The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 07, 1921, Image 4

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Wc have a nice line of Christmas and New Years Greetings and Engraved Cards
Get your orders in early, the engravers will be rushed from now on.
CLINTON & SON, Jewelers and Opticians
Sign of The Big Ring Satisfaction Sure Try Us. Graduate Opticians
Office over tho McDonald
State Bank.
P. B. Sullivnn of Wollaco wns n city
visitor yestordny.
C. II. Nelson was among llio Wallace
visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. Bedford of Madrid undor won't
an operation Tuesday.
Albrccht furs, the quality kind at
Wilcox Department Store.
Mrs. Frank Ksliolman of Hcrslioy
visited In the city yesterday.
Dr. J. B. Hcdflold transacted busi
ness lu Ogalallu Wednesday.
Mrs, W. T. Amblor of Stapleton
shopped in tho city yesterday.
Dr. John S. SlmniB transacted pro
fessional business in Sutherland.
Hhlley Warren loft Wednesday for
lyexlngton to spend a few days.
Ililllken shoes for children at Wil
cox Department Storo.
M. IC. Neville returned Wednesday
from Omaha where he transacted bue
inoss. RufiiH Hancy of Hynnnls, Neb .
transacted business in "tho city this
Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Wurtello went to
McCook this morning to attend the
football game.
P. S Smith, is suffering many bruis
es and cuts due to falling from his
bicyclo (yesterday.
Mrs. Jos. Sullivan and Mrs. Bowon
of Brady wore among tho out of town
visitors yesterday.
Oco. Kecno of Elmcreok visited lo
cal friends Wednesday and left Thurs
day for Julesburg.
Dr. John S. Twlnem returned
Wodrwlay from Oiuuhn where ho
transacted business
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. lloaley and C.
L. Llttlo are attending tho football
gnnio In McCook today.
Miss Isabollo Stafford of l'axton
will spend tho w'cok ond as the guest
of Miss Loreita Murphy
Mrs. Geo. Green of Gothonbun?
underwent an operation at tho l'latto
Valley hospital Wednosday.
Queon Quality shoos for womon at
Wilcox Department Storo.
J. W. Abbott and family and G. S.
Thompson and family were among tho
Ilorshey visitors Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Egun of Denver
visltod local friends and transacted
business in tho city this wook.
Mrs. Maudo Wobstor returned to ho?
homo In Norton, Kana. AVodncsdny
after visiting relatives lu tho city.
Artjiur Uanford, Dir Kccfo and Mr.
Martin returned to Sioux City, Iowa
Tuesday after visiting James T. Keofe.
Win. Waldorf's car of Quaker
furnaces are hero,. and all those
who so kindly favored mo with
their orders, will be- delivered
at once.
There will bo a few loft hi
this car. so hurry up ir you
want a goad Old Quaker Fur
Jiace that has stood tho test for
more than 110 years.
Yours to please,
war. WAi.noitK,
2nd door north of Postoflo.
ii Phono 517.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Caroy of Ho
ahoy were out of town visitors yostor
day. Miss Brum Bradley spent tho wifiok
end in l'axton uh tho guest of Miss
Mable Krabb. '
Miss Bthol Sousor will go to Omaha
this evening whore alio will have hor
tonsils removed.
A B. Hoagland returned yesterday
from n business trip to the southern
part of the state.
Mrs., Graco Ileckor left today for
Grand Island where she will make
her future homo.
Miss Floronco Fltzglbbon is off duty
tills wook nt tho W. J. O'Connor storo
on account of Illness.
Llttlo Francos Stack, daughtor of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stack Is reported
to ho on tho sick list.
T. C. Patterson arrived hero yester
day from Rochoster, Minn, to train-
act business in tho city.
Cheyenne and from thcro will go to
Donvor to spend two weeks.
Geo. Glcason of Omaha is spending
two weeks nt tho homo of his parents;
iVIr. nud Mrs. P. II. Gloason.
Glen Brock nnd sen arrived Wed
nosday to visit at tho homo of the
former's brother Dr. II. Clny Brock.
Miss Bessie Salisbury will leave
Sunday for Omaha to visit. She will
also visit in Aurora boforo retumin.?
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Lambert of
Juolsburg, Colo, stopped over night
and loft Wednesday for Ellery, 111. to
B. K.'llaldman of Grand Island,'
dlsrlct managor of the Northwestern
Boll Telephone System, was a oltv
visitor Wcdcsdny.
