The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 04, 1921, Image 7

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nnrry, mother! Even a sick child
loves the 'fruity" tnstc of "California
Pig Syrup" niid It never falls to open
the bowels. A tenspoonful today may
prevent a sick child tomorrow. If con
stipated, bilious, fevrlsh, fretful, has
cold, colic, or If Btomach Is sour,
tongue coated, breath had, remember a
good cleansing of the little bowels Is
often all that Is necessary.
Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali
fornia Fig Syrup" which has directions
for babies and children of alt ages
printed on bottle. Mother I You must
say "California" or you may get au
Imitation Hg syrup. Advertisement.
Try Being Poor.
"What's the good of wealth?"
"What, Indeed? I have four auto
mobiles and the doctor says I must
walk to and from the otllce." Bos
ton Transcript.
If You Need a Medicine
You Should Have the Best
Have you eve? stopped to reason why
it is that bo many products that are ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of eight and arc soon forgotten? The
reason is plain the article did not fulfill
the promises of tho manufacturer. This
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that has real
curative value almost Bells itself, as like
an endless chain system the remedy is
recommended by those who have been
benefited, to those who are in need of it.
A prominent druggist says "Take for
example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a
preparation I have sold for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for in
almost every case it shows excellent re
sults, as many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy has so large a
According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who have
used the preparation, the success of Dr.
Kilmer's Sw np-Root is due to the fact,
so many people claim, that it fulfills al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri
nary troubles and neutralizes the uric
acid which causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.,
.and enclose ten cents; also mention this
paper. Large and medium size bottles
for sale at all drug stores. Advertisement
The Dog and the Cat.
"lias your wife any pets?"
"Yes, but I'm not one of them."
Detroit Free Press.
TU.J t
"Mrs. Jlbway Is a candidate for of
fice, I hear."
"What Is Mr. Jlbway's attitude?"
"He's optimistic."
"Thinks stie'll win, eh?"
"No, but he hopes thnt after she's
campaigned for a while she'll realize
that there Is no place like home."
In the Good Old Days.
"The Wuffbys seem to take great
pride tn their ancestors."
"They have better cause to do that
than somo peoplo I know."
"How so?"
"One of their ancestors was a power
nt court when kings amouuted to
1 needed in every department of house
keeping. Equally Kood for toweU, table
llncn.shecta and pillow cases. Grocers Sc.
icy buck without auestlon
' (Hunt's Salve and Son). fall In
the treatment of Itch, Eci ema,
Kingworm, l etter or omeritcn
fne ikln dlteatet.Try thiotreat-
merit at our risk Sold by all reliable druggists.
A. 13. Richards Medicine Co, Sherman, Texas
Cuticura Soap
For the Hands
Sap 25c, Ointment 25 Mid SOc, Talcum 25c
Bates reanonablo. Highest references, llesuerrlcea.
" W. N U OMAHA, NO. 40-1921.
(Cepr for ThU Department BupplUd J
Noted Publicity Man, Who Hae Been
Active In Formation of Legion
Film Service.
He has told you all about the won
flers of "the most gorgeous and stu
pendous tent at
traction on the
earth," what your
favorite movie
star wears for
breakfast and
why ; what they
do In the navy
and when, etc.,
etc. For the Inst
SO years his writ
ings havo been
read more widely
than those of per
haps any American author, but his
name has not been signed to them.
He Is Wells Hawks of New York,
formerly press agent of Rlngllng
Brothers' circus; publicity representa
tive of several of tho leading motion
picture corporations; personal repre
sentative for 12 years of Charles Froh
mnn, the theatrical producer, and dur
ing the war In charge of publicity for
the navy.
Mr. Hawks, a lieutenant commander
In the naval reserve, organized and for
three terms commanded the S. Rankin
Drew post of tho American Legion,
composed of actors and actresses,
movie and legitimate, publicity and
newspaper men of New York city. He
has been active In tho formntlon of the
American Legion film service of na
tional headquarters, which Is supply
ing projection machines and films to
Legion posts of the country.
State President of Minnesota Women's
Auxiliary, Mrs. Sandy Hamilton,
Is Warm Friend of Veterans.
With a post of the American Legion
of Minnesota named in honor of her
son who fell In
Prance, Mrs.
