$! o rth rilrotte. THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., SEPTEMBER 27, 1921. No. 75 Thursday, Free iiisine T5r T Patte d cm t Witt Address by Farley lees W. PIZER STORE NOW OPEN UETUltX OK VETKAX MEKCHAXT TO ACTIVE BUSINESS IS , EVENT OK WEEIC. " Julius IMzer and his son, Harry Plzor, have opened up a Men's store In tho Plzor block on Locust Street. This announcement would not mean so much If It woro almost any other Berson but tho namo Plzer has been connected with tho business llfo of North Platte for so many yoars that the return of this family to actlvo business life hero Is worthy of note. Mr. Plzer Is giving his son, Harry, tho chance of 'a lifetime In starting him in the retail business and at tho same time ho will oversee the business and give It a great deal of his personal attention. They have fitted up the room formerly occupi ed by tho Hemphill Prlntery and It makes a good room in which to dis play their lines of men's goods. The Tribune Joins tho other business houses in welcoming this new firm to tho business lifo of the city. ::o:: AOltTH PLATTE'S ANNUAL TKIB UTE TO THE OLD PEOPLE COMES THIS WEEK. IXTHItESTIN(j) MEETING OK THE I VltENT-TEACHEU ASSOCIA TION IS HELD. Last Thursday ovcnlng at tho Franklin Auditorium, the Joint Parent-Teacher Association hold a moot Ing and listened to three flno nddros os. Miss Alice Gusack of Kansas City told of the flno work which is done in tho kindorgartens and com plimented North Platte on having in troduced this Important departmont Into it? public schools. Dean Chas. Fordyco Bpoko on Recreation and its placo In lifo and gavo many Illustra tions to show that recreation is necessary that ono may enjoy llfo and have a lot of it. Professor Howard Drlggs spoke of his work in English and gavo a flno analysis of tho part slang Is playing In tho Bpeech of people. Ho doos not de preciate the uso of slang as an occas ional means of expression but ho showed how It stunts our vocabul ary when wc uso It repeatedly. Tho meotlng was well attended. HIGH SCHO0l"cA1)ET HAN1) (JOES TO GAItDEN COUNT Y- FA lit FOB TWO DAYS. ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS tlon sorvlco for a compiohonslvo survoy of tho South riatto valloy from tho east lino of Lincoln county to tho Colorado line, and also of tho North Platto valloy, from North Platto to Bridgeport. Tho Ogallala ' pooplo aro onthusIaBtlo In an effort CUKKEAT COMMENT A1I0UT PEO-' t0 eCUro lrrieatI11 Projects and I I apparently appreciate tho opportun PLE AND THE THINGS THEY; j Uy to unite with Lincoln county in AHE DOING HERE. ' ' nttcn,Ptms o securo a survoy of the two valleys. For a number of years North Platte's religious bodies have annually given a "Sunset Social" to vtho men and women who nro seventy years old or older. This year tho dinner will be served by the ladles of tho Christ ian Church on Thursday, Sopt.29 at noon. Following the dinner a program wlllbe give. All thoso who aro eligible aro invited and urged to come. Thoso having no way to get" there should call Mrs." C. W. Groves, 120 W. Ninth. -:o:- Tho High School Cadet hand com prising over forty members will leavo Friday morning at nlno o'clock for Lowellen where It will play for the Garden County Fair for two days, arriving homo Saturday evening. Di rector Chas. J. Klllian said yesterday that tho band would rccolvo $100 and cxnenses for the trip and that tho $100 is to be used to pay the expenses of the trip to Cmu'ia with tho-foot ball team. Tho toys aro looking forward to a RiuJ tlmo and those who know Lowellen are confident they will have it. In tho Individual displays at the County Fair, D. M. Mathers of Nontl Roscdalo took flirst prize of $50, Jan&n Bonham of Sutherland took soc6nd prlzo of $40 and Thos. Doolittlo took third of $30. Thoso woro all good ex hibits and showed what can bo dope In the different parts of tho county. E. A. Olson loft Sundav for 'Mttv- wood with a largo