NOItTII PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. CORNHUSKER ITEMS News of All Kinds Gathered From Various Points Throughout Nebraska. The homo of Charles Zlnk, in nn xgluslve residence district of Lincoln, $H partly wrecked by nn explosion, flhe resdlt, Chief of Police Johnstone pays, of a bomb placed, he believes, ill.. .Inxlnil ..f...... ... .1.1. fr. Inlln.. C the house. The exjtfoslon wrecked the west wall of the basement and raised lUie house from Its foundation, broke gUH pipes In two and wrecked the.fur 'imco. Mr. and Mrs, Zlnk were asleep lit a room almost directly above where ihto foundation was blown out. but .uuiim-i h mjureu. i ne explosion jwas so loud that it was heard a mile jaway and aroused the neighborhood for blocks around. Dr. H. P. Wekesser and J. .7. Stroll ,..."..1.1..... 1... . M.I. . . -I or Lincoln are in Washington to con-; fer with Secretary of Commerce JHoover over means for the relief of rtlielr friends and relatives in the vnl ley o the Voga Ulver, Kus.slu. The new receiving building for the jstate hospital for the Insane at Hast lings which has been under construction jfor a year and a half Is now com Iploted. It Is equipped with a surgery innd hydrotherapy department, and will Ihouse 125 patients. I Willi IlllVtllfltlt (if utf.W llllfl lllttle revenue In the sfnte treasury promised in me near luiure, u. n. , Cropsey, state treasurer, in a letter Ho Governor McKelvle forecasted the 'possible need of registering state war irunts and paying Interest until the treasury Is repleted. He also recom niended the utmost economy In the bundling of various state institutions , during the lean months and suggested " curtailment of public road work. i The citizens of Denton and surround lug territory are petitioning the post master general to cause, the present rural route of Denton to be revised and unothcr route laid out. This Is with u view of giving rural carrier service to Jill the patrons in the contiguous ter ritory. They say that some of. them not now served by rural route have no better service tbnn that afforded forty years ago. The proposed plan will make two routes of thirty-one miles each. A territory of Denton Is now unserved." William Gray, a farmer residing twelve miles north of Callaway, threshed a Held of rosea rye which yielded forty-one bushels per acre. This is one of the highest yields of rye that has ever been threshed in Custer county. Attendance at the Custer county fair this year made a new record, when more than twenty thousand people passed thru the gates. Hundreds of au'o loads of visitors came from fifty to seventy-five miles to view the show, and the grounds this year were Inade quate to take care of the people. The third State Convention of the American Legion, Nebraska, depart ment, will be held In Fremont, Sep tember 2!), .'() and October 1. Be luced rates from all points in Ne braska has been granted. Ed Voos, who was working on u ranch ten miles southwest of Alns worth, died as the result of Injuries puttered when he was thrown from a mower which he was operating by a runaway team. The steam holler whlcfi supplies power for drilling at the Heattie oil well, located a few miles from here, exploded. Hen Cameron, a tool dresser, was badly scalded. The Scrlbner Agriculture Society will hold their annual fair this year. September 14, 15 and 1(5. Secretary Sievors announces many new features for this year's fair. Major Floyd Shumaker, n Fremont boy who Is stationed at Fort Sill, )kla arrived In Fremont In an aeronlane from Fort Sill. He came to visit his mother. The Franklin county fair will be held September V,i to 1(5. Several new buildings are being erected for the care of stock and poultry. Fire at Hardy destroyed three build-' lugs nnd the entire stock of the Fair & Byran Hardware Store. The loss is estimated at 20,000. A crowd estimated at 2,000 people attended the first annual community picnic at the Griffith grove south of Maxwell. The new $40,000 Methodist Church nt Stromherg has been dedicated. The building Is modern in every par ticular. The United States bureau of markets and the Nebraska bureau of markets and marketing are moving their field equipment from Kearney to Alliance to Issue a dally potato bullet in nt that place. About thirty-five boys between the ages of 0 and 12. of Central City, will be made happy on September 2 when, accompanied