THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE emnant CLINTON, THE JEWELER & SON, The Eye Glass Men Satisfaction 'Sure Try Us. Graduate Opticians CLINTON Sign o The Big Ring We have placed on solo all of our short lengths accumulated in the last few months and have some attractive prices on 1. 1 IP ICS :S Ull. O. II. CItESSLEll GRADUATE DENTIST Office-over the McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AJfD PJBHSONAL Mrs. A. L. Pierce of Wellilect visited local friends Wednesday. J. G. Bceler transacted legal busi ness in Tryon yesterday. E. L. Aiilrews'of Tryon w&s an but of town vjgitor JlVedn,efeday,j Dr. J. SrSimms was a professioha visitor to Bra)iy yesterday. Cecil Cool has accepted a position at tho Star Clothing House. Mrs. E. N. McNomar of Paxton vis ited local friends "Wednesday. Miss Hettie Hlird is off duty this week at tho W. J. O'Connor store. Mrs. R. 'Metcalf. of Paxton visited relatives in the city Wednesday. Ira Sago of Paxton transacted bus iness in the city Wednesday. Geo. Roberts of Maxwell transacted business in the city Wednesday. Mrs. W.Ik N'ehring pf Hershey'was an out of town visitor Wednesday. Jos. L. Roddy is off duty at the west crossing this week on account of ill ness. ( Attorne Leslie Daskins transacted legal business in Hayes Center this week. - Mrs. Chas. Wender is reported; to be ill at her homo on South Chestnut street. ( Mrs. Ray Duvall went to Suther land yesterday to spend ai4few days visiting. Chester Cumming, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W. Cumming, will leave to morrow for Chicago'where he will at tend the Armour School of Technolo gy duririg the coming year. Mrs. P. J. Norton left yosterday fo? Grand Island to visit. Mrs. Theo Lowe and granddaugh ter returned, r0I Rawlins tho ilrst of tho week. Dr. J. B. Rodfiold transacted pro fessional business in Hayos Conter Wednesday. , Beautiful lino of Gage Hats. The Leader Mercantile Co. Miss Jennie O'Connell is spending the week in Grand Islanu visiting her sister Anna. Tho small son of Mr. A. L. Pierce of Wellfleet ha his tonsils removed ycstqrday at the Platto Valley, hos pital. tn'': LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY Cotton Goods, Wool Goods, Silks, Embroideries, Lsices, Ribbons. COMING MEETINGS IN' THE 1 VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY. BAPTIST UiOOV'Flshers of Men." 8:00 Working Incentive.!', These are particularly useful for making garments for school wear WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE -lk.."Jf .Ml 'ATTENTION YEOMAN Special business meeting and elec tion of officers Monday, September 12, 8 o'clork at K. C. Hall. BEFORE Winter Comes You'll want to "get cleaned up" havo the ,dust and dirt taken out of your rugs. Of course you'll, want it done the best way. .-That's why we're telling you about the ELECTRIC RUG & CARPET CLEANING CO. 914 East Third street. Low Prices, Good Work, Quick Ser vice. Free Collection and De livery. PHONE 1039W Miss Catherine Healey roturnod Wednesday from Denver where she visited at tho home of her aunt. Miss Eunice Babbit left yesterday for Lincoln where she will resume her work in tho city schools there. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young Wednesday. AU concerned are getting along nicely. Corbin Jones, of Cheyenne, visited friends In tho city Wednesday while enroute from Cheyenne to Omaha. Carrol Stevens went to Julesburg yesterday to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. Loudon and daughter Mary returned Wednesday frjyj1, lienver wnero tney nave ueen visiting. Mrs. A. M. Howard arid, sons aro ex pected today to return from Seattle, Wash., where they made an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Lamb returnci! tho first of tho week from Curtis where they visited at the R. N. Bak er home. Mrs. C. J. Tyrell and sisiter MIjs Bessio Runnie of Omaha arrived Wed nesday to visit their mother Mrs. An nio Rannie. Beautiful line of Gage Hats. Tho Leader Mercantile Co. Mrs. Crane's Sunday School class of the Methodist church will bo enter tained this evening at n water melon social at the Louis Rofior home. Miss Florence McKay Meft yesterday for Chicago where she will attend a music conservatory during the win- tor months. Attorneys M. E. Crosby, J. G. Beel er, J. T. Keefo and Geo. N. Gibbs transacted legal business In Tryon this week. Miss Mary Temple, Maughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Temple will leave to morrow for Lincoln where she at tends tho State University. Miss Myra White of Sutherland shopped in the city yesterday. She will leave shortly for Iowa whore sho will enter Ames University. Mrs. Hi Smith went to LeMoyno yosterday to accompany Catherine Pushman to this city where she wl',1 attenl St. Patrick's Academy. Blankets, Blankets, regardless of price they must go. We need tho room for our Ready to Wear. Wonderful values at $2.98, $3.98, $4.25, $G.98. Do not overlook such bargains as these E. T. Tramp & Sons. ' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Tho Christian Science Society an nounces a frco lecture on Christian Scienco to bo held in the I. O. O. I Hall, Tuesday evening, September 20th. Tho public is cordially Invited. CLUB Tho Twontleth Century Club will hold its first general meeting Tuesday afternoon, September 13, at tho E. Y. 1. A. club room. Miss Dulcio Frater