(tribune. lIIU- THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., SEPTEMBEB 13, 1921. No. 71 v , .11 FRUIT HOUSE LOCATES HERE Final WITH DENVER CONNECTIONS OPENS "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MARKET. Tho latest venture Into tho business life of the city Is tho North Plntto Fruit mid Vogetahlo Market. It In owned by M. Spector and. D. L. Fluk. These gentlemen came, here from Don. ver where they havo, had extenslvo experlonco In shipping and marketing fruits and vegetables. They nro lo. catcd in tho room on Locust Streut formerly occupied by tho Economy Grocery. It Is Just ncrosB tho street from tho Standard Oil Filling Station. Hero they havo a varied assortment of seasonable fruits and vegetables. This company Is In tho market to purchase nil kinds of produce In their line. They can handlo potatoes in any quantity up to carload lots. Thoy would buy cabbago and othor vege tables in quantities. North Platto look ed like a coming city of Western Nebraska and theso men havo enoug'i confidence In its ability to thrivo tn.l grow, that they havo invested their money here ad expect to mnko North Platto their home. :o: TEACHERS AND FACULTY 01 NORTH PLATTE SCHOOLS TO RE ENTERTAINED. The EpworU League of tho Meth odist Church will entertain tho Board of Education and the faculty of tho local schools this evening In tho church parlors. A good program has been arranged and refreshments will bo served. ' : :o: : Mr. and Mrs C. S. Clinton returned Sunday from Long Beach, Call, whoro they spent the summer months. Thoy were accompanied homo by their daughter Mrs. Dean Richardson who spent several weeks there. Molvln Repass of Denver is expect ed to arrive today to visit friends Ho was formerly with Scholtz orches tra that visited North Platte on many occasions. UB.ThriftysAys income, txes the. fterves Whether it is income or out-go which is taxing the nerves Remember our Customer's Room A quiet place where you can plan or figure alone or bring others for a conference. Equipped with writing material and legal forms it is YOUR part of tho Bank. Are you using it? UNION STATE BANK NORTH PLATTE HONORED 111 A VISIT I'RO.II UNITED STATES SENATOR HITCHCOCK. Yestordny Sonator Gilbert M. Hitchcock and his secretary Earl Gnd dis, visited North Platto for n few hours and last night thoy wcro tho guests of ho North Platto Rotary Club. About ono 'hundred Rotarians, their ladies and guests attended tho banquet at tho Lutheran Church at G:ttO ,ind following tho dinner thoy listened to a very cnjoyablo talk by tho Senator. Ho spoko in a conver sational stylo of Washlgton, Its Life and Its People. Senator Hitchcock spent six years ns Representative there and is now on his second term ns feenator. Ho dll not denounco any one but seomed to bo in a happy framo of mind. His approval of Pros ilent Harding's disarmament con ference was hearty. At tho close of tho address ho was given hearty ap plause and those present took tho op portunity of mooting him personally. CITY LIRRARYA1DS LIST OF GOOD WESTERN ADYEN TDItE STORIES Miss Lorctta Murphy, librarian, has advised that tho following books aro now on tho shelves at tho City Libra ry and can bo takon out by regular borrowers: Laramio Holds tho Range (Spearmanty Big Town Round Up (Raine), Johnnie Nelson (Mulford), Fairfax and His Prldo (Vorst), From Placo to Placo (Cobb), TImo Spirit (Snaith). Returned Empty (Barclay), Wind Botwcen tho Worlds (Brown). Tarzan tho Terrible (Burrought), Efficiency Edgar (Koliand), Man Four Squnro (Raine), Poor Dear Mar garet Kirby (Norris), Flaming Forest (Curwood), Brown Wolf (London), Chester Mark Instinct (Flotchor), Qunslght Pass (Raine), Graydon of tho Wilderness (McKowan). CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETY INVITES FRIENDS TO TRIP AROUND WORLD. ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CURRENT COMMENT ABOUT Pl!0 PLE AND THE THINGS THE ARE DOING HERE. Inst Sunday nftornoon th City L!- jlrnry was open from throa to six o'clock. This was tho resumption of tho plan in uso all of last year and only discontinued during th hot weather. Each Sunday thoro. aro R number of people who go to the libra ry to read or to consult roforonc books. No books are givon out ou Sunday. , Chas. J, Pass writos that ho bo baok In North Platto boforo 1 IIo has boon gono slnco Aug. 1st In his travels, ho took In the AmorlWm Florist's Convention at Washington, D. C. whoro ho -reports a good lime and many now Ideas in floriculture. Mr. Pass also visited Now Yorlc and othor oastorn cltios and bought ioma new stock lor Ills luslnoss hero. Mrs. Pass and daughter are In Kentu6ky visiting. f Tho Christian Endeavor Society of tho Christian Church is going to enter tain Friday evening in tho basement of tho church and tho public is in vited. A round trip ticket will cost fifty cents and each sightseer will visit Ireland, Holland, Japan, Mexico and attend a big celebration in tho United States. At the celebration they will hnve concessions