The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 26, 1921, Image 11

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If ever a motor car was
at once both stimulating
and soothing, that car is
the Cadillac Eight.
In freedom from gear shift
ing, in ease of control, in
swift acceleration, in hill
climbing ability, in comfort
and luxury, the owner of
a Cadillac Eight will tell
you that he has them in
a degree in which he has
not found them in any
other car.
1H. Hansen Cadillac Co.
Omaha Lincoln
UITCUTC Watson B. Coleman,
PI Eil 1 9 Patent Law jer, Washington,
n (all W u 0 AdTlce and book tree.
Bates teuonable. IllahestreJoxencei. llettaerTlcea.
It Is probable fute never deter
mines whether a man Is to be groat
or not until nfter he Is thirty.
The use of soft coal win make laun
dry work heavier this winter. Red
Cross Ball Blue will help t remove
that grimy look. At all grocers, DC
Even when you know people are
trying to cheer you by the jollying
process, you rather like It.
Nebraska Directory
Third Floor Paxton lllock
. 16th and Farnara Sbu, Omahe,Neb.
Best equipped dental oCBce In Omaha. rrlcn. Special dlsoonnt to
an poopie living oauia 01 udua
Hotel Castle
632 S. 16th Street
Omaha. Neb.
New. absolutely fireproof
With private toilet $1.26;
witn priTate nam
11.75 to $1.60
FRED A. CASTLE, Proprietor
Main Office and Work.
23rd, Hickory and U. P. R. R.
Phone Donglaa 1043
20th, Center and C. B. & jQ.
Phone Don gins 1141
Oxy-Acetylene Welding:
BTANDFIPES TANKS v. If w na 11.4 Bier. ..a Offlc. flxlar Hoote
la Anwica, n. uecapr u.r a,uuv Bqa&r. mil
5. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas SU., Omaha. Neb.
Phone Uoualas 7724 All tie ask li a chance to blA.
Electric Service
on Automobiles
Gray & Dails
Established 1888
Painless Extraction of Teeth
Makos Dentistry Easy for You
708 City Nit'l Buk, 16th 8. Hirnty St., Omihi
Drugs By Mail
At the Long-Established
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Mnll Orrtar rian&rtment
19th and Farnam Sti. Omaha, Neb.
I BarTl 1 J Get oar Prtct. Thiy ait Riiht
American Tent and Awning Co.
Oth and Farnam St a. Omaha
Send Your Cleaning
Tailors and
Rug Cleaners
2213-2217 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb.
Omaba'a reliable firm of bemitlteb
log, pleating, at all kloda, braiding,
liaod embroidery, buttons, plcot
edging iree caiaiog. udi ui voi
orderaglren prompt attention.
Tn ira&jH Dtm. FWUa a4 Matin Ca
110 faiUa Btota UM.ta, a
News of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
The stiitc has tleclarca war on the
Nebraska grasshopper. 1aio. J. Stuhr,
secretary of the department of agri
culture, returned to Lincoln from a
trip to Morrill and ScoMsbluff counties
where he laid out pest eradication dis
tricts authorized by the Inst legislature.
The plan for killing the grasshoppers,
which have made Kansas and Ne
lirnskn Infnuious from an agricultural
standpoint for many years, Is to spread
poison around every Held of alfalfa In
the district. The poison will bo dis
tributed a width of eight feet, which,
It. Is believed Is a greater distance than
the "hopplngest grasshopper" In Ne
braska can hop.
'The fanners north and cist of Bnr
adn, an Inland town about twelve miles
from Fnlls City, desire a more feasible
way of getting their grain and stoe':
to market than the long haul to Shu
bert or Falls City and are considering
a plan of establishing n sor of ferry
ncross the Missouri where they will
hnvo close connections with a couple
.if Missouri towns. The expense of
such an undertaking Is being Investi
gated. A report circulated throughout Je-
hraska by the daily, and weekly papers
that the dlfllcultles between the Union
Telephone Company and Us patrons at
Bioomfleld hns been settled and ser
vices again resumed Is denied by of
ficials of the company and others In
close touch with the situation. At n
mass meeting held August 4, patrons
of the company voted to stick and
present prospects for calling off the
'strike" appear unlikely.