by L. W. Carl, Y. M. C. A. secretary, they will be tnken to Grand Island to enjoy the Uingllng Brothers circus. Funds to finance the expedition were collected from busi ness men and the Independent Base ball club. The year's heat records were broken Monday In Nebraska when the ther mometer climbed steadily until In the middle of the afternoon !t reached 300 degrees. Chief telephone operator at Ply mouth, who gave the tin which caused the capture of Henry Slack and John Horton, prisoners who escaped from the penitentiary on the night of August 10 nnd were returned two days latter. Miss Huppel snw two men walking along the tracks out of Plymouth. From n description of the runaway convicts she made up her mind that these were the men wanted Charles. W, Pugslcy of Nebraska, has been selected by President Hard lug for appointment ns assistant sec retary of agriculture to succeed Dr. Hlmer D. Ball, whose resignation, effective October 1, was announced at the White House. Mr. Pugsley, who was born and reared on a farm, was recommended by Secretary Wallace as possessing the qualifications needed In the department. His appointment also was recotnm'nded by republican leaders of Nebraska and farm organi zations. Mr. Pugsley for several years was assistant professor of animal In dustry at the University of Nebraska. At present he Is editor of the Nebraska Fanner. I.ei .lames Klsher, 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klsher. living on a ranch 10 miles southwest of Alliance, was drowned In a water tank on the ranch. The mother had left the child m thu ,,, fop s uftmi00I1 wIl,h. ,,,, ,,,, otlu.r MU,nibPni of the UuMy wpre working a short distance from tlt. il(),ISL.. when she returned io minutes later and found the child moving rrom the house a search was started. The boilv was found In ilm water tank In about 14 Inches of water. Efforts were made to resuscitate the boy but to no avail. The commercial potato crop In western Nebraska promises to he as larger or larger than the crop of 1020, according to O. D. Miller, repre sentative or the federal and state marketing bureaus at Alliance, who recently made a tour of the western potato counties. Assessors' reports show Increased potato acreage In nearly every county, especially In the central and northern districts, which will be only partly ofTset by the poor stand found In a large number of fields in the dry land districts. Upon the application of Carl Mode- sitt, holder of more than .fin.OOO ,worlh of stock In the big concern, the Peters Trust Co., of Omaha was named as receivers for the Wells-Abbott-Nleman Milling Co. of Schuyler. The bond for the Peters Trust was placed at SSO.OOO bv Fed eral Judge Woodrough, who signed the order and announced that there will be a hearing within a few days. The hot windy days the past week in Hamilton vunty has done consider nine damage to the corn crop. One month ago, local observers predicted that the corn crop In Hamilton county would he phenomenal. Bight now. it is being freely stated that the corn crop will he cut one-half. Much of the corn has ripened too rapidly and will tie light and chaffy. Earl Porter, president or the Aero Club of Omaha, which organization is fostering the air congress to be held In Omaha November 8, 4 and 5, nn nounced that a second Invitation would be sent at once to -Marshal Foch to visit the congress. Dorothy, small daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Chester Allen, sustained severe burns on the face, chest and hands when a dynamite cap was exploded by net- nrotlier, Arthur, while playing near a uelt grade school near their home south of Auburn. a crown vnriousiy estimated nt over 8,000 attended a fanners' picnic l'J miles west of Grand Island. The main speakers were Mr. Osborne, on behalf of the Farmers union and Mr. lieaton of the Federated Farm bureaus. Sheriff J. C. Emery of Gage county Is In receipt of a leUer warning him tnat unless he resigns In the next twenty-six hours ho will "receive dose of lead." The sheriff has been conducting an active campaign against bootleggers. A. J. Jorgenson of Sidney has been appointed receiver of the Nebraska State bank of Sidney, which was closed on order of the statu department of trade and commerce. The city council of North Platte has let the contract for a sanitary main sewer to the North Platte Plumb ing & Heating Co., for ?.r,',000. Corn has matured rapidly during tho last ten days In Cuming county and has become bard, with no doubt of the crop yielding much better than last year. After an absence of 15 years, James Druha of Geneva will visit relatives at Blatna, Bohemia, sailing on the "George Washington" from New York In September. Excavation has been completed and work will commence immediately on the new city hall at Behidere. According to figures Just made pub lic, 11,200 Nehraskans are receiving $4, 204,452 pension money annually. Fremont boosters, numbering nbout 50, have been motoring to the various sections of the state. This year's convention f Nebraska Sheriffs was held at North Platte. Following the business session u pic nic was held in n grove two miles from town. Earl W. Porter, president of tho Omaha branch of the Aero Club of America, announced that the Pulitzer trophy race for 1921 will ho held at Omaha during the International Aero Congress, November !1, 4 and 5. land ing flyers from all parts of the world will enter the meet In order to take part In this race. The meeting Is the llrst of the kind over held In the United States. Next year a new system of number ing automobile licenses will be In ef fect under a plan being worked out. by George .ToJlmson, secretary of the department of public works at Lincoln. Each county wlH have a key num ber and all cars In that county will run In serials. Douglas county's key number will be 1. The first auto own er to get his license from tho Douglas county treasurer will be given a license plate numbered "1-1," the next to apply will get license plate num bered "1-2," an l so on. The sumo system will be carried out In the other 1 counties of the stnte. DRAINAGE MAKE WET LANDS GOOD Too Much Moisture in Soil Re tards Cultivation and Reduces Yield of Crops. PUNTING ALSO IS DELAYED Drains May Be Either Open Ditches or Tile or a Combination of Both First Make Careful Survey and Examination. tirepared by the United States Depart ment oi Agriculture; The effect of too much moisture is eaillly apparent In farming a wet area, although persons not acquainted with drainage do not always recognize :hc presence of too much water In soils thnt are not saturated, say spe cialists of United States Department f Agriculture. The low part of tho field is not ready for plowing nnd plnntlng ns early In the spring ns tho higher parts; hence, unless the spot Is to be nbnndoncd, the farmer cither must finish the task another day or leave the whole until such time ns the wet place can be worked. Plant ing on all or pnrt of the field Is then delayed frequently seven to ten days Inter than on lnnd better drained. Undralned Land Slow to Warm Up. The wet ground is cold, too, nnd tho aced In It sprouts more slowly. The difference between tho two parts or tho two fields continues to grow as the Reason advances; the undralned land frequently cannot be cultivated until several days after heavy rains, nnd again coldness retards crop growth, as In the spring. The difference In temperature may be six to ten degrees between the drained nnd undralned soli. The effect of later planting nnd slower growth must be apparent In the hnrvest, especially where the growing aenson Is cut short by frost. On n field not uniformly well drained the crop will mature unevenly, nnd not only will the yield be lmpnired in amount, but If uneven In quality the crop will be rated for market at n low value. Farm drains may be either open ditches, or tile, or a combination of Digging the Ditch Preparatory to Lay ing the Tile. the two. The "blind ditches" of stones or poles covered with earth have been practically abandoned because they arc not permanent, usually becoming clogged with earth In a few years. Open ditches are usually less costly to construct, especially when large ca pacity Is required, and water on the ground surface will flow Into them more readily, but for the smaller drains tile has a number of advan tages. Open ditches Interfere with cultiva tion, especially where large machinery Is used, but tile are burled deep enough to be out of the way of farming opera tions. The whole field mny be culti vated when underdralns are used, but a system of open ditches necessarily takes up much tillable ground. Before any expenditures are made there should be a careful survey and examination to determine the source of the water