and merry mak ing of all kinds. -: :o: :- Misses Mabello McFarland and Vir ginia Hasten returned Sunday from Sidney where thoy spent tho week end at tho John Hasten homo. Miss Foye Smith entered upon hor duties us ttnehor of dramatic nrtlln tho Omaha High School last Montmy She has mndo qxtonslvo preparation for such a pnul ?on and this opoiung vnmo to her tin a rtwj.rd for hor goon work In North J'i.f tc last year. Sho tn light English in tho Junior Hfgh School hero ai d 1 ad chargo of novl School horonnd had chargo of sev eral productions given by that school ed her high ability. She will deVpto her whole time In tho Omaha High School to instruction in dramatic rt. The concert given by tho Chamber of Commerce Band last Friday 0YIn ing wan tho last of tho season, jpho audience war; not as largo as sdjilo, r.ait.y because many did not knbw th.i' a concert was to bo given. The band wa-i ur to Its usual form and gave ono of tho best concerts of Ihb, season. Director Stamp Is now" jiro parlng for ibp engagement at the Lin. coin County Fair when ho oxpcctsuo malic a bhowlng that will compare favorably with the best previous ioitii ot that organization. ?' HI Gralually the normal activities of the city are being taken by the various Institutions. (Tho schools aro open end soon will be down to roguler work. Tho churchos havo rosumed lefiilar sorvlcos and rogular hour. Tho Saturday aftornoon half holiday havo boon discontinued. The bnsob'U) dlnmond is deserted. Tho swimming pool is as placid us in winter save for the occasional urchin who poles one of tho boats about tho margin of tho lako. Shirt sloo,ve8 nro rare, storking.! are not rollod, and poople nro ocon plonnlly saen carrying a soctlon ot btovo pipe. Miss Hnzol Mlnshall,, one ot the teachers in the Junior High School is arranging to glvo ono hour a day to tho giving of lntolligonco tosts to difforent pupils of tho city schools. It Is planned for her to tnko cortnln de signated pupils individually and give them thoso tosts. Tho aim of tho tests la to discover if tho pupil is nblo to do tho work of tho grndo in which he or she has boon plncod and also to detormlno whether the pupil would do bettor In n higher or lower grade. Theso tosts havo boon refined througli trial with hundrods of thousands ot pupils In tho chools of this country and thoy aro being porfoctod ag tholr woaknoss Is discovered. Tho rosults of thoso tosts will dotermlno whether the pupil Is assigned to one of the Opportunity rooms or not. These rooms havo been opened in tho Wash ington and Lincoln Schools and pro mise big things for the future. Tho first meeting of tho bo held Wednesday noon at tho Luth eran Church. At this ttmo plans will be mudo for tho organization during the coming your. This ls-a bunch of High School boys who band themselves 'o. gothor for mutual benefit. Thoy enjoy many good times together and stand for tho best things in tholr private and social life. Rev. C. F. Koch was tho sponsnr last year and mado quit a hit with tho boys. It is planned to enlarge on tho work during tho coming year. Every boy In High School is oltglUo to membership. J. It Is a matter of intorest as Indi cating something of the finunclal con- dfttnc: overjtro country-thnttho ,Aug Y wttfrst pro'ductrSn-'of Ffini Cafa.tfastho greatest of any month in tho history of tho factory. Edsol B. Ford, pres ident of tho Ford Motor Co on Sept. 2 Is quoted in tho State Journal as saying: "Tho production of Ford cars and trucks for August again broko all previous high rocoiMs with tho total reaching 117.G0G. This is tho fourth consecutlvo month In which our output has gono over tho 100,000 mark, tho total for the four months being 403,074, which has gono a long way in making possible tho present reductions. June this year, with an ou'pu'. of 117,247, was tho previous record month. Ono noteworthy feat uro of our salos Is tho Increased de mand for Ford trucks nnd cars for salesmen. This class of commercial business has boon gradually Increas ing tho past CO days and wo Interpret It as a very good sign of Improvement On Sale Two Days Only Wednesday, Sept. 14, Thursday, Sept. 15 Mens Heavy Ribbed Winter in general business." UNION suit: Sizes 34 to 46 $4.15 SUIT 2 SUITS $2.25 Not More than 2 Suits to a Customer Boys Heavy Ribbed Union Suits 79c & NORTH PLATTE'S LIVEST MENS STORE After next Friday it will bo legal to kill Bnulrrels in Nebraska until tho first of next January. Since tho uso of 'Ire anns is forbidden within tho city limits byordlnance, It Is unlawful to sho it s;ulrrcls within tho city limits cf Xorth Platto at any time. But they can lf killed otherwise. Some ques ti in vhcther tho City Council has authority to pass an ordinance and enforce it. muklng the killing of n squlnol at any time within tho cltv limits a mledemoanor. Others say the ordinance would bo valid Wo saw tho mangled body of a squlrrol In tho street between the court houso and the city library. Another dead squir rel was found rccontly