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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE 0 LOCAL AND PKHSOMAL Mrs. W. J. Hondy returned the lat ter part of the week from Kansas City where she attended the P. H. 0. convention. Clinton & Son, Graduate Opticians. Trv us for service. Arthur Teeters of Moorefleld was n city visitor Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jos. Stone and dau ghter Lena Mary returned Saturday from a three- weeks trip to Omaha and Dos Molnos, Iowa. They made the trip by auto. COME TO Buffalo Bills Town MONDAY, OCTOBER 21. NORTH PLATTE To buy Stockers and Feeders. CATTLE 675 CATTLE sell at Auction in car lots OCTOBER 17, 1921. There will be plenty of good feeding steers in this sale, all dehorned and good quality, weighing from GOO to 1000 pounds. There will be feeding cows and heifers, not bred this season; stock cows, stock heifers, butcher stuff and calves. These cattle will all be here; you will not be disapponted of you come to ths sale. Part of these cattle will sell freight paid to Missouri river, feed in transit, on any branch of U. P. In this sale there will bo one load of yearlings and one load of two year old Hereford steers, extra fine quality. W. D. Spurrier, Owner, Hershey, Nebraska. Three real milk cows, now fresh, nnd one Shorthorn yearling bull, a good one. Mr. Jensen, Owner, North Platte, Nebr. Pure bred Poland China boars of the large, heavy bono tvne will sell at this Auction. These boars are by Timm s Image 106,833. Dam Miss Fancy 293039. These young boars are extra fine quality, the right kind to place at the head of your.herd. C. J. Landholm, Owner, North Platte, Nebi. Bring your cattle to this sale, Monday, Oct. 17, and got more money and real money for them. Remember there will be no freight when cattle are sold. CASPER RAUCH, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. The Fidelity Reserve Company JOHNl I WONT HAVE IT ! GET ME A wa-fl&iutift? tin MP LOCAL AND PERSONAL Home Office: NORTH PLAT IE, NEBRASKA 3IS LOCUST STREET Insures all classes o selected lives, issuing' policies on the ordinary limited payment and ondowmeat plan, with doublo indemnity; it also insures against sickness, accident and total and permanent disa bility. Policies of this Company are made securo by legal reserves maintained on the highest standard, with additional contingent re serves providing protection against all emergencies. Information and advice on any matter relative to Lifo Insur ance is available at any time through the agents or Homo Office of this Company. Mrs. Flossie Hoed of Urulo shopprrt In tho city Saturday. Emost Granger of Lincoln vlslto'l local frlonds in tho city Friday. Mrs. Andy Wcssburg loft Tuosday nornlng for Omaha to visit rolatlvos. Mrs. John HaiBton and daughters spout tho week end In LIsco with rol- 1 litiVOH. W. V. Holland returned Saturday ; fiom Lincoln where ho t ran slanted MIbsob Mary Iluddtn. and Neva Cockcn of Sutherland were city visit ors Friday. Mrs M. K. Iloalor and mother loft Tuesday morning for Council UIuIYb to visit rolatives. Jos. Nolan and brothor-ln-law Dr. KeiiiKh of Omaha roturnod Satunlav from a weeks hunting trip. Miss Janet McDonald returned Sat urday from Kansas City whore sho it- tended tho 1. 