The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 09, 1921, Image 8

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cim-HHecklu Ertbune.
WILSON TOUT. Editor nnd Publisher.
Entered nt the North Platto, Nebraska
jPoBtofflco as Second ClasB Matter.
One Year, In advance $2.00
Lincoln County Stock Judging Toam
won fourth place ut the Stnto Fair In
competition with 18 tooins and
George Koch of Horshoy was 0th asj
Individual judge In competition rlth
SO Judge. Lincoln County wa II
points un.ler 3 place, 20 undor 2nd.
ftnd OR points undor 1st place In n
possible score of 1200 points. Goorge
Koch of Horshoy won 1014 points,
Jamo Rosso of Maxwell DOl' and
Owon Powoll of Sutherland 900
Till Iinlntr Mut flrut vuiir nt Plnli
work and tho first oxporlonco of the
boys In this work makos us well
plonsod with tho rosults. The close
placing shows that all tho boys wore
working linr nn)l shoud bo ablo to do
bettor noxt year. Manloy Rnsmus
Hon of Maxwell wns with thorn as al
tomnte. Goorgo Kellogg couched
thorn and tho, Farm Uuronii pays expenses.
- ':Wo wish to thank tho frlonds,
nolghbprs and nil who holpod, and
for tho beautiful floral offerings.
UltWlllZ Lllll IllllI'MH HUM ilfllllll 111 iiiit
J ' C7 -tv.v wfc
husbnnf'l and brother.
Mrs. Frank Martin.
. Win. Martin.
Mrs. Mary Hobas,
Will all Episcopalians and thoso In
torostod In tho church, ploaso remem
ber that nil sorvIceH have boon ro
sumod. Noxt Sunday tho following
services will bo held:
8 a. inIIoly Communion.
9:30 a. hi. Sunday School.
11:00 a. in. Morning prayer nnd
sormon. ; ' '
3:00 p. in. Sunflny School on Norh
7:30 p. mi Evening prayer and sor
mon. Suits, Coats nnd Drosses In tho lat
cst ofvmodols thnt express Individual
ity and good tasto. Now Is tho tlmo
to mako your selection as our best
mojlcls nro soiling rnpldjy.. B, T.
Tramp & Sons.
Ken TiMftlr TTnttt nt Ttin t.nnilnr AT or.
Pantile Co.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Broguu returned
to their home In Keystone Wednes
day aftor visiting t the P. P. Maddrtx
Soe Flsk lints at The Loader Mer
cantile Co.
Tho body of Private Paul II. Mar
tin of llerslley, a Ujiro of the late
worftl war, la expfrfStW.tQ arrive In the
city today. "
See Flak HaUs at ilfie Leader Mer
cantile Co.
nontnu MoMlohaol lit some powdw
which he was playing with and Is
suffering a badly burned hsnll and
Tho High Grado well-known Gor
don Ferguson Furs are being shown
In your city, on display at Tramps'
Heady to Wear. Do not inlss the op
portunity to see real furs at reason
able prices. . 13. T. Tramp & Sons.
Mombors of the Moii'h Sunday
School class of the Methodist Churoh
will bo entertained kit the homo of
Louis Honor this ovoning. All mom
bars are asked to moot nt the church
nt sovon o'clock.
Tho Epworth League of the Metho
dist Church is planning u reception
to the teachers In the city schools on
next Tuesday ovoning. This Is an an
nual event with tho MethofllstB nnl
thoy take a spoclal ploasuro in meet
ing ana wolcomlng tho tonchors.
Goorge Razes has loascd part ot
tho front of tho Durhiu Gnrago In tho
(Masonic block and huts moved his
shining parlor to this locution from
tho Ilinman block. He has fixed up
very ploasant quarters hero unjl the
locatloil Is a good one. -
Tho building nt C07 Dowoy, owned
by Minor Ilinman and until recently
ocouplod; by Gcorgo Razes shoo shin
ing pallor, is being romodolcd and
tho roar oxtenjiod to tho alloy. It
will then bo a full-sized storo room.
It Is said to havo boon engage by
some local partius for n grocory stQi-o
but this is not cortnln.
