The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 27, 1921, Image 2

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With this issue The Courier oloso
Volume 26, making twonty-nix yours
of u varied existence, or throe yours
und olght montha wo have ondcavorel
to give our readers n good paper.
Whether wo havo succocdod 1b for
them, not us, to say. Sutherland
Two mon accompanied -by fourteen
bird doga arrived hero last Saturday
morning from Pennsylvania. Thi'y
act ns nn advanco for a party of
wealth sportsmon who aro expected
later. Wo undorstnnd the Platte Val
loy ranch is to bo the hunting ground.
Brady Vindicator.
A Sovoro wind storm Sunday eve
oning Mow down numerous trees In
and around Ilorslioy, also ovoral big
window lights In Ilorshoy and a largo
limb of a tree fell on tho oloctric
light wlros and tho town was in
darkness from 9 p. m. on for tho bat
nnco of tho night. No serious dam
ago is reported but many small build
ings in tho country wore upset or
blown to pieces. Horshoy Times.
Some people scorn to havo the Idea
that "Hiir Mngnuuon does nothing but
fish, but wo aro hero to toll tho world
that Bill can alBo ralso tomatoes, bo
causo Bill dropped into our sanctum
ono day last week nnd loft us two of
thorn that tipped tho scales ati ono
pound and thirteen ounces. Thoy woro
what is called tho Beofstcalc tomato
and one sllco was Just like so much
stoak when It camo to eating quanti
ty, but they also had tho tomato qual
ity. Arnold Sentinel.
On last Tuesday Photographer
Krokolcr wont ton miles north to the
HI Aden Turin to take some pictures (
of a rcrnurkablo field opornUon. Mr. .EXAMINE DUCKS
Aden is at Rochester, Minn., with hi As am ember of, the National asso
son, who Is under treatment at tho elation you aro respectfully roquosto.1
Mayo Bros, institute Farmer nolgh-1 to ask through your offoctlvo columns
w ,ip.i,1iwi tn cut tottothor and put nil tho duck hunters out your way, to
In his winter wheat, and with fifteen
wheat drills and slxty-tWo horses at
work drilling 205 ncros, tho photogra
pher got Bomo fine views. Gothen
burg Independent.
Thoro has been a wheat car short
ago in tho Highllno during tho past
ton days and for a couplo of days the
local grain olovotors woro shut up
because thoy could not find room for
more grain. Why a ropotltlon of last
vcur's conditions should occur, wo
cannot any, but If some of tho potty
Investigations woro turned In tho
right direction thoro might bo somo
poiwI RMiomnllBhcd. It cortalnly does
not look good. Wallace Winner.
Tho Courier lust week went t3
t .!... .ulinit fntll.
press alter mo huuuuu uy,
or bud wenthor hud made its finan
cial success doubtful. Friday, how
ever, camo along with an Ideal full
day, and tho uttondunco was simply
Immense, it is estimated that thoro
worn fully ten thousand pooplo on
tho grounds Frtdiiy, nnd tho officials
of tho association state thut wlilto
tho final footings had not yet boen
reached, thoro was reason to bollovo
tho unusually big last day's patronage
had nut tho 1921 fair across with nil
oxponscs paid nnd perhaps something
of a profit Goring Courier.
At last tho realization that wo are
actually to havo a wator works sys
tem hnB dawned upon tho pooplo of
Pnxton. Tho plpo Is horo and Ib bo
lng unloaded and strung along tho
streets whero tho wator mains will
bo pfaced. Within a short tlmo dlg-
night. You'll feel a lot better in the morning.
For chronic constipation, and as an occasional laxative, these littla
pills work like magic.
Get a Box of Your Druggist
CI SA'i TUig ONE. IS-THE ) y
glng of trenches and tho luylng of tho
pines will begin und tho work will be
pushed to completion. Arrangement!
havo boon mado to put down u test
woll and work on this will also hoglu
at once. Tho woll will probably be
put down near tho alley just north o.
tho hotel. Tho tank will bo placed
at tho north side of town where tho
elevation will givo ample pressuro In
all parts of tho system for domestic
purposed and fire protection. Pax
ton Times.