10. O. convontion. Mrs. 1-at Loncgan of Uouldor, Colo., camo Saturday to visit her mother Mrs. Mary Thornburg, who is ill. The smnll daughter of Samuel Car ney had her tonsils removed at tho Platte Valloy hospital Saturday. Captain Baker of Maxwell sustain ed a broken hip Friday. Ho was get ting on the train at Maxwell an I fell. To whom aro you going to sell your Hay and Grain? The Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer tho highest prices. Miss Emma isverott returned Fri day from Cheyenne whero she hud been visiting hero sister Mrs. John Fish. Miss Mario Woherlo returned to her homo in Chicago Tuesday morning after visiting her sister Mrs. W. D j Jones. Dr. and Mrs. G. Brock and son Clay returned to their homo in Fairmont, Xebr. yesterday after visiting at tho Dr. II Clay Brock home. Mrs. Geo. Day and Mrs. Joe Filllon came from Denver Saturday where they were called by tho Illness of their mother Mrs. Mary Thornburg. Mrs. T. Balmcr of Fosterio, Ohio who has been visiting at the V. II. McDonald and W. C. Reynolds homes loft Saturday. Sho was enrouto from California to her home. Mrs. Cbas. 11. Brcternltz is confine;? to her bed at her homo on account of severe Injuries received last Thurs day when sho fell down tre base ment steps of her home. John Churchill, Archio Hood, Victor IWllgan, A.. P. Ke'ly. Dr. McKiraiian, .Tun Clinton anil Ernest llinker were ion-.'! ihosn who attended tho foot- i).M fi.iino ?n McCook Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Winebergcr and Mrs. Allan roturnod to their homes in Omaha Friday after visiting at the John "Wineberger home. They were accompanied homo by Mrs. Frank Me Govorn. I am back on the jobhave had a vacation while at the fairs. Now I luvo a list of city property, upland and irrigated farms and ranches for. ...... ..... I.... T.nt'.l Kl Mllie. Will also tunoiuui . 0 Lot tocether. Call 1130. 13. A. Olson. Tho Boy Scouts have ordered 18 pup tents for uso on short hikes. Th first :!C boys to get on tho efficlenc.,' list this month and report It to the scout executive will get to go on the ilrst hike. (WXTKY ('Mil omCKUS I'OH lINNriMJ YKAK WKKK KLKCi. HI) FJtlDAY. Dr. L. J. Kit A USE, Dentist, X-Khj Diagnosis. .McDonald Hank Building. I'liouo !)". Miss ICthol Terry and Miss Maize of Ilorshoy shopped In the city Saturday. At a meeting of the board of di rectors of tho Country Club held Fri day evening at tho Elks' Club tho fol lowing officers wore elected for tho coming yoar: 13. N. Oglor, presldont, Win. Otten, vlco-prosldont, C. M. Now. ton, socrotnry nnd Bay Iangford, tronsurer. :o:- Yorxo 1'eoi'li: owjamzi: wi:si MINSTEll (JUIL1) OF PllKSUV. TKMAX ClIlJItCH The Westminster Guild wax organ lzod by the young Indies of tho Pros bytorlan Church congregation at a mooting hold Friday evening. Tho purposo of this organization is to study tho Ilfcbr missionaries. Mrs. Jos'. A. Condlt was elected president, Mrs. Win, Ititncr, vico-prcsldont, Miss Duncan, secretary and Miss Margaret Johnston troaurer.- A pleasant ovon lng was spent In games aftor which refreshments were served. Hallowe'en decoratonB were carried out :o:- SOUTH LINCOLN COUNTY NEWS, Will CM STOWS! About the worst Job man over ta i kied is putting up a stove and a bou' tho worst dridgery woman over endured is messing with coal, kindling and ashes, and cleaning up aftor 2 or :! stoves all winter. But why worry with stoves? Why put up with tho inconvenience? Why endure the dirt? Why risU health with a 'face-burning, back freezing method of heating? Why continue trying to heat your homo wRh stoves that waste 75 o the fuel you put Into them? You can have more heat- with 1-3 to less oxpenso- with the modem MB (POP 1011 ui in fi Tho Caloric heats tho whole house, every room - up stairs and down -wtih less trouble and worry than tending ono stove Keeps tho th fuel dirt and ashes In tho basement. Actually costs loss than o dlnary givS necessary to heat tho same building. Will glyo you h Hfo time of solid comfort at minimum cost-and no more stoves to ut in and take down! Sold under a guarantee of your satisfaction or your money back. Over 125,000 users. Como In and seo this wonderful heating plant, which may bo Instnll Srin ("l hoinos or now In a day. without alterations or plumbing. Hine you boughl ymir fueU You will new! less with a