Tho mombors oftho ladles' band
woro tho guests of the members of tho
Klwanls Club Tuesday at their regular
wcokly luncheon nt tho Country Club.
Tho ladles pleased tho club mombors
with thoir unusually gool music.
John Hnston, a conductor on tho
Union Pacific., will move his family
hero from Sldnoy tho first of tho weok
His daughtor Virginia ontored tho lo
cal high school nnl has been tho
week guest of Miss Mnbollo McFar
Makes or repairs anything made of
tin or sheet motal.
510 Locust. Undor General Hospital.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, 3-Days
Presentation Do Luxo Read what tho Papers say:
"A mastorploco." TImos.
"Sho's Superb." World.
"Groatost love story." Sun.
"America halls this now star." -News.
"Runs whole gamut ot human eniotIons?V-Globe;.
"Miss Negri would Intrigue St. Anthony himself." Post.
"Stupendous., (Mirror.
Associated First National Pictures, Inc., Presents Tho Audacious, In-
' qoniparablo .
The Fam ous conti
nental star in
A Mighty Epic of tUo Scroon Two years to Produce Cast at 5000.
9 Reels That Seem But 5
trirum: rhahlrs
Accoivllng to U. S. Farmers' Bullc-
tln 1175, corn yields can bo increased
moro surely by tho Use of hotter seed
than In any other way. Sod coin
should be solected In the field from
stalks which yieM best In equal com
petition with othors. Generally speak-
lug, the seed corn that produce the
best Is the cheapost. Farmors arc
ustlflod In devoting considerable time
to selecting and caring for it or In
paying goo,i prces If bettor seejl corn
Is purchased, Ask tho Collogo of Ay,-
rlculturo or tho agricultural extension
agont in your county for this bulletin.
During the sonson. Just past, Blink
ing smut (or bunt) of whoat has in
somo soetlons of Nebraska caused a
crop loss running as high ns 25 per
cont. This loss may bo greatly re
ducoj by troatment of seed whoat be
fore planting. A fow pints of For-
mnlln, a fow gallons of water, and a
few hours labor comblno into an ev-
collont insurance policy. Detalldl in
struction, printed on a card conven
ient to carry In tho pocket or tack on
tho wall of tho granary, may bo se
cured by asking tho Collogo of Agrl-
cultuo at Lincoln or tho agricultural
oxtenslon agent In your county for
circular 113. -'.
- During tho last three months tho
poultry specialists and extension
agents of tho Collogo of Agriculture
have held poutry culllrig demonstra
tions In 218 Nobrnskn communities. In
tho course of thoso demonstrations
more than 4200 non-layers woro iden
tified an(l separated from tho layers.
and the people present woro shown
how to do the same thing for them-
hoIvob with tholr own flocks" Folks
who did not got to attend a culling
demonstration can socuro an illus-
tratejl bulletin of which tho third edi
tion is now being printed. Ask tho
Collogo or tho agricultural extension
agent In your county for bulletin 05,
"How to select tho Good Layers.-"
Tho engineering specialists of the
Collogo of Agriculture are co-opornt-
lng with tho Swnnton -schoo bonr(, in
a Uomonstraton which will bo of inter-
ost to country nn,i vlllago schools. The
Swnnton school of 150 pupils has no
had iany modern sanitary conveni
ences. Plnns prepared by tho Collogo
of Agriculture and now being executed
by tbp Swanton board will give the
school building complete water supply
an(i sowage disposal systems. A largo
soptlc tank Is being constructed and
modern toilot rooms connected with
It. An air-pressure water system is
also in process of installation. Other
schools that may bo Interested in
something of tills sort shoulU consult
the agricultural extension agents in
Uielr respective counties.
ital stock. The stock is divided equal
ly botweon farmors nnd bankers and
ulsd equally distributed among the
nlnty-nlno Iowa counties. Tho pur
pose Is to loan monoy on roal ostato,
llvo stock, anfl warehouse rocolpts to
farmors exclusively through redis
counts, which will onnblo banks to
turn tholr monoy repeatodly which 1a
turn will menu a widening circle of
credit to the grower.
