The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 30, 1921, Image 7

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, . i V''
Wows of All Kinds Gathered From
Various, Points Throughout
Nebraska farmers nrc not In a pos
ition to stand continued pressure In
tlio flnnnclnl deflation which has been
tnklng place, Governor McKclvIe In
forms Governor Ilardlng of the federal
jp$reervo board. Governor McKelvIo
f goes exhaustively Into the conditons ns
revealed by a questionnaire which ho
recently sent to over 700 Nebraskn
bankers asking their views as to what
was needed to assist the fanners of
Nebraska Jn recouping their losses of
the last year. The farmers of this
section, Governor McKclvIe Informs
Mr. Harding, have been compelled to
bear more than their share of the
burden. It is time now that tho fed
eral reserve banks extend sudlclcnt
credit, he says, so that tho farmers
may hold what wheat remains on the
farm and to feed the cheap corn to
live stock, giving promise of Insuring a
reasonable return for their work.
Brady and Maxwell on the enst and
Ilcrshcy, Sutherland and Pnston on
tho west have each voted bonds to
jointly build n power line from North
Platte to the respective villages for
the purpose of obtnlnlng electric
"Juice" for light "and power purposes
from the North Piatt Light & Power
company. These villages have had
municipal plants, but they have proven
very expensive and not altogether sat
isfactory. Judge Paine In district court, on tlic
representations of attorneys for bond
holders, ordered n decree of foreclosure
on the Grand Island property of tho
North Amerlcnn Hotel company, con
sisting of an uncompleted 10-story
hotel building. J. L. Lenry and It. K.
North were appointed referees, with n
bond of $100,000. The decree was for
the benefit of creditors to the amount
of $100,000. It Is expected that tho
foreclosure sale can be had by De
cember 1, after which it will be pos
sible to complete the building.
Miss Marie Robertson of Itedfern
Table was seriously Injured In &n
automobile accident when she was re
turning home from Oconto. The air
in which she vns riding was driven by
Clifford Slack. The car skidded from
n bridge and went Into tho watjr.
Miss Robertson received severe Injuries
about the hend and chest.
The Kilgore State Hank of Kilgore,
Cherry county, was closed by J. E.
Hart, secretary of the state depart
ment of trade and commerce. Ex
haustion of tho bank's reserve and
credit made nnccssary the closing of
the bank, according to Secretary
The city council of Plattsmouth has
taken steps to repave Main street, fol
lowing a petition presented by the
Chamber of Commerce. A group of
Plnttsmouth business men recently vis
ited Omaha to look at repnvlng Jols,
where asphalt had been laid success
fully over cobble stone streets such is
this town has.
Prospects in the Cozad section nie
for the heaviest yield of sugar beets in
years, according to growers who Mon
day negon the hanvest. The American
company is erecting a new dump heie
to ifuclliutc loading. A greater acre
age will be planted next year, farmers
having found the crop more profitable
than most others.
IMds on $80,000 bonds, Issued by
Echool district No. S'.i consolidated, (
Lorenzo, Neb., were nwarded to tlu
Peters Trust company of Omaha. This
contract for the. building, which Is to
be of brick and concrete, was awardeu
to S. It. Sweet of Sidney.
Senator C. II. Randall o Rantlolpb,
lias been appointed a member of tbe
ro'mmittee from this, district to at
ntiulstcr funds and loans under the
recent amendment to the war llnnnce
corporation act!
Ground Is so dry In the Lodgepole
vicinity, farmers declare, that it is of
little or no use. to sow fall wheat.
While ninny linro put. seed Into the
soil, others are still holding back.
In the Omaha post olllre Jazz music
has become a feature. Selections are
played while thu clerks sort mall. It
Is claimed that greater elllcleney and
more speed Is attained.
Dr. Ilcrvin U Rojip has announced
bis resignation as president of the
York college to akc effect October lfi.
Registration at the Kearney Teach
ers College this year will reach thu
r00 mark.
The state treasury has received
$14:1,000 of federal road aid funds
which has temporarily swelled the
rash balance, but this money will bu
paid out nlmost Immediately to road
Liquidation of the bankrupt Wells-Abbott-Nleiimn
Milling company will
leuve the stockholders nothing, Judge
Howard Kennedy of the Peters Trust
company, receivers, admitted. KfTorts
to reopen the mill at Schuyler by the
Issue of receiver?' certificates had to
be dropped when eastern credit banks
declined to advance $100,000 needed to
resume activities.
