THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE i .mw.'i mk iviii i 1 m i i i v . i I ' I 1 1 1 nun ! if mi ill 'ill ii FGJJI&K(g When you buy a CaloriC you get more than the best heating plant that modern Science can produce. You get scientific installation the free service of experienced engineers who personally plan the CaloriC installation in your building. CaloriC engineering is one of the vital factor's in CaloriC success nd on the certainty of this service to insure your complete satisfaction is based the Ca loriC Money-back Guarantee. CaloriC Engineering Service is supplied by the manufacturer through this Ca loriC agency- to quickly assist you in planning the most efficient heating for your home. Let us make a sketch of your building or bring a rough sketch of your floor plans to our store and we will secure the CaloriC engineers installation plans "without obligating you in any way. ' GettTiese plans now and learn how the CaloriC will save hundreds of dollars in building a new home and how it will pay for itself in fuel sav ing in any home, old or new. Beware of the advico of thoto who depreciate the imnortance of urooer emrincerinir ti intlalliiur any via. put. Simon Bros. North. Platte, Nebraska. NEBRASKA GRAIN FEEDS CHILDREN ! Farmers of This State Asked 1 to Answer Appeal of Peo ple of Near East ENDORSED BY GOV. McKELVIE Children Dylna of Hurler In Street in the Presence of Workers Com- mlttee Depending on American Farmers to Contribute Surplus Grain. TUB AMBULANCE KOR. Y0U7 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Arthur M. Gulloy of Kansas City, rrho has been visiting his brother J. W. Gulley, left yesterday for eastern points. jifr. and Mrs. C. S. Clinton and daughter and Mrs Dean Richardson aro expected to return from California Sunday. To whom aro you going to sell your Hay and Grain? The Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer the highest prices. Mrs. Tim O'Keofe and children re turned the first of the week from Denver where they spent two weeks visiting. Mrs. Homer Peterson left yesterday for Scotts Bluff to join her husband. They will motor to Denver to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dana. Chas. Hendy, of Chicago, spent the early part of the week with relatives In town and left Tuesday evening on l business trip to Denver. Miss Alice Chamberlain returned to. her homo In Denver Wednesday after attending tho funeral of her father the late G. 15. Chamberlain. J. W. Wilson returned to his horn; in Lincoln Wednesday after visiting at the homes of his son anjll daughter, Claude AVilson and Mrs. M. E. Mar tion. Harold Burke of Denver visited his sister Mrs. L. J. Krauso the first of tho week anjl left Wednesday for Lin coln where he attends tho state uni versity. Mrs. Louisa Peters, who hityl been visiting relatives in town, left Wed nesday evening for Los Angeles, where she expects to make her fu tnro home. A number of local people aro plan ning to attend the Keith County Fair in Ogallala September 15 to Sept lu. Big purses .are being offerejl for the auto an,! horse races. Miss Frances Edwurds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jesse "EdwarjJs, will leav tomorrow for Hastings where she will attend college this winter. She will bo accompanied by lier parents. A full stock of Western Field shot gun shells always on hand at The Sil ver Front Cigar Store. All huntors know tho quality of The Western and "Chris" always makes the price right. REDUCED RATES FOR AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS 20 Per Cent Discount on Fans in Stock. It will pay you to buy now lor next year. There is still a month of hot weather ahead. Do not fail to take advantage of this offer. North Platte Light & Power Co. Round Trip Tickets for Fare and One. Half on All Roads: Cut Will Swell Attendance. Reduced railroad fares for Ak-Snr-visitor will be allowed by rai' rcds running into Omaha. All of the roads entering Omaha will put Into effect excursion rates of fare and one-half for round trips during the fall I'cstivn! period, it lias been an nounced. These reduced rates will apply to nil points in Nebraska except those within only a few miles of Omaha and probably will extend 10 Kansas City on the south, Sioux City on the north and Des Moines on the east. This will he the first time In six years that reduced rates have been allowed for the Ak-Sur-!fen festlvul. "TliN will mean the biggest out-of-town attendance in the history of Ak-Sar-Heii," declared diaries Gard ner, secretary. Joyfully when he heard the news. "They'll all come for the biggest celebration on earth now." ROOMING BUREAUS PROVIDE SLEEPING QUARTERS FOR ALL The question often arises how doi Omaha provide room and sleeping quarters for the crowds that attend the fall festivals. In addition to the hotels every available room In the city is offered the visitors through free rooming bureaus operated at the large stores in the city. Visitors will be provided with rooms by calling at these stores No charge Is made for the sen ice and the rooms may be hud for a nominal sum. -:o: Mr. and