to be removed and Its amount, the most economical arrange ment of the drains, the grades obtain able, the proper sizes of drains nnd the amounts of tile and of labor. Sometimes only a few drains are needed In the lowest pnrt of the field ; sometimes a uniform system Is re quired with pnrallel lines underlying tho whole area. In tho lnttcr Instance experienced Judgment is needed to de cide what will be the proper depth nnd spacing for each kind of soil. Free Flow From Outlet. Of prime importance is the outlet, which not only must be the lowest point of the drainage system, but so located and arranged thnt It Will dis charge water nt the time when drain age Is needed and not be useless be cause of high water In the outlet ditch or creek. The construction work should be carefully done, under the supervision of someone at lenst quali fied to see t.hat the tile are laid prop erly. It Is advisable to have a com petent surveyor or engineer to aid In nt least the leveling. CHICKENS THRIVE ON WEEDS Noxious Plants Growing In Fence Cor ners Make Good Eating for Confined Fowls. Every summer one can find a lot of weeds that are going to seed In fence corners. If certain hens or chicks, are ynrded, It Is u good Idea to pull up these weeds and throw them Into the pens. The birds will eat the seeds and leaves nt latau .4 t HEAVY FEED RESULTS IN BIG MILK YIELDS Test Made With Purebrcds on Government Farm. Rations Made Decidedly More Liberal Than Those Called for by Any of Feeding Standards, Especially Grain Mixture. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) During tho last two years a number of the purebred Holstelns at the gov ernment farm at Beltsvllle, Md., hata been run on official test. In order to Increase their milk yield their rations were made decidedly more liberal than those called for by any of the feeding standards. During tho milking period they received dally about 12 pounds of alfalfa hay, 20 pounds of corn sllngo, nnd ns much grnln no they could clean up without getting sick; they usually nte eighteen to twenty pounds a day of grain mixture F. They wore fed heavily also before their calves were One of Holsteln Herd on the Govern ment Experiment Farm. born; for CO days or more before calving they usually received about 15 pounds of grain mixture F, 12 pounds of alfalfa hay and 25 pounds of corn silage, a ration containing approxi mately four times ns much protein nnd two nnd one-half times ns much total nutriment ns the routine ration fed to tho dry cow3 of the general herd. The cows on test gave from 15,000 to 20,000 pounds of milk In the yeur; that is, three to four times as much us most of the cows in the genornl herd. A part of this lnrgcr yield Is due to the fact thnt the test cows were better bred, but a part also Is due to the larger quantity of feed they consumed, sny specialists of tho United States Department of Agrlculturo In charge of the tests. How much of tho Increased milk yield to attribute to each of these factors is a question of great practical interest NEED OF BUSINESS PRACTICE Many Co-operative Associations Have Failed Because of Lack of Finan cial System. Lack of proper financial system has been the cause of failures In many I co-operative associations, say speclnl ' Ists of the bureau of mnrkets, United States Department of Agriculture, who j fool that now Is nn opportune tlmo for i emphasizing the need of good business practice among farmers. The bureau of markets has much Information on systems of accounts nnd business practice for co-operative associations, nnd either directly or through extension workers It Is pre pnred to give assistance In Installing good accounting systoms for co-operative grain companies, cotton ware houses, country creameries, fruit shipping associations, egg circles, co operative cheese manufacturing nnd mnrketlng associations, and co-oper- atlve grain elevators. Short courses of study In market ac counting hnve been prepared and are used In a number of colleges through out the country, nnd are also given at field points where mnrketlng as sociations are numerous. Systems of nccounts ure furnished upon request, nnd ndvlce and assistance relative tq their Installation Is given through cor respondence nnd by means of bulle tins especially prepared for this pur pose. LIQUID MANURE IS HELPFUL Of Particular Value in Garden When Vegetables Do Not Make Proper