The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 13, 1921, Image 8

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ScinMeekly Srtbunc.
WILSON TOUT. Kdltor ami 1'nbUalicr.
Enterod at tho North Platto, Nebraska
Postofflco as Second Class Mutter.
One Year, In advance $2.00
tuksday, skptoiikk jstn, 1021.
TJio Ulsnell Fall Festival Is to l.o
hold Friday of tills wook. Wa want to
go 1)Ut 110 nrrsngomonts liavo boon
miido yet. Wo hopo tho roads will be
good for bicycles and that we can gut
mvay. Wo would llko to soo tho Blgnell
peoplo at tholr host. Tho ontorprlso
shown by thorn In putting on such an
affair Is worthy of tho onthusIaBtlc
npproval of ovoryono and wc hopo
.1 largo numbor of North Platto people
will talto tlmo to go out and boo the
parndo, tho racoB nnd tho games, the
ayrlculturfll and llvo stock exhibits
nnd hoar the Nortr Platto Ladlos'
There is no such thing as an ad
vortitfng cumptilgn; olthar you do or
you don't nlvortlsoi" soys Harford
Powoll, Jr., editor of Colliers' Wook
ly. "Campaigns moan advertising by
fits and start. They do not produce a
finJBhod or final offoct. You might as
woll spoak of ft breathing campaign.
Start a breathing campaign now and
then, lot your lungs rost. Thoro will
soon bo moro of you nt rost than your
lungs. Begin an oatlng campaign and
step oatlng. Wo liavo all boon scrap
ing our chins ovory morning for
yoars. Would tho offect laBt other
wise? Publicity Is llko trat. It Is n
rnfiUor of repetition, of converting n
mfin onco nnd convincing him ngaln
Sly It. Ropont I. Then ropoat It
again. Tho human mind wobbles.
Koop It wobbling your way."
Joe Pizer lift Sunday for Grand
Island whom he will plr thrw
gamos of Imll with the Hastings toam
bofore lonvlng for Lincoln to enter tho
Stnto Unlvorslty.
H. S. Smith, stnU ngont Tor the
Security Insurance Co. of New Haven,
who has boon adjusting fire lossos for
tho Smith Solby Agsltcy left yontor-
day for eastern point.
A GOOD DINNER.. ......
Whin in town try our special dinner
Ht from Wo up. Served from 11 a. m.
to 8 p. mT Short orders served' at aK
hours. Open day and night. Lunches
put up for picnics or trains on shoit
notice Crystal Cafe, C. B. Balloy,
prop- Opposite U. P. Station.
A full stock of Western Flold shot
gun shells always on hand at The Sil
ver Front Cigar Store. All lihntora
know the quality of The Wostern and
"Chris" always makos tho prlco right.
Donald Nowton rcturnod Snturday
from Estes Park where ho attended
the Beta Frntornlty Convention. Ho
loft Sunday for Lincoln whore ho at
tends tho Stato University.
riiyslcinn and Surgeon
Spcclnl Attention Given to Surtrcrj
nnd Obstetrics
Office Building & Loan Building
Phono: Offlco 130. Residence 111
Makes or ropalrs anything made of
tin or shoot metal.
CIO Locust. Under Genoral Hospital.
Cross section of
passenger carrying
Now that the dirigible
has added one . morel
ghastly tragedy, will
the airplane be the air
vehicle of the future?
Above is an English
passenger plane which
makes regular 'sched-'
ulcs at a charge of eight
cents a mile. It carries
eight people and 30 pounds of baggage for each. The partition between
the engine and passengers' cabin is sound proof. Copyrighted article
by special arrangement with Popular Science Monthly.
Want Ads
For Rent Brick building 30x24. Ad
dross A. I). Yntos, Sutherland, Nebr.
For Sale Corn Blndor, M. R. Mag
nuson, North Platto.
Rent Gnrngo, inqulro 70S E.
For Rent 2 light housekeeping
rooms. 310 Wost Sth.
For Sale Call ducks for hunting.
Oeo. Karlger, Route 1, North Platte.
Wanted Sowing by tho day. First
class work. Phono S80W. 003 W. Sth.
Wanted To buy 100 bu. oats. Phono
For Sale Furniture and a bicycle.
Phono C21W.
lYiinlt'd Glrlfor house work. 403
Wost Cth St
For Rent My beautiful home to
responsible partial. Itoforoncos. 0
rooms. Phone 134W.
To Trade A thoroughbred Duroc
Jersey boar for one of samo breod.
Phono 7S1F11. C. H. Shin.
Wantc'1 Plain sewtnf, phbiie 1219J
210 NoYth Ash. '.
For Sal o Tomatoes, $1.50 per bush
el. Li. I. Tuckor. Phone G98J.
