The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 04, 1921, Image 8

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WILSON TOUT. Editor nml Publisher.
fftftdrcil at tho North Platte, Nebraska
Postofflco na Socond Class Mutter.
Ono Year, In ndTimc' $'2.00
TUHSOA Yf tifrrOHKIt -Jilt. '1021.
Tho raconli of tho IJottc- Tlubian
oontoBt t tho County Salr wor9-,coplod
for publlntion In tho, office of Secre
tary Soulier hut botWeon there and
our otflao were mlsplnced itnd uro he-,
Ing compiled ugnln. Wo regret that
wo lmvc not boon nblo to date to glvo
tho winners In tula" olftss. They will
bo printed ai i soon as wo can get
Mrs. 13. N. Oglor will entertain at
one o'clock luncheon and plato
shower In honor of Miss Hazel Bnr
bdr a brldo of Ibis month. Covers
will ho laid for fourteen guests.
Tho Past Matrons of tho Eastern
Star of North Platto will entertain
tho Past Matrons of wostorn Nebras
ka at a lunchoon Thursday In th"
MaRonlc hall.
In our last Issue wo bogan tho
publication of tho comploto list or(
prlzo wlnnors In tho 1921 County
Fair. Wo will print this list ub wV
can gorriho timo to prepare thorn',
and the spaco to placo thorn. All j
will bo printed boforo wo stop. Tho I
Trlbuno fools that It Is duo tho ex
hibitors of Lincoln County that wo
glvo ttjwldp publlclW-go : those wio
cared' enough about making tho Fair
a huccosb to collect, proparo and
bring to tho Fair, tho wonderful ex
hibit of farm and gurdon products
which wo saw there.
Miss Hazol Barber was tho honor
ed guest nt a four o'clock tea and
handkorchlof shower given Satur
day aftornoon nt tho homo of Mrs.
M. K. Novlllo. Tho assisting host
essos wore Mrs. Harry E. Mitchell,
Mrs. M. E. Scott and Mrs. Horton
MLss Lorcttn Murphy, our popular
librarian at tho City Library has
been asked to read a paper boforo
tho Nebraska Library Association
at its annual mooting in Grand Is
land, October 13-16. Hpr subject
lit "Tho Possibilities of Branch Li
braries." MIbb Murphy has mado
such a success with tho branch li
brary In tho Lincoln building that
sho has been nslcod by thoso who
know of hor work horo, to toll tho
othor; librarians of tho state just
how sho docs it.
Well tho great and only fair-Is
over nnd ovoryono agrees that it
was tho host over. The people of
Sellers precinct aro stepping high on
account of tho prizes, .they won at
tho fair.
(Jnrl Swarts met with a painful
accident last Monday' when his team
ran away and as a result lio fract
ured.' ono or his ribs. Ho is able to
bo 'up at this writing.
Mrs, Ed Martin of Princeton, I ml
Is spending this week visiting Mar
shall Oi'ton's family. She will leave
Saturday morning for Trenton,
Nobr. where Bho will visit with hor
sistor. Mrs. ChaH. McDonald for u
fow days."
Wu had a light frost Sunday night
Sept., ;25th which nipped the tomato
adiweol potato vinos but did no
otba, dnmngo. '
My. nnd Mrs. Longmoio of Omaha
and tho Cnl Watklns family of North
Platto visited tho Orloy Watklns
family last Sunday.
iCommoncing Wednesday October
Bnnd continuing Saturday OoTobor
8-nntl onch Wednesday and Satur
day following during tho root of tho
ypar, .1 will olTer for salo different
lfpuiB or men's and boy's woarlng
a'pparol at no proHt prlcoa. Tho
ftrjst , nln will ho on mon's hats. Val
ues up to $15 will go yodnosday at
?'4,0ri. Stotaon hats vuluod at ?11
"will, go Wodnesdny at $5.00 Watch
rR.urthor announcements.
Harry Samuolson
At twolvo o'clock on Wednesday,
Sept. 28th at tho Home of Mr. nnd
fars. .Tamos Sadie, their daughter Jos
ophlno Fern became tho brldo of
Franklin C. Sanford. Tho decorations
for this pretty wedding woro pink
and whlto roses and carnations with
Streamers. In tho prosenco of about
fifty guests, Hov. H. E. Hess read tho
marrlago linos. Miss Violet Downs of
Horshoy played the wedding march.
