THE NORTH PLATT1S SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE cmMltteekly (artbtutc. WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher. Entored at tho North IMattc, Nebraska Postofflce ns Second Class Matter. SUIlSCJtlPTION PKIC'Ki One Your, in advance--- $i.G0 FltlDAV, OCTOBER 7tli, 1021. HUITOMAL. OF INTEREST TO RURAL READERS KAMI MJKKAr NEWS SKRVICE SUPPLIES ITEMS FOR THE TKHIUXK HEADERS Mrs. Tout lins Just recelvod u Kodn for Written Thought. When wo heurd that wo wcro highly pleased and hast ened to Inquire what It was. Wo wore told that It was little wooden disc with certain decorations upon It an 1 that Is was to bo worn on a cerc- minimi sown, we suggested mat it would look woll on our watch fob but wcro told that It wan awarded to hoc for bur work In getting up a little pa per tolling of tho Campdro girls' camp and that It was awarded upon tho recommendation of tho National Hon or Commlttoo of tho Cnmpflrc Girls. No one else has tho right to wear It 00 we guvoiup. Mrs. M. 13. Crosby vas tho first to win a National Honor and othors aro planning to cam 0110 ns soon as thoy can. Farmers who are desirous of so curing lambs for feeding purposes should communicate with tho Nebras ka Farm Bureuu Federation at Lin coln which has a line on a number of placos In Arizona where thoy can be purchased. Tho Tribune has a communication from Mrs. I. M. Aburcromblc, Presi dent of the Hlgnell Community Club as follows: Wo, tho pooplo of tho BJgnoll Community Club wish to thank tho peoplo of North Platto and vicinity for their able assistance and hearty support during our Fall Fest ival and also at tho County Fair. In these fow brief words the Hlgnoll peoplo fully express tholr fooling to ward the rest of Lincoln county for tho good will and financial support which has been given them. The Tri bune editor has hoard n gjreat many people express thomsolvos about tho Hlgnell Community Club and tio is of tho opinion that Lincoln County should thank tho BIgnoll peoplo for a good tlmo at tho Will Festival, for Inspiring overy part of tho County bv showing what co-oportttlon can do and for their intorest and activities In helping to mako tho County Fair tho success that It wns. With tills feeling on tho part of all concerned, wo start in on a period of even greater op portunities than over before. Lincoln County will advance hiBt as fast as thin spirit of co-operation gets hold of our people and wo work together for tho good of all the people. The Nashua Woolen Mills at Nashua Iowa, which some tlmo ago advised the Nebraska Furm Hurcau Federa tion that It Is In position to process raw wool for tho growers, has further advised that their factory has been recently overhauled, Its capacity doubled and much new machinery In stalled. Tho mill Is In position to process tho growers' wool In almost any quantities into yarn, blankjcts, and higher grades of woven material, tho cost being what tho company charges for Its sorvlces In converting tho material. Groups of farmors throughout tho Btalo who wish to purchase their win ter'a supply of npplcs in car load lots should communlcato with tho Nobras- ka Farm Bureau Federation which Is In touch with sovornl largo fruit growors' associations In Idaho who aro s&lllng direct to the consumer In car lots. Idaho has a strict state grading law nnd purchasers aro nd vised by the Idaho director of oxtcn slon to Insist upon stato grading nnd In that way the purchaser Is U3 sured of only high igrndo fruit. Tho other day we saw a sign which read, "Savo something and Ho Some body." It made a quick appeal to us and wo have boon thinking about it ever since. Tho word Homebody. Ilka overy other word that amounts to anything, has two meanings. Uso one