part of tho products I YOU CAN KNOW NORTH PLATTE THE TltllUJNE IS TO PRESENT A SEltlKS 01' ARTICLES AM0UT HOME CITY A news Horn from Llucoln appoarod in Sunday's State Journal as follows: "Tho Nebraska high school dobatlnK longuo'a now certlflcato of honor was awarded at debate assemblies last wook nt tho eleven schools that won tho stale championship and tho dis trict championships in tho league's fourteenth annual contests, 1920-1921, on tho repoal of tho literacy-test re striction for Immigration. Thcso cov which were on display at tho Llnf In. Mcat stencd by tho proaWont Pror. County Fair last wcota May wood. Is, M M UnlvorsUy of NobraBUl, a district Fair and exhibits will bo'ibn display from a numbor of counties. Mr Olson expects to make a big sho,vini mere ami win a largo prizes. and tho secretary, Supt. R. S. Carey, Ashland, bear tho league's official seal and aro the genoral stylo of tho uni versity diplomas. At tho oasembllos when tho certtfl- I" I nntna worn pnnf0rrnl a lnttor tf Mia The Salvation Army tag day at t te j u from tho ldont wng rond County netted about $86 ont cacU cortulcato wn accompanied unmoor Jat NORTH PLATTE BECOMES IMPORT ANT CATTLE MARKET FOR WESTERN NEBRASKA Thursday and $C0 on Friday. The largest, amount turned In by any So licitor was $23 which was collected;!)) Miss Mary Dye on Friday. Others did well while somo did not tako tTio matter seriously and so returned tiio boxes almost ompty. :o:- METHODIST All) SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS FOR THE COMING YEAR. A meeting at which will bo repres onted tho County Commlssloneors, the City Council, tho Red Cross and tho Chamber of Commerce will bo hold Thursday evening for tho purposo of adopting' some centralized plan for charity work. These organiza tions feel that this work In tho past has not been efficiently and econom ically handled, and somo different method will be adopted Tho Methodist Aid Society met In the church parlors Thursday after- H. B. Bonham of Kimball was in the noon and elected officers. A splendid city yesterday, visiting friends and Voport of the year's work was given renewing acquaintances. Ho says showing a very profitable year. Tho things are quiet at Kimball but there officers elected were as folio ns: Is some improvement noted in busi ness. A fins suite of office rooms to retif ever tho Dixon Stores. Mrs. B. Boatman, President; Mrs. J. A. McMichael, vice president; Mrs. Geo. Monks, secretary and Mrs. E. Mnson, treasurer. North Platte Rotary Wants Our . Citizens To Read This! Out of years of experience us a penitentiary warden a prominent Rotarlan wrote us especially for this educational campaign. "One. of tho most fruitful sources of crime is il literacy. Any penitentiary will reveal that not more than GO per cent of tho Inmates finished grammar school; less than two per cent enter high school and less than a fraction of one nor cent remain and graduato; while practically none go to collcgo. These facts 'ro significant. "Crime Is tho result, in uart of a lack of balance. Education gives balance. How evident it becomes that society is obligated to leavo nothing undone to fostor tho education of boys. "To guide a boy Into channols of education is to guide him OUT of tho paths that lead downward. "No boy can faco llfo without an education un less ho faces it liko a hundred yard dush man would face a test with, a ton yard handicap. Without education tho boV finds himself wondering what has happened that other boys aro selected and ho Is ov lookcd. and that ho moro readily turns to those things that result in delinquency. "Society and that moans ovorybotly has nn obligation to tho boy that It Ignores at Its nerll. The derelict In society; tho ono who hates fiercely and blindly, and tho ono whoso hand is often against cv ory other man is generally Uio uneducated. Lot us, educate tho boys and make safe their future." KEEP THE BOY IN SCHOOL Published by The Rotary Club of North Platte, Nebraska. "He profits most who servos best." by a porsonal letter." Then followed a list of tho winners of tho ton dis trict, naming tho iwlnnors in tho western district as Frances Edwar ls, Emmott Moody and Georgo Dont. ::o:: County Judgo Woodhurst issued a marriago license Wednesday to Ed ward M. Wellmnn, railroad agent at Calloway and Miss Edna R. Clapp o: Maxwell. Ho also performed tho ceremony which made them man nnd wlfo. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rasmussen of Hershey attended "Listen To Mo" last evening. North Platto ottlzens nnd Llucoln County residents will enjoy tho series of articles which tho Trlbuno has had proparcd about North Platto. Many nro woll informed as tp tho high spots In tho llfo of this city and thoy will enjoy roviowlng with tho editor and systematizing tho knowledgo which they already have. Othors have not been so fortunate and only partially know our city. Thoy will liko tho In teresting things that will bo given Inj thcso articles. Then thero aro child ren and newcomers who do not know much about tho city and who would liko 'to read tho facts and deductions which will bo given. Tho articles will appear consecu tively in coming issues of tho Trib une. Tlioy may bo crowded out oc casionally by a press of other matte;' but thoy will bo rcsumod as soon as posslblo nftor tho Interruption. Thoro Is no better way in which to Inform outsiders than to securo oxtra cop ies of tho Trlbuno whonovor nn article Tho cattlo salo hold at tho Union Pacific Stock Yards horo last Thurs day marks anothor stop In tho gradu al ovolutlon of tho cattlo business in western Nobraslm. Cnspor Rauch got tho idea that thoro Is no souse In Bonding stockors and feeders to cas crn mnrkets and then sending them back to tho feed lots of tho state. Ho proposes to put them up nt.auctton horo at North Platto and ship thon. from horo to tho feeders. And Thurs day's snlo proved that ho thought right Ton cars of cattlo wero sold horo that day and shlppod out as fol lows: Buda 1, Polk 1, Kearney 1, Wil low Island 2, Lexington 1, Stapleton 2, Koystono 1 and ono car was driven out from horo. Now ho Is advertising another big snlo on October 3 whon ho will oftor 700 hoad of all kinds of c.t tlo to tho highest bidder. Farmors and ranchmen should attend this sale It thoy nro lntorostod In buying or soiling cattlo. KIHST 110 AD SHOW OK SEASON IS GREETED UY LARGE CROWD AT THE KEITH Water Commissioner Hershey says tho throe now pumps for the city ; water stations will bo horo about Nov. I 1st. He expects to have them Installed j by Thanksgiving. Two of these pumps aro to bo placed In tho central station nnd ono in the auxiliary station in the south part of tho city. Thoy nro of tho latest typo and will give North Platte adoquato water and fire pro tection for a number of years to come. A three-weeks revivival meeting Is being, held nt tho Baptist Church be ginning last evening. Tho cvangeitpf is Dr. John Marvin Dean with Miss A. L. Stockton as assistant. Thoso pco- plo como to North Platte with tho best of recommendations nnd tho members and friends of tho Baptist Church are looking forwnrd to a good series of meetings. They nro Inviting all of their friends to Join them in this cam paign JSURThriflys Manager Hawlcy opened tho fall Boason at tho Kolth with tho musical extravaganza "Listen To Mo' last night and a good sized audience was thoro. Tho Bhow did not havo much of a plot or story but was carried appears which Is worth Bonding to niong by Jest and movomont, Tho them. Wo will print n few oxtra cop ies and havo them on hand at our of lice. Criticisms and additions will ho wolconicd. -:o:- Tho Hershey Farm Bureau held a n.cetlng on tho eonlng of September Crd, nt tho Farmers Co-operative As 3ociatlon Office nnd decided on the following wnges for beet haulors..50c per ton for tho first mllo nnd 30c for every additional mllo; for