Tho brldo woro a soft gown of whlto
satin combined with silver laco and
carried a boquct of Amolla roses. Her
brldosmald was Miss Myrtlo Humph
roy of Suthorlnnd who woro u dainty
gown of georgette trimmed with satin,
ribbon. Sho carried a bouquet of pink
Albert Beerbowor of this city was
best man. After the ceremony a sump
tous dinner was sorved to all prcsont.
Many itsoful nnd beautiful gifts Were
rccolvcd from tho innny friends of tho
brldo nnd groom.
Mrs. Sanford Is tho daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Jnines Sndlo and has grown
to womanhoor In this vicinity. Sho
hns won many friends' In this com
munity through hor friendly and
ploaslng porsonallty. Mr. Sanford la
a mocharilo with the ' Hondy-Ogler
Auto Co. nnd Is a veteran of the World
Mr. nnd Mrs. Sunford loft by nuto
for n short trip to Donvor nnd other
wostorn points after which they will
roturn to North Platto. They expect
to bo at homo to their many friends
nftor Octobor 15th. Tho Trlbuno Joins
with theso many friends In wishing
Mr. nnd Mrs. Sanford n long and
happy married life.
North Platte.
Monday, October 10th.
PRICES-$2.00, $1.50, $1.00. Seat Sale Box Office. PHONE ORDERS NOW.
with the class of 191D. Since then she Wanted Fresh young cow. Must
has been teaching In Lincoln County bo tested. Phono G47W.
schools. Tho Trlbuno extends Its best Lost-A snulrrnl nhnkor Fin.w n
wishes to both of theso young people
and wishes thorn many years of happy
married life.
A party of hunters consisting of
Richmond BIrgo, Horton Munger, J.
C. Don, and Dr. Mitchell roturnod
Sunday from n weeks hunting trip
to three mllo lake.
: :o: :
',W doBlro to tuUo this moans of
expressing our slncoro thanks to tho
many kind friondi who wuro so
thoughtful to us during tho timo of
our sorrow and to tho Knights or
Columbus and othor friends who nant
thr flornl offerings.
Mrs. 1C. Connor and sou
Mr. and Mrs. Art Connor
Mr. and Mrs. John Connor
William Connor
Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Powers.
A qitiot homo wedding took pluco
Tuesday afternoon when "MIbs Mildred
Wright became tho Ihrldo of Wm.
Huxoll. Tho ceremony was porformad
' y Rev. C. S. Koch at hto homo of Mr.
and Mr. Oscar Sandnll 215 South
Locust. Tho house pa decorated
with bnskota of roses, astors and
chrysanthemums. Tho brldo was droaa
ed In a blue traveling suit and was
attended by Miss Vora Gough whllo
Elinor Tolltz acted us host man. Fol
lowing tho cromony which was attend
ed by only tho moat Intimate friends,
a wedding dinner was' sorved to the
following guests: Mr. nnd $lrs. Wm.
Huxoll, Mr. ami Mrs. Oscar Sandnll,
Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Koch, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry York, Misses Vora, Flop
onco nnd Mario Gough, Elinor Tollt?
and Mrs. Mary'Aloxandor, Tho dinner
was followed by tho doparturo of Mr.
and Mrs. Huxoll by auto for Sallnn,
Kans., whoro thoy will visit Mrs. llux
oll's parents. Upon their roturn thoy
will rosldo nt 103 S. Vino.
Mr. Huxoll has boon employed nt
tho S. r& R. Sorvlco Station for some
timo and is known as a dependable
young man who Is well liked by thoso
who hold his acquaintance. Mrs.
Huxoll has grown to womanhood In
Lincoln County, having nttondod tho
' North Platto schools and grnduatod
at the
Warm when it's Cool Cool when it's warm
Thursday & Saturday
A real brand New Floor. No stairs to climb.
Edwnr.d Connor was born Nov. 27
188G at North Platto, Nebr., and died
at tho same place Sept. 2(5, 1921 rit
tho ago of 32 years, 9 months, nnd
29 days. He attended Lincoln county
sohools and nt tho ngo of" 19 took a
placo with the Union Pacific as call
boy. Ho was married Oct. G, 1915 tri
Miss Minnie Welch of this city. About
four years ago he moved to Laramie.
Wjoinlng and latter to Prcscott, Ari
zona, In each case hoping tho move
would benlfit his health. Hut he grow
worse nnd only four days beforo his
death ho was brought back to his jiar
onts homo whero ho died. He will be
romombcred especially by thoso who
grow up in tho farming community
whore ho was raised, Edward Con
nor loaves to mourn him, his wif-
and flvo yenr old son, his father and
mothor, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Connor,
two brothers, John and Wlllium and a
sister Mrs. Will Powers, All llvd hero
in North Platto. The Tribune extends!