moaning and the motto Is Rordld; 1110 the other and It Is trite. You aro some body whon you rospoct yourself and othii'H respect you. With this tho mot to would read "Save something and have tho self-respect of yourself and others." Hut It has lost something In cxprcwlon ho wo prefer the original. Tlu.11 there Is tho moaning of "some body" Ivlileh nnplKiHixoH riches as tho measure ot hucookh. In the eyes of some peoplo only thoso are "Home body" who liavo wealth. Character, service-, love, gonorosity-- nono of those can balance riches with such peoplo. Our own self respect-and the respect of others Ih what makes .us go at full speed and makes somebody of us and wo surely can help ourselves to be somebodp If wo save something. Headquarters of tho Nobraska Farm Bureau Federation lias takon no no tion In sotting u prlco for corn IiubIc lug, though several county farm bu reaus havo agreed to a prlco of two and half to threo and a half cents per bushel, with a half cent added where corn must bo scooped. This, accord Ing to tho Nebraska Farm Hurcau people, whon board, room and super vision Is ndded means an expenditure of .approximately a fifth or sixth of the crop, to which Is added tho suggestion that this Is a good year to turn In the 'four logged hunkers" who do tho Job for nothing nnd pay tholr board In tho bargain. stato agricultural organizations will hold a mooting in Omalui on October 12, probably at tho Castle Hotel, to discuss tho lnterost rnto proposition about which much has bean said re cently In connection with the federal resorve loans, also about the Great Lakes St. Lawrence tidewater pro ject. Governor S. It. McKclvIo of Neb raska ;who uncovered tho apparent profiteering by banks In Interest chnrges when ho made a request to tho federal reserve board for a more liberal credit for farmers, will attend tho conference largely In the interorts of farm credits. Ex-Govenor Hard ing ot Iowa, who Is one of the prin cipal backers of his state of the Great Lakes St. Lawronco tidewater pro ject will speak on that subject, invit ations have been sent out to all per sons Interested In the agricultural activities. :o: A good sized crowd assembled at tho Franklin Auditorium last Friday ovonlng for tho Illustrated lecturo on "Getting W10 Most Out of Retail ing" Mr. Farloy talked In a conver national stylo and his address was Intensely Interesting from bcglnlng to end. What ho said was convlnc Ingly portrayed on tho canvas by the lantern or tho moving pictures. Somo of tho business men were there with all of tholr clerks while others wore cpnsplclous by tholr nbaonco. ' at tho lowest possible price Tho pur- Tho lecturer paid a tribute to those who wero present In saying that ho took It thoy wore thoro to loam something. Continuing ho said "A3 long ns anything Is green It keeps on growing. Nothing Is Baddcr than the merchant who thinks ho knows it all and stops growing." Ho then discussed Store or Shop Organiza tion, Advertising, Window Display, Selling nnd Store Accounting. Under each head he gavo helpful sugges tions which will mean much to local retailers In giving a better service at a lower cost to tholr customers and n greater profit to themselves. :o of the 1 chasing powor of such a tromondous organization us tho J. C. Penney Co naturally makes possible tho buying of selected merchnndlso of high qual ity so as to retail lfht low prices. (Hoagland & Carr Attorneys.) NOTICK OF PETITION. Estate No. 1848 of Charles J. H. Brand, deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per sons Interested In said Estate take notlco that a petition has been filed for tho appointment of Fred J. Hnss as administrator of said estate which has been set for hearing herein on November 1st, 1921 