Growth. American farmers, generally, ore not fnmlllnr with tho great value of liquid manure, nnd the way to apply It. It Is exceptionally helpful In the garden nnd especially when uny par ticular vegetable Is not showing the proper growth. When any plants seem weak nnd standing still, an applica tion of liquid manure once a week for a few weeks will work changes that will spem nlmost miraculous. Liquid manure Is a reviver of dying plants for It supplies nutrition In nn easily asslmllnted form. It mny be easily provided, and should be provided for every garden. METHOD OF APPLYING LIME Some Farmers Obtain Good Results by Using Manure Spreader With Beater Reversed. Lime mny be applied either In the fall or spring. The proper method of application Is Important from an eco nomical standpoint. Scattering with n shovel Is wasteful and the distribu tion cannot be uniform. The method used by some fanners with very good results Is to reverse the beater of the manuro spronder by crossing tho drive chains. Then the upron may ho covered with canvas to prevent the loss of the fine atone. With this method It Is easy to get a uniform distribution. Tfir lyf CHOOSING BREED OF CATTLE Market for Dairy Products, Climatic and Other Conditions Have Important Bearing. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment or Agriculture.) In selecting the breed of dnlry cat tle suited for his particular locality, tho farmer should give close consid eration of two sources of Income from this kind of stock, say specialists of tho bureau of animal Industry, United States Department of Agriculture. One purt of the Income la represented by the snlo of products, either milk or butterfnt; and the other comes from the sale of surplus stock. Often tho lntter may amount to a considerable sum, even though tho herd Is com posed of grade animals. Another point thnt he should benr In mind Is that no single breed Is alto gether superior to all others; It may excel in certain fentures, but not In all. It Is best, therefore, to select the breed which comes the nenrest to meeting the necessary conditions. Most of the milk sold In towns nnd cities Is subject to certain requirements ns to quality, among which are stand- nrds for! the butter fat and milk solids. For much milk, payment Is based up on quantity by weight, without special reference to nny buttcr-fnt content above the legal standard. Local re quirements differ greatly as to the content of butter fat and solids. Consumers, as a rule, much prefer milk of a deep, rich color, which us ually Is considered to bo nn indication of n large cream content. A distinct nnd deep cream line In the milk bot tle Ib nnother feature by which tho quality of milk Is Judged. Although generally the consumer does not want to pay more for a better quality of product, occasionally It Is possible to create n demand for rich milk at a higher price. Very often tho benefits of co-opera tive effort are lost through tho exer cise of nn Inborn spirit of Independ ence. Consequently, it frequently hap pens thnt in the selection of n breed no consideration is given to the fact that another breed nlready may bo established In the locnllty. The pre dominance of a certain breed in a community offers mnny ndvuntnges. Where There Is One Breed in Com munlty It Is Easier to Dispose of the Surplus Stock. A market Is established which, be cause of tho availability of large num bcrs of animals, attracts those who buy large consignments. Under such clr- cumstnnces all surplus stock may be disposed of to better ndvantuge, and co-operative advertising ulso may bo used effectively. In addition, bulls may be bought co-operatively or ex ghnnged with facility, thus very mate rlally reducing tho cost of service In the herd. Any necessary additions to the herd can be obtained, without expense for travel, from neighbors' herds with whose history the buyer Is thoroughly familiar. These advantages apply not only to tho breeder of purebred cnttle, but also to the owners of grades. In this country there is n very wide range of conditions, as to both to pography and cllmnte. On rich, level pastures all breeds thrive, but on rough, hilly land, where pasturage Is scant, they do not show equal adapt ability. In tho extreme cold of the North, with Its long winters, different resisting qualities are needed as com pared with the almost tropical heat In the