on tho side walk Just cast of tho Catholic Church. Possibly both of theso and many othor violent deaths to squirrels wore and aro caused by nccldonts. At any ra'o tho number of theso little animals within tho city is very small. They aro a striking addition to our wild life and tho trees ot tho city would bo more Interesting if thoy wero tho homos ot more ot theso furry creat ines.. . o: MIbs Fayo Cyphor Is suffering a broken collar bono sustained when hor car turned over near Gothenburg Sunday. Miss Cyphor had boon visit ing In Ravenna and was on tho way homo In hor Ford whon It happened. Slio crnnot oxplaln tho causo of tho car turning over. W A O'Donnoll and Goorgo Thayer roturned to Madrid yesterday after Bpondlng tho wook end at tUo W'. H. LoDIoyt .homo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Josso Edwards return ed Sunday from Hastings where they accompanied tlielr daughter Misa Francos to soliool. MAY HUNT WATER FOWL OPEN. SEASON ON 11 RANTS, COOTS, GEESi: AXO DUCKS STARTS 1RIIKVV OF THIS WEEK Congress has passed what is cnllod H'O "Migratory Bird Treaty Act" by which the open season on water birds cxtonds from Sopt. 16 to Deo. 31. Thu last Loglslaturo of Nebraska adopted tho same datos for this Btato. Noxt Friday is tho ICth. For two months utul h,lf It will bo lognl to shoot brants, coots, gocso and ducks In this alnto provided you havo a llconso nnd provldod you do not kill moro than ton brant or geoao or twonty-flvo duel. You may not havo more thnn fifty gamo birds In your possession at any ono time of which you cannot have moro than ton brants or goeso a fifty ducks or coots. Brants aro small geeso and aro known as whlto or gray. Coots aro commonly called miid lions anl nro seldom eaten for food. . It is unlawful to hunt any of theso from any kind ot a power boat or from an aoroplano or to uso a rlflo, swivel gun or shotgun largor than 10 gago, or to trap, Biiaro or not any ot theso birds. It in also unlawful to hunt any of thoso birds one-hnlf hour boforo sunrlao.of ono-lmlf hour after sunset. U Is also unlawful to buy, bnrtor or sell any of thoso gnmo birds.. All ot which moans that you may provldo vouraolf with a llconso nn tnko n ror. mnablo numbor of blrls at a rosson ablo tlmo, in a roasonnblo manner. A good hunting sonson Is anticipated as report,, from tho north Indlcnto an un usually gocd nostlng sonson. CITY SCHOOLS SHOW INCREASED ENROLLMENTS AT CLOSE OF TUB FIRST WEUIv. Following l8 a showing of tho en rollments In tho different buildings ot tho city. In tho llrst column Is tho total enrollment nt tho closo of tho first wook last year and In tho second column Is. tho total enrollment at tho eamo tlmo this yoar: Jofforson 2GC 294 Washington .. ,.3S4 395 Lincoln 3G1 374 Franklin 3G5 432 Central 203 257 Baker 28 28 Total.. ,1GGG 1775 ::o:: , Flro starting botweo tho lrug storo and tho restaurant nt Brulo Satur day, dest roped both bulldlng8 and tho pool hall adjacent. Tho "flro depart ments nt Ogallnla and Big Springs wcro called upon for aid and ro sperded, thoroby proventlny further 1H8K NOTICE The Lincoln County Teachers' Institute will be held September .21st, 22nd and 23rd iri'Nrthlltfe''- V- Every teacher in the county is required to attend. . AILEEN G. COCHRAN, County Superintendent. Real Economy in Buying a Dodge Brothers MOTOR CAR ECONOMY IN UPKEEP, both the cheap and the big car cost more for every mile they run. Any of the now model Dodge Brothers cars should bo free from repair expense in ordinary service for 2 or 3 years. ECONOMY IN GAS AND OIL, This medium sized, well finished, comfortable car will do 20 miles to the gallon of gas on any ordinary roads with a minimum of cylinder oil. ECONOMY IN TIRES, With the big over-size cord tires, you should ordinarily get 15,000 miles of ser vice, which means three or more years for the aver age owner. And who would value the DEPENDABILITY of these good Dodge Brothers cars, the ability to go out day in and out, regardless of roads and other condi tions, tho way they keep away from the repair shops, tho way thoy all and always seem to be hitting on all four cylinders, the absence of engine noise after years yearc of service, the way they havo of showing tho utmost in power, pulling big cars and trucks out of holes, taking the steep canon grade that tho other car goes around, tho way they speed to 55 and GO miles an hour and trim many hvigcr and more costly cars. You have noticed tho loyalty of Dodge car own ers, and in tho past year Dodgo car sales havo shown the results, selling most everywhere two and three times as many cars as any other competing make. Over 050,000 Dodge cars now owned over the world witli wonderful records for good service everywhere. Is not this tho sort of car you want, is not this tho sort of economy you want? Cheaper price and thinner tin may suit some, but not the careful buyer, who wants real and lasting value. , X V. ROMIGH, Dealer Latest aud newest Sedan will be at our show roou this week. i3