Mrs. J. EJ. Sebastian left Wednesday ovenlng for Los Angeles where Mr. Sebastian will attend tho sessions of tho national convention of Insurance men. They will be absent two or three weeks. The members of the ladies' band were tho guests of tho members of tho Kiwanis Club Tuesday at their regular weekly luncheon at tho Country Club. Tho ladies pleased tho club members with their unusually goojl music. John Hasten, a conductor on the Union Pacific, will movo his family hero from Sidney tho first of the week Ills daughter Virginia entered tho lo cal high BChool anl has been tho wook guest of Miss Mabolle McFar-lanJiL An estimate of :tT0,00-i,000 bushels of corn and wheat Is the latest Govern ment statement of their year's yield for Nebraska. And It Is Governor Samuel It. McKelvlo who says "In view of the bountiful crops here and the continued condition of destitution nud suffering In the Near Kast, I have no doubt that this campulgn (Harvest Grain Appeal) Is worthy of the sub stantial support of Nebraska people at the present time." Thousands and thousands of boys and girls, children of onco happy and prosperous farmers of the Russian Caucasus and the Near Kast arc starving today, for night has fallen again in these lands of one of the old est agricultural races. Last winter Nebraska farmers In twenty counties gathered and shipped enough corn to make $10,000 worth of corn grits and Hour that was loaded, together with rice from Southern farmers, beans from other states and more corn products from Iowa and Kansas, on the steamer "Datchet" which sailed from New Orleans, Louis iana and later unloaded its precious enrgu at Itatoum In the Russian Cauca sus. Cablegrams Reveal Conditions. A recent cablegram from Mr. Vlckrey, General Secretary of the Near Hast Belief, wlio Is in the Near Kast, tells of the arrival of this ship, for he says: "Saw Pateliet unloading food sup plies Itatoum last week also passed three solid tralnloads speeding from Batomn direct to our warehouses Alex andropol and Erlvnn where we now have over twenty thousand more home less children who will perish If we do not provide for them. 'Children outside our orphanages were dying on streets of starvation while we were there In August. AVlntcr will bring Indescribable suffering. (Every pound of Hour, rice, beans, -cornflour nr hominy on Datchet, Esther Dollar, or other relief ship means life to some child Or helplosi exile. People naturally industrious and hell) themselves wherever when ever possible but continuous warfare prolonged exile and occupation of ter ritory liy enemy foives until loo late to plant crops, have rendered refugees destitute and helpless. All supplies are kept under continuous control .f experienced American relief workers, and economical effective distribution to starving refugees is amnio. Noel practically unlimited." In a second cablegram from Con stantinople, he writes: "Conditions in Armenia this year In describably worse than last year due to occupation of land by enemy forces un til too late for adequate crops. Minimum budget fifteen million doners to main tain children In orphanages and pres ent relief activities. Mmost unlimited large sums required for adequate re lief of refugees and dependents." Contributions Must Continue. Millions of dollars for llnse suffer ing people have been given and must continue to be given by the happy and prosperous dwellers of our great cities ami towns. Those so situated, In Nebraska last fall and winter gave over .$125,000. This summer they are giving and during the coming fall and winter they will continue until they have more than equalled their generosity of the past. The farmers of America, seeing their bountiful and Immense crop, are offering as their share, ft.000,000 bushels of grain to the cause and the need for foodstuffs lo save men, wo men and children of the stricken na tions and tills Is paramount In order to prevent wholesale famine this winter. Dump 50,000,000 Bushels? Every bushel of corn or wheat Inken out of Nebraska will help to stlffeti the local market. And as former Sec retary of Agriculture Carl Vroomau once said "The American farmer could dump ftO.OOO.OOO bushels of com In the ocean and it would not be missed hut It would help the corn market," and then he added "Why dump the corn? hotter give it lo those sinning people and the result would he the same.'' Certainly it would be the same, but plus a warm glowing feeling In the heart of the Ameiican farmer, because I e would realize the joy of helping fellow farmers of the Russian Cau casus and Near Kast. Already every grain producing state in the union Is hard at work. West Virginia farmers In a state that Is mostly all rocks, coal, oil and gas, have Just raised ten cars of corn and wheat and they buy corn and wheat of other states for their home consumption. Nebraska bus helped In part, hut we must do (he equal of other grata states. Iowa will give J02 curs of corn and wheat, Illinois 270, Kansas 201, South Dakota 107. Nebraska has been asked for 200 ears, or less than one bushel out of evfljry 1,8,"0 estimated for this year TfMHCtlon. Why ACCIDENT INSURANCE Is Necessary. 