The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 30, 1921, Image 8

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SemMUceklu Eribime.
WILSON TOUT. Killtor mid Publisher.
Entered" at the North Platte, Nebraska
Postofflco ns Second Class Mutter.
- - 'e- -
. "UKSo(iniON vnm'.i
ue Year, In hdrnnco .. $2.00
FIIIDAY, SKPTKMIIUR .'10th, 11)21.
Next Saturday is the first day of the
open season on prairie chlcltona and
grouse. Tho season closes on tho llrot
of next month giving hunters but
thirty days In which to satisfy tiiclr
tasto for chicken. Reports continue to
tell of tho largo flocks in soino parts
of tho hills and the scarcity In other
places. Quails aro protected during
tho wholo year.
0. Martin,
Lanipo of Donvor, will sing nt both
morning and evening service at. tho
Presbyterian Church, next Sunday.
Ho Is to bo a weok ond 'gucatat
tho M. 11. Gllfoyl homo.
The Freed hats and caps, none bet
tor, at Pizor's Store. ;
Coming "to the SJJN, Three Days, Starting Sunday.
The Greatest Mother Picture ever produced.
The debating cortificatos of honor
were awarded at an assembly held
Wodnosday Jn tho Senior High School.
Francos Edwards, Emmet Moody and
Georgo Dent wore tho winners in the
western district and .wero presented
with their certificates by Supt, C. L.
Lit tel. Theso cortificatos afo signed
by tho president and secretary of tho
State Debating Loaguo and bear tho
loaguo'fl official seal. Tho high school
is very proud of these pupils who
brought homo honors to tho school.
A district bannor will graco tho walls
of tho Senior High Assembly room.
Extension I fowl No. 41!."
The special commissioner appoint
ed to view a public road as follows
Commencing at tho SW corner of
section 3fi T. 12 N. It. 31 W. running1
thence north on lino between sec
tions 3C and 36, 25 and 2C, 23 and
2-1, and 13 and 11 to tho NV corner
of section 13 said township and
range, has reported In favor of tho
establishment thereof, and all objec
tions thereto and all claims for dam
ages by reason of tho establishment
of above road must file same In the
office of tho County Clork of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, on or before 12
o'clock noon of tho 12th day of De
comber, 1921, or said road will ho al
lowed without reference thereto.
Dated at North Platto, Nebraska,
this 29th day of Sept. 1921.
(BEAD County Clerk.
'The Mother whose children no longer seemed to
HSitttiKmimNittmniiStsnitKMiStW Each child has embarked on a drama . of. his own. j8:mMMMJtJJMMW8
Mrs. I. L. Stebblns is chairman
and Mrs. Olllo Suliabhry and Mrs.
B. 13. IJoatman nro her assistants on
n committee appointed by authority
of the Twentieth Contuary Club of
this city to assist in roliovlng dls
tress "horo. Thls'comniltteo is n'skln&
for discarded clothing and bedding
and desires it especially to socuro
chlldorn's clothing. Tho mombors of
tho commlttco will bo glad to loarn
of anyone who has such supplied
which they ..will donato to Buch u'hm.
Tho first regular mooting of tho
Literature, Music and Art depart
ment of tho Twenlioth Century Club
was hold at tho E. Y. P. A. Club
houso last Tuesday afternoon. Music
was furnished by Mrs. Qiflnn, Mrs.
K. Garman and Mrs. Shank, Mrs.
Zoolc discussed tho topic "Panama
and the Canal" followod by n talk
on', (ho peoplo of Panama and tho
French Failure by Mrs. Sarrah. At
tho conclusion of tho program, re
freshments woro Rorvod.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Llnflblnd,
S21' W Eighth havo Just returned
from a four month's sojourn In Eu
ropo Tlmr visited Mr. Llndblad's
mothoor and brothers and ajsters in
Gothanburg, Sweden. In tuldltion
lh& trnvolud through many parts of
that uountry and found conditions
In most sections. Thoy also spout
sonyj time In Dcnmark and other
countries,, Thoy viewed many his
toric placoH in those countries and
saw tho rqynl palaces In London. On
the rblurn trip thoy spout thro wook
at'Jamostown, N. Y. whoro they vIh
ltd Mrs. Llndblad's parents and thoy
spent 'a few days in Omnha attend
ing tho Alc-Sar-Hon.
