The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 30, 1921, Image 1
1 "sun THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAH. NORTH PLATTE, NEB.,. AUGUST 30, 1921, No. 67 Mavm LABOR DAY CELEBRATION CENTRAL LABOR UNION AND AF FILIATED CRAFTS WILL STAGE PROGRAM. The Program for Labor Day lias boon workcjl out by tho committoo and was announced last, night. It starts with a parado at 9:30. This will bo a demonstration of nil organized unions and crafts of tho city. It will ov at tho City Park where- tho labor union pooplo and the fnmllios aro to havo a picnic dinner. At 1:30 the uni on men havo arranged a program of sports for tho children. Hero is the list: Ono block race for the girls be tween 8 and 12, first prlzo $2., second prize $1., tilled prlzo BO cents: Pole Boxing Max for boys from G to 10 first prizo $2., second prize $1., third prizo 50 cents; 100 yard race for girls between 4 and 8 first prize $1.50, second prizo $1., third prize 50 cents; 100 ynijd raco for boys first prize $2., second prize $1.50, third prizo $1.; 100 yard raco for boys be tween 4 and S first prizo $1.50, sec ond prizo$l.,. third prlzo 50 cents: 10 yarJJ egg raco for boys prlze?2.; Potato raco for boys G to 8 years, first prize $1.50, second prizo $1., third prizo 50 cents. Tho sports also include a tug bf war. Five carpen ters aro ready to stand five from any othor craft. At 3:45 there will bo a ball game. The Dayton Handicap will bo run at 5:30. The fights will be held in tho old Lloyd Opera House. First event will bo a 10-round go between Happy Mn lono of Denver an)I Battling Gar rison of St. Paul weight 133 pounds. In tho second ovout Joo Humphrey of Omaha will box with Frankoy Coogan of Soattlo at 120 pounds. Final event will bo Duko Duval of Fort Sill, Ok lahoma and Blody Springer of North Platte at 11G pounjds. Fred Oulmctto will act as roforoe. The oponlng round will bo at 8:30. At 9:30 tho third annual ball )t Central Labor Union will bo hold at tho K. C. Hall. This will close tho day of amusement and recreation for tho fojloratod crafts, their wives and fnmllios. program for ford family jub ilee DAY STARTS AT TEN. THIRTY O'CLOCK. Tho committee has Just roportud tho program of sports for Ford day as follows: Boglnnlng at 10:30 Ford running tho longest dlstnnco on. ono pint of gasoline first prlzo kodak, second prlzo ten gallons of gasoline: Forjd tug of war first prize $5 shoos, second prizo $3 hat. third prlzo $2 overalls; Ford eight block raco in cluding chango of ono clincher tiro in tho second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh blocks first prize 30x3 non-skid Firestone casing, second prize set Iladex lens; Ford slow raco, three blocks in high gear first prize radiator repaired frco (during next nix months, second' prize five gallons of gasoline; Ford day penny grab and shower for tho children. 11:45 Singing by Ford Day Quar tet. 12:00 Weddings Ford Day spe cial. Rev. C. F. Koch, officiating. 12:15 Speaking by Jas. T. Keofe, "Ford Day Opportunities." 12:30 Dinner Picnics on tho Court House lawn. 1:30 Pario Big- Ford Parado led by tho Ford Day Clown Band, starts at Third and Dewey streets with only Forfd cars taking part. Now, secondf-hancy, worn-out and broken down Fords all to get in lino for the big event. ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CURRENT COMMENT ABOUT PF.O I'LE AND THE THINGS THEY ARE DOING HERE. On account of tho Amorlomi Loglou play tho wookly rohorgal of tho Cham ber of Commorco banll will bo post poned to Thursday ovonlng. Tho regu lar concert will bo held In Court House Parle on Friday as usual. N. W. Gaines of tho Nobraaka Farm Buroau Federation will bo in Lincoln County for thrco days on Sopt. 15-10-17. Ho is expected to bo at Blgnoll on Fridny Oto lGth. but tho othor two Untos have not boon dofinltoly decided. Ho Is a spoakor of importnnco in tho Farm Bureau work and It is a privi lege to hoar him. S I - fiTTil Are You Neglecting Having your Family's Picture taken? Let Us Take Them Ford Day, Sept, 1st. and you get a premium with each dollar paid. We are also giving Fifteen Pictures for the price of a dozen on this day. BROOK'S STUDIO. Over Tramps Store. ALL CAR OWNERS Are welcome at our garage every day Here are our new Reduced Prices. WILLYS KNIGHT $1895 F. O. li. TOLEDO ESSEX $1375 F. O. B. DETROIT OVEKLAND i $095 F. O. B. TOLEDO HUDSON SUPER 0 $1895 F. O. B. DETROIT Come in and let us show you these wonderful cars. We will give a new casing and tube to any one purchasing one of our new cars on September 1st, JUBILEE DAY. Expert mechanics give first-class service in our repair shop. Always open ROY V. BUSKIRK, Dealer The Home of High-Grade Automobiles PHONE 121 Ji im Ilonoil has one of tho nicest snow vfndowa iu town nnd ho uses It to alvnntngo. Last Saturday we passed fnoro pud countod sixteen dif ferent l-.lnds of fruits m vogctablos on display. Thoy