I THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE OF INTEREST TO RURAL READERS fa km bureau news service supplies items fok tub tribune readers The Nobrnskn Farm Duron u Fedor ntion boa been advised by certain Ida ho fruit associations Unit upplos can bo secured at Idaho points In enr lotH for salo to groups of fiirmon throughout Nobrnskii, and persons In terested aro ttdvlsod to wrlto the No braka Farm Duronu Fedoratlon at Lincoln for details. According to Saunders County Farm Dureau officials, Saunders County Knnrod wheat has boon much sought after tills year for seeding pur poses. Practically tho cntlro crop of tho coiwtv has already bebn disposed of, according to agricultural oxton slnn ngont "Waltor Roborts. Many car loads wero shlppod to Iowa points whll Nebraska buyers also took a gdou fihrio of tho crop. Farmers who had certified wheat rocolvcil- thirty cents abovo market iiuotatlons, the grontcr poitlon bolng sold for $1.30 per biMhel. Tho Nebraska Agricultural Council, composed of tho heads of tho various , farm organizations In Nebraska, will hold n meeting at Omahn on October 12, "to form some dellnlto plan a to what part Nebraska agriculturists tnko In encouraging tho development of tho Great Lakcs-St. Law'ronco wa terway. Tt Is also hoped that any ag riculturists who aro Interested in this great freight saving proposition will nttond tho meeting. An effort will bo made to hnvo a member of the joint commission now considering tho proposition at this mooting, or at least some one who la conversant with the wi.rk of tho commission. An al most similar meeting has also boon called to meet in tho rooms of tho Lincoln Chamber of Commerce on ' Septombcr 28. A call for tho totter mooting has been sent out by Gov ernor McKalvio addrcssod to commcr. clal clubs nn,d farm organizations. Farmers, aro ovor-mnrkotlng their, whoat according to Secretary Herbert Hoover, nt Washington, expressed In u telegram to tho American Farm Du ronu Fedoratlon nnd first mndo pub lic by W. G. Jamison of tho Farm Du reau Federation on his visit to Lin coln last wcok. Secretary Hoover ad mitted tho fact Unit many farmers have been forcod by tholr creditors to sell when so advised by Mr. Jamison, but ho promised to u'io his host ef forts to prevail upon tho rodoral ro servo bank board to again open tho federal resorve system to handling re discounts of farmers' papor with grain and llvo stock as socurlty, through tho country banks. Hoover contends that farmers are now taking a loss of at least twenty-live cents per bushel on their whoat by reason o! congestion In eastorn tormlnnls and COL ROOSEVELT'S M,"" 'J ovor-mnrkotlng. He nays that 130, 000,000 busholi of whoat was market ed during the first thirty days of tht now crop compared with 08,000,000 one your ago, and that ut least forty per cent of the crop has now passed out of Uio fanners' hands. It is the belief of Secretary Hoover that tho revived war flnnnco corporation will be able henceforth to oxtend sufficient crodlt to farmers that the unprece dented rush of marketing may bo re strained. WYOMING "(OIJNT V HAS TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND ACKIvS OK IMIAIIMH ROUS Prairie dogs Infost 200,000 acres of farm land In Niobrara County, Wyo. This Is a yearly loss to tho county of at least $50,000 whUo mother $50,000, It Is estimated, is lost through pocket gophers and ground squirrels, A vigorous movo mont to rid tho county of these un necessary pests has boon Institute!' undor tho guldanco of tho county ngont and tho Slate specialist of the Dlolbglca'l Survey of the United States Dopartmont of Agriculture and tho state agricultural collogo. Tho poisoning work is to bo con fined more or loss to thoso prairie dog "towns" in which all landowners will give tholr unltod support to help bring about n completo cleanup A dog "town" of 1G0 acres about 9 mllos west of Manvllle was the first to bo cleaned up, then a largo town west of LubIc. Tho lattor was gono ovor onco and 99 per cent of tho pralrlo dogs were killed, but it Is to bo gono ovor again. A town of 25, 000 acres cast of Lanco Creek is to bo tackled next. It will probably tnko nil summer to got it ontlrely cleaned up. An export from tho Dureau of Biological Survey 'of tho United Stntcs Department of Agricul ture Is detailed