THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TIU I3LNE tLOCAL'AVD PERSONAL Mlsa Olowone Emory Is ofl duty nt tho W. J. O'Connor store tills week. H. It. Miller of Omaha spent the Week uml In the cjty. Beautiful line of Gngo hate. Lond. or Morcnntllo Co. Geo. Frntor left yesterday for Onlrt ha to transact business. Miss Nell Hanifln spent Sunday In Horshoy visiting friends. Beautiful line of Gage hats. Lend, er Mercnntllo Co. Clinton & Son, Graduate Opticians. Trv us for service. t , Dr. F. P. Wilson was a professional visitor to Paxton yesterday. Miss Gladys Stogall spent Sundav In Hershey visiting friends. Miss Esther Schwalger left Sunday for Mullen to teach school. Miss Anna OTIaro has accepted a position In tho Frater drag store. Mrs. Adnm Christ left this morn Ing for Grand Island to visit friends. Beautiful line of Gage hats. Lead, er Mercantile. Co. mtb. is. u. uoatman leit yestoruny fo&Denver toptfndtTfoV Savlfvlslt-1 Ing. ' , .4 Ed Weeks Is off duty at the W. R. Majoney store on a two weeks vaca tion. ' '' r Attorney Victor Halllgan went to Grant yesterday to attend District Court. Miss Caryl Derrybeiry has accept ed a position In the W. J. O'Connor store. . Mr. and Mrs Arthur Fisher are tho proud parents of a baby girl born Friday. Miss AflaJo IoDloy.t spont tho wpjjiv end in Sldnoy af tho Roscoo Zlmnjpr Jiomo. i Miss Zolla Wnslj&yToturnod yoator-, da trjom DenvV lioro sho vlsltod Misso3 Noll Cooney and Margarot Posnl woro Sunday visitors In Suth-, erland. , ! Mrs. E. Nichols went to Suherlnn 1 j Sunday where sho will toach school this wlntor. j Misses Mary Ellsworth and Mario j Schwalgor spent Sunday In Hershey j at the Ellsworth home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crosby of Suth erland were guests at tho M. E. Crosby homo yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayno Carroll of Gothonbbrg were Sunday guests at tho Leigh Carrol home. Mr. .and Mrs. E. N. Ogier and son Robert spent Sunday In Sutherland as tho guests of rolatlvcs. Attorneys Leslie Basklns and W. Y. Hoagland left yesterday to attend District Court in Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sanders spent Sunday in Horshey as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Eshelman. Mrs lOp. Maddox cam? from Key stone Sunday where sho spent sov eial days on the Maddox ranch. Mrs. J. B. Redfleld went to Osh kosh yesterday to inspect tho Chap ter of Eastern Star at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miller and Miss !MaiIo Guyman returned the latter part of tho week from Arcadia where they visited. Mrs. Thos. O'Neal and daughter Lu cille returned to their home In Lincoln this morning after visiting at the Wrr.. Stack liome. Is your name on theroll, of Quaker Furnaces in the car just ordered by Win. Waldorf? If not get in on the second car. Do you know that a Quaker F nace will heat your home with less fuel and no smoke and gap in your room? , Do you know it will take 2500 degrees of h calf to nieltAsteel imd cast iron will melt at L500? I can refer you to Quaker Furnaces that have been in actual use, in Nebaska for 27 years .and still, m 'service.' Get' the best for the benefit of yourself and children and save doctor "bills. Come and see W. W. WALDORF 2 doors North of Postoffice, North Patte, Nebr. NORTH PLATTE Fruit and vegetable MARKET 609 LOCUST STREET On Lincoln Highway Dont forgel to visit the new Fruit and Vogetable Market which will be open Saturday, Sept. 10th, with a full line of fruit and vegetables. Peaches, pears and prunes arriving daily. Now is the lime to buy your fruit for canning. Buy direct from us and we will save you money. NORTH PLATTE Fruit & Vegetable Market 609 LOCUST STREET. Opposite Standard Oil Filling Station. THE AMI1ULANCB FOR YOU? Why ACCIDENT INSURANCE In Necessary. 90,000 people nro killed by accident In tho United Statos every j'onr. Tl'iure ro from 12G to 140 cases of disabling Injury for ovory accldontnl donth. Twelve million people therefore nro killed or injured annually in the Unit ed Stntos., or ovor twenty-two per minute. Your nro moro liable to Ulo from an accidental injury than from nny dls oaso you con name. A person is twice ns llkoly to d(o from accident as f?om old ago. It is a fact that moro people dlo' from acc?lent than from all tho dis eases of tho lungs nnd heart com bined. Tho four great causes of death nro consumption,, nccldentpj pneumonia, nnd heart disease. Accidental injuries causo greater disability than tho three other causes and typhoid fever in addition. Typhoid fever,, apoplexy, meningit is, paralysis, diseases of the stoniacn, liver and brain, nil of these nro slight menaces to life compare,! with tlv; accident hazard. ! Ten times ns many people between. .the ages of 20 nnd 60 aVe; klfleil nn'l (injured by acclderit yearly as die from' natural causes. More people are kept from work by accidental injury than nro ir-lle through lnck of employment. The chance thnt a person will meet with somo disabling Injury within a year is about eleven times greater than the chance of death from nny nnd all causes during the same period. Tho Travelers Insurance Company has palfJ over 849,000 Accident nnd Health claims to tho end of 1920, n mounting to over $01,150,000. MORAL: INSURE IN THE TRAVr ELERS. See C. F. TEMPLE, The Travelers Man. :o; , P. P. Maddox left Sunday for Oma ha to transact business. Rugs dusted, cleaned or sized. Pbones 1039W or 6G1W. Ailcen Qumn returned, homo Sun day from Cheyenne where she visited her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith returned 'to their home in Colum"bus yesterday cfter visiting at the Henry Hasklns home. ' Mr antl Mrs. Thos. Bolan and Miss Irma McMichael returned today from Wellfleet where they . spent ,a fey days visiting. ',' Mrs. Benjamin