Soveral carloads of paving brick
arrived In tho city tho past week, and
wo aro informed that tho balance are
oxpected to arrlvo just as soon as it
Is possible to got tho cars to convey
thorn. Thoy will be placed on Wash
ington street frrtm Eighth to Seven
toonth, and tho work will be finished,
in all probability, in nbout thirty days.
Wlion this is finished Lexington will
havo, according to Engineer Nosky, a
llttlo over three miles of good sub
stantial brick pavomont. Aside from
this, grades aro being established and
curbing placed on about ton or fltteon
blocks, which, when completed will
bo covored with about three inches of
Km vol, consequently making our
Btreets second to none In the state.
Dawson County Pioneer
oxamlno carefully all the ducks thoy
Jdll this season, for both wing and log
bands. Wing bands will bo found on
tho right wing close to tho body, and
tho log bands on tho right log. Ono
thousand Saskatchewan ducks have
boon tagged for the purposo of ascer
talnlng tholr migration routes to their
Winter homo In tho south. Theso bands
bear tho notation, "Manitoba Trading
Co., St Paul, Minn." Have vnnr
hunters report tho dnto of kills, vnrl
oty of duck nnd oxact locality. Watch
und nround Horshoy, also several big
friends to do tho same Sandy Grls
wold In World-Horald.
Wo learn that soundings have boon
mado by engineers from tho stato de
partment as a preliminary to knowing
what It will moan to construct a bridge
aoross tho North Platto rlvor at this
placo. Tho bridge according to tho
Information that wo havo at hand, Is
to bo wldo enough for vohlclcs to pS3
at any point and on this all concerned
will ugroo that tho Commissioners are
sure noting wisely ns It would bo n
vory poor buslnoss proposition to con
struct uny other kind of n brjdgo with
tho amount of truffle that would bo
sustained by this ono. Wo do not
hnvo details at hand as to when tho
contract will bo advortlBcd or how
soon work will bo commenced but wo
tnko It that it will all bo dono within
the vory near future. Garden County
Makes or ropalra anything mado of
tin or shoot metal.
510 Locust. Undor Gonoral Hospital
Is Not Dull
the Liver
Blue life doesn't seem worth the living
your best friends annoy you everything goes
wrong? ' Chances are, your liver is out of order.
Unless you fix it up, things are likely to be
worse to-morrow. You can't find anything: that
will relieve you more quickly and effectively thau;
Dr. Miles9 Liver Pills
Just take a couple when you go to bed to
-- I I
A Dimpled
( 1921. by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
"So you think yourself a beauty 1"
young Mnben sniffed. "And you can't
help agreeing with me." Lorraine gig
gled, twining an unmistakably pre
meditated curl about her forefinger,'
Mnben sniffed again, saying:
"What I think doesn't mutter not
tho least. But if my name were only
Walnrlght " pausing significantly.
Lorraine smiled elflnly, clasped her
hands behind her head and murmured,
apparently to the breeze:
"It is nice to be found pleasing by
a person who knows." Then, sitting
up, head thrust forward: "Tell irie,
Dicky, docs the exalted one really
think anything about me? The frozen
truth there's a good fellow."
Young Mubeu smiled craftily. " 'Frnld
you couldn't bear It," he said, looking
past Lorraine to her reflection In the
mantel mirror.
"Ob, it won't quite turn my head,"
she laughed back at him, yet with a
deep note under it that hurt Maben
to hear. But to be madly jealous at
two-and-twenty Is to be also entirely
ruthless. "lie snys you are a type
the dimpled dairymaid mighty fetch
ing here on the farm but civilization
would spoil you utterly," Maben an
swered slowly.
