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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Raven Builds Nest In Winter. Tito Amorlcnn rnven is practically extinct In tho onstern part of our country nnd tin1 variety teund In Atncrlcn frm New Brunmrlck to Alnskn differ from tlmt snblo bird nntlvo to Europe. It Is beautifully black and shining nnd It measures twenty-six Inches In length nnd over n ynrd from tip to tip of spreading wings. Tho rnven believes In doing Its work enrly nnd having It over with, consequently It builds Its nost In tho winter nnd lnys from live to seven eggs which It ees to It nre hatched before the end of February. Sae Plush 8 i i No. 4832 Coatees o Laplnex Plush trimmed with deep Bhawl collar of fluo quality Raccoon fancy sash bolt finished with two ornaments. Lined thru out with fancy Satin do Chine anjd, warmly interlined. Length 36 inches. Xo. 1S00 Coatee of Laplnex Plush and sol-sh!awl collar1, narrow belt all around. Lined thru out with fancy Venetian and warmly Interlined. Length 3G Inches. $3965 $1965 Plush Coats will "be in bigger demand than ever the coming season. Never, however, will such prices again prevail this year. Pre-season values nt less than aftor season prices. Specials For The Ford Family Jubilee Sale Shoes Outing Muslin Shoes Aprons Ginghams Overalls Shirts Men's Work, all White or colored Unbleached, 3G Children's, sizes Bungalow style, Apron checks, Boys Bib Men's work, 14 V solid, pair good weight, in., close weave, 2y2 to 5, ham? each 5'"5 standard quality, 3 to 10 size, to 17 sizes, each 2pair 11 yard 9vard 1 Pair 87 1 0yd fo9pair 57ch Blanket -u.aiK.eri Blankets Cotton Double Bed ize S J 98 $235 265 Tan, white or gray Buy now your winter needs HOUR SALE Hosiery 3 lo 5 p. m. Brassiers 3 to 5 p. m. As many as you buy we will give you FREEi ONE BBS rrr w r wr 4 Xo. 1S0S Wrap of Laplnex Plush, deep novelty capo collar trimmed In back with fancy ellk tassel, novelty- sleeves flnlslieH with fancy silk tas sels. Lined throughout with fancy silk and warmly Inter lined. Length 42 inches. $3965 A Specially Arranged Sale of Values You Will Be Unable to Duplicate Later ale Save 20 to 40 Percent Buy Now. We hope you will avail yourself of the opportunity to come to our store and see our beautiful, colorful, warm Beacon Blankets of all descriptions on display. You will be surprised at the low prices. THE 13 LA N KET BUVING WEEK Blankets Wool-Nap Double Bed Size $28 $45 j98 White, Grey, Tan EXTRA QUALITY. LANKETS S76S up to during this special Blanket payment and we will DRY GOODS -WOMEN'S READY PRICE TO EVERYBODY r yr imr trjuaoJKqyia tavvmavtjwtav KH i a . . . 7 ?w). 1SI0 N'ovolty Coat of Laplnex Plush, largo convertible Tux edo Uovoro in front can bo worn closed, deep pointed collar trimmijl with largo silk tassel, convertible bolt finished with two fancy tas sels. Lined throughout with fancy silk and warmly Inter lined. Length 42 inches. No. IS2I Coat of Laplnox Plush trlm mod with (loop shawl collar, cuffs anil ton-Inch bordor of flno quality Black Opossum, novelty sash bolt finished with fancy silk tassels. Lined throughout with fancy silk and family Interlined. Length 40 Inches. $3465 $69S0 This Is Blanket Blankets Wool and Part Wool Double Bed size S.i5 S85 Sg35 Plaids and Solid Colors NONE BETTER. Sale. You may select blankets for fail, make a small hold for future" delivery. W- INCORPORATED" TO, WE AR IC LOTH ING IT No. ISO,'! Coat of Laplnox Plush, trlm mo with dcop shawl collur, cuffs nn(l ten-Inch bordor of lino quality Kit Coney, sash bolt finished with two orna ments. Lined throughout with fancy Venetian. Length 3G inches. $2465 Special Arrangement You may select tho garment you deslro for this fall, mako a small paytnont and wo will hold your coat for future dollvory. Fed-well Blankets Blankets Wool and Part Wool Double Bed Size $g65 Sg90 825 Plaids and Solid Colors 14 65 REMNANT SALE Silks Dress Goods Wash Goods Outings SHOES (! jlL gjj Well Called "China's Sorrow." The Hwang Ilo or Yollow river, Chinese records show, once flowed through