More than $40,000 damage was
caused by tire of undetermined origin
which destroyed the
Mercantile company, the Campbell
drug store, and the Masonic and Wood
man halls ut Sterling. Beatrice fire
men assisted In fighting the flames.
Hundreds of Nebraska Legionnaires
are now shaping their business affairs
ho that they may attend the state con
vention of the American Legion at
Fremont, September i!9 to October L
The program has nearly been com-
pleted by tho committee In charge nnd
Intimations tire that athletics will play
n strong part In the entertainment.
Mrs. 5. R. McKelvIe, wife of th
governor, may be responsible for land
ing tho next nnnual pow-wow of th
American Society of the American In
dians' association In Lincoln. Mrs.
McKelvIo Is u member of that associ
ation and Is registered ns "Wild
Flower." For that reason Rev. Red
Fox Sklnhushu, an officer of the as
sociation, thinks Lincoln might bo a
good place for the next convention and
has written asking what Inducements
the capital city has to offer for tho con
vention. M. C. Peters of Omaha, has sold Sun
light Maid, a Kentucky bred mure, to
i Suzanne Rarrelt, motion picture act
ress of Los Angles, for $2,000, It was
announced. Resides being trained to
march, "play dead" and mount a ped
estal, Sunlight Maid can rack, trot,
canter, slow pace and walk. Miss
Barrett, who has acted In Lnsky,
Metro, Goldwyn nnd other pictures,
plnns to take the mare to Los Angles
with her for riding purposes and for
use. In her pictures.
Safe-guarding depositors of the First
Nntlonnl bank of Chuppell ngulnst any
loss, John R. Wertz, William F. Wertz
and II. I. Babcock, former officers and
directors sf the First Nntlonnl bank,
have deposited mortgages on real es
tate umountlng to $300,000 with
Francis A. Chnpmnn, receiver of tho
bank, as additional assets to be used
In making up any deficit thut may exist
at tho end of four years, In nny amount
needed to satisfy all legal claims
against the bank by paying 100 cents
on thu dollar.
County Attorney L, C. Westwood hns
bc6n at the town of Graf, east of Te
cumseh, to Investigate the fire which
destroyed tho Community club hall and
Fesenbck's garage building. The of
llcer believes the lire was not acci
dental, and he has asked the state tiro
marshal to look into the matter. Tho
state fire marshnl Is also to investigate
the Sterling Are, In which two busi
ness blocks were lost, together with
lodge rooms, stocks of goods, etc.
Resignation of Charles A. Peterson,
supervisor of Platte county, because
he no longer is a resident of fhe county,
is asked In a letter addressed to him
by Otto F. Walter, county attorney.
Elected In 1018, Peterson later moved
owsr the line Into Madison county but
retained his office, saying that he
would resign if requested to do so, but
that he .wunted to s?e Uio completion
of the court house.
Plans arc about complete for the In
ternational Aero congress to be held
November H-5. The flying field In tho
north part of Omaha Is rounding In
shape and' word comes thnt the leading
airmen of the JJnltod Stntes will, bo
here. Attendance Is estimated at 10,
000 to 15,000. Headquarters will bo
In the Omnha Auditorium.
Many citizens of Wood Lnke have
been saverely stung by the "golphbug"
nnd every evening will find n good
crowd out on the links plnylng "pasture
pool." To date the record for tho
course Is held by B. II. Mickey, who
made the course In 40.
Nye-Schnelder-Fowler Co., of Fre
mont, has been dissolved and articles
of Incorporation for the Nye-Schneider-Jenks
Co., by which name tho western
firm was known before the nscendnncy
of the Fowler Interests, have been filed
with the Dodge county clerk.
Department of Labor statistics show
that 8,000 persons are unemployed In
Omaha. J. 51. Glllnn, mnnnger of tho
Industrial bureau of the Chamber of
Commerce, considers the figures too
high and declares that only fi.OOO are
Thu highest price ever pnld for Box
Butte county farm land was recorded
last week when W. C. Mounts, clerk
of the district court, purchased a tract'
north of Alliance for $225 nn acre.
Federal Judge T. C.' Mungcr and his
wife returned to Lincoln after a three
months' tour of Europe. They visted
England, Scotland, France, Switzer
land, Belgium and Italy.
The overcrowded condition of tho
High School at McCook mnkes Impnr
atlve the building of the Junior high
school building for which $150,000 has
been voted In bonds.
A municipal lighting plant Is too ex
pensive, the village of Dunbar has de
cided, and arrangements have been
made to build a transmission Hue from
Nebraska City.