A $25,000 bond levy has been voted
for the rlprapplng of the Missouri river
at the Peterson bend district, east of
Tekamah, where hundreds of acres of
valuable land has slldden Into the river
since the lirst of the year. The work
will begin soon and many acres of
good farm land will be saved for the
fanners In that district and perhaps
check the river from cutting Its way,
In time, clenr through to the Nebraska
An average yield In Nebraska of win
ter wheat, a corn condition 14 points
nbove the 10-yenr average, lowered
condition of oats and potatoes and n
barley crop second In the state's his
tory are forecast In the August crop
report Issued nt Lincoln by A. E. An
derson, federal crop statistician and
the Nebraska department of agrlcul
tnre, eo-oporntlng.
Nebraska state taxes for 1021, based
on the levy of 3.3 mills on actual valu
ntlon, wll amount to $10,108,075, . as
compared with a total of $7,5.'2,575 In
1020 acordlng to figures given out by
liie state tax connnlsloner's office. This
represents an Increase of $2,575,500,
or approximately 37 per cent.
Arcadia patrons, mostly rural, have
requested that the telephone rates be
lowered and have backed the request
up with an ngreement between 150 of
the patrons to have their 'phones dls
connected providing the decrease Is
not granted.
Chris Flshllne, a farmer living six
miles east of Lexington, while driving
some hogs In his yard and carrying a
stick, stumbled and fell, running It
Into the side of his face. The doctor
did not get all the stick out and lock
jaw set in.
C. W. Pugsley of Lincoln Is in Wash
ington to take up some special work
requested of him by Secretary of
Agriculture Wallace In the line of re
organizing the department's division
of publications
Over 100 disabled veterans from 15
different counties in central and west
em Nebraskn registered at CSrand Is
land at the Y. M. C. A. headquarters
for the government's cleanup squad to
adjust compensation cases.
Dodge County Bankers' association
will hold Its fifth annul convention In
Fremont on August 2 1. when the bank
of the entire county will declare a legal
holiday on tho afternoon of the con
The Nebraska Cement Plant at
Superior shut down for the lirst tlmt
In over three years. They have stored
about a million sacks of cement dur
lug the past six months.
Damage estimated at $5,000 by
Superintendent Charlton was caused
to the old power plant at the stat
hospital for the Insane at Norfolk by
The members of the Evangelical
church at Dawson held a meeting Sun
day and raised $21,000, with which to
build a new church to replace the one
which was destroyed by lightning a
few weeks ago. It was voted to build
a $30,000 structure on the present site.
Deer nre becoming plentiful In
Thonins county, according to a letter
received by Stnto Game Warden
George Koster from Jay Hlgglns, for
est supervisor nt Hnlsey. Hlgglns de
clares that It Is a common sight In tho
woods there to see does and fawns
running about.
Plans for reclaiming 108 acres of
swamp land lying north of Carter lake,
to be converted Into nnotlier Omnliu
Park are being considered by the Om
aha Park commission.
Miss Penrl Freeman of Columbus
received from relatives In Venango,
Viy, a family heirloom, which she
prizes highly a spinning wheel which
her greatgrandmother used more than
100 years ago. Through all the years
that have elapsed the device has been
kept In the family. It Is In a perfect
state of preservation and serviceable
The Chapln-Ojlglnzer Construction
company has appealed to the district
court from the order of the hoard of
equalization nsseswlng it for $50,000
worth of brick, which lay on the streets
of Aurora, April 1 ready to be placed
In tho pavement. The company, which
hnd tho big paving contract, alleges
that the brick are the property of tho
city and not taxable to the contractor.
The question Is an Interesting one to
all contractors in the state and they
are watching the attempt to tax tho
Chapln compnny. They declare that
this never has been done before, and If
the Chapln company Is taxed they will
all have to figure on taxes on material
on all future Jobs.
Approximately 121,000 automobile
license tags were Issued to automobile
owners in Nebraska during the first
seven months of the current year with
fees aggregating $2,727,8S0, according
to figures on file with the state regis
tration bureau. Tills number, officials
said, Is almost equal to the entire
amount of 1920, vhen $2,7(50,102 was
ollected from automobile license fees.