"Would It, I wonder?" Lorraine nn
swered calmly, with n meditative
smile, but something at the bottom of
her eyes thut was disturbing to lier
sometime sweetheart. They hud grown
up together Into an Illusory love und
grown out of it, they thought, by help
of school nnd college. But since love's
possessive case Is nearly an lmmor-
Held Chuckling Conferences.
telle, Wnlnwrlght's advent had mado
Maben furious. All the more so that
ho himself was responsible for It
Walnrlght, a fellow ot Maben's col
lege, specializing In sociology, had
taken u fancy to tho lad from the
wheut country, had helped him In
many ways In return for all of which
Maben had nlmost bullied him Into
coming to Eurablo for tho holidays.
Tho farm name hud pleased him
mightily when ho sensed Us deriva
tion. It was tho old form of arable
aud doubtless tneaut adapted to eared
crops. Place names, you seo, all hold
glints of sociology. Thus Walnrlght
to himself. The basic truth was
wearied of sophistication, lie felt a
tonglng for life next to the ground.
Ho said openly ho "collected sum
mer girls," thereby assuring his harm
lessness. It was thus he had classi
fied Lorralno, with no thought of
Blight or slur. Maben kuew us much
know that his quotation, actually
veritable, was spiritually false. Bnt
In a losing battle ono takes any
weapon handy.
Lorraine, In front of tho tall mir
ror, scanned herself narrowly, turn
tng and bending to seo herself at all
angles. A now and specially wicked
dimple played hide amd seek In her
-. .' r. mf
left cJioeit. niunpn, watching it,
yearned to kiss It. nwny, but felt some
how as though he hod forfeited all
right even to think of such n thing.
Presently he. said awkwardly: "Pin
glad you don't mind, 'Rnlnc. The old
boy meant no barm, but most girls
wouldn't understand "
"God Almighty made 'em to match
the men," Lorraine quoted with a
twinkle. "But me ! I'm the best llttlo
iiiiuvisiiuiiuui " 0"" uwuui
just you watcn me.
"I'm sure you've said things of
him," Mnben began defensively. Sho
nodded, Interrupting again. "Not a
patch on the things I shall say to him.
Beloved, listen, It will be worth while."
"Going to ask him If n dimpled
dairymaid wears her linger In hex
mouth?" Mnben bantered.
"Why didn't you let me think of
that?" Lorraine sighed. "You know
original sin gets there first always "
"Shut up! There he comes," M&-
ben ndmonlshcd over ids shoulder, as
he rushed to meet n tall, thin person
with a scholarly droop of eyes nod
shoulders, who enme up the pnth be
tween brllllrint flower borders. Lor
raine flung after after him an lnscru
table smile then vanished, not to re
appear until very Uite afternoon.
Mnben s'nred at her. She wo?
transfigured. Not u curl, hardly a
wave broke the sweep of her red
golden crown. She had banished ow
ery dimple, gentled her dancing feet
to n softer rhythm. All in white,
clinging nnd vaporous, she seemed to
float rather Umn walk across grass
already cool with dew. Lifting her
head deerlike from her low garden
seat, she smiled up at Walnrlght, a
smile of primal allurement, saying
softly: "Now Is the time for wonder
stories. You must tell mo one the
one I most care to hear."
"What Is It?" ho asked.
"You promised to tell It," anxiously.
"If I know It," he said Indulgently,
In his best elder brother voice.
Lorraine smiled again. "If not you
who docs?" she murmured. "It is
tho story of yourself tell It from tho
very beginning."
Walnrlght gasped. Half n minute
before he would have sworn to himself
and walked off. NOw Instead he Hung
himself on the turf, set his chin in
his palms nnd made the beginning
of tho end.
It was a profound social observer
who said: "There are no such trou
blesome ghosts at maturity as tho un
committed sins of our youth." Waln
rlght proved the saying, nis youth
had been hard nnd driving, untouched
by merry dalliances, unsweetened by
saving follies. Naturally his ghost
dancing made him a spectacle for gods
and men. But he cared nothing for
that. Men might scoff, women sneer;
nil he wanted wns to batho himself in
tho sunlight of Lorraine's eyes nnd
let her gentle feet dnnco over his
heart If thoy chose.