southern parts of the country. In the United States four breeds of dairy cattlo have attained consider able prominence, namely tho Ayrshire, Guernsey, Holstcln-Frloslnn and Jer sey. These breeds have been devel oped carefully for a long time for the purpose of dairy production, and In consequence each transmits Its char acteristics with regularity to Its off spring. Certain distinct features dis tinguish each breed from the others. but all possess ability as milk pro ducers. There Is, of course, consider able vurlatlon In the characteristics of Individuals within each breed. GRAIN MIXTURE FOR CALVES Equal Parts of Cornmail, Ground Oats and Wheat Bran Is Good for Young Animals. A good grain mixture for the young calves Is equal parts of comment ground oats and wheat bran. To start the calf on grain, uprlnklo a small amount In tho bucket after he has fin Ished his milk. There is no dunger of over-feeding him on grain, and he should bo given all that he will cat. PERCH BAIT FOR BIG RATTLESNAKE Texas Fishermen Bring in Queer Stories of Encounters With Reptiles. Austin, Tex. Stories of battles with rattlesnakes nnd stump-tall mocca sins are brought to Austin by nearly every fishing pnrty which has been on outings to tho ninny fishing streams In the mountains west of Austin. But the most unusual tale Is told by an aggregation of anglers who have Just returned from n camp on the Peder-" miles river, 35 miles west of this city. In this party were several men who hnvo been up ngnlnst muny rattle- A Huge Rattlesnake Was Found on ths Book. snakes, but this Is the first tlmo that nny of them mndo the discovery that a rattlesnnke fed on fish. According to the story a throw lino baited with smnll perch had been put out Into tlw river. One of tho pnrty, fishing with rod nnd reel, later had pulled the throw line partly In to get it out of the way, and in doing this one hook, still bnlted with perch, was left hanging nbove the wntcr. The next morning a huge rattlesnake was found on the exposed hook. It Is stated thnt the snake was as large around ns the arm of the averago man. Tho Rnnke was killed and tho porch, which had attracted It to the hook, was found In the reptile's mouth. Tho crop of snakes, especially tho rattlesnake species, Is larger this year thnn In years. This Is attributed to the past mild winter. Moccasins swnrm the smnller creeks and thero ate moccasins In the larger streams. Tho Colorado river hns a good sized quota. While many of the snakes seen In tho streams are the harmless water snakes, thero Is an abundance of the rusty and poisonous species .of the moccasin. "NO PLACE FOR HOMELY GIRL" Wall of Girl Who Tries Suicide After Fiance Rejects Her for Pret. tier One. 'i Bnltlmore. "Men only look for beauty; they don't care about the real homemaker uny longer," Virginia Hicks, twenty, a patient at tho Mary land General hospital, who tried to , commit suicide by swullowlng poison, explained that thero was no place In the world for the homely girl. "I don't want to get well," she con tinued, pushing back her short red hair. "Men don't enro what you do for them they nro for tho girl who spends everything on clothes nnd mnkes n big show. They don't care If a girl Is good, self-respecting and a renl homcmnker; all they want Is a big display of their money." Refusing to give her lover's nnme, she admitted that they had both been very happy and expected to get married shortly, until ono evening at a danco he met n prettier girl, nnd after that she didn't hnve n chance. "Classical features and a conspicu ous lack of freckles are essential fea tures for happiness," Virginia de clared, weeping, Girl Holds Prisoner by Coat TalL Chicago. Miss Call McDermut, criminal court stenographer, Is hailed as u heroine by her co-workers. As Frank Legregul, under death sentenco for murdering his wife, attempted o Jump from a window sill to liberty. Miss McDermut grabbed his coat tall nnd held on until police had beaten the prisoner Into submission. Calf-Hare-Pig-Fox-Dog Cried Just Like Baby Paris. An nnlmnl born on a farm nt Grande-humps, nenr l'arls, two weeks ago, died yes terday whllo being transported to Paris for exhibition at the Academy of Science. The creu ture had tho body of n calf, tho head of a rabbit, eyes like a pig, ears like a fox and hair like a St. Bernard dog. It weighed twelve pounds nt birth and cried like a baby. cc