at 10 o'clock a. 111. Dated October G 1921. (SEAL) WM. II. C. WOODHURST. County Judge Want Ads H. J. RntlunaiV manager J. C. Penney Co. store here has Just returned from a sectional convention of tho firm which was held In S Louis on Sept. Kith and 17th. In on Interview yesterday Mr. Rnthmnn said : "Prevailing conditions as they are generally understood to exist, are not rollected In the financial report of thU nation-wide institution, which shows that this 700, 735.7G in excess of the figures tor tions 35 and 36, 25 and 26, 23 and tho corresponding period of last year. 24, and 13 nnd 14 to the NW corner President E. C. Sams attributes this 0f section 13 said township and Extension llond Xo. 'IS. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The special commissioner appoint ed to view a public road as follows Commencing at the SW corner of for tho first ' eight months y( j section 30 T. 12 N. It. pi W. running year the gross receipts wore $ I. 'thence north on !'no Jjetween sec- increase largely to the fact that the public nowadays Is shopping around and buying merchandise of quality Sun Theatre Tues., The Nebraska Farm Hurcau Fed eration has boon advised by member of tho Nebraska war finnnco com mittee that tho interest rate on loans to farmors Is to bo made oven loss than was at first expected. Loans aro already being made through tho Nobr uska commlttoo on the basis of ap proximately eight per cent. This Is because tho war finance corporation has agreed lo put tho money through tho banks at . tho snmo rnto us ls charged by tho federal reserve bank, or six porcent to which must bo added 1 11 probablo charge by tho bank hand I ling the loan of two per cent, making I the loan to the farmer eight per cont. Most bankors Insist that thoy cannot handlo tho loans for loss thnn two per cont but If thoy find thoy can shade this figure there Is a possibility that tho monoy may yot cojno to thi farmer slightly under olght per con; For Kent Two nicely furnished roms, strictly modern. 408 E. Sixth. For Sale or Trade A nice team of young mules. Call GG8J. "Wiu'ited Girl for light housework. Phono 1260J. Lost Scotch Collie. Return to 92. E. 2nd. For Sale Ripe tomatoes $1.00 per bushel at the Elmwod Farm. R. F. D No. 1. Wanted A maid for general house work. Mrs. J. J. HnlHgnn, 304 West 2nd St. For Sale Pumpkins $.50 to $1.00 per dozen. Squashes 2c per pound. Mrs. Hokoskic, phone 79GF110. For Sale Two hard coal burners and one soft coal stove and ono dining table. 408 E. Sixth. For Sale Ono Radiant Homo hard coal sovo, good as now. A. O. Kocken, 220 West Sixth street. To Trade A thorobred Hampshire boar for one of the samo brood L. hi. Ebrlght, North Platte. ! For Sale One two year old boar. Registered Poland China, See Harry! Shunor North Platte Phone 784F210 For Rent Four unfurnished rooms.' Also 2 unfurnished bed rooms on west! 4tli street two blocks from court houso. 1 For Sale Puro extracted honey, al-j 15c per pound. You furnish tho con-i tuiner. East end 14th St. R. McFar-1 land. For Sale i.5-1 nrces lot 10, County Clerk's Subdivision, southeast part of, North Platte. Easy terms. Address H. T nfil.'..nnni. nor. c. 1 ..... n r ! California. Notice Any girl in trouble may com municate with Rev. J. H. Payne or Mrs. J. H. Payne. Hox 274. No. Platto. Phone 5S9.I or call at room 9 Hodden Rooms'. Sunday, Mon., . I M 1 1 range, has reported In favor of the establishment thereof, and all objec tions thereto and all claims for dam ages by reason of the establishment of nbovo road must file same In the office of tho CoTinty" Clerk of Lincoln County, Nobraska, on or before 12 o'clock noon of tho 12th day of De cember, 1921, or said road will bo al lowed without reference thereto. Dated at North Platte, Nobrnska, this 29th day of Sept. 1921. A. S. ALLEN, (SEAL) County Cleric. All All NVa & pt E of creek In SWVi SEVi Part wost of creek In SWVi All All WVaNWVi&SVaSWVi &SWViSWVi PnrtE Va SE Vi &SE Vi SE Vi All All All NEVi&SVa E of Creek W of Creek TOWNSHIP 9 NEV NWViNEVi&SEVi NEVi SW', SE'A -SEM SE Vi &NE Vi E VI NE V, SWVi NWVi SEVi SWVi NEVi NWVI SWVi NE Vi NEVi&EVfcNWVi& EVa SEVi NEVi&NWVjWVfcSWVi TOWNSHIP 10 WVfcSVL'NEVi&SEVi NV 20 21 22 33.04 72.57 23 80. 