teaiiistors .ising growers icams $35 per month and board or $1.50 per day. Where growor furnishes teams and wagon and helps on ton basis, growa fur nishes cq.iipmon. and teamster boards himself. Tho CO-CO basis Is mc' on '.ho ton hnullng . Ono of tho attractions at the County Fair which gavo a great deal of on Joymcnt to a number of peoplo was tho drummers. Thoy woro Major Robort Henry Hendershot nnd son. The form or is tho original "Drummer Boy of tho Rappahannock." Ho was Intro duced to tho BIgnoll Community Club banqetors at tho man whom Abraham Lincoln Introduced to tho Houso of Honrescntntivos, Ho uses tho sllvor drum presented to him by Horaco Greeloy In Fobr. 18G3. Ho hns credon tials from Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Jnmes A. Garfield nnd many other prominent Amoricans. Mossors Halllgan and Baro wont to Ogallala last evening and attond' od a representative meeting of tho Kolth County Community Club at which was discussed posslblo irriga tion projects affecting Lincoln and Keith counties. Tho two countloa will Join in n petition to tho reclame Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Crook pasg-, ed though North Platto Saturday on routo to Omaha. Sometime ago thuy socurcd a divorce, Dr Crook remaining in Omaha while Mrs. Crook and tho childron wont to Colorado. Recently .reconciliation was effected, and they wero remarried In Denver last wcok. Dr. Crook practiced dentistry in North Platto for a numbor of year.i and from hero wont to Omaha where ho now has dental offices. Wm. Ilamer a farmer of Wollfleet and Miss Flora 13. Howard of Woll floct secured a marriago llconso Wed nesday and woro mnrried by County Judgo Woodhurst. sconory was especially good varying from tho f InmeB of hades to tho aurora of tho North Polo. The themes wero catchy with several good voices to bring them out. Tho csqutmnux maid was tho outstanding novelty chnractcr of tho show. Tho company enmo from tho oast and loft for Koarnoy where they will appear tonight. NOTICE -My loan and Investment office has boon moved to tho Plzor'B Store C07 Locust strcot, phono 342. All business transacted In a prlvato office. JULIUS PIZEU. vor-. Mrs. Bert Dunbar of Elmwood, Nobr. and Mrs. B. H. Wilfoy of Edi son, Nobr., returned homo after jnak lng a visit at tho C. II. Glfford homo. not tt-i heed Make Iricnds with a Account then lei friendship GROW. A GROWING BANK ACCOUNT Bank your through is a friend indeed every step of life. And the fust step is to start the Account here with one or more dollars. Take that step TODAY is our friendly invitation to you. Deposits in this hank are protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. UNION STATE BANK ALL Grain Checks Cashed Here. DDG&DR0THER5 MOTOR CAR Buy a Standardized Established Car (Dodge Brothers ure in the 7Ui year on tho ono model refined and improved, but with no radical change.) Buy a Known Car bodge Brothers In the past (5 years havo made and sold over 050,000 good medium weight, medium sized, quality cars at reasonable prices, and their record for exceptional service is worldwide. Buy the Economy of a Dodge Brothers Four Cylinder Car You havo probably noticed in the past two years, in fact ever since Dodgo took second place in sales, that the popular thing has been, for former makers of "best" sixes, or eights or twelves to come out with a "best" Four, to compete with Dodge. It may be that somo of these cars will give good service, when thoy have been given tho experience test, buc do you want to be the "goat," to test out any factories experi ments? Buy Dependability You want dependability, and you know tho record of Dodge service everywhere. When a better all around serviceable Four cylinder car Is made, our guess is that It will have Dodgo Brothers emblem on tho radiator, and not that of any present follower or imitator. I V. ROM1GH Dealer Moro present value for your money. Moro future sorvlco at less expense.