When II. D. Lute secretary of the
Nebraska Farm Huroau Federation
was In Washington recently attonding
tho grain rate hearing, he was in con
sultation with bonds of the federal bu
reau of markets In regard to the pro
posed use of wireless telophonos for
tho sproadlng of market and crops re
port to the rural homes and com
munities. Mr. Lute was particularly
Interested In the claims malic that A
low prlco wireless tolephono rccelv
ing oqulpment has not yet been per
fected. This report, Mr. Lute was ad
vised, is not woll fou:(led. Federal
bureau market officials tofld him that
such Instruments have absolutely boon
perfected. However, ho was advised
that thore Is a squabble botweon tho
Wostinghouso Company and the Gen
oral Electric Company over certain
pntont rights. Thoso dlfforoncos It
was also said would soon bo ndjustod
nnd it is probable that those cheaper
wirolos telephonic instruments will be
obtainable in qunntltios Into this fall.
Mr. Lute was also advised that the bu
reau of markets feol that weather con
ditions lute in the fall or early In tho
winter aro bettor for the r.i'dlo experi
mental work than tho presont hot tem
perature which causes a higher static
:o: :
We wish to express our sincere
thanks to the Brotherhood of Loco
motive Engineers and friends and
neighbors for their kinjiness during
our recent bereavement. Also for the
boautlful floral tributes.
Mrs. G. D. Chamberlain an,i children
R". O. Chamberlain and family
Mrs. Floronco Savin
Mrs. Rachol Martin
Miss Alice Chamberlain.
Want Ads
1 hnve for sal n fair quality of ap
ples which I will sell for $2.00 a
bushel at the orchard. Also swoot
cUor at GOo a gallon. Sunday monay
Is good. Roy Spurrier, ISlmwoo.l
: :o: :
Rugs dusted, cleaned or slzd.
Phonos 1039W or 001W.
Thl Is to certify that the total In
(talitedtioss of Tha North Platto Atr
Terminal Company Is ?2,181.74.
Dated this 26th day of August, 1921.
J. E. SEBASTIAN, Prescient.
There's certainly a lot to talk about when the subject
is Fall Shoo Styles. Eor Fashion permits wonderful lati
tude. It really seems as though "any style" is good if it
is pretty and comfortable.
Yet there are two definite divisions one the walking
shoes which show much individuality in decoration, tho'
clingng to low or medium heels; the other the novelty
styles, among which beautiful strapped effects dominate.
Black patent leather is" very popular, and but why
try to tell you all in an ad. Tis better far for you to stop
in and see these beautiful new Fall Styles, then you can
judge which are best for you,
tiWWHi BiiJI'Wm "iHMMMi lu il'i I1 Umli il IWW?ltffl!??iTSlEG3aKSi
Imwmfiik shoe J
At this season of tho year when wo
aro oxpectlng pullets to ninturo fo
egg production, it must bo remem
bored that nothing retards maturity
moro effectively than lico and mites
All sevon kinds of lice founll on lions
can bo readily controlled by applylu
sodium fluorides by 'the "pinch meth
od." A pinch of sodium fiuorlJe Is
rubbed Into tho skin undor each wing,
on the back, on the neck, on tho
brenst, on each thigh, and arouim the
.vent. Mitos llvo In tho cracks and In
Ijilnrk corners of the hen houso and
crawl upon tho hens at night, suck
blood from them, and return to tholr
hiding place in tho daytime. They can
bo controlled by cleaning the house
well and spraying with kerosene,
arudo oil or stock dip. Tho oljd cylin
der oil from the crank enso of a trac.
or or automobllo mixed with one
fourth kerosene and sprayed into all
orucks and crovlcos in tho houses,
nosts and coops will control thorn.