An Ordlnnnco Authorizing tho Issuahco
of Sowor Bonds of tho City of North
Platto. Nobraska, In tho Sum of Sixty-Five
Thousand Dollars, Prescrib
ing tho Bond Form and Providing
for tho Levy of a Tax for tho Pay.
mont of tho Principal of and tho
Intorest on Said Bonds.
WHEREAS, nt an election hold for
Unit purpose in said city on tho 21st
day of Juno, A. D. 1921, throe-fifths
of tho legal votes cast wero cast In
favor of authorizing tho city council
of tho city of North Platto to borrow
tho sum of sixty-five thousand dollars
by issuing the negotiable coupon
bonds of tho city in tho aggregate n
mount of sixty-flvo thousand dollars
for the purposo of constructing "ami
oxtondlng a system of soworago In
and for tho city of North Platto:
Section 1. Thnt tho system of sow
orago now constructed and established
within the city of North Platto, inrt
owned., niunnged n td operated by tho
P'tv. he improved, onlarged and ex
tended in accordtma with the plans
nnd specifications thorofor which have
heretofore been adopted and approv
, yd by tho city council of tho city.
) Section 2. That for the purposo of
providing funds for tho improvement,
enlargement nnd extension of said
systom of soworago, tho city Blmll is
suo lt negotiable coupon bonds In the
nggrognto nmount of slxty-flvo thow-
and dollars, consistln of Blxty-tlvo
bonds in the denomination of am
thousand dollnrs each, payahlo In law
ful money of Uio United States of A-
morlca and bearing Intorest at tho rate
of six por'contum por annum from and
after tho J'.rM day of .Tilly, A. D. 192d,
payable semi-annually on tho first
days of January and July In each year,
and ovldonced by Interest coupons at
taolicd to said bonds. Said bonds shall
bo numbered In regular and consccu
tlvo order, commencing with number
one and shall ho payable In tho order
of their numbor at tho plcasuro of
SUDDENLY they have all grown up and left her the
babies she used to tuck in bed at night. The old
house is empty and silent. All have forgotten her.
Her birthdays pass unnoticed.
want, her"
A Itemakable Cast in
Mary Aldon
Dwight Crittenden
Cullen Landis
Helen Chadwick
Richard Tucker
Loiuse Lovely
Molly Malone
Nick Cogley
Lucille Rlcksen
Johnny Jones
Buddy Messenger
J. Park Jones
Theodore Von Eltz
Fanny Stockbrldge
Roland Ruston
Lefty Flynn
Robert De Vilbiss
Marshall Rlcksen
m i it t..: i ..i
1W1V 5 1WU UIUUl' YVI1I.U18 UMU i.i
ivv a,), j-j j(
There are moments of laughter and comedy, romance 8 Allij ULjU iNljaA it
adventure, tragedy. The story of their lives, sweeps $ "One of the greatest of all star-
;;: c it les uecause its tneme is uic
i: you along. greatest of all themes Life,
$ " and Life Now, here, yours, g
8 Your life your home your mother as they might 8 mine. , 8
have been or as they are
,,rriio niri Nnst" will nwnk- it All bitter and sweet, and sad :
en deep in your Heart memories oi tne motner to it unttv nnri iiivlnp nnd nitiful! it
H whom you ran witlv your childish troubles
v it
it it
$ Never before has tho screen touched with such beauty g
8 and dramatic force a subject which finds an echo in
it the lives of every one of us. One of the most heart
i.t gripping dramatic stories ever, narrated.
GOLDWYN presents
if A iilm story ol lite"' :.:
Dr. Frank Crane.
"The Old Nest" is real and
touching and almost incredibly ijt
without an atom of false senti- it
ment. I have seen it four i
times and cried each time.
Alico Duor Miller. 8
" - &
"The Old Nest"
RUPERT HUGHES' Heart-gripping story of Homo.
Directed by Reginald Barker, A Goldwyn Picture.