Caloric. SIMON BROS., Dealers: Wolineet now has an oil station nut In by tho Standard Oil Co. Wo have flue corn this year, on tho sandy land in South Lincoln County. From present Indications, ono might think Grover Clevelnnd was president ngaln Tho Farmers' Equity Grain Co. Is building a now residence for its mnn ager at Wollfleet. Mr. Larson, a merchant of Wcll ilcot Is out west looking up a car load of potatoes. South Lincoln County farmers will pay 4c per bushel and Hoard for corn buskers this fall. Tho weather Is fine hero. Small grain is making a fine start and liny and feed aro being taken care of. We had hoard that John Barleycorn was dead Omt It scorns that ho camo-U In timo to attend tho Mnywood Fair last week. Hero is a question which wo would like to ask Which Is tho cheaper, torn at 20c per bushol which is $0 a ton or coal at $12.50 per ton? Corn husking will begin early this season as corn is well matured. With good cribs, ono could commence crib bing by October 15th and bo safe. I A c. Burton, owner of tho Lake view ranch, two miles northwest of Wellllect on the Medicine Creek, threshed 175 bushels of lino alfalfa seed last week. ' Fnrniers In this part of tho country aro only gcttlngSSc for wheat. This should insure cheap pancolcoB ami I with sugar around $7 per cwt. wo can afford to smear thorn well with syrup but what about tho butter. On Thursdny of last week a bihy ; ulrl was born to Mr. anil Mrs. Wilson Bolllsh, living near Welllleet anil on tho same dato an auto turned over on the road four miles north of Well fleet, causing the death of a man trnv .sllim for Arbucklc Coffee Co. Undoi inker Carstcnson of Curtis took the body In charge, preparing it for ship ment. -:o:- :o:- Mrs. Samuel Bergman left yesterdav for her homo In Salt Lake City after visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs ullus PIzer. NOTICE -:o:- Water rent is duo and will bo de linquent on tho 20th of October. Ilorshoy S. Welch Water Commissioner i NOTICE limine left my board and lodging I will not bo responsible for any debts made horeaftor by my wlfo. JOE C. M1LL13U Wednesday, Oct. 12th, IT SALE NO-PROF ONE DAY ONLY SUIT CASES, BAGS, GRIPS, TRUNKS. 331 per cent Discount SUIT CASES $1.00 AND UP. BAGS $1.50 AND UP. GRIPS $2.50 AND UP. TRUNKT $6.65 AND UP. Harry Samuelson, "THE QUALITY STORE." A Twenty Payment Policy -in the NEW YORK JLIFJS is tho best plan of regular savings and protec tion, combined. You save tho money you invest in an old lino policy. Buy your policy in the Now York Life, the Company with adequate re sources, and 7(i years of successful life insurance service. R. H. WELLER Phone 378 LW SPECIAL AGENT North Platte. fin i n i hi 1 1 1 w i ( i ii i n iii ii niMirrwinMHi'uff 'R'ljirerasaauitar DANCE AT K. C. HALL Lump Coal Another car now on track, if you wan I some out ol this car call us as soon as possible. Honest Coal Honest Weight Honest Service PHONE 40 The Artificial Ice & Cold Storage Co. 1 Saturday, October 15th. LADIES FREE. War tax paid. WALL IMI'KIt in Itself will mnko an oloKunt home -at least our's will. Have yon noticed tlio artistic advance made in wall pa per manufacture? If you liavcn't we surely can demonstrate tho difference hoween tho old and tho now, If you'll only drop In as you go by. What a dlfforenco there rcallly Is In wall pa pers. DUKE & OVREN, 218 East Cth. Phono 270 Executives ! KEEP n Corona in tho drawer of your desk I When you want to writo a confidential letter, or dash off a memo you can writo it with Corona quicker, easier, more legi bly than by hand. Call at the nearest Cnnn i store orve will dei. strate at your convenience. Stone's Drug Store. Welglia fl5 lbi. 1'olJs and fits inn neatctrry iug case. ComoNA 7ie Penonrf Writing Mxhtm nn with 111 " h"Tf 1 1 1 rNN,- Porter Electric Co.