Sandy Hamilton,
Minneapolis, who
has just taken of
fice as state presi
dent of the Wom
en's Auxiliary of
the Legion, has
adopted all the
wounded veterans
of her state In
memory of her
During the year that she was chair
man of the Legion Auxiliary hospital
ization committee Mrs. Hamilton spent
practically her entire time In visiting
and ministering to disabled men in As-
bury and Thomas hospitals. Tho un
fortunate service men came to know
her smile and her tenderness and to
them she was "our fairy godmother.'
Reading the report of her work be
fore the recent state convention of
tho auxiliary, Mrs. Hamilton told of
the loneliness and suffering of Uie
brave men who had sacrificed their
health for their country. When she
had finished there was not a dry eye
In the big meeting hall.
Marshal Fecit, Noted Military Leader,
Plane to Honor Convention
With His Presence.
The governors of Missouri and Kan
sas, tho mayors of Kansas City, Kan.,
and Missouri, and a federation of the
principal clubs and societies of those
cities Joined In a formal expression
of the honor they feel on the occa
sion of the visit Marshal Foch will
make to tho United States In October
to attend the opening of the third na
tional convention of the American Le
gion at Kansas City.
A memorial to this effect was pre
sented the marshal at the recent ded
ication of the Fllrey monument In
France by Charles W. Bartlett of Kan
sas City, chairman of the distin
guished visitors committee of the con
vention. Mr. Bartlett accompanied
the Lee! on pilgrimage to France for
this purpose.
The marshal asked Mr. Bartlett to
convey to the people of Missouri and
Kansas how deeply he was touched
by this honor and to assure them of
the eagerness with which ho looked
forward to seeing more of the Legion
when he should como to Uie United
Aerial Exhibition at Convention.
Altitude trials, parachute drops and
a spectacular aerial derby In which
most of the country's best aviators
will take part, will be Included In a
flying circus to be held during the
third annual convention of the Ameri
can Legion at Kansas City, October
80, 31 and November 1. Eddie Itlck
enbacker, William Furlow and Edgar
Tobln ire among the aces who will
be seen. A raid with Illuminated
bombs will feature the night flying
program. Stunt flyers will change
planes In air, walk on the wings and
loop the loop In contest for 'a large
fiHf SaaaB
Amir Amanullah Khan
(Prepared by the National Oeocraphla So
ciety, Washington, D. C.)
Afghanistan, long almost a synonym
for fanntlcnl Isolation from the rest of
the world, Is at last apparently show
ing a desire to enter the family of
nutlons. The Moslem kingdom, which
even now continues Its old policy of
excluslveness pending tho outcome of
Its negotiations, recently sent u dele-,
gntlon of nobles to Washington to pe
tition the United States for the es
tablishment of diplomatic relations be
tween the two countries.
Afghanistan's excluslveness is not
accidental. Situated between the
southern-growing empire of Russia and
northern-spreading British India, It
hns been the typical buffer state; Its
natural excluslveness, duo to religious
fanntlclsm, has been nccentunted by
the political rivalries of Its great
Forbidden Lhasa Itself Is no more
exclusive than brooding, suspicious
Kabul, the capital of this Isolate, un
friendly realm of fanatic tribes, of
rocks, deserts, Irrigated vnlleys and
towering unsurveyed ranges.
Not a single railway or telegraph
line has been permitted to cross this
hermit country or to run Into It, lest
the pernicious ways of tho world leub
In. And the six or seven million people
have been hardly on speaking terms
with any other nation.
Few Foreigners Permitted to Enter.
Night and day, from stono watch
towers and hidden nooks along the an
cient caravan trails that lead In from
India, from Persia and Russia trails
used long ago by Alexander and Jen
ghlz Khan squads of bearded, tur
bnned Afghans, with Imported field
glasses and long rllles, have kept
watch against trespassers from with
out. Only a few Europeans, mostly Brit
ish hut occasionally also an Ameri
can and now and then a few Russians
or (Jermans, have been permitted to
enter tills country and to sojourn for
a while In Its curious capital. But even
on such rare occasions ao when a for
eign engineer, or a doctor whoso serv
ices are badly ueeded, is admitted by
the grace of the amir, the visitor Is
subject to a surveillance that amounts
almost to imprisonment. "Splendid
Isolation" Is a sort of Afghan tradition,
a conviction that the coming of the
foreigner will mean the end of the
amir and of his unique, absolute rule.
