TIIM NORTH PIATT10 SKM1-W10EKTA TlllBrNR WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY INTERESTING ITEMS l-ROM EX CHANGES WHICH REACH OUR DESK. We wore unable to attend tlio fair nt North l'latto Inst week. Wo hear from all quarters that it wan the best over hold In the county. Tho officials tire to be congratulated on making tho fair a success. Suther land Courier. coops of poultry, a smaller exhibit of kltchon rtnd dairy products and ' no educational exhibit whatever. j Tho program of ontortalnment was different from that In Keith in some rospects but did not meet with 1 any great favor. I Tho charge for admission to the ground nnd grandstand accommoda tions woro hlghor In North Piatt" ' than in Ogallala and the association 1 reports the iittondauco below normal, Keith County News. ! . COMMANDMENTS The following ten commandments have boon adopted by tho Ranchmen Farmers and Landowners in North Lincoln county and all of McPhersoii and Arthur counties. 1. Thou shalt not trespass on our Tho Lincoln county fair closed last Friday. Evidence from those who attended credit that it was a land for we are the owners, success from every standpoint. 2 Thou shalt not take your gun Ideal weather prevailed during tho and dog and hunt on our land. four days and there was a general good attendance. Maxwell Tele-post. 3 Remember tho Sabbath day and keep it holy. Six days shalt thou work and on the seventh have Visitors to tho county fair this a Bood time but do not trespass on year state it Is tho best that Lincoln 1 J'0-"1' neighbor's land. County has ever put up. Tho attrac-1 4 Honor the laws of your tions aro very good and tho exhibits ' country and you will not get in are Bald to bo clearly above tho or- trouble. dinary. Hershoy precinct Is said 5 Thou shalt not kill chickens to have a splendid exhibit. Hershey or ducks other than on your own Times. land. 6 Thou shalt not commit tho I KEITH THEATRE North Piatte. ONE NIGHT ONLY. i Monday, October 10th. PRICES $2.00, $1.50, $1.00. Seat Sole Box Office. PHONE ORDERS NOW. ' crime of disobeying these command ments. ! A GOOD TURN. The Allies went over to Germany and promptly kicked their money j 7 Thou shalt not steal tho game kings into tho ocean, and now Ger- which we have raised, fed and pro many is working full blast in every tected. LOCAL AND I'UKSONAI. line, her people are comfortable and 8 Thou shalt not bear arms or on your- Mrs. Martin Mogensen underwent , an operation at the Platte Valley Hos pital Tuesday. i nM t t rn man n . t . . - neighbor's jwwiuot,, ih-uum, .y-juij i Diagnosis.. McDonald iimik Ittiilillng. I nt. ... tm 1 IH1I10 "I. prosperous and her country blossoms ammunition like a rose. Say, can't wo persuade premises. nnrmnnv in come over hero and ro-! f) Thnii slinll iint o.nvet thv turn the favor we did her ? Sidney ' neighbor's chickens or his duckB, ' I"s'le8t '""ket price paid for eggs. Telegraph. j either on land or on the water. ' ? ea t lca ?LC0 pcr box- Crow 8 r-,., ...... ..... Meat Market. iuuner suuii uiuu quuimuu our iiraay was preuy weu represent-, ...,., to ivo th08B COmmandoments. 1 COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. ed at tho county fair at North Platte Wednesday. Tho exhibits are much better than former years, and the races and free attractions are extra good. The fireworks Wednesday evening attracted big crowds. Thurs day is expected to bo the big day, and tho Fair closes Friday. Brady Vindicator. Mrs. D. E. Morrill and daughter Al ma left the first of the week for - mi - i 1 1 ( i. iu thou sna.L respect my neig. - hft the ,ntep wI, umlerg0 ?27.58. oor as my sen anu oe a goou scom. Those who ignore or break these Board of County Commissioners met In regulair session In Lincoln County Court Houso on Monday. Oc tober 3, with present Commissioners Springer, Cohagen and Coker and County Clerk Allen. Tho following bills wero approved and allowed: National Roflnlng Co., oil, $91.50. Waltemath Lumber Co., $500.00. W. C. Knight, nidse. County poor, It was the writers privilege to at tend the last day of tho Lincoln coun ty fair and it was interesting to make companions with our own fair held the week before. commandments shall be prosecuted to tho full extent of .tho law. So speak all the ranchmen, farmers and land owners of the territory lying to the north of tho North Platto River and In tho Provinces known as Mc Pherson and Arthur counties. Sutherland Courier. Mrs. Edw. Yates entertained the J. F. F. Club Tuesday afternoon at her home. After u pleasant afternoon of Lincoln county is two' and a half cards, refreshments were served, times as large as Keith but tho ox- , " . - " hlbits did not average more. j mL WALDORF, Lincoln had less horses, about the , Tinner, same number of cattle, forty head Makes or repairs anything made of more of hogs, n slightly larger exhi- tin or sheet metal, bit of farm products, twenty moro 510 Locust. Under General Hospital an operation. J. V. Romigh reports the sale of a Dodgo roadster to Jobman and Alberd of Gothenburg, and a Dodge touring to C. C. Lyon and J. A. Doucet. G. A. Zentmeyer of Los Vegos, Now Mexico came Wednesday from Colum bus, Nobr. where ho had been visiting to spend n few days in the city. He was a former resident here. Mr. and Mrs. Mason and baby were guests of Mrs. Win. Burke the first of the week enroute lo western points. Mrs. Mason was formerly Miss Ethel Wills of this city. NOTICE Having left my board and lodging I will not bo responsible for any debts mado hereafter by my wife. JOE C. MILLER. LOCAL AJO) rEUSONAL Miss Florence Stamp entertained the Travel and Study Club Tuesday oven ing at her home. Mrs. E. It. Goodman read a paper on "Our American Artists-" nnd Mrs. M. E. Crosby gnvo n book review. Llttlo Marlon Stamp rondercd n cornot solo nocompanlcd by her mother at tho piano. Clinton & Son, Graduate Opticians, rrv us for Bcrvico. MIbscb Floronco Stack and Florence Stamp loft yestorday for Kansas City nnd other eastern points to visit. Miss Elizabeth Young returned to hor homo in Hastings Tuesday artor visiting at tho homo of hor sister Mrs. Carl Simon. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Sell ram Tuesday at their country iiomo. All concerned aro do ing nicely. LORIft FURNACE HEAT FOR EVERV HOME m ITS 1 tw"wa can operate Calorl C 1 Solve the problem of high-priced fuel by installing the scientific fuel saving CaloriC Pipeless Furnace. Gives you summer warmth (70 de grees guaranteed) in every room in coldest weather cuts fuel bills Yi to V2. The CaloriC is the original pipeless fur nace triple-casing patent, No. 1,346,801. This exclusive CaloriC feature makes pipeless heating successful and imita tors dare not copy it. The CaloriC heats homes of 18 rooms or less through one register. Costs less than stoves to heat same space. No expensive installations, no plumbing no pipes to freeze. Made by largest manufacturer of warm air furnaces in the world. Over 125,000 users, many in this community. Simon Bros. NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. S. ft R. Service Station, oil, $13.93. R. W. Schleicher, repairs, ?8.G4. Peaso & Son, blacksmlthlng, $18.50. O. N. Sholty, bladonian, $150. Clarenco .McNeel, engineman, $150. Peaso & Son, services road dist. It5, $4.00. Henry Geise, tax refund, $50.25. S. S. Copmston, rent County poor, $10.00. Hell Telephone Co., rent and tolls, $78.CC. Roy Hoatson, bladcman, $130. Chas. Loypoldt, engineman, $130. Rinckei" Drug Co., mdse. County poftr; $7.45. C. C. Long, dragging, $21. Chas. Leypoldt, expenses, $21.04. I. C. Ogier, dragging,. $10.20. V. A. Nation, dragging, $17.10. Roy W .Hoatson, services, $1.40. Jens Sommor, mdse. County poor, $49.00. Wm. Johnson, services, $275.25. Brown Sz Co., mdse. County poor, $3G.4G. S. W. Rrown, plow work road dist. 13, $2G. Geo. E. Prossor, salary, $150. Sundry persons, surveying, $114.40. C. W. Yost, office expenses, $lb.75. Paul G. Myers, office rent, $25. Lincoln County Farm Bureau, $256.57. A. E. Kuonp, state bridge insp.. $122.7G. Ralph Beer, road dist. 29, $G2. Axtoll Bros., mdse. County poo.-, $21.87. Arthur Calahan, haying roads, $1'A. Frank Knapp, Rervlcos, $13.b0. Mrs. Emma Pulver, care of County poor, $427. Afro N G. Dean, care of County poor. $572.90. S. M. Souder, office expennos $177.38. Mrs. J. N. Dolson, care of children. $24. Sundry persons, road dit. 3, $133.55. Wallaco Winner, printing, $G5.32. Hershey Times, printing, $18G.G5. Sutherland Courier, printing. $133.75. E. C. Doobke, road dist 27, $24. IT. J. Shriver, road dist. 4, $55.05. Adjourned to Oct. 4. On Oct. 4, tho Board spent the dayj reviewing tho bridges anil laiorais u long tho State Highway. Adjourned to Oct. 10. :o: A number of friends of Mr. amii Mrs. P. J. Beckius delightfully sur-j prised thorn at their country homo last Saturday evening In honor of their j fifteenth wedding anniversary. Tho I evening was spent In dancing and j cards after which delicious rofresh ! monts wore served. Tho guests pre-1 ! sontod tho honoroos with a beautiful 1 gas lamp. j Mrs. Trovlyn Doucot and son loft Sunday for Denver lo visit relatives. j HarryF lclshman of Omaha visit lot wore called to Omaha Saturday A QUIET PLACE to bring your frionds to dine. A place where the greatest caro is ox oxcloed in tho soloctlon of the food materials. A place whoro tho cuisine is oxquislto, whero tho china and cut lory Is tnBtoful, and tho surroundings plensnnt. This is such a place. Come and enjoy It HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. The Fidelity Reserve Company Home Office: NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA 318 LOCUST STREET Insures all clauses of selected liven, issuing policies on tho ordinary limited payment and endowment plan, with double Indemnity; It also insures against sickness, accident and total and pormanent disa bility. Policies of this Company aro made secure by legal resorvos maintained on tho highest standard, with additional contingent re serves providing protection against all emergonclos. Information nnd advlco on any matter rolativo to Lifo Insur ance is available at any time through tho agents or Homo Office of this Compnny. A Twenty Payment Policy in the - NEW VORK LiiFE is the best plan of regular savings and protec tion, combined. You save the money you invest in an old line policy. Buy your policy in the Now York Life, the Company with adequate re sources, and 7(5 years of successful life insurance service. R. H. WELLER Phone 578 L W SPECIAL AGENT North Platte. TlS ORIGINAL 'PIPELESS ' FURHACE TRIPLE'CASING PATENT FARM LOANS I am propared to make a few farm loans on improved farms, occupied by owners. O. H. THOELECKB. A BIG JITNEY DANCE at the LLOYD OPERA HOUSE NORTH PLATTE Warm when it's Cool Cool when it's worm EVERY Thursday & Saturday Evening. A real brand New Floor. No stoirs to climb. LADIES' FREE. :c)THEM.S.OO.I920J