Light frosts have been visible nt
Long Pine for the past few nights.
Corn Is out of danger from the frost.
Aurora has a fine record for sending
thirty-one young people to colleges and
universities this yenrv
A light snowfnll has already been
reported at Children this fall.
Tins Scrlbner Stock Show which
closed at that place last week was the
most, successful show In the history of
the association.
Owing to poor health Woodrow Wil
son has declinad the Invitation of the
Beaver City Community Club to emtio
to Beaver City to open the new com
munity auditorium, which has Just
been completed at a cost of $00,000.
Since the departure of C, W. Pugsley
to Washington, as assistant secretary
of agriculture, Governor S. R. Mc
KelvIe has assumed a closer personal
supervision of the editorial department
of his paper, the Nebraska Farmer.
l. fge crowds attended the Ak-Sar-Ben
races In Omaha.
The oil well near Beattle Is now
down 2,1)05 feet In a formation of Mis
slsslppl llinestmie. When through this
formation the hole will be cased und
drilling proceeded with a six-Inch bit.
Casing Is on hand to put the hole
down .'1,400 feet.
At an Informal luncheon (he Com
munity club of Oxforjl made arrange
ments for an old-fashioned ox roast
on Armistice day. Details will bo
handled by it Joint committee of mem
bers of the Community club and the
Aiiiei kun Legion.
United Effort BsJnrj Made In Georgia
to Eradicate Little Blood
Sucking Parasites.
(Prepared by the United States Depart,
ment of Agriculture.)
Cattlo ticks are fighting a losing bat
tle ttt Georgia this year. The at
tempted Invasion Is being effectively
suppressed by the co-operntlvo efforts
of federal, state and county employees,
working with the stock raisers. Tho
famous battle cry, "They shall not
pnBsl" has been revised In the fight
with the blood-sucking parasites to
"They shall not. llvol" for a united
effort Is being mnde to eliminate the
Inst tick in n number of counties In
the stnte.
There are in operation in Georgia
8,201 dipping vats, In which cattle aro
immersed every 14 days. Dipping be
gan early In tho spring, the time when
Purebred Shorthorn Cattle Freed
From Ticks and Maintained In Tick.
Free Area.
tho most effective results In tick eradi
cation are obtained. During Mnrch
approximately half a million cattle
splashed through the dipping vats In
the stnte. The April reports show
that 833,434 cattle were dipped under
federal, state and county supervision.
This Is a very good record, Bay spe
cialists of tho United States Depart
ment of Agriculture, when it Is con
sidered that Georgia Is essentially a
cotton-growing sinto and thnt the cat
tle Industry has been neglected on
account of the hnndlcnps presented by
the presence of ticks.
Now nil cattle that have been
dipped in Georgia are mnrked with
paint, nnd this plan hns given very
Satisfactory results In getting to the
dipping vats animals pastured on the
open range thnt might otherwise miss
regular dipping. The use of range
riders, whose duty it Is to search for
and dip cattle that are not mnrked.
was considerably Increased during
In Georgia, ns In all other southern
states where the fight against cattle
ticks has been waged, there Is always
more or less opposition to the tlck
crndlcatlon movement. RccentJy n
meeting was held In one Georgia town
for the purpose of protesting against
the further dipping of cattle In the
county. A progressive farmer who had
experienced unsatisfactory results In
raising cattle under tick conditions
rend a notice of this meeting of pro
test nnd immediately wrote a letter
to the president of the bank In the
town In which tho meeting wns held.
In this letter he said:
"Noticing In the newspapers that
your people meet opposition In tick
eradication, I desire to express my
actual experience on this line. Before
the discovery thnt the cattle tick waS
the source of infection, the only cause
of bovine fever, I brought many regis
tered Jersey dairy cattle to Putnam
county, middle Georgln. Later I Im
munized tho northern cattle by trans
fusing blood from cows carrying ticks
to the susceptible northern-bred cattJe.
"While tho treated cattle did not sub
sequently die of cattle fever, the proc
ess proved linrmfiil to the growth nnd
development of the nnlmnl whose life
was saved. When the history of the
deadly tick became fully known, tick
eradication Justly took precedence over
nny treatment. Its ensc of accom
plishment, Its economy nnd bcncliclnl
results that followed all emphasized
Its necessity to nny community that
desires to raise cattle.
