Jjlortit THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB.,aSEPTEMBEB 30, 1921. ' No, 76 Tonight is the Farley Lecture on "Getting the Most Out of Retailing" fa FOOTBALL KICK OFF TODAY HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TKAM TO PLAY COZAI) ON LOCAL FIELD TODAY OLD LLOYD OPEIIA HOUSE TO BE OPENED TO DANCING PUBLIC SATURDAY North Platte will open tub local football season at 3:30 o'clock -Friday at the Fair Grounds Park, with Cozad as its opponent as tho visiting team. North Platto should have a strong team thls'year, most o tho positions being filled by veterans of last year's team. Cozad claims to have a much stronger team than last year and lopes to give tho local eleven a real toussle. A number of last year's men have been shifted from tho positions pre viously played. Yost showing ex ceptionally well at right .tackle, with Shaner, who played at end last year is piloting tho team and gives prom ise of being one of tho heaviest quarter backs North Platte has had for many years. Butch Simon has been shifted from tacklo to the back field and is showing exceptionally well at full back. Dent; who was a substitute on last years team, Is playing right half back position. Tho hi the same' positions as heretofore. Tho game will be called promptly at 3:30. Cars may be parked on the north side of the Held, a park ing charge of 50c per car being mado Spectators who are not In cars, are requested to use grand stand, as a much bettor viewvof the game can be had from that point of vantage. General admission will be 50c, with no extra charge for the grand stand. Only the players, coaches and tho lpfter men of past team3 will be permitted seats on the side lines. It Ih hoped that a good crowd will turn out to appraise the ability of the local eleven in its first contest. G. Urban of Louiseville, Ky. has leased tho old Lloyd Opera House and will conduct public dances on overV Thursday and Saturday even ings beginning Oct. 1st. ,Tho old building has undorgono a complcto cleaning and remodeling. Tho en tirely now floor is sure to please tho dancers. Mr. Urban and his work man have spent much time in gett ing everything in readiness for tho opening which will bo Saturday oven ing when all ladles will bo presonted with a flower. There Is a lovely rest room for tho ladles furnished in tho latest white wicker furniture and also check stands. Beck's Orchestra will furnish tho music. ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CUKHENT COMMENT ABOUT PEOi l'LE AND THE THINGS THEY ARE D01NO HERE. Several hundred membors of thq American Legion motored out to, the hills south of the sta'to farm last TiieS day evoning and enjoyed a good time, Tho principal ontortalmcnt consisted of tho North Platto office. His re port will bo tho baslB for further action. Tho post office employees havo been tolling for somo tlmo that, they do not havo enough spaco in tho work room to cnablo thorn to do their work as It should bo dono and tho Chamber of Commerco has bo como Interested In gottlng tho work room enlarged. One Item of expenso to Lincoln County to which tho avcrago person gives little thought Is tho caro of tho poor, the sick and tho unfortun ate Tho expense of caring for thoso people Is about eight thousand dollnrs a year on an average for tho past eight years.. Tho most of this -:o:- 3LVNY ELDERLY PEOPLE ENJOY SUNSET DINNER AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH YESTERDAY Tho annual sunset dinner was giv en yesterday by tho ladles of the Christian Church In tho church base ment. This dinner is a tribute to the elderly citizens of North Platte. Fifty nine guests were present and tho elab orate dinner proparcd was enjoyed by all ns woll as tho program. Following tho woll appointed dlnnor tho follow program was given: A solo by Mr;). Lena Johnson, a reading by Miss lldred Skinner, a short talk by Mr. McNlchols, a short sketch by Mrs. Mary Stebbins and a solo by Mrs. Ira LoMastor. Mrs. Woods who is almost ninety years was tho oldest woman at the dinner and Mr. Blalock was tho