Faking the number of license tags
lrendy Issued upon which to base
their calculations, officials of the tin-,
Kmiii tiHnlljit' at... al... ........ 1. u a...- I
reau predict that the number of tags I
iKsued for ini win l... in nt i
200 000 1
tVppolntmcnt of tlio American Ik 1
Inn rllnf film! llnnlf tiw li cmwimlcn I
lie distribution of proceeds from the
$2,000,000 Investment fund allowed by
uie last session or tne legislature for
sick and disabled soldiers, sailors.
marines and nurses of the woild wnr
has been announced by Eugenq Hol
land of Lincoln, chairman. The com
mittee Includes L. E. Chiiddcrdnn.
IToldrege; W. R. Cllchrlst, Grand Is
land: W. It. McOnchln, Lincoln; P.
H. Harrington, Wayne, and Ilird
Stryker, Oinnha.
"Fire bugs" are responsible for 11
Incendiary tires at Benkleman, ac
cording to a statement appearing In a
letter written by David Hlnes, county
attorney of Dundy county, to Attorney
General Clarence A. Davis and State
Fire Marshal Hartford. Hlnes asks
for an Investigation by state author
ities of the fires. He says In his letter
that Benkleman has been a favorite
resting place for I. W. W. this summer.
Hundreds of acres of the best past
ures in Greeley county are lying Idlo
this summer on account of scarcity of
cnttle. The grass is heavy and knee
deep In most of the pastures and
meadows for miles around. Handlers
nnd fanners have been unable to ob
tain money or credit to buy cattle to
food, although many of them hnvo
abundance of alfalfa and com on hand.
Martin L. Fredrlch, resident of Cass
county for over 50 years, died from
the bite of n horse which lie received
several years ago. The horso
was suffering from rabies. Mr. Freld-
ridi had served in the legislature for
a number of terms nnd had -held sov-.
eral county positions.
Figures showing that 'railroads arc
deriving more comparative revenues
on freight rates on wheat nnd corn
in the middle west than on other
products were made public by C. A.
Boss, rate clerk for the state railway
commission at Lincoln.
The executive meeting nt York of
the Iflth annual stnte convention of the
Nebraska rural mu(i carriers endorsed
the resolution relative to the purchase
of the It. F. D. news publication and
Itn operation under the association
The Fremont Commercial club hns
purchased the site for the Fremont
live stock pavilion to be completed by
October 18 the date of the big Hamp
shire sale nt that place. About $10,
000 will be spent on the pavilion.
The Ak-Sar-Ben festivities, Soptem
ber 13-24 are expected to bring not less
than 100,000 visitors to Omaha this
fall. As usual, there will be the three
parades, each and all having numerous
new and unique features,
Fire of unknown origin completely
destroyed the .Jerry Pelseta's barn near
Ord. Several loads of hay,. some corn,
an automobile and all of Mr. Pctsclm's
tools were burned. The loss Is esti
mated at $2,500.
A $10,000 Duroe Jersey hog, "Sen
sation Leader," by Old Sensation, own
ed by John J'.nber of Scrlbner,
died from intestinal trouble. No In
surance was carried on the valuable
Six hundred acres of wheat raised
on summer fallowed ground by Schmidt
brothers south of Oskosh Is making
about 42 bushels an acre. This is the
record yield In this vicinity for tho
The Bc.ptls.t church nt Fnlrbury Is
Installing a $4,000 pipe organ. This Is
tho fifth Fnlrbury church to . be
equipped with pipe organs,
I Farmers about Paxton arc
up In
arms all because prairie chickens nro
becoming too numerous In that local
lty and nre eating up the wheat.
The most destructive hailstorm In
years has Just visited Cheyenne and
Kimball counties. Some lnte wheat
was destroyed and corn stripped. A
twister accompanied the hall, and
some buildings were unroofed west of
Too many files, nigless floors, muddy
walks, shabby buildings, broken
bridges and rotten porches are In
dlctments chnrged against the state
home for soldiers at Milford by W. J
Hunt of Milford In a letter written to
Gov. S. It. McKclvle.
The first rural paving contract In
Jefferson county was awarded to
Berge & Gardner of Lincoln, at S2.01
per square yard. Tho work Included a
distance of about 800 feet, and eighteen
feet wide, along the state highway a
' mile west of Falrbur
The matcrlul
i used will be cement.
