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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE FACTORY DfMONSTRATlON OF THE 53 U11I f J- J JL " COMBINATION lJ R A k G E October 13th to 15th, Inclusive. A representative from the UNIVERSAL Factory will be here for this Special Factory Demonstration. Every housewife who is interested In efficient household engineering should take advantage of this oportunity to have the Factory Representative tell you all about the special features for Econjomy and Labor Saving which the UNIVERSAL contains. You may not need a new stove now, but come anyway and hear about it. CMS nil OILER OR TOASTER That's one of the features; of thq Won1-, derful Factory Demonstration of the Unf- versal Combination Ranges.' You can make your own terniB as regards fiiture payments. Provided they are reasonable, we accept any terms. Never again such an offer i3 this. Come tomorrow. . X . 3? Genuine Porcelain B 3 f 2 & 5 Top Kitchen Table! :r- 'I- j ' $5.00 deposit will hold any Universal ywj select for future delivery ami entitles ym? to oil speial Mi lucements of this sale. FREE During Tfrig Exhibit Only During this uxlilbk tho factory will Include without charge tho beaii tlful, whlto porccluln top kltohon tal)Josliovny with every Universal feo-T 4 '-v. V Hanao purchased or reserved by a deposit for futuro delivery. TMi BUbritanfiifl, durable And sanitary tablo a Isgrent improvement t) anv modern Ulte1ioif.--Dnn't bruins this opportunity! Cotno to our t ' . tn NOW! ' :. J "That's exactly what we'll do during this Factory Demonstration of the Uni versal take in your wasteful, broken down old stove and on the strength of It make you a liberal allowance on your new purchase. An opportunity. Grasp it. Come to sale sure. $5.00 deposit will hold any Universal you select for future delivery and entitles you to all special inducements of this sale. DROIUNG AND TOASTING COMPARTMENT AUTOMATIC FUME DAMPER ODOR IN KITCHEN WHITE PORCELAIN 8 BROILER PAN FOUR BURNERS AND SIMMERER FOR CAS ItiiiiiMilil .SL PASTRY OVEN ,ri"" " ' mi , .m m.,,:, . FOR GAS ITMHPIIES IT -rr-rrr-M n JB.a 1 VHMI IIVMTVniRt II 1 1 ill WI41UU11II lliLUUI Kl II il 111 I It IHUI 1 1X1' UluBI 1 I H 1 1 V iL .IKHPfV 8 nnnrri aim em acupo ffiJfqaWS ',.',',' JWu mm . vTmES&J re1 jflHiKin i 8 WASHABLE SANITARY WPII NiWllilllll I i I 11 1. .141 8 CHECK DAMPER FOR COAliBtlF 1 ilKp ll'l HK 8 I (JS - if " . ay I ma ; ' J October 13th to 15th, Inclusive NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA w R. MALONEY CO. S S3 IS