oldest man. It was announced that the Catholic Ladles would preparcthe dinner next year. ::o:: W. II, Farley arrived from the. east this morning and this 'evening at tho Franklin auditorium will de liver a lecture on "Better Business Methods." No admission fee will bo charged. It. N. Lamb and family will leave Saturday for Long Beach, Calif, where they will make their future home. . . x ROYAL NEIGHBORS ' Will hold a food exchange Satur day In tho Malonoy Store window. of n big feed and sevoral boxing bout?; tiio steer ror tno uarbecuo was don- expenso comes from tho caro of tho sick and Infirm at tho County Hos- ated bv tho Tclocrnnh anil thn trim-1 mlngs came from other sources. pltal In which these arc at prosont LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS IN THE VA1IIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OP THE CITY. METHODIST. 11:00 GllmpBos of .thp.Conforonco 8:00 Eccb Homo. CHRISTIAN SCENCE. 11:00 Services In Building Loan Building. and TUESDAY Tho W. T. C. U. will meet nt tho homo of Mrs. Ernest Mills on Tuesday Oct 4th at 3 p. m. Mrs. Wilson will assist tho hostess in serving. Members nro requested not to forgot their duea ns this is the first meeting of tho year. -:o:- ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEET ING OF FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH IS HELD. SWEDISH LUTHERAN. Service on Sunday at 10:30 at Superintendent Alieen G. Cochran in her rounds of inspecting the rura schools of Lincoln County has dls covorcd several families where tho chlldron nro unnblo to attend school bocauso they lack tho proper clothing. Sho is anxious to supply this need so that the children can he put in school as soon as possible and to that end Bho is asking anyono who Willi donate children's clothing In good condition to phono G02 W. Tho Women's Benefit Association of North Platto baa endorsed Miss Bur,. M. West for nppolntmGnt by President Harding as a member of tho Advijsn ory Commltteo on tho Limitation pf Armaments. Miss West Is Supremo Commander of the W. B. A. and has tho confidence of tho entire member ship. North Platto Women's Benefit Association of tho Maccabees has over 220 members and its Influence will be felt In nu'MilK this appointment. S i Thieves broke Into the Bj.F. Sef berger residence Saturday night. Mr and' Mrs. Seeberger aro visiting in Iowa at present so no check can be made of the property taken. Sunday morning threo outside doors to the house were found standing open and articles within were disarranged. Last night the A. B. Hoagland homo was entered while tho family was away and the only articles missed this morning in a hasty check was Mr. Hoagland's gun. Listen! The Car of Potatoes Will arrive next Monday. Parties that have their or der in, please be ready to receive them. Bring your own sacks. Lay in your winter supply at $1.15 ATI $1.15 PER liUSHEli McMichael's Grocery Here's a fine shoe for the man who wants something different Most Men Like Good Shoes Most men consider quality ahead of price. The assurance that the shoes are absolutely O. K. is the big consideration. To such men we recommend our shoes. Sooner or later the value-appeal of these fine shoes is going to bring you to our store. Right now we're ready with the newest ideas for Fall. Formerly Shoe Market. We Fit The Feet. 11:00 Holy Communion and ser mon. 7:30 Eyonlng Prayer and gormon. 1 ItESBYTERIAN. 11:00 Dr. J. S. Stubbleflold Cheyenne. 8:00 Dr. Stubbloflecld. of eight patlonts at an expense of ?11G . church on corner of 10th and Willow a week. When wo complain about Carl Almon, Pastor. high taxes, it would bo well to rem-, ember this item and bo glad that wo EPISOPAL can do something for these unfor tunates. Sioux Lookout Chapter D. A. R. will hold Ub first mooting of the year at tho homo of Mrs. W. C. Reynolds 20 W. Third on Monday, Oct. 3, at 7:30. Mrs. Daisy Hlnman, Regent announces tho program to lncludo music, Rovlow of tho D. A. R. 