n rich fertile valley, Its tribu tary hills well wooded. Today It Is a broad moving quicksand with n small amount of wuUt most of the year, but when tho Hoods come the whole fnco of the landscape may be changed. In 1880 this river, which Is known ns "China's Sorrow," flooded somo 20,000 square miles of the most densoly popu lated lands, wiped out thousands of villages and towns, and drowned 2, 000,000 people. Good Fire Extinguisher. Take 'JO pounds of common suit and 10 pounds of snl ammoniac (chloride of ammonia). Dissolve these In seven gallons of water. Put In thin glass bottles holding a quart each Cork tightly and seal to prevent evnp orntloti When a (Ire breaks out, throw ono of these bottles so that It will break' In or near tho Homes, or If this Is not possible, break ojf the of the bottle and scatter tho contents on tho fire. ''"" Old.Tlme Methods of Persian Bakers. Tho Persian nntlvo bread today Is little different from that used 1,000 years ago. Tho Persian oven Is built of smooth masonry work In tho ground nnd Is usually nbout tho slzo of a bar rel. Jinny ovens have been used for a century. Tho dough Is formed Into tuln sheets about a foot long and two feet wide nnd slapped against the side of the oven. It bakes In a few min utes. To Talk Through Telephone. Scientific tests show that every additional Inch of distance between the lips of the spenker and the mouth piece of the telephone Is equivalent to adding 120 miles of wire to tho line over which one Is talking. Tho proper dlslnnco Is about one Inch; If farther than that, such sounds ns "b, p, d, t, f, z" nre transmitted poorly. If closer than one-half Inch, nasal sounds like "m" and "n" do not enter the transmitter properly. Wood Lighter Than Balsa. The wood of a tree found In Pnna ina, Cavanlllesla platanlfolla, Is even lighter than tho celebrated balsa wood. The tree grows to an Immense size. The branches and leaves are at tho very top and the trunk. Is like a liugo column. The strength of the trunk Is principally In the thick fibrous bark, while the wood Is so fragile thnt It crushes when the tree falls. Modesty in Japan. The Japanese girl carries her head and shoulders slightly forward, and In clines her body forward from the wnlst. She walks with short, quick steps, her toes turned In nnd her feet hardly lifted from the ground. To walk otherwise would be regarded as Immodest. Columbus Dispatch. Independence of Solitude. It Is easy to live in the world after the world's opinion, It Is easy In soli tude to live after your own, but the great man Is he who In the midst of the throng keeps with perfect sweet ness the independence of solitude. Emerson. Highest Moral Courage. When you nre so devoted to doing what Is right thnt you press straight on to that and disregard whnt men are saying about you. there Is tho triumph of moral courage. Phillips Brooks. SI Poison Fish in South Seao. There is u fish which lies burled In the coral sand of tho South sens tho spines of whose dorsal fin are hollow like tho fangs of a 'rattlesnake. When stepped on It ejects a poison which kills or cripples the victim. Principle and Impulse. Impulsiveness would be a greater blessing If only we would use our Itn pulses lnstend of letting them use as. Let good Impulses have their rightful play, but let principle stand squarely behind them. Music's Great Value. JIusle is moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to tho Imagination, n charm to sadness, gaiety nnd life to everything. Exchange. Even Tempered. Sho was well advanced In yeare, nnd had always been a fretful soul never happy except when sho had something to worry about. Notwith standing, alio was well liked by all who knew her. -at-:- . rfrjjjf J One day, to a nhce who was a fre quent visitor nt her home, sho said: "Berta, do you kow that I bellovo I am tkte tft ven-tempered woman In tho world." "Why, Aunt Jlanda," said tho nleco In unfeigned surprise, "how you do talkl" "Yes," sikl she, "I believe I am thfl most oven-tempered woman In the world, 'cnuso I'm U3 mad as the dovll all the time."