2 Shows Afternoon. 2 Shows Evening.
tho city clerk, under jtho seal of tho
city, countersigned by tho city treys
urer, and the Interest coupons hereto
attached to be signed with the facsi
mile signature of. tho city treasurer,
this first day of July, A. D. 1921.
tho offico of tho county treasurer of
tho county of Lincoln, In the stato of
Nebraska, being the designated fiscal
agent for tho payment of bonds Issued
by municipalities in such county; said
bonds shall bear tho dato tho first day
of July, A D. 1921, shall bo signod by
tho mayor of tho city, attested by tile
city clerk, countorsigned by the clfy
treasurer and shall bo registered by
tho state auditor of publis accounts
and by him certified to tho county
clork of Lincoln County who ahull reg
ister tho samo In a bond record ,pr,o
vldod for that uprposo; all coupons
shall boar tho facsimilo signature of. No.
the treasurer of said city. , j July
Soctlon 3. Said bonds in' On tho first day of January, A. D.
substantially tho -following form: r 19 , tho city of North Platto, in tho
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. county of' Lincoln, Stato of Nebraska,
Stato of Nebraska.
City Clerk.
City Treasurer,.
(Form oi, Coupon)
$30 00
bo sold and dollvered by tho city
treasurer to Tho North Jglatto Plumb
ing nnd Heating Company, tho lawful
purchaser thereof, and tho proceeds
thereof shall bo used for tho purposo
of .constructing and improving tho
systom of sewerage now owned nnd
operated by said city.
Section 6. Tho city council of tho
city of North Platto shall 'annually
levy or cnuso to bo levied, and devote
to the payment of tho intorest on this
bonded debt, a tax 'upon all taxablo
property within tho corporate limits
df tho city of North Platto, sufficient
to pay tho semi-annual Intorest on all
of said bonds outstanding, and after
four years from the first day of July,
A. D. 1921, there shall bo annually
said bonds, shall bo paid in cash only
and shall bo kept by tho city treasur
er as a special fund, and shall bo used
In payment of interest on such boKds
and for tho redemption of such bonds
only, and such, taxes shall bo levied
and collected as other tares.
Section 7. All ordinances or parts
of ordinances in conflict horowith are
hereby repealed.
Soctlon 8. This ordinance, after its
passoge ond approval, shall be pub
lished In tho North Platte Semi-Weekly
Tribune and North Platto Tolegraph
newspapers published in tho city of
North Platte, and shall bo in full force
and effect Immediately upon such pub
lication and shall be Irropealablo un-
tl tho Indebtedness hereby provided
for shall havo ben fully paid and sat-
this ,
lovied upon all taxablo property with-,
will pay tho bearer thirty dollars in in the corporate limits of said city o,isfled.
City of North Platto. County of Lincoln lawful money of tho United States 61, North Platte, such a tax as Bhall cre-j ADOPPTED AND APPROVED (
No ... ?1,000. ! America, at tho offico of tho county ate a yearly fund equal to six and 8th day of September, A. D. 1921.
SEWER BOND. treasurer of Lincoln County, Nobras- two-thirds ver centum of tho wholo E. H. EVANS.
Tho City of North Plntto, In tho ka, being tho county fiscal agent, at amount of such bonds Issued, which i Mayor.
North Platte, Nohrnska, U. S. A., be-, fund shall bo called tho redemption Attest: fc
ing six months' interest on North , fund r and all taxes for Interest on; O. E. ELDER,
Platto Sower Bond dated July 1st. said bonds, and for tho redemption of City Clerk. (SEAL)
(Facsimilo Signnture)
County of Lincoln and Stato of No
braska, for valuo received, acknowl
edges itself to bo lndobted and hereby
nrnmiso to pay to boaror
lawful money of tho United Stutes
or Amorica, on tho first day of July,
A. D. 1911, reserving tho right to pny
tho wimo on nnd after tho first day of
July, A. D. 1920, with intorest thereon
nt tho rato of six por centum per mi
lium, payablo soml-nnnunlly on the
Bald city of North Platto at any tlmoi first day of January and tho first d.iy
after tho first day of July, A . 192C,
nnd shall bo absolutely duo and pay
able on the first day of July, A. D.
1941; said bonds nnd tho coupons
thereto attached shall bo payablo at
North Platte Fruit & Vegetable Market
ftou Locust St. Phone 881.
1 car of pears, tho last this soason which will bo
sold in buqliol baskets.
1 car of cabbage, tho best we can get, all solid heads.