Mnben tried rescues many and vari
ous, partly on his own account, partly
also because of real friendliness. Bnt
none of them got him anywhere. Ho
dared not risk open expostulation
tho habit of reverence was too strong
in him. Lorraine would neither talk
nor listen to him no more than sha
would to her mother or the minister.
Now and then sho held chuckling
conferences with her fnther who nev
er since the day she was born had seen
anything wrong In her. But even
ho at length grew, not anxious, but
compassionate. "Put Mm out of mis
ery gently, honey," ho counseled.
"When you don't want n fish throw
him back, Instead of leaving him flop
ping and messing up tho bank."
A cryptic sayings perhaps. It was
In obedtence to It thut a month af
ter Walnrlght's begullemcnt Lorralno
again sat In the low chair, bending
toward him on tho grass nt her feet.
But lnstend of saying anything she
spread her hands, palms downward
pnlms nil pink and satin-smooth, melt
ing Into round bnby wrists. Wain
right caught them sho did not draw
them awny. As ho mado to lay ono
against his check sho said softly:
"Pity they are so smooth and weak
they quite spoil my type."
"Nothing can spoil your type, what
ever It may be," Walnrlght murmured,
trying to kiss a wrist. Sho drew it
gently away, saying roguishly: "Flet
-You aro not going back on yourself,
surely 1 Remember you called mo a
dimpled milkmaid I"
"So I did I" Walnrlght said sitting
up suddenly. "Where's Maben, I won.
A full Btock of Western Field shot
gun sholls always on hand at Tho Sil
ver Front Cigar Store. All hunters
know tho quality of Tho Western and
"Chris" always makes tho price right.
The Farmer's Auctioneer
H. ML Johansen,
North Platte, Nebraska.
Phone 783F3
For thoso who do not have enough
stock or machinery for a general
farm sale, I am located so I can hold
a combination sale at North Platto
or at tho Fairvlow dairy 1 Vs mllus
west of town. I havo always got
enough stock or machinery listed with
me so wo can hold a combination salo
any time.
Physician and Surgeon
Diagnosis and Treatment
Calls answered Day and Night.
Over Union State Bank.
Office Phone 29G House Phono 123G.I
Office 340 .. . HouBoW.fc.
Osteopath riiysiclnii
Over the Qnsls. North Platte
Offlco phone 241. Rcb. phono 21',
Osteopathic rhyslclan
North Platte, Nebraska
KnlghtB of Columbus Building.
Ed Kierig,
General Farm Sales A Specialty, alto
Real EHtnte. References and Date
First National Bank.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Office Phone 83 Residence 3f
Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 102t
Surgeon, X-Ray
Calls Promptly Answered Night or Daj
Phones Office 642. Residence 676
Licensed Embalmers
Undertakers nnd Fnneral Directors
Day Phone 41
Night Phone Black 588
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex
assistant deputy Stato Veterinarian
Hospital 315 South Vino Street Hos
pltal Phone 633. Houso Phone 633.
, G. 7 Building & Loan Building.
Office Phone 70. Res. Phone 1242
Practice Limited to Diseases of
Women nnd Surgery
Phonos Offlco 113. Residence 640J
Expert Piano Tuner and Ropairor.
Leave ordors at 914 W. 4th St.
Or Phono 334.
Physician nnd Surgeon
Special Attention GIvcp to Surgery
nnd Obstetrics
Office Building & Loan Bulldiug
Phono: Offlco 130. Residence lit
Estato No. 1845 of Sebastian Schwaig
or, deceased, in tho County Conrt of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per
sons interested In said estate take no
tlco that-n petition has been filed for
the probate of an Instrument purport
lna to be tho last will and testament of
said deceased and tor tho appointment
of Carrlo Schwaigor as Executrix" ol
said estate, which has been sot for
hearing horoin on October 18, 1921
at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated Sopt 22, 192-1.