will toil of her experiences as an army nurse. All who expect to join tho club aro urged to bo present. PRESBYTERIAN Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. arid 7:30 p. in., by Rev. T. C. Osborno of Scotts Bluff, Nebr. A f,-ood attendance of tho members is requested by tho . committee who have been instrumental in securing Mr Osborne to fill the pulpit for us this Sabbath. FIRST OF SERIES OF ROXING BOUTS STAGED BY AMERICAN LEGION YOU are cordially invited to inspect our com plete line of Pianos and Player Pianos and the worlds fam ous Bramback Grand. We have in all styles, that Victrolu you have been talk ing about.' Ask to see tho used piano we are going to offer for $185.00. It has a splendid tone and is in excellent condi tion. We also have some real bargains in used phonographs. oberts Music Co: Executives! KEEP a Corona in the drawer of your desk I When you vant to write a confidential letter, or dash off a memo you can write it with Corona quicker, easier, more legi bly than by hand. Call at the nearest Comm store or we will dea. stratcatyour convenience. Stone's Drug Store. VeiEJioOJilb. Folds and fits in a nent carry ing cabo. 'BO wlUl The Personal Writing Madimn The Labor Day boxing bout was called promptly at S:30 Monday even ing. Tho first preliminary consisted of P. J. (Yankee) Sullivan and Joe Humphrey. Tho latter lacked consid erable size anJ took an ovor amount of punishment from Sullivan who from tne crowd's viewpoint had him ou:- classcd and gained tho decision. Tho second preliminary between Duke De- Vol anjd Blondy Springer proved to e very interesting anj entertaining ns th6y both showed considerable speed and mixed fiercely throughout tho bout Tho decision went to Springor, a North Platte boy, who has been in training for three months. Tho ma'n ten rounjl bout between Roy Malone anj. Harold Garrison was a good snap py match. They were both exchang ing blows rather effectively from tho first round. Most of the npplauso was for Garrison, presumably owing to tho fact that Malone had him shaded somewhat 1st rounjl, oven ; 2nd round, Malone by a shade; 3rd round, oven; 4th round, Garrison's; tho re mainder of tho ton rounds were Mtt- lono's. Tho whole program seemdJ to bo ap preciated by tho largo crowd that at tcn'ded. This is tho first of a series of bouts to be staked by the American Legion during tho winter months. : :o: : A baby boy was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. A. F. Fisher yestorday. All con corned aro 'diolng nicely. - .MAHKIAGE lTlicOHI). clerk, Gothenburg, and Miss Margaret Lindcrstrom, teacher, Gothenburg. Marrlil by Rev. II. E. llces, Metho dist Church. No. Platto. Sept. 3. Lee 13. Andorson, farmer, Gothenburg and Miss Nola F. Alex ander, tencher, Gothenburg. Married by Rov. H. E. Hess Methodist Church No. Platto. Sopt. 3. Geo. Ilorrman, farmer, Mar cus Iowa and Miss Margaret Wend., Brady, Nebr. Married by Rev. C. F. Koch. Luthorn. Church, No. Platto. Sept. X Wm. SS. Daniol, printer, Madrid, anj Mrs. Jcnnio E. Hixon, telephone oporator, Madrid Nebr. Mar ried by Rev. H. E. Hess, Methodist Church, No. Platto. Sopt. 3. John A. Wills, express em ployee, North Platte and Miss Lottie D. Bloslngnme, North Platto. Sept 3 Clarence W. Beam, U. S. Govt employee, Stapleton, Nebr. and. Miss Cecil M. Harvey, teacher, Staple- Following is a list of marriage 1) censes issued by Co. Judge Wood hurst during tho past week. Sopt 1. Jas. S. Olark. Gothenburg, Nebr., farmer nnjd Miss Sara C. Llnrt berg. Gothenburg. Married by Rev. Shenk of the Baptist Church, No. Platte. Sopt 1. Jas. A. Lookablll, engineer Ogallala and Mrs. Tlllio M. Mahorfoy, Ogallala. Married by Co. Judge Wood. hurst. Sept 3. Keith E. McCalg, postal ton. Married by Rov. II. E. Hess. Methodist Church, No Platto. Sopt C. Amos R. Walling, farmor. Palmer, Nebr. ana Mss Sara F. Foster Palmer Nebr. Sopt. 0. John M. Evans, Giles, Texas and Mrs. Louiso A. Kilo, EddMlle, Nobr. Married by Co. Judgo Wood-hurst. Vulcanizing Tires, Tubes and cessorics. Ac- FERO STRE1TZ VULCANIZING CO. Corner Cth and Locust Phono 525W. Put It On Time Deposit! Tho money you get from your cropj and produce put it on Time Deposit at tho Platto Valley State Bank where It will bo SAFE and where you will get tho benefit of our friendly, helpful co-operation. Instead of LYING idle, this money might as well be earning C per cent interest during tho next six or twelve months. We will wolcomo your ao count. The Platte Valley State Bank BEFORE BUYING SHOES ELSEWHERE.. See our line and get our prices. WE SAVE MONEY FOR YOU. SPADE LAST rubber heels. BROGUE, cordovan brown call" skin. This seasons newest shoe for 8 .45 dress wear. The kind that sells tor $10. Our price 7 MANY STYLES IN ENGLISH WALKERS, plain, round and box toes, bals or bluchers. All in the newest brown shades. The regular $7.50 kind. Our Sg.45 price Shirt Special For Saturday Only. MENS DRESS SHIRTS, with or "without collars. A regular $2.50 snirl. Saturday only $Jg.45 MENS DRESS SHIRTS, with or without collars. A regular $1.75 shirt. Saturday only pC MENS WORK SHIRTS, heavy grey, chambrey, double Stiched throughout, double cufls, full cut. 72k A regular $1.75 shirt. NOT OVER TINt HE TO A CUSTOMER The Little Store With The Big Values WHERE LOW PRICE MEETS GOOD QUALITY CORNER FRONT & DEWEY STS.. Phone 2G0 NORTH PLATTE 110 East Front zaaa i K )