Wanted Clean rags at Trlb'uno
For Sale Corn Binder, Mk. Magnu
son, North Platto.
Wanted A girl for gonoral house
work. Apply at 703 W. 3rd.
For Snle One soft coal and ono
hard coal stove, good as new, A. O,
Kocken, 220 Wost Cth St. " '
For .Sale Good olght foot Sampson
windmill, 30 foot towor, GO barrol
storago tank and 30 feet 2 inch pipe.
B. A. Wllsou, 20 So. Elm. Phono 245J.
For Snle Equity In two choice iota
In North Platte. Write for de'scrlp'tloii
then make offor. Good used car' ac
copto)l as part payment. Wood Tiro
& Rubber, 1C22 Cuming,' Oinaha,
For Sale Good feed for sale. 145
acres of corn and 500 acres of paaturo
in connection. Give prlvllogo of 'feed
ing stock on place. 3 mllos "east
of Stato Farm. P. L. Wagner. Motor
Route A.
For Sale 50 head of coming thrco
yoar old cows. These are all high
'grado Hereford stock bred to thor
oughbred Hereford bull. Call at my
place 8 miles southwost. of North
Platte. Claus Anderson.
Tho theory upon which the oducat
Ipnal authorltlOB of tho olty havo
opened tho Opportunity rooms In tho
grndo schools 1b that no paront wants
his child to bo placed In a grado
whoro tho work Is too difficult and
whoro tho child cannot easily grasp
J.ho work nor understand what It Is
doing. Nor does any paront wnnt hid
child to bo la a grndo whoro the work
Is too easy. Tho scliools find those
pupllB and Bond thorn to tho opportun
ity room whoro they nro given u
chanco to mako up back work and
tnko tholr plncos In tho clnss whero
they bolong or whoro they can tnko
n llttlo extra workt nnd go on Into
an advanced class. This room will
work out satisfactorily If each par
ent will koop blB oyo on his or hor
own child and not on somo other
Tho body of Win. Fostor, who was
Hliot lost Wednesday by Snm Simmons
was romovod yoslorday from tho Mal
onoy morguo to Waco, Toxas for bur
ial. Tho body was accompanied by an
aunt of tho murdorod man.
" Henry Boal, John Real, Win. Mar
cellus and Alvln Saudnll woro among
those who attended tho base ball
gamo In Brady Sunday botweon Brad
and aothonburg.
. -to::
This Is to certify that, tho total lu
dobtodnusB of Tho North Platto Air
Tormlnal Company Is ?2,181.74.
Dated this 2Cth day of August, 1921.
J. 12. SEBASTIAN, Prosftlont.
Sue Theatre
Prisoners of Love
Betty Compson and Roy
Stewart and Comedy
Wednesday &Thursday
Keith theatre
Wednesday & Thursday
Starring Sid Chaplin
d at la
Mr. Edison's greatest ambition has been to see
every home make use of the power of music.
This demanded, first, a phonograph of com
plete realism, no-less. At a cost of three mil
lion dollars, tie put his new invention to the
famous comparison-test, which no mere talk
ing machine has ever sustained. This draw
ing (from a photograph) shows one of these
tests. The singer is Muzio, prima donna so
prano of the Metropolitan Opera Company.
The listener is Bamboschek, principal con
ductor at the Metropolitan. Bamboschek
said, "The quality of Miss Muzio's voice and
the quality of its Re-Creation by the New
Edison are identical."
This marvelous invention has, at last, re
leased the power in music.
now comes
"Mood Music" is a 32 page book, the newest and great
est step forward in Mr. Edison's plan for music in the home.
"Mood Music" shows what music will do for you, now
that the phonograph of complete realism is a fact. It tells
which selections will refresh you when you're tired, which
will cheer you when you're depressed, which will calm
you when you're nervous.
Bring or send the coupon and get your copy of "Mood
Music". It's free.
This wonderful development in music has grown out of
a two years research into the effects of music. This re
search was under the direction of Dr. W. V. Bingham,
Director of the Department of Applied Psychology,
Carnegie Institute of Technology. Dr. Bingham was
assisted by other noted psychologists, and thousands of
music lovers who filled out Mood Change Charts.
These psychologists found that certain Edis6n Re-Creations
had remarkable power to banish fatigue, nervous
ness and the blues. They arranged these selections under,
the headings such as "To Make You Joyous", "To Bring
You Peace of Mind", eta, and called this kind of music
Mood Music.
Use Coupon and Get Your Copy
If you own a New tidison, get a copy of this free booklet at once. Begin to use
music in this new ;,d practical way. If you do not own a New Edison, find out
what this wonder -:I instrument and Mood Music can be made to do for you.
We'll give you thn days of Mood Music at your home. No charge or obligation.
Merely bring or rr.-.l the coupon. Do it today.
Dixon's Music Shop
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