to work with tho landowners in this section for two weeks, and another will tnko tho work up again in mid-summer nnd Blay with tho Job until it Is com pleted. ' Freo bait is boing furnished for tho Govornmont land,', nnd county commissioners aro helping finance the small sections where it proves necessary. Ono by ono tho prairie dog towns of tho county will bo cov ered In this wny. -; :o: :- A GOOD DINNER.. When' In town try our special dinner at from 35c up. Served from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. Short ordcrB sorvod at aP hours. Open day and night. Lunches put up for picnics or trains on short notice. Crystal Cafe, C. D. Dalloy, prop.. Opposlto U. P. Station. :o: Mrs. Wolnborger and Mrs. James Snydor loft Wednesday for Grand Is land, to spend n few days v,ltb frlonds. TO SACRIFICE PIANO PLAYER For quick turnover will sacri fice price. Player in our possess ion in North Platto nnd must bo moved at onco. Easy payments. Write quick for particulars to the Denver Music Co., Denver Colo. WIFE DRIVES MULE IN COUNTY FAIR RACE THBATKB SKASOX TO OPEN NEXT MONDAY WITH DI SCENIC PRODUCTION The following clipping tells the Ulo of tho muslcnl extravaganza which is to appear at the Keith Thoatrc next Monday, Sept. 2G. 'Listen to mo" has many novel sconos. It requires tons of scenery, n lot of mechanical effect, numerous' electrical supplies, nnd a staff of mechanics . stage fie massive pro-' ductlon ''Listen To Mf cmbbdlou I Mi n 1 ft a t kttA Itt ivi a 1 t it t uinim ' craft. This masterpiece opons with a glimpse o'er the roof tops of Time Ssuare New York City, thon ushers you through nn elaborate transfor mation into Hades, whoro n lurid 'glow bellowing from tho ov'ans of Satan's palace lend a weird ericlmnt- ! mont to the' situation. A figurative solution of liquid Is applied instant aneously dissolving Hades Into tho desolate region of tho North Polo, whorc a blizzard and blinding snow storm arc raging. Eskimos clothed in I furs to dispell tho chill and dog teams j reposing after a strenuous Journey rovel In tno ice ana snow settled' noout them; while huts aro heavily loaded with tho mantle of white. Penotratln tho fury of tho storm Is tho pale and sombre beams from tho aurora bo rcalls as It plays upon the starlit heavens reflecting its peaceful radl nnco upon the sparkling tracts of end less waBtc nnd glittering glaciers in tho land of tho midnight sun bolow. In tho Becond act tho inhabitants of this arctic zone aro transmigrated In to quaint and picturesque candyland, whoro the fairy pathway Is paved to tho last sceno of cupld's postofflco and ti thoatrlcal rehearsal Is in progress. "Llston to Mo" is tho finale of me chanical stagecraft and sets this gor geous extravaganza ns a pioneer Iri achievement. :o: A full Btock of Western Field shot gun shoIlB always on hand a The Sil ver Front Cigar Store. All hunters know tho quality of The Western and "Chris" always makes tho price right. ::o:: (John Grant, Attorney.) NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. In tho matter of tho application ot Charles W. Trembly, Administrator of tho estate of Goorgo W. Trembly, deceased, for leave to soil real es tate, i Notice Is hereby given, that In pur suance of an order mado by J. L. Tewoll Judge of tho District Court of Linen 'n County, Nebraska, made en the 8th day of July 1921, for tho sale of real estato hereinafter described, I will sell at tho east front door of tho Court Houso in tho city of North Piatte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, on tho 15th day of October 1921, bogln lng at ono o'clock in tho afternoon, tho South East quarter, South West quarter and tho North West quarter ot Section fourteon, also tho South East quarter of Section twelve, all in Township fifteen North Range twenty eight west of tho 6th Principal Meridian lh Lincoln County, Nebraska to tho highest bidder for cash, said salo will bo called at ono o'clock p. M. and will bo open for ono hour thorcaftcr. CHARLES W. TREMDLY, Administrator of tho Estato ot Gcorgo W. Trombly, Deceased. fteele Setoff tfesfa ON THEJFARM TJU GET v'EGETABLESTOFAT -THAT HAVeTHAD NO ' TIN CAN EMBROIDERED AROUND THEM. Mrs Theodore Roosevelt, even though her husband is assistant secretary of Navy, did not find it beneath her dig nity to drive an en try in a mule race at the Dutchess County Fair at RhineclitT, N Y the other day. Her rival was Mrs. J. G. Webb, another prominent society woman, up behind the white mule. It was a dead heat. Col. Roosevelt is seen standing di rectly across his wife's speedier, "Happy " TOMATOES $1.50 a bushel at our place. $1.75 a uushol delivered, NORTH PLATTE FLORAE CO AOoooooocHxicJoaoooooaoaacKja Vulcanizing Tires, Tubes and ccssories. Ac- g FERO STRE1TZ VULCANIZING CO. a Corner 5th aud Locust. 