'magazine by Mrs. Grimes, a paper on Homo making In tho wilderness a talk by Miss Frater on her recont experiences ns an nrmy nurso and tho roll call "My Grandmother's Housekeeping! and MIno'". All iD. A. R. members nnd others interested i In tho work of tho D. A. R. aro urged j BAPTIST. to attend. i 11:00 Rovlvnl Services by Dojjji ,.... and Stockton. . " The high school students hold a! G:30 B. Y. P..U. with Miss Stock: very peppy rally last evening .on tho ion with tho Intermediate Class. main - streets of tho city J.o nrouso Enthusiasm and giro tho boya a good Bend off to their first football gnmu today with Cozad. In tho Sunday LUTHERAN. 9:45, Rally Day School. . 11:00 Harvest Homo Festlval "Full Barns: what of tho Soul?" 8:00 "Tho Disguises of Sin." 7:30 Revival Services. Dr.' John Marvin DCan of Brook lyn," N. Y. one of tho strongest preachers of the denomination has charge of the Evangellstis Campaign at tho First Baptist Church. Miss A. L. Stockton of Cal., is his assist ant also a strong preacher. Mlsa Stockton has been doing, tho preach ing since last Sunday and has been very successful In her Junior Work. Tho meetings havo been woll attend ed and looks liko It Is going to bo a successful campaign. Tho meetings will close Oct. lGth. i'ONIGHT North Platto Chapter Amorlcan War Mrs. Wm. Roflor returned to her Mothers will moot with Mrs. Etta homo In Bridgeport yesterday aftor Bonnur, 513 Elm, tonight. Tho host attending tho wedding of her Bister eB& will bo assisted by Mosdamcs Miss Josephlno Sadlo. ' Wolnborger and Flynn. Monday ovenlng was tho big annual mooting of , tho congrogatlon of tho First Evangblical Lutheran Church of North Platto. Over 130 people wora sorved nt tho seven o'clock dinner In tho basement of tho church. Follow ing this toast which recolved many compllmonts, tho business meeting was hold. Reports woro road from tho church trustees, tho ladles' aid so ciety, tho Luthoran brothorhood, tho Sunday school, tho threo missionary soclotles and tho girls' club. Tho total receipts from all sources ns roported by thoso societies was a little over $13,000. This Is almost equal to tho total receipts for last year and is con sidered a go.dd showing for this yoar. Chas. Hondy, Sr., was olected an older for l.lfo and Oscar Sandall for pno year. J.,E. Sebastian and H. J. Ruth man were elected deacons. Tho church ontcrs upon another year with bright prospects for success In Its groat work. ::o:i HIGH SCHOOL CADET RAND TO PLAY TWO DAY ENGAGEMENT AT LEWELLEN. Director Cluis. J. Klllian and tho High School Cadet Band, forty-flvo strong, loft tills morning for Low ol'lon whero they will play today and tomorrow nt tho Gardon County Fair. This tr.Ip Is undertaken that they may cam ihoifoT"t6' pay tho exponsos of Uio band to Omaha when thoy accom pany tho football toam noxt month. Tho boys nro to rocolvo ?100 and orponses for tho trip. They will ro ti rn homo on tho branch train Satur day night. H202HGKIG A letter was received by John B. Edwards-, President of tho North Platto Chamber of Commerce from , Congressman KInkald In which ho1 told of taking up tho enlargement of , the North Platte post office. Ho j said a representative of tho post office department would bo In North Platto in tho near future and would make a detailed survey of tho needs DECAYED TEETH AND CANCER It luls been shown that a Jag ged tooUi or root or cavity of decay has been tho exciting and sole causo of cancor of tho mouth. Such was tho caso with General U. S. Grant, who died In terrible agony from cancer of the tongue caused by rubbing It against n decayed and broken tooth. Thoso nro facts which It Is woll for people with decayed teeth to think about. A llttlo expense from tlmo to tlmo will keop your tooth in a healthy condition. DR. F. W. HILLLER DENTIST Keith Thcatro Building. Phono 391W. No charge for comploto exami nations nnd cost estimates. FOR TOMORROW SATURDAY ONLY. With every Man's Suit from $20.00 and up a Hat will be given Free. With every Boy's Suit from $7.95 and up a Cap will be given Free. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, PIZER'S STORE. In the Pizer Block. 607 Locust Street.