Mr. anil Mrs. Chus. Lance returned
in their homo In Kearney yesterday
rftrr visiting tholr daughter Mrs. I. J
Sharp and husband.
Tho Yoonuui Ixidgo hold a social
and dance last oveulng at the IC. C.
hall. An onjoyablo cvonlng was Bpent.
Tho Imperial Flvo Orchestra furnish
ed tho music.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Borkoy of DaV
enpprt, (Nobr. arrived yestiirday to
visit nt tho homo of their daughter
Mrs. M. B. Crosby.
Mrs. II. D. McDanlel and daughter
of Pnxton undorwont operations
for toiiBilltis at the Platto Valley Hos
pital Wednesday.
If. A. Brooks will leave Sunday for
Lincoln. While thoro ho will spend
a week under Win. Towlea of Wash
ington D. C. loarnlng the latest things
m photographic art.
AV. J. O'Connor, Rob't. DIckoy, Per-'
! - Buchanan, Arthur Plummcr aim !
Thurston AVoodhurst are" among the '
football fana attending tlto football
game at McCook today. ,
Mrs. 0. It. Robinson and children
arc expected this wook to return t
from Nampa, Idaho whoro they spont. j
several months visiting at tho homo '
of Mrs. Robinson's mother. I
Mr. and Mrs. Moso McFnrland and I
daughter Mrs. Paul Nolan returned !
Wednesday from Bedford, Iowa,
whoro thoy visltod relatives. Miss
Mabollo roinalnod In Iowa for a
wooks visit.
I am back on tho job have had a
vacation while at tho fairs. Now I
havo a list of city property, upland
and Irrigated farms and rnnchos for
sale. Will also consider trade. Lot'.!
got together. Call 1130. B. A. Olson.
says nv is thi: to
AVnltor Broso, Horticulturist at the
North Platto Experimental Substation
iBSiied a statement to Lincoln County
people yesterday in which ho tells
of fall planting of bulbs for spring
blooming. Ho says:
Tho planting time for all spring
flowering bulbs Is in the fall. They
can ho put in any time from Octol er
first till the ground freezes. Some
gardeners plant later, but tho early
planting brings tho best results.
The soli should bo well loosened
and tho center of tho bed should bo
higher so as to allow tho water to
run off. After planting glvo tho bed a
good soaking and If it is necessary
later, wnter tho bod again. AVatcr
again In tho spring as soon as bulbs
start to grow. For fertilizer give a
top dressing of well rotted manure or
bono meal. Mostly all of tho bulbs
llko a sunny position, nevertheless if
protected from tho north thoy will
bloom earlier. Cover tho beds before
tho cold weather sots In with leaves
or straw. Tho bulbs do good for a
number of years.
Summer flowering annuals may bo
put In the Tulip beds. It is not neces
sary to lift tho bulbs every year. The
bulbs should bo planted from fou,r to
bIx Inches deep. The best tool used
for this work Is tho trowel.
Johnnle Getz, tho nut coinedlnn
with "Listen Ireno" Is one of the
funniest comedlnns of the day. He
appeared last year in "Cheer Up
Mable" and becamo tho rage, "Listen
Ireno" Is tho vehicle ho has chosen
for tho display of his genis this year
and North Platto theatre goers iwill
havo an opportunity of forming tu'lr
own opinions of his ability. Listen
Irono Is at tho Keith next Monday
AVo havo some beuuttful now hats
In tho AVhltUiker Millinery, 500 Lo
cust St.
Keith Theatre
The Stealers
with all star cast and Comedy.
Crystal Theatre
All Dolled Up
starring Gladys Walton
also comedy.
Devi! to Pay
All star cast. Also comedy.
Notice to' Football Fans
See Crcighton Football players
in the first game of the season
will be at the SUN throe days
commencing Sunday.