8 Phono 525W, oonoooooocH303ioooooda aoaoa NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice Is hereby given of tho poj. ponement of tho oponlng of bids for the school houso for District 31 to Saturday, September 24 nt 12 o'clock noon. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice Is hereby given, that, sohlod bids will bo recelvod up to 3 o'clock P. M. Tuesday, Septombcr 20 for tho erection of n two room frame school building, for District No. 31, Lincoln Co. Nebraska. Dlds will also be taken on the haul Ing of the materials to the building CltO;, , , rians will bo on file with the Architect Dert M. Reynolds und with tho Secretary ot the School Doard, John V. Dlener. Dlds will be opened at the office of tho Architect. The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. Successful contractor will bo expected to take the district's warrants and bonds in payment. DOARD OF EDUCATION ' District No. 31 EXTENSION ROAD NO, 361. To Whom It May Concern: The commissioner appointed to view and locate a road commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 12, town ship 11 north, range 34, west of the 6th P. M. n Lincoln County, Nebraska, running thence south on section line between sections 11 and 12, 13 and 14, 23 and 24, 25 and 2G, and 35 ana 36 said township and range, and termin ating at tho Southwest corner of said section 3G has reported in favor of the establishment thereof, and all claims for damages, must be filed in the County Clerk's office on or before noon of tho 21st day of November, 1921, or such road will be established without reference thereto. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this 9th day of Settember, 1921. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Signed and sealed bids and propos-. als on tho Now Lincoln County Court House, North Plntte, Nebraska, will bo received ami filed In the office of A. S. Allen, County Clerk, North Platto, Nebraska, up until 12 o'clock noon (Central Time) on Monday, Oe tobor 10, 1921, for the erection of a Court House Building for Lincoln County, Nebraska, to be erected at North Platte, Nebraska, In accordance with tho Plans and Specifications pre pared by George A. Berltnghof, Archi tect, Orphoum Theatre Dullding, Lin coln, Nebraska. Dlds and proposals will be received as follows: 1. General Contract. 2. Heating and Plumbing. 3. Electric Wiring. Plans and specifications may be seon nt tho office of the County Clerk. North Platto, Nebraska, nt the office ot tho Architect, Orpheum Theatre Dullding, Lincoln, Nebraska, also at the offices of tho following Builders' Exchnnges: Omaha, Nebr., St. Joseph, Mo., Kansas City, Mo. Contractors desiring plans and specifications for tholr Individual or private use may obtain samo from tho Architect by making a deposit of ?100.00 of which $90.00 will be re turned when plans and specifications nro returned to Architect in gooj; con dition, and boua-fido proposal or bid filed with the County Clerk on the day of lotting. Each bid or proposal, In orjder to be considered, must bo accompanied by olthor a certified check or a Bidder's borl in tho amount of flvo por cent (5) ot bid and mad payable to S. M. Souder County Treasurer. Tho Board of County Commissioners for Lincoln County, Nebraska, reserves tho right to rojoct any and all bldn nnd walvo defects in samo. By order ot tho Board) ot County Commissioners for Lincoln County, Nobroekn, dated this 6th day ot Sept., 1921. E. IL SPRINGER', T. M. COHAGHN, II. COKER, County Commissioners. GEORGE A. BERLTNGHOF, Architect. Attc&t: A- S. ALLEN, Coutoty Clerk. (SEAL) As Uncle Sam Moved Fighting Front to Virginia Mountains 1 H ii W W s'''' ''v Striking coal miners in the realize the folly of resistance, as the first troop train of Uncle Sam's -fighting men arrived at St. Albans and started no into the