Leonard and daugh ers of Idaho who have been guests at the home of Miss Florence Stnmp went (o Kimball yesterday to visit. Mrs. Leonard was formerly Miss Cecelia llilgreth of this city. : :o: : APPLES FOR SALE. I have for sale a fair quality of ap ples which I will sell for $2.00 a bushel at the orchard. Also sweet cjler at 00c a gallon. Sunday money is good. Roy Spurrier, Elmwoo.l Farm. An apartment building is considered a good substantial investment and it is one of the improvements that we are in dire need of in North Platte. We have here a building of five apartments with four rooms and bath to each a partment. Two Murphy bed closets which make these apartments practically the same as six rooms. In the basement there is provided for each apartment storage space and laundry for each ap artmcnt. One hot water heating plant takes care of the heating for the entire building. This building can be built for approximately $12000.00. For further information see VICTOR F. BECK, Architect NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA EXTENSION ROAD NO. 361. To Whom R May Concern: Tho commissioner appointed to view and locnte a road commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 12, town ship 11 north, rango 34, west of the Gth P. M. n Lincoln County,-NebrnBka, running thence south on section lino between sections 11 and 12, 13 and 14, 23 and 24, 25 and 2G, and 35 and 30 said township and range, and termin ating at tho Southwest corner of said section 3G has reported in favor of the establishment thereof, nnd all claims for damages, must be filed In tho County Clerk's office on or before noon of tho 21st day of November, 1921, or such road will bo established without reference thereto. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this 9th day of Settember, 1921. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk. BEFORE Winter Comes You'll want to "get cleaned up ' havo tho ,duBt and dirt taken out of your rugs. Of courvo you'll want It dono tho best wny. That's why we're toll ins you about tho ELECTRIC RUG & CARPET CLEANING CO. 914 East, Third street. Lou Prices, Good "Work, Quick Ser vice Free Collection and De livery. PHONE 1039W LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY THE COMING MEETINGS IN VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY. ARGONNE Memorial Unit will meet tonight "at tho Countye Superintendent's office in tho Court House. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY Society of the Presbyterian church will meet Friday, at 3 o'clbckut tho 'bomb of iAIrs;iM'cjiay,4l2Oft1rSt. AUXILIARY ,. Tho L. A.; to tho HAor R.,jfwiU Hall on Frldtiv r p. m. All mem- Hall on Frida ut 3 p. m. All mem hers are nrged to bo present. Poem By! Uncle John RACIAL WARS V. MISSION Tho Swedish Mission will hold itu next meeting on Friday, September IGUiUt 8 oi'cloek, In the Christian Church. BAPTIST AUXILIARY Will meet Thursay afternoon in tlw clnii (h. The leader is Mrs. Norman Cciiiuiniy ; hostesscy are Mesdnmcs EnwiT, Gamble, Arnold and Bailey. ROYAL NEIGHBORS Will hold their regular meeting to morrow at 3 o'clock at tho K. P. Hall. A good attendance is lesired as im portant business is to be transacted. BRADFORD Division G. . A. will be entertained by the past presidents at tho home of Mrs. P. A. Norton, Thursday after noon. All mempers are cordially invited. Since GoiL in His wisdom, crcato-.l tho entity known "as "Man," tho tribes have been co-related, tho whlto, black and tan. No effort' at segra tlon hnB proven a success an yet their amalgamation has furnished' pro found distress. In tho strugglo to bo first, I need not mention tho raco, that, since the dawn of creation, has taken tho fomost place. Endowed with a God-like vision, to compass tho laud an)! sen, wljat ,soul would. rop,el his decision to make nil' mnnklrid freo? But, jealousy, envy, hatred theso aro tho devil's toold, to strlko to the heart of angels to rngo in tho brnin of fools. When you sharpen tho spoar of malice with the grind of tL beastly liiBt you aro growing fruit for tho gal lows, as racial antipathy must. Lot man, regardless of color, romombor his fatejl place. For God respects no persons, not oven a Color or race, air! when every man does his duty, nB all of God'B children can, tho soul will abound in beauty, and God will take cre of man, y A QUIET PLACE to bring your frlonds to dine. A placo whero tho greatest enro Is ex exclscd In tho soloctlon of tho food materials. A placo whoro tho cuisine 1b exquisite, whero tho china and cut lery Is tasteful, nnd the surroundings plensant. This Is such a placo. Come and enjoy it. HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. TO SACRIFICE PIANO PLAYER For quick turnover will sacri fice price. Player In our possess ion in North Platte and must bo moved at once. Easy payments. Write quick for particulars to tho Denver Music Co.. Denver Colo. $50 complete with caao For your office! EVERY office needs at least one Corona. For your phone girl, your filo clerk, or as an "extra" machine, Corona is ideal. It weighs only Gy lbs., and can bo easily carried about tho office. . Stands harder use tan a heavy machine. Stone's b rim v Store. CoroNA The Personal ttbtrng Michms DON'T STUB YOUR TOE wandering around looking for better coal than we handle. We buy only the best kinds of coal in the different grades obtainable. Our policy is to deliver LUMP COAL when you order LUMP, give you absolutely correct weight, send no substitutes. You cannot delay ordering your winters supply much longer and be assured of getting it. ' Q R 13 E R N O W , Crescent Butte Hard Coal Pinnacle Lump, genuine, labeled, Pinnacle Nut, genuine, labeled, Somerset Lump, Maitland Lump, Rock Springs Lump, Rock Springs Nut PHONE 40 Artificial Ice &. Cold Storage Co