Its sympathy to those near ones who
will' miss him so much.
$1.00 por
R. F. D.
28. Reward.
For Snle Ripe tomatoes
bushel at tho Elrnwod Farm
No. 1.
For Sak' Pumpkins $.50 to $1.00
por dozen. Squashes 2c por pound.
Mr. Bdkoskle. Phone HOrf
For Snle Two hard coal burners
and ono soft coal stovo and ono dining
table. 408 Ey Sixth.
Wanted Girl for general house
work. Competent girl can command
good wages. Phone 132 .
For Sale Ono Radiant Home hard
coal sove, good as new. A. O. Kocken,
220 West Sixth street
For SnletPuro. extractod honoy at
15c per pound. You furnish tho con
tainer. East end 14th St. R. McFnr
land. . Jjosl-t- Embroidered dresser .scarf
nnd pair of pillow cases with Initial
R., at tho fair. Entry No. 312. Re
ward Phono 78GF12T
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jeter loft yes
terday for Chicago whoro thoy will
visit their daughter Helen. Helen
will undergo an operation there
L. E. Hastings suffered, a nail
brulso SaTardny in Sldnoy. Ho was
walking across tho floor of tho wait
ing room and a nail protruded throu
gh his shoo into his foot.
A Twenty Payment Policy
ill the
is the best plan of regular savings and protec
tion, combined. You save the money you invest
in an old line policy. Buy your policy in the
New York Life, the Company with adequate, re
spurcesynd 76 years of successful life insurance
. service.
Phone 578 L W SPECIAL AGENT North Platte.
Violet Gllfoyl Konnlson was born
April 8, 189G at North Platte, Nebr.
and died Sept. 29, 1921 at Long
Beach, Calif. Sho was tho only
daughter or M. Henry Gllfoyl or
this city nnd spent hor girlhood hero
attending tho local schools. Sho
will bo remembered . as a loving
character by hor schoolmates nnd as
Staunch and true to hor friends and
associates. Sho spont several yoar3
of hor young womanhood In Cali
fornia, attending Carlson Business
Collogo at Long Bonch part of the I
timo. May It, 1917 sho was mar
ried to John M. Koentson,. going di
rectly to their ranch near Choyenne,
Oklahoma. During tho flu opldora
1c she contracted tho dlseaso twice
nnd hor health became so undor
mlnod that sho could not recover al
though tho host modlcal caro and
attention was given hor. For sonjo
timo sho nnd hor husband hnvo 1U
ed Ijv Long Bonch and It was In tholr
homo thoro that sho passed aw'ay
She leaves to mourn her loBa, ho-.
husband. John M. Konnlson, h.QT
father, M. II. Gllfoyl, hor grnnd
mothou. Mrs. Mary Arundalo andt
many frlonds horo and in lior Califc
ornla homo. Tho editor romombors
hor as n tall, slender girl with dell-,
onto hoalth which kopt hor from
r. iteming school all tho timo. Sho
is attractive and wlnsomo nnd wo
v tond our sympathy to thoso who
v ro closest to luir.
You wilbhave a chance to buy Aviation'Gasoline
the same as we are furnishing to the government
airplanes. '
The refinery that makes it for us have a con
tract to furnish 3,000,000 gallons to the aviation
department of the government, over a period of
eight months, having renewed their present contract
early in August.
We have their guarantee to furnish us the.
same quality as they do the government. Each car
load is being inspected by the government.
It will give your car more pep than you ever
dreamed gasolene could giye a car.
rtrin ant liiicictein f llctnmpr envc "lin nmilfl rtnt
believe there was so much difference in gae.''
climbed a hill on high that he had never been ablelo ,
climb before and did jit easy."'
You can use it to clean the jnost delicate fabric
without fear, as it evaporates, leaving none of that
kerosene odor or effect-
Gasoline stoves will give you a real fire. It
don't clog: Our price on this carload will be only
Want Ads
- For Kent Room. 214 E. Third.
For Snle Cora shroddor. Can bo
soon nt tho Vnlln Vista Farm. But'.or
For lt';iil Two nicely furnlshod
roms, strictly modern. 408 E. Sixth.
For Snlo or 'Tnido A nlco toam of
young muloa. Call GG8J.
25 cents per gallon,
it's different.
Give your car a real treat