Prisoner Put Under Observation
When Mental Quirk Is
Police Matron Finds Roll of BIIU on
Qlrl After She Had Made an Out
cry About Being Robbed
Looking for Work
New York. Lieutenant Putz looked
up from his work behind the desk In
the West Forty-seventh street police
station ono day to see u white fnced
young woman clinging to tho rail, re-
carding him timidly.
! "Plnnon aim cniii imitlnulv. "I am
nuilrv AH I have had In two weeks
hn niece of nle aud a bottle
nna l)0cn n p cce 1 . ,, ,
of gl,,BCr n,e 1 alu ycry, hy"K ,B,!d
, ,.l triiltoil nff nnil nh sunk to
IIVl 7tJ a, a at a v v
the floor.
Had Gone Without Food.
i llv tlin tltim tlin lieutenant readied
the front of tno desk 8Ue Was uncon-
Policemen cared for the visitor un
til the arrival of a doctor. Ho diag
nosed the case as malnutrition.
After she had been revived, the Rlrl
told the police she was Millie Benner,
twenty-four years old. She said she
hnd formerly lived with nn aunt In Jer
sey City. Three weeks ago she came
here, hoping to And employment. She
had never worked before, she added.
What little money Miss Benner had
was soon gone, nnd since she hnd
walked tho streets In the day and slept
In hallwnyB and parks at night.
Find Roll of Dills.
Miss Renner wns booked on n charge
of vagrancy and sent to the west
Thirty-eighth street station, where
there Is n matron. At that station
there came a surprlso for the police.
Tho prisoner made nn outcry, declnr-
lng she hnd lost her money. The
matron, believing that lack of food
had brought hallucination, sought to
quiet her by telling her she hnd no
money. Tho prisoner Insisted, and
raised such ah outcry that the matron
searched her. Wrapped In a newspa-
She Was Unconscious.
per nbout the young woman's waist
she found u roll of bills amounting to
Tills last phase of tho case was told
In the West side court where Miss
Benner was taken. The magistrate
sent her to Bellevue hospital for ten
days, during which time she will be
under observation.
Two Young Women Married to Same
Man, on Friendly Terms as Hus
band Awaits Trial.
Chicago. Two pretty young women,
wives of Edward Breuer, awuit tho
trlnl of tlielr husband on n charge of
blgnmy. Tho wives are the best of
Breuer, formerly nn nrmy sergennt,
loft his lirst wife to go west. In Evnns
ton, III., he met, wooed und won Miss
Frledn Shoen.
"Whnt's the use of being jenlous?"
nsked wife No. 1, who wns Miss So
phie Daehr of Syracuse, N. Y.
"It would not do one bit of good to
get angry and, besides, I could not dis
like Frieda. She is a dear."
Mother Bear With Three Cubs Attacks
Cattleman Armed Only With
Pocket Knife.
Ashevllle, N. O. Walter Poster, a
cattleman, on a roundup In the Bluo
Itldge mountains, met a mother bear
and three cubs.
Poster, who Is suffering with a badly
mangled arm, encountered the bear
suddenly in a douse underbrush and
wns forced to rely upon a pocket knlfo
when the animal attacked him.
The near, getting the worst of the
melre. retreated about 200 yards,
uherc It was later found dead.
The prices of cotton and, linen hnvo
been doubled by the wnr. Lengthen
their servlco by using Red Cross Ball
Bluo In tho laundry. All grocers, Sc.
True love should not be so exact
ing as to force the beloved Into telling
a lie.
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Warning I Unless you sec tho nnme
"Bayer" on package or on tablets you
nro not getting genuine Aspirin pro
scribed by physlclnns for tweuty-ono
. , ,V, . ,y "w"'
Take Aspirin only as told In the Bayer
Package for Colds, Headache, Neural-
years and proved safo by millions.
gla, Hhcunintlsm, Enrnchc, Toothache,
Lumbago nnd for Pnln. Handy tin
boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As
pirin cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger packages. Aspirin is tho
trade murk of Bnycr Manufacture of
Mpnoncetlcacldester of Snllcycncld
Too Early.