0U SEVi 11 NE Vi 12 EVa 14 NWVi 14 NE Vi 17 NEVi 22 IEV 25 NVaNWVi 28 sVaNWVi&SVi 28 SWM 34 I TOWNSHIP 14 RANGE j NEHLots5-G-7- 2 LOtSo-4- - All 5 LotB3-4-5-G- G NASWV. ' 7 I Lot8- 7 I Lotl&EVfeSEVi . 9 I N Va &SW Vi &Lots3-4- 9 Lot4&WV2SWVi 10 W Va SE Vi NE Vi &W Vi E Va SEVi 11 33.7$ E Va E Ms SE vi &u Mj Lotu 31.95 42.53 42.53 137.85 42. 53 162.01 15. 7G 93.50 10.7! 33 148.33 21.13 9G.63 14.3? 70.43 4.G8 85. 8fi 114.67 G5.90 SEVi 11 14.89 PartNEVi 14 3.87 PartNEVi 14 1.58 SEVi 14 55.2G SWV4 ' 18 33.84 NWVi 19 61.44 NEVi 20 24.30 NWVi 21 29.93 SEVi 1 24 30.04 SEVi 26 G0.47 NVa 32 G8.01 SWVi " 34 47.40 TOWNSHIP 11 RANGE 34 SE VI NE Vi &NE Vi SE Vi &SV&SEV, 2 13.54 SWVi 8 18.97 SEVi 8 29.39 l-3NW&NEViSEVi 10 41.88 SWVi 11 13.55 All 13 53.36 All 14- 78.57 NEVi&S.Va 18 54.17 All 19 47.15 NVa&SEVi 28 61.83 All 33 54.23 TOWNSHIP 12 RANGE 34 EVa 2 162.70 NMi ' 4 151.65 SWVi . 4 58.23 All 11 137.00 WMjSEV, 12 145.42 All 14 87.51 TOWNSHIP 13 RANGE 34 NEVi 6 45.41 Jackie Coogan The Nebraska agricultural council composed of the heads of tho various The undersigned will sell at Public Auction nt the old Hesack Hum in NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA Saturday, October IS thi At 1:30 O'clock 24 Head of Poland China Hogs Consisting of 10 Males and 14 gilts. All of the hos olVercd here are from Jumbo Girl bred to Big Yankee and purchased direct from Philip Dawson. Philip Dawson, of Endicott, is one of the best hog breeders in the state nnd he has the ribbons to show for it. PEDIGREE OF JUMBO GIRL SIRE Big Bone Jumbo 87554 by Jumbo Chief DAM Corwins Model 252882 by Buckaneer Big Yankee was the 40,000 boar sold by Williams and lost soon after. This blood is very popular. A. S. BELLEW9 Owner ED. KIERIG, Auctioneor, RAY LANGFORD, Clerk. SAYS "Being bad like other kids ain't bad enough for me. "I'm touch--so touch tlujt tho cops beat it when I como around. "My folks don't like tho4ldea, so I had to muko 'Peke's Bad Boy'vwhen they weren't looking. "Betcha I'm tougher 'n any kid in thlstown. an' I'll prove It In "Peck's Bad Boy" "Irvln S. Cobb helped nio In it so y'seo my mob's pretty tough, too." Also Comedy. Matinee daily I PUBLIC SALE I 11 11 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 17 18 18 20 21 o o oo 23 24 24 25 25 26 Tho undersigned will sell at public auction on Wednesday, October 26th, 1921. at his farm southwest of 17 miles Staploton northoast of on fio farm North known Platto and ns the old 20 miles Peterson plare. beginning at 1 o'clock, tno following described property. 25 HEAD OF CATTLE 2 milch cows giving milk now; 2 with calves by their side; 8 heifers coming two years old; 1 cow throe years old; 1 steer coming two years old; 1 bull calf S months old; 5 spring calvos. 9 HEAD OF HORSES 1 span geldings four years old, weight 2200; 1 span blacks threo yearn old, weight 1050; 1 span threo year old niulos; 1 gray mare, eight yours old, wolght 1100; 1 bay mare, nino years old. weight 1000; 1 bay mare, ten years old, wolght 900. 