wore flno samplos of the supply on display within the store We wonder at tho houso wife who lacks .for something to cook nnd put on the t-i.ile wlna our morohantB have such vartal lines of froah fruit nir. ef tolile:; both home grown nttf shipped in. Local ox-gorvlco men " are vary mnoh Interested in tho land drawing which is boing hold in tho Laramie District of Wyonilng. Tho land Is all valley soil, has Irrigable acreage imi is wild to be flno for Intonslilod cul tivation Ernest Hinokor nnd Cecil Cool mnUe an auto trip up thoro lust woek and brought home the informa tion which all the boys wantojd. Many of thorn are filing on tho desirable plow nticl in the drawing somo hope to win. Tho North Platto delegation to the Tri-County Sur(lny School conven tion will leave horo at nine o'clock Sunday morning. Tills will not al low those who go to attend tho regu lar sessions nf their schools but they 'A 111 be oxcu&cd If thoy nttend this convention. Two thousand peopli are expected if tho weather is favor able. Lincoln County will bo repre sented r.nU so will Logan nnd McPhcr son. Albert Schatz was shaking hands with old fronds horo tho last of tho week. He ono of tno North Platto boys who Is making good elsewhere. Mr. Schatz ws here on business and vhe. nske1 why ho had not brought the new baby he said ho wanted to but It was only threo weeks old and that was too young to start children out on tho road oven In these days. Albert Is in the oil business now an)l says that while It has its ups and downs like most othor lines, ho Is doing well and likes the work. Ljii'-oln County Fair is to have some of the boat racing that has boen seen line-for years nccordlng to tho talk on the-street thin weok. In con junction with tho Dawson County 'Vtg hi Lexington an)d tho Sedgwick Comity Fair at Julosburg tho Lln com County Fair hns formed a clr ciLU, with enough prizes announced to atact the best horses In tho western eouutry. These rnces aro to take place during part ut tho afternoon ol each day of the fair. UBIhriftysAys The Judging team of tho Lincoln County Boy's anil Girl's Clubs will leave for Lincoln on Thursday. Tho team Is composed of James Ross of Maxwell, Owen Powell of Sutherland, George. Koch of Horshoy and Mnnloy Ragmussen of Maxwell. County Agent Kellogg will accompany tho team. Thy will spend part of Friday and Saturday at tho State Farm at Lincoln practicing the stock judging with tho cattle thoro. On Monday morning az 8 a. in. thoy wlil enter tho competition at tho State Fair. This is tho first tlmo that Lincoln County has over been represented In tho stock Judging contests at tho stato fair. BAND LEADER KNOWN HERE l'OiuiKit resident or this city is DIltIK TOIt 01' KIMBALL HOY'S HA AO. Tho namo Pizcr Is again to shine In the North Plntte business world. It was connected with tho Leader for many years and then it dropped out of the morcantllo worl(l when Julius Plzor sold his interest to the now Loader Co. But Julius Plzor hns not given up business. Ho has fitted up tho room formorly occupied by tho - iromphlll Printing Co. nnd is having it sholvod and prepared for business. Ho expects to go east short ly and while thoro ho will purchase a stock of goods. When last seen he wns not sure whether ho would start with men's or women's wenr. It Is rumored that Julius will assoclato somo of his children with him In the now enterprise.-October first Is tho (date mentlonod as the probablo open ing. JIarloy Uonham is director o the Kimball Boys' Band which will glvo a short concort In North Platto on Sat urday, Soptombcr 8. Tho band has a contract to furnish nnulc at tho No braska Stato Fair and Is making tho trip orolaml by auto. Thoro are thirty boys in tho band and ton busi ness mon accompany tho boys The band is a strictly juvonilo affair ac cording to Mr., who snya thoy rango from ton to flftoon yonrs o ago. Tho nvorago ago Is loss than thlrtcon years. H. L. Bonhnm will bo romomborod by many local people Ho llvod horo a numbor of years and marrlnil Mm daughter of Mrs. John Knox. H. L. Bonham and IiIb brother nro in thu furniture and undertaking business in Kimball and havo boon quit suc cessful. Harloy works with tho boy'-i band as a side issue. In writing nbout tho boys ho says. "All tho boys who aro mombors of this organization hnU to plodgo thom solvos to abstain from tho uso of tobacco and liquor .and not to swear. Thoy aro undor vory strict dlslplino and wo try to bullfl character as woll as musicians. Wo played for tho Fron tier Colobrntlon nt Choyonno and tho Choyenno Tribune stated that con sidering everything wo hal tho boet band thoy hnd hoard In yoara. Thoro nro several school bands In tho stato which aro largor but wo havo tho youngest boys of any." TIiIb bantd will nrrlvo In North Platto on Its .way to Lincoln nt 5:I!0 next Saturday afternoon. It will clvo a short concort horo nnd after taklmr , suppor will leave for Gothenburg whoro It will stay all night. antS. JOE JOHNSON PASSED AWAY at her jioiife near city YESTERDAY Mrs. Joseph Johnson tllcl last oven jing at her homo fourtcon miles south of tho city at Jack Morrow Flats. She was fifty four years old and leaves to mourn her donth her hus band and olovon children. No funer al arrangements havo boon made. Stage is all set forthh big 1'oiu) family jubilee ox . thursday Every Indication points to 'an at tondaneo that will mark tho May as tho biggest ovont North Platto 1ms ovor pulled off. This Ford day, lu tho wny of publicity, has boon adver tise In twenty-two nowspaporB In tho North Platto territory and in addition 4500 coplos of Tho Tribune nnd The Tolograph havo boon mailed to auto owners nnU others In tho samo ter ritory. As has boon notlcod by those pnpors cash and morohnndlso prizes havo boon offorod for phases of Ford ownorshlp and For)l conditions, and prizes havo also boon offorod for con tosta In which Ford cars exclusively will figure. The contest will start at 10:30. Thon, of course, thoro Is tho big prlzo of tho day a now Ford Touring car. Tho parnJo of Ford cars will be a foaturo of tho day; Just how many will bo In lino wo can't guess, but no doubt thoro will be many hundreds. This Ford Day has boon proJocteU by and Is participated 111 by tho business mon of North Platto and thoy glvo tholr guarantee that ovorythlng as advertised will bo carried out.. Tho committees having tho Hay In charge nro: Exocutlvo J. E. Nelson, J. V. Ro migh, Guy Swopo, A. T. Johnson, II. J. Rathman. Publicity J. E. Nelson, Ira L. Bare. Flnnnco J. V. Romlgh, Ira 'L. Bare. Prlzos Guy Swopo, W. R. Mnlonoy, Paul Nolan, Win, Burgnor, A. T. Trnmp, A. T. Johnson. Amusomcnts W. J.' Tlloy, W. H. Starr. Refreshments Ed Oglor. - Marshal of tho Day A. B. Hoa land. Speakers of tho Day Rev. G. F. Koch and J. T. Keofo. T. F. Hoaloy will bo chairman of tho committoo on Judging and will select his committoo from among tho farm ers who aro In town tlujt dhy. BODY OF MRS." a! A. HOTC1IKISS WHO DIED IN DENVER AR RIVED TODAY. Mrs. A. A. Hotchklss formorly Miss Holon Mtnshall .of this city dlcjl In a Donvor sanitarium Sun day. Tho romalns wore hroughU to. L tills city this 'morning "whoro Inter ment will bo mndp. Tho funornl will ! bo held tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock from tho Luthornn church. Mrs. HotoiiklBB has spoilt all of her girlhood (days In this city and had many frlonds all of whom poln her hiiBbnnd nnd pnrents In mourning Her death. T 'C Will be orv Extra Smiles come from extra Service Instead of calling it "extra ser vice" wo call it HARVEST SERVICE. and invite you to phone oi write whenever you aro busy in the fields and we can be of use to you HERE IN TOWN. UNIO STATE BANK THE T S "Ik V "DTI DANK A A 1 I. JQj PEOPLE FOR County officials say that tho bridges must bo ropnlrcfj. Stato Engineer Johnson was horo last week and ho says that tho bridges must bo repair ed. Tho spans of tho Osgood bridge just south of North Plnttothnt aro still standing are worth fifteen or twenty thousand dollars. In caso of water In tho South Platte during tin winter and spring thoso spans would go out. Thoy must bo saved and In order to save them tho brlilgo must bo ronalrcd. County Attorney Keofo with the asslstanco of somo of tho best legal talent In tho County has decided that thoro Is a way by which a special tax can bo levied aiJ tho nocossary repairs made. This thoy en poet to do. It seems absolutely neces sary. On tho othor hand every road ovorsoor has boen notlflod not to mako any repairs or construction at any culvort or brldgo whoro now tim ber or other material Is needed. Thcro Is no money In tho treasury for thoso repairs. Tho road and bridge fund has been largoly overdrawn. Taxes aro not. being paid. Tho spend ing of monoy on roads and bridges must stop except whoro absolutely necos i-iry. Every real business man in tho county will npprovo of this at titujde on tho part of tho Commission ers. K"cp within your lncomo Is good buslnefs In public affairs as well ns In prlvnto affairs. Thoy wont without ronds i nd bridges In early days. Thoro v is no road tax then. If wo do not have money to build roads, cul verts and bridges wo can go without them now. And bo it goos. Tho Com missioner aro In session every Mon day and thoy will ho glad to hear jfrom anyono who has a bettor plan to propose. . SPECIAL FOR JUBILEE DAY 10 per cent discount on All My Used Cars. Condition guaranteed. 10 per cent discount on all Tires. Anything from 30x3 to 34x4Jo Cord. $310 less for a Dodge Brothers Touring car remem her that there has been over $200 in improvements added to these good cars, J. V. Romigh. Dealer Did you know there Is but one car listing at less than $1000 factory, which has hand buffed leather uphol stery, 32x4 Cord tires and timkon bearings. It is your guess. 9