Designed by lovers of children and made by those who instinctively tailor
tenderly, our coats for little folk seem to us the last word in juvenile
possibilities. J
It is a i remarkable gathering that we have here, ranging from the sturdily
practical for the tomboy school girl to some frankly show-off styles for the
idol of the family, and from coats that cost but little to those that cost much
Surely wo con match your every need or wish.
x Department
Cor. Front & Dewey
- oaie
Mens and Young Mens Suits
Newest Fall Styles, all jf :
wool fabrics up to
$42.50 values, for this
sale only
SO $
B0YS Quiifc $fV5
Regular 12,50 value, this sale only
Sher Work Shoes $990
Regular S4 value for this sale only
Mens Heavy
Grey Cotton
Sweaters 6 1
& cloth Dress Shirts S12S
Blue Chambray Work Shifts 79c
Sine VclOUf HatS $415
Regular S6 value, for this t,ale only
Men and Young Mens Overcoats
J'laln or bolted models,
all wool fabrics, up to
S35.00, for this sale
only ,
See Blouses 89c
Regular 1.15 value for this sale only
SSSSK Dress Shoes
n i of- ..i.. r .u: i ..
ieguiur ?u vuiur iui una suic uiny
g."SaZ.d Union Suits 95c
Collars tor 50c
Arrow Brand
171 1 OL!-.i
r unmet auius
Mens p U Ife. $QlS
Highest quality felt "dlb -J
Regular $5 value for this sale only
Mllo Burke was horn In North Platte
Nobr., In 18GG and died at Cheyenne,
AVyomlng. Sept. 20, 1921. He receive!
his education in the public schooh3
of this city and hero laid the found
ation for his future success. His
friends like to tell how, when he was
so small that it was impossible for
him to mount a horse, he devised n
rope ladder with which to climb into
the saddle When ho was seventeen
years of ae;e he moved to AVyomlng
whoro ho had lived ever since. He wr.a
a brother of Mrs. John Bratt of this
city. The remainder of this sketch
Is taken from tho Cheyenne State
Leader for AVednesday, Sept. 21:
In 1833 he moved to this state and
at the ago of 19 was made manager
for tho Bar X Cattlo company. His
youthful nppearanco caused him to he
dubbed "Tho Kid" by which name he
wns known for many years in what
Is now AVnshaklo county.
In 1887 ho was married to Miss Bes
sie Tannehlll of Kansas City, and the
two then began life on their own hook.
From the small beginning they made
ut Tonsleep they doveloped a ranch
of 1,300 acres, well improved, brought
to a high state of cultivation, and
known as one of the beauty spots of
AVhen thoy started out they had to
haul their goods overland from Raw
lins and tho nearest doctor was at
Buffalo, 90 miles away. Ioolated from
civilization, they reared a splendid
family and sent each child away to
school. Mr. Burke was once elected to
tho stato legislature, but not being in
sympathy with tho political methods
of that day refused to servo He was
n lifelong democrat.
Besides tho widow ho is survived
by throo daughters, Mrs. Cecil Morris
of Lincoln, Nohr., Mrs. Betty Hales
of Thormopolls and Miss Mildred of
Tensloop. nnd two sons, Mllo. jr. and
nn. both living nt the parental
homo. Mrs. Burke, Mrs. Morris and
Lynn wore with him nt tho end.
Tho body will bo tnken homo and
tho funeral hold at 2:20 p. m. Friday
at tho church at Tonsleep.
Henry Andorson of Tryon spent Munslngwcar for the whole family
AVedneday In the city. at AVIIcox Department Store.
Lay in your winter supply of Potatoes.
Prices from 85c to $1,45 per bushel.
Come in and See them at Car.
McMichael Grocery,
Phone 441.
Hanna Lump Coal
Another car now on track, if you want
some out of this car call us as soon
as possible.
Honest Coal Honest Weight Honest Service
The Artificial Ice & Cold Storage Co.
A'ou can havo tho Evening Journal
mailed to you anywhoro In Nobrnska
or adjoining states until Jnn. 1 for
only 7f cents or including tho big Sun
day Journnl for $1.00. It costs more
to produco a morning papor. thoro
foro tho price for tho morning Journal
to Jan. 1 Is $1, wlUi tho Sunday. $1.25
Tako your choice. Thoy ore both com
pleto twenty-four hour papers nnd the
blggoat bargains offered. Tho Even
ing is $4.00 a year or $5.00 with Sun
day and tho Morning Is $5.00 a year
or $G.OO with Sunday. Tho Journal la
tho only morning papor printed in
Lincoln and on rural routes Is a full
day ahoad of mnny other pnpors with
tho nows.
County Agent Kellogg had a call
yostorday morning, from Scottsbluff,
asking him to sond 30 mon up thera
f,or work nt throo dollnrs a day. Any
ono Intorostod should soo him in the
Postofflco building.
Thoro will Co n Mothers' and Ba
bies' party In tho basoinont of the
Lutheran Church Saturday afternoon
from three to flvo o'clock
Porter Electric Co.