As It Is, no other monarch now
wields such undisputed authority or Is
In closer touch with the every-day life
of his subjects. Ho personally runs
his country's religion and Its foreign
affairs, and he even supervises much
of Its commerce. He also owns and
censors the only newspaper printed in
nil Afghanistan. Incidentally, he keeps
C8 automobiles, and he never walks.
Even from one nearby pnlnce to an
other he goes by motor over short
pieces of rood built especially for his
Though the nmlr took no active part
In the World wnr, he emerged from It
with singular profits. His old and
once rival neighbors, Grent Britain and
Russia, drawn together as allies In tho
conflict, left him a free hand. In 1010
Grent Britain officially recognized tho
political Independence of this much
buffeted buffer state, to whose rulers
she had so long paid a fat annuity.
Keeps In Touch With the World.
Afghanistan, with an area of 245,000
square miles, Is, next to Tibet, the
largest country In the world that Is
practically closed to the citizens of
other nations. But political life at
wary, alert Mohammedan Kabul Is In
sharp contrast to the meditative seclu
sion and classic aloofness of the Bud
dhist lamas at Lhasa. Through agents
In India and elsewhere Amir Amanul
Inh Khan Is In close touch with the
world's current events'," and, as the
last remaining Independent ruler of a
Moslem country, now that the power
of the Turkish caliph at Constant!'
nople Is broken, ho wields n fnr-reuch
tug Influence throughout the Moham
medan world. And It Is probably that
because his land happens to He Just
as It does on the map of tho world, he
wjll be for a long time to como an
active force In the political destinies
of middle Asia.
The amir's word, his veriest whim,
Is law to his millions of subjects. He
Is, In truth, the last of the despots, a
sort of modern oriental patriarch on
a grand scale. His Judgments are, of
course, based primarily on the Koran,
or on the common lnw of the land.
There Is no statute book, no penal
code and no court.
The amir reserves to himself tho
right of passing death sentences. The
cruel Afghan forms of punishment,
such as shooting a prisoner from tho
cannon's muzzle, sabering off his head,
stoning him to death, burying him
alive, cutting oft his hands and feet
or putting out his eyes, are seldom em
ployed nowadays; yet often the crlml
mil himself will choose n quick, though
violent, exodus to paradise rather than
suffer long Imprisonment In n filthy
Iron cage, perhaps to die eventually
of starvation.
The way of the transgressor In Af
ghanistan continues to be uncommonly
hurd, howeier. Time and again, In
the recorded history of this Innd, de
posed amirs, troublesomo relutlves and
political enemies have been deliber
ately blinded, there being n tradition
here that no man with any physical
affliction may hold u public office of
honor or profit.
Its Mountains and Tribes.
Politically, Afghanistan Is divided
Into four provinces: Afghan Turke
stan, Kabul, Kaudahar and Herat.
Topographically Its most conspicuous
features are the high peaks In the
northeast; where It touches the great
Hindu Kush, the Tlrach Mir attains a
height of over 23,000 feet.
Through these mountains of north
east Afghanistan wind some of tho
most picturesque and historic trolls of
the whole world. For centuries tho
trade between Turkestan and India
has flowed over these high passes,
and the story goes that often these
annual caravans number as many as
120,000 loaded animals, Including cam
els, mules and horses.
Afghanistan is a Babel of races and
tongues ; more than half Its population
are not Afghans at all. The majority
group embraces the Iranian-Aryan
Tadjiks, who inhabit the settlements
and large towns; the Mongolian Hazn
runs, who room the mountnlnoua con
trnl regions of the country, and the
Turkomans and Uzbegs of northern
Afghanistan. Tho real Afghans, or
"Pahtos" (I'nthans), as they call them
selves, live In the high ranges stretch
Ing from the Sollmans past Ghaznl and
Kandahar to tho west, toward Herat.
Tho tribes nre divided Into minor
clans, called "khel," and they live a!
most entirely off their herds of cattle,
camels and sheep.
Persian culture has molded the so
cial life In Afghanistan through cen
turles; notwithstanding the religious
hatred between the Sunnls and the
Shins. Persian customs havo been more
or less adopted In the upper rank
of all middle Asiatic Moslem society
From the Pcrslnns the Afghans got th
Idea of marrying more than one wife
but, like the Persians, too, they have
found to their dismay that polygamy
Is nowadays a most expensive custom
Amir Hahlbullah Khan (who was
assassinated In 1010) had n harem of
100 women, nod among these, strange
ly enough, were a few Europeans. The
present amir, Amanullah Khan, hat
' but one wife,
Ycuna Woman Only Weighed 70
Pounds Now Weighs Over 100
and Is Gaining Every Day.