"In our part of the state no mnn, no
matter how unreasoning nnd bitter his
opposition to tick eradication when we
needed his moral support, can now bo
found who does not fully npprovo tho
work. No nrgument should carry more
weight than the full Indorsement and
approval of opponents when they see
the whole truth, and chnngo from op
position to advocacy.
"Surely we who have bred cattlo un
der tick Infcstntlon, und later after
tick eradication, nrc entitled ns mis
sionaries to endeavor to benefit others
who have never been without tho dis
advantage of tho pest."
Erroneous to Believe That Animals
Cannot Be Dried Up for Neces
sary Rest .Period.
Dry off your good cows and give
them a rest of olght ta ten weeks be
fore culvlng. It will do them good.
Some cows hnvo a tendency to milk
nearly up to the date of freshening,
and It is often a belief that they cun
not bo dried off for a sufficient rest
period. Expert herdsmen, however,
find that no Injury results from dry
ing up a cow which gives as much as
flvo to eight quarto dally, If one milk
ing a day Is omitted for several days
and tho nnlmnl then partly milked out
utter skipping utt entire day.
. SIB sHBsLfl&K!
,yyr0ULD you use a steam shovol to move a pebble? Certainly not. Implements
aro built according to tho work they have to do.
Would you use a grown-up's romedy for your baby's ills? Certainly not.
Remedies aro prepared according to the work THEY have to do.
All this is preliminary to reminding you that Fletcher's Castoria was sought
out, found and is prepared solely as a remedy for Infants and Children. And let
this be a warning against Substitutes, Counterfeits and tho Just-as-good stuff that
may be all right for you in all your strength, but dangerous for the little babe.
All the mother-love that lies within your heart cries out to you: Be true to
Baby. And being true to Baby you will keep in the house remedies specially
prepared for babies as you would a baby's food, hairbrush, toothbrush or sponge.
Mir iBfr i m mi
fact Contents 15l?luid Drao
at rnimT.-n PER GENT.
:-.!.. A thnTUnrt hvRptftlUL'
iii i i ii i in am
j ThcrctjyPromotIn4DKcsti
M rhPMTitneandRcstCoatoi
neither Optam.Morphlncnorj
Mincra'.. Not nahcotiv.
hcitUi Settt
term Sxt
a hoinfnf Remedy fbr
ana tcvcviMiii"-----loSSOFStEEP
jfec Simile Siria,0
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Wisdom Lies In Correction.
Don't make too much of thu fnulta
and findings of those around you ; evcu
be good to yourself, nnd don't harry
your soul over your own blunders nnd
tnistukes. Ada C. Sweet.
Fresh, sweet, white, dainty clothes
for baby, If you use Hed Cross Ball
Blue. Never strenks or Injures them.
All good grocers sell It, 5c a package.
A Doublo Reply.
Husband What's your opinion of
Slangy Wife You've got me? Way
side Talcs.
Borne doctors are more dangerous
than the dlsense.
6 Bell-ans
Wfor indigestion
Western Canada
Offers Health and Wealth
and has brought contentment and happiness
to thousands ot home seekers and their fami
lies who have started on her FREE homestead
or bought land at attractive prices. They have
established their own homes and secured pros
perity and independence. In the great grain-
growing sect ions of the prairie provinces there
i still to be had on easy terms
Fertile Und at SIS to $30 an tare
land similar to that which through many
years has yielded from 20 to 45 bushels
of wheat to the acre oata, barley and flax
also In great abundance, while raislna
borses. cattle, sheep and hotfs is equally
profitable. Hundreds of farmers in Western
Canada have raised crops in a single season
worth more than the whole cost of their land.
Healthful climate, good neighbors, churches,
schools, rural telephone, excellent markets
snd shipping facilities. The climate end soil
offer inducements for almost every branch of
agriculture. The advantages 'or
Dairying, Mixed farming . .1,,
ana aaocK Raising
make a tremendous appeal to Industrious v
setuers wuning to improve their clrcum- 7
stances. For certificate cntllllnu you ,
to reduced railway rates, illustrated M
literature, maps, description of farm U
opportunities in roamiooa, aao
Ksicnewan. Alberta and Urt.
tiah Columbia, etc., write
Room 4, Boa Bulldlna
Omaha, Nab,
t4 CitiatU, DmMm f CmmU
wsrrrmy rsmovid tt d, rwrr".
rrekU OljitmtDt - Vur drat sttt
VV. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 30-1921.
1 (bEUi)
j-ii ir-" ' r''i'iTrrjff
Some More Truths
Are You Prepared?