County Judgo
Tires, Tubes and Ac
cessories. FERO STRE1TZ
Corner Cth and Locust-
Phono G25W.
Homeopathic Physician &
General Practice and
Construction Surgery
M Hospital Accommodation
8 Platto Vullcv Hospital $
i.t Former Namo Twlncm Hospital, a
7.T l
K , g
K . . ..., .'HHHfftWM, .V.V.W. WV W
(Hoagland & Carr, Attorneys.)
Estate No. 1813 of John H. Slngloton,
deceased, in the County Court of
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Tho State of Nebraska, to all .per
sona interested in said estate tnko no
tice that the Executrix has filed a
final account and report of her ad
ministration and a petition for tlnal
settlement and discharge as such,
which havo been sot for hearing be
fore said court on Oct. 4, 1921, at 10
o'clock n. m.. when you may appear
and contest the same. ,
Dated Sept. 8, 1921
(SEAL) County Judge.
To Whom it May Concern:
Tho commissioner appointed to view
and locate a road commencing at the
Northwest corner of Section 12, town
ship 11 north, range 34, west of tho
6th P. M. n Lincoln County, Nebraska,
running thence south on section lino
between sections 11 and 12, 13 and 14,
23 and 24, 25 and 26, and 35 and 36
said township and range, and termin
ating at the Southwest corner of said
section 36 has reported in favor of
the establishment thereof, and all
claims for damages, must be filed In
the County Clerk's office on or beforo
noon of tho 21st day of November,
1921, or"such road will be established
without reference thereto.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
this 9th day of Settember, 1921.
County Clerk.
(John Grant, Attorney.)
In tho District Court of Linooln
County. Nebraska.
In tho matter of tho application of
Charles W. Trembly, Administrator
of the estato of George W. Trembly,
deceased, for leave to sell real es
tato. Notico is hereby given, that in pur
suance of an order made by J. L.
Towel!, judge of tho District Court
of Lincin County, Nebraska, made on
the 8th day of July 1921, for tho salo
of real estate hereinafter described,
will sell at tho east front door of
the Court Houso in tho city of North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, on
tho 15th day of October 1921, bogin-
ing at ono o clock in tho afternoon,
tho South East quarter, South West
quarter and tho North West quarter
of Soction fourteen, also tho South
East quartor of Section" twelve, all
in Township fifteen North Rango
twenty eight west of tho 6th Principal
Meridian in Lincoln County, Nebraska
to tho highest bidder for cash, said
salo will be called at ono o'clock p.
M. and will bo open for ono hour
Administrator of tho Estato of
George W. Trembly, Deceased.
To Whom It May Concern:
Tho Board of County Commission
ers for Lincoln County, Nebraska,
havo mado the following resolution:
The Board of County Commissioners
for Lincoln County, Nebraska, bolng
of tho opinion that tho public good re
quires It, hereby declare the section
lino running north botweon tho NW'i
of Sec. 4 and the NE4 Sec. 6 in T. 14,
R. 30 and becween Sections 32 and 33,
29 and 28, 20 and 21, 17 and 16, 8 and
9, and 4 and 5, T. 15, R. 30. all west
of the 6th P. M. to bo opened to the
public, and tho County Clerk is hereby
directed to advertise for claims fer
damages and to have saroo nppraised,
and tho County Surveyor la hereby
dirocted to survey same. All olcvlma
for damages or objections thereto by
reason of opening said above moa
tioncd section linos must be filed fci
tho office of tho Couaty Clork on or
beforo 12 o'clock noon on tho 21t
day of Novorobor, 1921, or said road
wlli be established wltlrout rolereaco
Dated at North Platte, Nobraska,
tkis 9tk day of Septembar, 1921.
County Clerk.