"Before I began taking TanlnQ I only
weighed 70 pounds, I now weigh over
ouo hundred and am gaining every
day," said Miss Lulluu Davis of Chat
tanooga, Tenn.
"I bought my first bottle of Tnnlac
nt Gas City, Ind., and It helped me so
much that I continued using It. I have
nlways beet very delicate und suffered
n great deal from stomach trouble and
rheumatism. I rarely ever had any ap
petite and simply could not relish any
thing. I fell off until I only weighed
70 pounds and was so thin I looked
perfectly awful. This Is tho condition
wns In when I began taking Tanlac.
"Oh, I feel so different now. Even
my complexion Is Improved. My uppe-
tltu Is good and 1 can hardly get
enough to cat. Tanlac Is simply grand
and. I can truthfully say It Is the only
medicine Unit has ever done mo any
Tanlnc Is sold by leading druggists
everywhere. Advertisement.
It Is the wisest men who seldom
go to the trouble of exploding one's
Met Contents 15TluidDr
t r-rvrtnT.-n PER CENT.
iniifiriinpraaauvivcL;! i
t. TWrdtnDiicstton
a .ir.,tl?ime(lvfor
Uliu "'""c,pp
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
What to Take for
Take a good dose
Lines to Be Remembered.
The origin of all mankind wns tho
rmine; It Is only n clear and good
consclcuco that makes u man noble,
for thut Is derived from heaven Itself.
Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin.
On rising and retiring gently Bmear
tho face with Cuticura Ointment.
Wash off Ointment in flvo mlnutep
with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It
Is wonderful sometimes what Cuticura
will do for poor complexions, dandruff.
Itching and red rough hands. Adver
tising. His Fate.
"He never tips the waiter." "How
does ho manage to get good servlco7"
"Ilo doesn't"
Never say'Aspirin'
Warning! Unless you see tho name
"Bayer" on package or on tablets you
are not getting genulno Aspirin pre
scribed by physicians for twenty-one
years and proved safe by millions. Take
Aspirin only ns told In tho Bayer pack
age for Colds. Headache, Neuralgia,
Thirty feet
of Danger
The Intestine bend and
twist and turn on them
selves more than thirty
feet of them and when
food war.te clogs them up,
Irritating and dangerous
poisons are formed and
carried by the blood
through the system
Remove this food waste
regularly with Nujol the
modern method of treat"
Ing an old complaint.
Kestoraa tjolor and
Baaatr t Cray and Faded II
toe. and SI. 00 at Drncnrlat.
rllwvm Oifm. Wss. I'atchogo.W.T.j
HINDERCORNS Remorsa Corns, CU-
lousrs. eta., (ton all pain, rniurca comfort to tba
lt, mkf valklnr . tto br nail or atPrve
STUU. Ulscox Cbaoilcal Works, I'atcbog-u. H. Tt,
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Thirty Years
of Carter's Little liver Fills
Always ' .
the SWW
then lake i or 6 tor a tew nights atter. A
few doses restore your organs to their
proper functions and the Headache and the
causes of it pass away. In the same manner
Thty regulate the Bovaels and prevent Constipation.
j&&&t SM PiH; Smsll Dose; Smtll Pr!c
He Couldn't Tell by tho Looks.
The domestic anlmnlu on a farm
proved 11 sourcu of great wonder and
speculation to Bob who was making
his first visit to tho country.
One morning an extremely young,
colt was shown him.
"Well, Hob wlmt do you call that?""
asked tho fanper.
After a few minutes of deliberate'
thinking Boh replied: "It looks horse.,
but I guess sheep."
For true blue, use Red Cross Hair
Hlue. Snowy-white clothes will be
sure to result. Try It and you will al
ways usn It. All good grocers havo It,
If ycu are henpecked you need not
crow nlwut It.
without saying "Bayer"
Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache,
Lumbago mid for I'nln. All druggists
sell llayer Tablets of Aspirin In handy
tin boxes of 12, and In bottles of und
100. Aspirin Is tho trade murk of
Bayer Manufacture of Mononcotlcacld
ester of 8nl Icy) lea clri.