A doctor In the house aU the time would be a good idea. Yet yo
can't afford to keep a doctor In the family to keep baby well-or pre
vent sickness. But you can do almost the same thing by having at
hand a bottle of Fletcher'o Castoria, because It is a wonderful" remedy
for indigestion,, colic, fevcrishness, fretfulness and aU the other dis
orders that result from common ailments that babies have.
Fletcher's Castoria is perfectly, safe to use. It is a harmless sub
stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrupn. Childrea
cry for Fletcher's Castoria, and mothers recommend ifc because they
have found it a comfort to children and a mother's friend.
If you love your baby, you know how sweet it is to be able to
help baby when trouble comes. You cannot always call upon a doctor.
But doctors have nothing but good to say of Fletcher's Castoria, be
cause they know that It can only do good that it can't do any harm
and they wouldn't want you to use for baby a remedy that you would
use for yourself.
Bears the
Some folks nrc kept In the dark In
order to keep them from bringing
things to light.
Wisdom Is nlwnys known by the
company If keeps out of.
Rasdy for Uso Batter Than Trapa
Directions In IS languages In ererr box.
Rats, Mlco, Oookroaobos, Ants and Waterbags
dcstroT food mid property and aro carriers ot
aiseam. fitriinu' Kltctrie l'ast forces thesn pelts
to ran from tbe building for water and; f resb air.
UoamllUO. "Money back if It falls."
V. 8. Government buya It.
lOe a noil, llo a Pack, Any Bias.
Prints Vsst Pockst and Drownls
No. 1 ana J, So each. All othtr
sties up to and including IHxH.
4c each; 3xft, 4x6, and SUxttt,
(0 each. Post cards from any alas
mm. so eaen.
Oklahoma Film Finishing- Co,, 811H North
K'dw'y, P.O. Uox 910, Oklahoma City, Okia,
Nebraska Directory
Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing
la back of these hotels. Guests may stop
at anyone of them with assurance of re
ceiving honest value and fair treatment
B EsHI 1 J CttouPrlcu. ThtrtrtRlxat
Amorlcan Tent and Awning Co.
40th and Farnam Sts. Omaha
Stunzea JSc Sturtfea
IteglKiered Attorneys.
Formerly In tbe Pule nt
Otlice. Patents and
trade-marks obtained
In all countries. 432 Paters Trust Bids., Omaha.
j Quick Spring and Wheel Service
Wheels for all cars or trucks made or re
I paired. Bprlncra rearched, retempered, re
pctred and made sood as new. Distributors
for OUAnANTHICU HPItlNQS (or all makes
ot cara and truaks. Telephone or write us
your wants. Immtdlate attention Riven all
orders. Liberal dlscounta to dealers.
1810 Jackson Ht, Phone Doug-. 0041. Omaha
Dividends SEfifc
For Information and circulars write,
322 S. 18th Street Omsbs, Nee.
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk tlottlei and Dairy Supplies; Bar
Cases and Chicken Coops; DOILER3
1 300 Jnna S. 1 1 XJ n,t..l U.
- - m m era saas aa aJ S
Cry For
Signature of
Nebraska Directory
New Location: Southwest Cor.
24th and Farnaaa
Opened Sept 1st. 1830
Omaha's Newest.
Most Modem
and Finely
Appointed HoteT
Sixteenth it Rewavi
CentraQr Located.
Moderate Kates-
Room Without Bath 91. BO suid Up
I Room With Bath JS2.QO auid Up
'n...i fJX-l 81.00 sai 0, SfaW
1 itALUll ilUlrJi 12.00 sai Iff BtaUt
Streetcars pass the door from all depots.
Corner 141b and Farnam Streets, Omaha, NaW
Farnam Sta Omaha, Nalv-
are unsurpassed
For making Friends and Moving Fast"
77i 6sf Cigar obtc inabU at 2 for 18m
Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning-Go.
15th and Howard, Omaha, U. S. A.
dr.g7 dTsmpherb
and Associate Dentists
who have been with him for year
now located
Sixth Floor Security Building:
16th and Farnam Sts.. Omaks
LEE Puncture-Proof Cord
and Fabric TIRES
If your dealer doesn't hava
them write or call on us.
ol N. Y.,Inc,
Phone Atlantic 4814
2212 Farnam St. Omasa, Ntb.
Let Us Make Your Next Auto Top, Seat Covers,
and Sid. Curtains, Also Upholstering
Engclahl, The Auto Top Man
I Wr
i ENCDAIiL S AUTO TOP CO., 1718 Cm St.. Osufca, SA,