2 airloads of Dry Land Spuds, Potatoos'uro going to
bo scarce this your. Put your supply In on ar
rival of cars, as thoy aro advancing every day.
2 cars of apples, tho best varieties wo can obtain,
Jonathan Apples mostly. Tho (Iowor of' Colorado
grown; elevation 10,000 foot.
Put your supply in also on applos as thoro is a short
t ago of apples all ovor tho country. "An apple a
day will keep the doctor away."
Will also havo Dr. "Phillips Florida Grapo Fruit.
Watch tho papers for our prices on theso goods
on arrival.
Fruit & Vegetable Market
of July In each year, upon tho pro
sontatlon nnd surrender of tho an
nexed coupons ns thoy severally bo
como duo, both principal and InUrest
being paynblo at tho offico of the
county treasurer of Lincoln County,
nt North Platto, Nobraska, U. S. A.
This bond is Issued by tho city coun
cil of tho city of North Platto for the
purposo of raising funds for tho con
City Treasurer.
I, tho undersigned, the duly quali
fied and acting auditor of public ac
counts of tho state of Nebraska, do
hereby certify that this bond has been
rogulnrly unci logally Issued nnd has
boon registered in my offico in a book
kept by mo for such purposo, all in nc
cordanco with tho provision of Chap
tor 217 of tho Session Laws of Ne
braska, 1913, the data filed In my of
fico being tho basis of this certificate.
horeunto set my hand and tho seal of
struction and extension of tho sys- my offico at Lincoln, Nebraska, this -
torn of sowcrngo In said city, undor
tho authority of and In full conform
ity with Chapter 9S of tho Laws of
Nobraska, 1917, and all othor laws
thorounto enabling and undor tho au
thority of tho roquislto voto of the
legal doctors of said CJty at an elect-
day of , A. D. 1921.
SUito Auditor of Public Accounts
Roglstry No.. Vol... Pago ,,
I, tho undersigned, tho duly quail
A Big
609 Locust Street
Phone 881
Hon duly cnllod and logally hold for fl0d nnd acting county cleric of Lln oln
that purposo on tho 21st day of Juno, County, Nobraska, do heroby cortll'y
A. D. 1921, and undor tho authority of that this bond has boon duly reglster
an ordlnnnco of said city duly adopted od in my offico In a book kopt by me
and inndo a law thereof prior to tho for such purpose, In accordnnco with
lssuo o this bond. ' ' tho provisions of Chapter 217 of tho
And It Is horoby cortlflod and ro- Sosslon Laws of Nobraska, 1913.
cltod that all tho roqulromonU of law IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h.wr
havo boon fully complied with by the hereunto Bot my hand and tho seal of
"roper authorities concerned In tho said county at North Platto, Nobraska,
suo of this bond, that tho total in- this day of , A. D. 1921.
(obtodnoss of said city, Including that (
this bond,, oxcoods noltlior tho County Clork of Lincoln County
tutory nor tho constitutional llml- Nebraska,
t Hons of the stato of Nobraska, nvd Soctlon A. Thnt all bonds to bo Is
t t provision has boon duly mndo for sued In accordance with this orJl
t' i levy and collection of an nnnuulianco shall, boforo such bonds or
ta-. sufficient to pay tho Interest on any of thorn aro dollyorert, jo present
thin bond, and also itho lMnolpul ' od to tho audUpr o" public accounts,
thoroof, whon thoy rospoctlvely be- to bo by hlifToxamlncd, together with
coma duo. 1 nil prpccedlngo rolntlvo tq their ts-
Tho faith and credit of tho city of ( huo, to tho ond that such bonds may bo
North Platto nro horoby -pledged for roglstorod and cortlflod by said aud
tho punctual payment of tho prln-'ltor of public nccounts nnd by tho
clpnl of and intorcst on this bond. ' county olork of Lincoln County, No-
1N TESTIMONY WHEREOF, tho, braskaj In nccordanco with Chapter
city council of tho city of Norh Platto 217 of tho Sosslon Laws of Nebraska
has cnusod this bond to bo signod by 1913.
tho mayor of said city, attestod by Section C That snld bonds shall
Warm When It's Cool Cool When Its Warm
and Saturday
A real brand new floor. No stairs to climb
,5k .