90,000 people aro killed by accident In tho Unitell States overy year. Thoro are from 125 to 140 cases of disabling Injury for overy accidental death. Twelve million pcoplo thoroforo aro killed or injured nnnually in tho Unit ed States or ovor twenty-two per minute. Your are more liable to lllc from an accidental Injury than from any dls easo you can nninc. A person Is twice as likely to tllo from accident as from old ago. It Is a fact that moro pcoplo die from acclont than from all tho dis eases of tho lungs and heart conir blned. The four great causes of death are consumuliion,, ucjcldcnttd, pnoumonla, and heart disease. Accidental Injuries cause greater disability than tho thrcb other causes and typhoid fovcr in addition. Typhoid fever,, apoplexy, meningit is, paralysis, diseases of tho stomncu, liver and brain, all of theso aro slight menaces to life compare,) with th-j accident hazard. Ten times as many peoplo botweon tho ages of 20 and 60 aro killed an-J injured by accident yearly as dlo from natural causes. More peoplo aro kept from work by accidental Injury than are lilo through lack of employment. The chanco that a person will meet with somo disabling Injury within a year is about cloven times grcator than tho chanco of death from any and all causes during tho saino period. Tho Trnvolcrs Insuranco Company has pal;J over 849,000 Accident and Health claims to tho end of 1920, a- mountlug to ovor $61, 150,000. MORAL: INSURE IN THE TRAV ELERS. Sco C. P. TEMPLE, The Travelers Man. : :o; Misses llesslo nnd Zlna Snyder,' if Bouljlor, Colo., camo Wednesday to visit nt tho W. P. Snyder homo. Walter WlnHor of Brady undorweut an operation at the Platlto Valley sospltnl Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wllloughhy re turned tho first of tho week from Om aha whore they visited. AK-SAR-BEN FALL FESTIVAL IS FEAST OF AMUSEMENT September 13th to 24th Set Aside by Samson to Entertain All His Subjects and Guests. Por the past twenty-seven years, tho middle west has enjoyed the celebra tion of the Feast of the Knights of k-Snr-Ben. King Ak-Sar-lten, ruler of the laud of Qulvera, reigns In the royal citadel, Omaha, and has ruled wisely and well for mote than u quarter of a century. ICach tall It la his edict that the subjects from adjoin ing realms be Invlieil to parilclpato with his subjects lu a glorious feast of amusement and frivolli.v. September l.'lth to 21th Inclusive has been announced by Samson, Lord High Chamberlain to the King, as the dates foi this fall festival. King promises his guests and subjects much entertainment In the wuy of horse races, uutomohlle races, parades, Minus nud especially his own elaborate pageant which has become so well known In this community. in addition to the. above program, Ills Majesty Is to he host at the re union of the old III th or Sandstorm DIlslon, which was originally com posed of the National Guard unit from Nebraska, Iowa. South Dakota and Min nesota. This will furnish a splendid opportunity for those of this division to attend their first reunion and ut the name time be entertained by Ak-Sar-Ben'fi splendid program. A great ninny 0 the members of this unit have nt different times enjoyed the shows given by his Majesty's Royal Troupe at the Ak-Sar-Bcn den. Hla hospital ity Is widely known. Rare indeed Is the man who has visited Ak-Sar-Ben nod who nan not benefited therefrom. :o::- :o:- A GOOD DINNER. When In town try our special dinner ut from 35c up. Served from 11 n. 111. to 8 p. 111. Short orders Bervetl nt all hours. Open day and night Lunches put up for picnics or trains on shoit notice. Crystal Cafo, C. B, Bailey, prop.. Opposite U. P. Station. ivar. WALDORF, Tinner. Makos or repairs anything made of tin or sheet metal. 510 Locust. Under Gonornl Hospital, Mr. ni, Mrs. Harry Murrlu accom panied their son Lawronco to Omaha Wednesday. Rugs dusted, cleaned or sized. Phones 103$W or 001W. Mr. an,, Mrs. P. P. Maddox went to Koystono Wednesdny to spend a few days on thoir ranch. A special car of Chinese studentn passed through tho city Wednesday onrouto to eastern universities. -r.of TO SACRIFICE PIANO PLAYER Por quick turnover will sacri fice price. Player In our possess ion In North Platto and must bo moved at onco. Easy payments. Write quick for particulars to the Denver Music Co., Denver Colo, A. WnEdison announces MOOD MUSIC This 32 page book tells about Mr. Edison's wonderful new discoveries in what music will do for you. Shows you how to use music to banish that tired feeline, nervousness, blues. Based on 2 year psychological research con ducted under the direction of Dr. W.V. Bingham, Director of the Department of Applied Psychology, Carnegie Institute of Technology. Copies free as long as they last. Come in for yours today. Dixon Music Shop. fqo. WANTED! Your Order for Coal. We handle the following kinds of high grade coal: Crested Butte Hard Coal. Pinnacle Lump. Pinnacle Nut. Somerset Lump. . Maitland Lump. Hock Springs Lump. Rock Springs Nut. He sure to get our prices before placing your order. Artificial Ice & Cold Storage Company. Phone 40.