orF further information on this sub
Joct got U. S. Farmors' Bulletin 801
from the Collogo of Agriculturo or tho
agricultural oxtonsion agent In your
Stops nro oxpocted to bo taken ut n
looting of tho Nebraska Agricultural
uncll to bo hold in Lincoln 'during
' e stnto fair looking to tho organize -'
'ii in Nebraska of n farmors flnnnco
corporation, probably nloug linos Blm
1 r to tho corporation recently or
r Mzed in Iown. H. D. Luto. secrc
trvy ot tho Nebraska Farm Huroau
Federation has boon making an in
vestigation nlong tho linos of local
farm crodlta for somo tlmo. Tho Nu
bniBka Agricultural Council is com
posed ot roprosontntlvos ot each of the
Nobraska farm organizations nnl It Is
hoped to got thoso organizations sol
idly behln tho stnto farmers flnnnco
corporation. Tho Iowa corporation
Is capitalized for flvo million dollarH
with one million dollars paid up enp-
r'or Sale Furniture and a bicycle
PJiono G21W.
Mlnle'l Plain sowing,' phone 1219J
210 North Ash.
For Sale Tomatoes, ?1.50 per bush
el. L. I. Tucker. Phone G98J.
Wnnled Cloun rngs at Tnlbune
For Sale Corn Binder, Mk. Magnu
son. North Platto.
Wanted Competent girl for gen
cral"Ti juauwork. Phone 132.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Apply at 703 W. 3rd.
Wnnte'l Girl for light housework.
008 W. 2nd. Phono 12C0J.
Wanted Horses to trade for cars.
J. A. Bantn. 015 Pino St. Phono 157J.
For Rent Largo front room. Fur
nished or unfurnl8hrl. 41G E. 6th.
Lust Sack containing books and
other nrticles. $5 reward. Return to
this office.
Wanted To make automobllo tops
to order. See J. A. Bnnta CIS Pino St
Thono 17GJ.
for Sale Ono soft coal and one
bard coal stove, good as new, A. O,
Kocken, 220 West Gth St.
Wanted A mankind wife for gener
al farm work. Recommendations.
Andrew Oleson, Phono 780F11.
Wnnted To trade GOO acres of land
woll improved for North Platto pro
perty. Sco J. A. Banta. G15 Pine St,
Phone 175J.
ror Sale Good eight foot Sumpsou
windmill, 30 foot tower, GO barrel
storago tank and 30 feet 2 Inch pipe
B. A. Wilson, 2G So. Elm. Phono 245J
I' or halo Two-thirds sharo of SO
acres of good corn In tho fleld and 25
acres of onts; also cattle, horses, hog3
nnd mnchlnory. C. John Broso, phone
For Sale Equity in two cholco lots
In North Platto. Write for description
then mako offor. Good used car ac-
coptujl as part paymont. Wood Tiro
& Rubber. 1G22 Cuming, Omahn,
For Sale Good fed,! for sale. 14.5
acres of corn and GOO acres of pasturo
In connection. Glvo prlvllogo ot feed
lug stock on place. 3 miles east
of Stato Farm. P. L. Wagnor. Motor
Routo A.
Howard $5 rowara paid" for return
of IS Inch Pennsylvania lawn mower
taken froiilfiy yard; right whcol brok.
on and spoko wolded. J. V. Romlgh,
821 West 4th St.'
For Snlo50 head of coming three
yeur old cows. These aro all high
grado Iloroford stock bred to thor
oughbred Horoford bull. Call at my
placo 8 miles sduthwest of North
Platto. ClauB Anderson.
1 1 :
When an architect undertak s to plan and design some
thing in the way of a suitable small house or buugalow he
takes pride in his efforts in order thatjie may- workout
something that is a credit to a community so far as the de
sign and the practical planing of the building is concerned.
We have in the the above picture an all modern stucco
bungalow of five tooms and bath with 'breakfast room off
kitchen and dining room, built in cabinets in kitchen, large
closets In connection to. bedrooms. It is heated with an
Areola hotwater heating system which is placed in the rear
This bungalow can be built for approximately $3500.00.
Complete plans and specifications lor this bungalow are on
file at the office of
VICTOR F. BECK, Architect.
Over Hirschfelds Clothing 5toie. Noith Platte, Nebr.
Keep on Smiling
II The hardest fellow to lick is the ffl
II man who smiles while he fifehtsi
Keep on smiling and it will kill
your worries. 1
I Local and outside conditions just-
I ify our belief in better times.
First National Bank, j