25 HEAD OF HOGS S average 250 pounds each; 17 head shoats. FARM IMPLEMENTS 1 spring wagon, 1 monitor gas ongluo in good running ordor, one horse grain drill good as now, 1 disc, 1 two-row, 1 harrow, 1 wagon, 2 sots work harness, 2 dozen chickens, ono cream separator in good ordor. HAY AND GRAIN 50 acres of good corn In field, about 30 loads ot hay place; If corn nnd hay Is sold will glvo possession March 1st, with two sections of good winter rargo. ' Fltin: LUNCH AT NOON Lot4&E.SVTVi E SWVi WVaNEVi 12 & NWVi EVfcSWVi PartSEVi PartEVsNEVi WVaNEVi NWViSWVi&NWVi SWVi SWVi EViSWVi&WVsSEVi SVL-NEVi SW Vi SVjSEVi Part W Vi N E Vi &NW Vi &S W VI 17 SEVi Parts Vi feParlNVi SEtfSEVi EVuSEVi Parts Vi PartNE Vi &ParlSE Vi Parts SVsNEVi&EVaSEVi PartNE Vi &ptNW Vi &N Vi NVsSEVi SVjSEV. Lot G NVa Lot 5 WVsNWVi&ptNEVi south 11 11 N Vi NE Vi &S W Vi NE Vi & NWVtSEVi&SWVi Part NWVi Part NWVi Part NWVi Part S W Vi Part NWVi&SEVi Part Lots 1-2 Lots 3-4 TOWNSHIP IE All NEVi NE Vi &SW Vi SEVi All All SVi WVa& PartNEVi West of Greek All WVaEVi-&NWVi WVL-NWVi&SWVi I EVa W Vi NE Vi & W Vi & W Va & ' SEVi&SEViSEVi 1 All All All WVaEVa E2WVu All B of Greek TOWNSHIP 1G 33.7G 32.22 G2!80 72.77 77.32 G4.61 50.1)2 75.01. 67.33 181.1!) 30. IS 93.40 82.S.0 42.45 59.34 521.95 422.58 741.09 65.30 217. 9S 230. 3G 107.9C 27.011 113.61 247.411 3G.48 7.83 147. G4 11. 40 27 33.06 28 28 28 28 - 30 30 32 32 KANGE 1 o M 4 4 5 - 6 8 10 15 18 22 23 25 stacked at the at onco till TERMS All sums of $20 and urn! or cash; all sums ovor that amount six months tlmo will bo glren on bnnkablo note bearing ton por cent Intorest from dnto of sale. J. S. GUYMAN, Owner. ED KIERIG, Auctioneer RAY V. LANGFORD, Clerk. OR 30 31 33 34 34 35 RANGE 345.59 71.24 421.G4 277.30 109.85 26.85 19.91 50.99 33 50.2-s 23.46 35.10 17. C8 58.84 G4.4S 29.51 50.95 13,46 70.11 93.80 35.10 46.73 31.5 1 31.51 31.54 9.83 8.04 67.10 33 23 24 25 2G 26 27 32 33 34 35 35 ItANGE 1 3 5 5 5 6 6 8 26 27 28 28 29 29 29 30 31 33 RANGE 4 ' 9 12.G0 51.74 30.45 19.57 9.50 80.84 58.84 72.9b 61.79 35.10 52. 17 34 20.04 120.92 39.87 62.6? 72.37 72.37 72.37 80.04 20.02 36.9r 22.14 40.71 27.21 35.65 27.21 13.70 27.21 66,89 10.21 34 31.53 25.9S to 8 &SEViNWVi 6 92.12 Lots 2 S W Vi 11 NEVi W Vi NEVi NWVi SE',4 SEVi WVa SEVi " NV SEVi SEVi TOWNSHIP 14 It Ml NMj&N'jSVj SV2SV2 NEVi&SWVi NV All NVa NW Vi NW Vi &Lolsl-2-3 PartLots4to7&SE Vi SE Vi EVL-SEVi WVsSEVi Parts Vi Part North of RR SWVi Part SWVi SW PartSEVi SWVi Parts Vi SWVi W Vi E Vi & W Vi EbfU.P. NEVi&SVa EVsNWVi WVaNEVi&pnrtSVs EVsNWVi WVaWVa SE Vi SW Vi &S W Vi SE Vi 15 17 17 18 19 19 19 20 21 24 27 27 33 NGE 1 G 10 11 12 13 13 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 2 3 23 24 73. G-' 222.71 40.91 93.27 84.52 89.81 84.b. 84.53 195.23 82:01 176.63 82.01 84. 5j 34 45. ca 45. G3 16.26 44.2 I 22 22 183.74 101.14 38.74 230.40 18.64 18.36 S6.90 20.84 354.91 320.72 2.30 93.70 68G.29 351.90 81.48 J5 17 171.53 196.47 All 2 51.74 Part West of Crook In WVs 3 22.06 All - 4 45.19 All 5 45.19 All 0 45.19 All 7 45.19 AH S 45.19 All 9 , 45.19 W Va SE Vi &N Vi NE Vi &N Va N W Vi &SE Vi N W Vi &NE Vi SWVi - 10 47.27 S W Vi S W Vi & W Va S W Vi ASEViSWy! 10 13. 3G SVsSVa 12 13.09 All 13 51.47 Wost of orulc 15 44.2a All 17 45.19 NVaNVa 18 15.31 SEVi 25 427.73 NVs 26 83.0 SEVi 26 246.30 PnrtNVaNVa&SVa 28 120.82 EVa&NVaNWVi 30 G0.05 AH 31 99.211 NW i SE Vi &S Vi NE Vi & PartNEVi SWVi 32 37.34 SVSWVi&Lotsl-2 32 55.31 NVa&NVaSWVi 33 42.29 EVa SEVi 34 33.2:' SWViSEy, 35 16.51 TOWNSHIP 1G RANGE 34 AH 2 44.2 1 AH 8 49.16 AH 13 44.24 AU 14 56.18 All 19 42.41 All 22 42.44 All 25 44.24 All 2G 44.24 All 27 44.24 All 31 42.41 All 34 67.20 All ' 35 56.18 TOWNSHIP 16 RANGE 34 All 2 43.02 NE Vi &SE Vi 0 31.43 WVa 6 40.17 WVjSEVt ' 8 30.53 All 9 40.17 All 10 65.20 All 11 73.75 NVa&NVaSWVi NVaSEM 12 31.34 SVaSVl- 12 10.58 All 13 55.14 All 14 41.72 All 15 41.72 All 17 40.71 All . 18 38.02 All . 19 38.02 All 21 40.7S All 23 ,4,3.40 All 31 'j8.02 EVfe , 82 41.99 All 33 40.70 All 34 51.70 All 35 44.24 M