Mingo coal pector, as pictured here. In command was Gen. II. H. Randholtz. Dr. L. J. KHAUSE. Beiillsi. X-Ituj Diagnosis. .Mcliiuitld Hunk lluildliig Phone 97. (Hoaglaud & Carr, Attorneys.) NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estate No. 1813 of John II. Singleton, deceased, In the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebrasku, to all per-: son3 interested in said estate take no.) tlce that the Executrix hud Hied a final account and report of her ad ministrntion and a petition for llnnl , settlement and discharge as such, I which have been set for hearing he,-1 fore said court on Oct. 4, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m.. when you may nppuir and contest the same. , Dated Sept. 8. 1921. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge, EXTENSION ROAD NO .11. To Whom it May Concern: The Board of County Commission ers for Lincoln County, Nebraska, have made the following resolution :--The Board ot County Commissioners for Lincoln County, Nebraska, being of the opinion that the public good re quires it, hereby declare the section lino running north between tho NW4 of Sec. 4 and tho NE& Sec. 6 in T. 14, R. 30 and beeween Sections 32 and 33. 29 and 28, 20 and 21, 17 nnd 16, 8 and 9, and 4 and 5, T. 15. R. 30. nil west of the fith P. M. to be opened to the public, and the County Clerk Is hereby directed to advertise for claims for damages and to have same appraised, and tho County Surveyor Is .horoty directed to survey samo. All claims for damages or objections thereto by reason of opening said above men tioned section lines must be filed in the office of tho County Clerk on or before 12 o'clock noon on the 21st day of November, 1921, or said road will bo established without roferemco thereto. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this 9th day of Soptember, 1921. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. The Farmer's Auctioneer H. M. Johansen, North Platte, Nebraska. Phone 783F3 For thoso who do not have enough stock or machinery for a general farm sale, I am located so I can hold a combination salo at North Platto or at tho Falrviow dairy 1 miles west of town. I havo always got enough stock or mnchluery listed with mo so we can hold a combination sale any time. OTIS R PLATT, M. D rhyslcian and Surgeon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night. Over Union State Bank. Office Phona 25G Houso Phone 1236J Office 340 HouselZB' DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Fhyslcian Ovor the Oasis. North Platto. Office phone 241, Res. phone 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Fhyslcian North Platte, Nebraska Knights ot Columbus Building. West Virginia fields were quick to To whom aro you going lo sell your flay and Grain? The Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer the highest prices. Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. (ont-ral Fnrm Sales A Specialty, li Ki-iil Estate. References and Ditei Plrsi NiuJonnl Bank. North Platte, Nebraska. . ...V.V. llJ. S.TWINEMM.D. ) Homeopathic Physician & it Surgeon :t General Prnctice and j Construction Surgery j Hospltn! Accommodation ? Platto Valley Hospital Former Name Twlnem HospItaL NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. ft JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. . Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Rank Building Office Phone 83 Residence 38 DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 102 DR. REDFIELD PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phones Office 642, Residence 676 DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phono 41 Night Phono Bluck 5S8 W. T. FRITCHARD Grnduato Veterinarian Ex-government Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian. Hospital 315 South Vine Street Hoi pltal Phone 633, House Phono 633. DRS. STATES & STATE8 Chiropractors 5, C. 7 Building & Lonn Building. Office Phone 70. Res. Phone 1242 DR. J. R. McKIRAHAN Prnctlco Limited to Diseases ot Women nnd Surgery OVER RBXALL DRUG STORE Phones Office 113. Residence G40J WYLIE WABKER &rport Piano Tuner nnd Repairer. Leave orders at 914 TV. 4th St. Or Phone 334. GEO. B. DENT Physician nnd Suegcon Specml Attention Chen to Snrger? and Obstetrics Ofllco BuUdiig & Loan BulkHng Phono: Office 130, Residence ill