"I have but one regret," exclaimed
Caesar as he crossed the Rubicon; "I
didn't have a chance to spin a toddle
Cutlcura for Sore Hands.
Soak hands on retiring In tho hot suds
of Cutlcura Sonp, dry nnd rub in Cu
tlcura Ointment Removo surplus
Ointment with tissue paper. This Is
only one of tho things Cutlcura will do
If Soap, Ointment nnd Talcum aroused
for nil toilet purposes. Advertisement.
Only a Short Time Ago the Japanese
Emperor and His Heir Lived
Lives Apart.
There must be many Japanese still
living who can remember when their
countrymen would have regarded with
horror the manner In which tho crown
prince allows himself to bo gazed up
on by foreign crowds.
So late as 1807 no Japanese was
allowed to look upon the emperor, who
lived a life apart In tho seduslon of
his palace. All that was seen of him
by those who waited on his commands
wns his bnck. When the rule wus lirst
modified to tho extent of his leaving
the palace, all shutters had to be put
up, all blinds drawn, and even the
crevices covered wjth paper, and no
one was permitted In the streets.
Vast changes have, taken place since
then, hut even today It Is not consid
ered quite proper and respectful by the
masses of the people to look at the
emperor or his heir when they drive
through the streets.
Up until 1800 telephones were more
or less of an experiment. The demand
was small, particularly from resi
dences. In a large number of homes,
the telephones were placed In kitch
ens, It taking several years' time to
educate subscribers to believe that
parlors were more suited for them
than a location alougsldo the kitchen
Eve was made before mirrors and
her daughters hnvo kept in front of
them ever since.
I I II si ill
"SMMSMliU Mi i
8 tintheStomanndrfj
Mineral. KOTruy
iSrrmi ,
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
rm a
tr Mil Qhoo
vau uiivva j
Tight Shoes
Tr- nil feel the same
A if you shake into
' ihim amnr
The Antiseptic,
McsIIm Powier
( u. ter the feci
Takes the friction from the shoe.
freshens the feet and gives new vigor,
At night when your
feet are tired, soie
and swollen from
walking or dancing,
sprinkle ALLbNb
FOOT-EASE in the
foot-bath and enjoy
the bliss si feet with.
oat an ache.
Over 1.500,000 lbs.
of Powder for the
Feet were used by
our Army and Navy
during the war.
Ilk tr Atlen't Foot-East
Ik FhI
Reatoma Color and I
Baaulr to Grar and Faded Habt
eoe. ana li.ivii iTncciru.
niwvit Chrm. Waa, ratnom..W.T
loutcs. ate., atop, all pain, ensure comfort to th
feet, nikn walking- rar. 19o. by mall or at Drnir
Ctsta. Ulsooa Cti.mlcat Worka, f atebocne, K. I.
Tho sura and quick remedy for
73 years of success. SOo and $1. The $1 stxa
equals three SOc bottles. DrufifiUts everywhere,
for aelltnir 4 average Creaco Ralncoata a
ilay Outnt KIIKK, We Deliver and Collect.
Improved Mfar, Co., Dept. HI, Aahlnud, O.
Ifrtr-aani t a wouoirfui. race lkach. bmmtm
KREMQLA m&sssi
If you like to talk to a man to
whom you have had no Introduction,
you don't need any.
Sllenco Is sometimes golden and
sometimes It Indicates guilt.
Thcro is profiteering In demanding
unreasonable wages no less thnn In
charging outrageous prices.
Driving nn automobile while drunk
may become almost ns dangerous as
crossing n street while sober.
A statesman Is sometimes a politi
cian who hns made up his mind that
he does not need the money.
Persons who do not tnko themselves
seriously should not be surprised if the
public takes them as a Joke.
Somehow or other, the victims of
the bandits, of late, do not seem to
hnvo as much In their pockets.
A man may have a head for busi
ness, but ho will need to use his hands
and feet to mnko a success of It.
Any individual who will take nn
oulja board seriously should be a good
subject for an oil stock salesman.
Nearly every wife knows of a moth
od of managing husbands which did
not work according to specifications.
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 34-1921.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Thirty Years
i rt:r, ; -
the SXW
ft Jv In
Ji For Over