkttfcei th secoad half Anliiey scored their second teach down by claying a man Along the . ?n, sideline unobserved by tha lel team. Suddenly rtcclviii 'fenrwarvl pass ho raA thKli"'fer tneh- ' down, Aniley aH4H:; scored in a fow minutes on a series of vmw lntefcats of the County as a wholo. North Platto made anothor "I lsh I h4. ar," said Chairman dpwn and tho gamo ended yith ifce4--Shjlljjwc,' ' ul vipald cover tht Bcoro -33 to 19 In favor olf our iiwtV' "Whole of Lincoln bounty before tho team, Vrhis waa ono of tho cleanest Vli opeulng ot the campaign and .1 1 ua'niOB played on the homo field and would explain, aaiar as possible 'thff at ho tworo iU Hin-kto as to how the gamo would turn out. .r-ri ;o: r-t : Mr, and Mrs, Joo Souder are the : y . bWUd iNtrents Of a baby girl. AU'i' Oireo are getting along nicely from '" last reports. ?',; AVondetTul w?k twlag done In this county by the HJNo BorVIco ana the Homo .Huraliijj bojJafttnohtB," Mrs, Yf, Rouche oi Horshey visited frleWsili the city Saturday, SOCIAL v Mrs. John Hildebrandt will enter tain the Altar "Society of tho Catholic church at her homo Thursday afternoon. -:o: RAILROAD NOTES On October. 1st the Union Paclfio completbd7t37 ' miles of new double track fn AVyominp. Tills makes 92 ner c,onr thentir system-" between Omahavand-Ogden AvIUi double track. Trains are now .running on tfio North Branch extension between Halg and Lyman. No definite scheduler havo been provided and tho mixed trains run onfy on Tuesdays .and. A committee of the Chamber of Com-! Saturdays merce has examined several proposed! Business in tho local yards Js about sites for the state fish lake which is to ! as it Was a fow wjeeks ago. There .nro bo located in either Lincoln or Gar- noot may trains going west as den county, nnd these sites will bo . KOtng east ami an aro loaueu 10 ca- -;o:- Dr.J. S. Slmma was a professional visitor; to Ogallala Friday. Miss Gortrudo Doty had her ton sils renioyed at tho Platto Vafloy hospltaP Sunday. Mrs.lP. W. McGlone" returned to for Lincoln to transact business.. She, will-visit in Topeka,. Kansas, be fore returning home MiseBesele Smith returned to Lincoln Sunday -where sho attends the State University after spending tho week end -with her parents. The Fidelity Reserve Company Home Office: NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA 3I LOCUST fcTKlKKT Insures all classes of selocted llvos, lssuiBg policies on the ordinary limited payment nnd endowment plan, with deuble indemnity; it also Insures aghlnst sickness, Occident nnd total and permanent disa-1 bility. Policies of this Company aro made secure by legal reserves maintained on the highest atandarf, with additional coBttHient re serves providing protection agaliMt'' all, eoterKenciee. Information and advice on afy iattwj relative to Life Isimr'--' nnce is available ot any time thtougb 'KMita or Home Office if . this Company. " ' 1 i ., f'V 1. n' it investigated by a commitfeo from tho state boa,rd of control In a week or two. Originally it Was planned for pacity. . ,Thero are .38 freight crows on tho i Becond- division and tho same number the Btate to operate a sub-fish hatchr on tno tnira Ulvlslon. , ery, but a chango In plans has been! No moro men are being put on at made, and instead of having a small tLis teVmlnal at this time and nonq lake for propogatlng fish, a lake have een laid off recontly. Business not less than one hundred acres will is good and everyone is busy, borne t. t it .L iMMt...i -....1 rf 4lir mnn nnv flinf mnrft ninn nri' mo uueuuu, wiiu it yvm uo bvuck.ch lum." operated by the state and thrown needed but no ordors havo been re open to the public for fishing pur-Jceived for additions, noses, tho only requirement made is - AooordIngJto recent announcement that tho individual fisherman bo the corrected to October 1st the chargo possessor of -a fishing license. :o:- Over soo,aao You have real PULL . vhen your banlc ' AqcountJs PULL Arid U. B; Thrifty 's HOME SAVINGS BANK' can fill it. We havQ asupply of the little banks' here free to help savers When you come in fort yours, you HELP YOURSELF Interest rate 5 per cent, Deposits in this bank are protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. . UNION STATE BANK ALL ' Grain Checks Cashed Here. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis of Max well was a city visitor Saturday. j for a lower berth on a Btandard sleqp- J lng car from Omaha to North Platto I ls now $3."75 plus. 8 per cent war tax or $4.05, VAUDEVILLE At The Keith, k&Jh .Wednesday. 1st Act Jayne & Perdr ini, in a musical novelty con sisting of Accordion, Saxophone and Piano. 2nd Act, Bud Boyd acknowledged to be one of the beat pomedians of the day. He comes to us as Official Sam pler of the Home Brew Association and has framed hJs: act around prohibition wh ich contains more laughs than a (person could possibly get out of this subject. 3rd Act, Mohler and Faytelle "Bright Lights from Dixie," in a black and tan novelty. Mr. Mohler has beeii associated with some of the best Minstrel shows including pockstader, Al. G, Fields and tlio Haverly Minstrels. Miss Faytelle is no doubt the gfe'atest imporsoriat6rrHVof the parky Race. Patrons of tho Theatre can look for a real treat in this act. 4th Act, The Lobsters in "A Night at Home." An athlet ic young man and a charming little girl who offer a bal ancing act juBt a little different than the usual run of acts of this sort. Tho concluding trick of tho act being a pensation'al dive over six chairs to a hand stand. . Also three reels of pictures. First Show 7 :30 Second puow y;uu p. m. , . ..,'! 3" . "', ' --v . ' . - . " ' t ' , J -s 1 '.'' '' . , ... sf. v-l- - - .- . -' ' " 4 -!J?v-,.,!.' in tjqdqe Brothers MQTOMCARS 1.. . r HBBiKi hhui