The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 23, 1921, Image 7
LOCAL A&I TTjtfO&Al. Mrs. J. W. 3prkg of Pui'tun Was ft city visitor Saturday. Mrs. J. B. Didle and son ipbnt yes terday in Muxwcll tlsUlnf. , . Dr. J. S. Slrnmi wm! A 'flfcrfwslona! visitor to Sutherland rinbi" ' en Gross of ClnrKsott. w among t' e out of town Vlnitors 3l'UW. Alico Bald ot Wood River ostno yes te: day to v,islt Margarot Railway er. Paul Gnntt had Ills tonsils rsi'novad at tho Platte Vnlley hospital yostaY day. MIsb Christiana E3Jioder wont to Maxwell yesterday To Yrfend'"awe'8K visiting. Mrs. J. R. Matson of B?gnoil entered tho Platte Valley hospital Sunday for treatment ' ' i:r. and Mrs. A. B. Erlckson left Sunday for Ogdon Utah and points in Cal fornla. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Nesbert of Ply mouth are guests .Yt the Dr. Howard Yof-t home. Carl Backers returned this morning from a -business trip to the cistern part of the state. Miss Vera Thorpe returned to her homo in Monroe yesterday after, visit ing friends in the city. Miss Mary Crlsman of Ogalnlla un derwent an operation at the-. Platte Valley hospital yesterday. The' American Legion ball club lett today for Bertrand, Nebr""tb meet the Bertrand team tomorrow. Paul Caldwell of Springfield, Mo. spent the week end in the city visiting friends and transacting business.' Mrs. Moses Gumps returned to her homo in Grant yesterday after taking treatment at the General Hospital. Mrs. Wni,. H. C. "Woodhurst re turned Sunday from Kearney where she spent a three weeks vacation. Miss Mable Crabb returned to her home in Paxton yesterday after spending the week end in the city. F. J. O'Neal of Sidh&J .transacted business over tho .weekj end, in tn'fc city nnd. returnee turned So. lug. yesterr day. A baby, Tioy was bom to -Mr. an .J Mrs. Frank Richardson of Gibbon, Nebr. Saturday at the ' General ' Hos pital, nmj ,'i"n :-f-,' Miss Olie Mossier, R'. pX Sterling, Colo, arrived Satui'dayCahd has ac cepted a position? ai-'the!1 General Hog; pital. ) t ,',,; -. Miss MaryDrost yrill'le'avV'sobn for T.lncnln whorA ahf Will entnr 't'hfft.Rtiltfi . .. .. . ., At university to. take up Dramatic Art and Music. " ' " ' ,dadys Foster, daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. Amos Foster had her tonsils re-i moved at the PJatte Valley "hospital yesterday. Mrs. E. M. Mulntosn of 'Gothenburg returned to her home yestwday after visiting at the home of her sisteT Mrs. R. E. Anderson. V . Misses Nina Elder &d Loi : Niles are expected to" retuni tomorrow fiem Arkansas where they have been visit ing for a month. 1 The Harry SaimtelEunelotn'biij store will undergo a compilc rede -orating process. Work .wis started there this morning. ' M The-Farmers Union is to hold a pic-1 oiic and barbecue at Griffith's' grove. south of Mnx-Aei: cn Tburs.'ny. -v big attendance is looked for. Mr. and Mrs,,Cluud Pators and the; former's mother arrived the latter part of the week from Sterling ami are guosts at the Hcn SamuHson home. BREAK UP MOBS tSEPH Rough-neck mobs and crim- SBKH Jnals beware I Clubs anil Xj runs . may go into the dis- SR ;card, for. the police have a .new weapon in the form of t. tfS igys gas bombs. It resembles J& jpM very much the small hand- KU ( prcnadc used in the world 1 'wa?? f JHi ;war,;but ' the gas contained, v weMW though not deadly, packs a knock-o'ut for the strongest tcar-producing, Fifteen dinners wore ftervati At the Country Club Sunday, Raymond Oglar returnod to Paxton Sunday after visiting his parents?. Russell Derryborry returnod Sun day from a ton days visit in Iowa. Mrs. I. K. Ware of Horshey was among tho out of town visitors Friday Miss Holon Parrlbtt of Ognllnla vis lted local friends In the city yoster day. Missos Ruth Doty and Irma Mc Mlohtei spent Sundny in Coznd visit ing. . H Mrs. Owen Mullohan and ohlldron of yUffXATJLSGSts atJ.hbA. 0. Talbott homo mTrs Myrtle Wilcox returned Sun day from Cozad where she had been visiting. Miss Kate Cypher of Omaha camo Sunday to visit at the homo of her parents, Miss Ethel McWilliams is off duty at the C M. Newton store on a two weeks vacation. Miss Caryl Derryberry returned Sunday from "Wallace where she vis ited friends. Chas. Bogue spent Sunday visiting his family.. He left that evening for New York City. Ernest Rincker and Cecil Cool left yesterday for Thermopolis, Wyoming to spend a few days. Miss Irma Roblson returned Sunday evening from a two weeks visit with her sister in Rawlins. J3r. M B. States and son returned Sunday from Billings, Mont., where they visited for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs T. C. Patterson Will ar rive home Monday from Rochester, Minn., to spend a few tlajrs. .. . James O'Mara and family of Kear ney spent the week x:nu at the P. T2; Mclntee home while enrouto to Peola, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher and chil dren of Amherst, Mrs. T. Boyle of, Minden and Mrs. T. B. Mclntee siient lMe week end at the P. E. Mclntee borne. Arthur Dullard sustained a broken too .yesterday while on duty at the shops. He was removing rods from tho side of the engine and one fell on his toe. Misses Helen Cooney and Helen Campbelle of New York City arts guests of their cousins Mrs. Keltn Moorehouso, Mrs. Leo Anderson and Mis Nell Cooncy. Mrs. John Bows and son of Wyo- niing arrived yesterday to visit at the C6e McFarland home. They are er- routo to Omaha where they will make their future home. Mrs. R. C. Langford left yesterdny for Valencia, Kansas, to visit relat ives. She was accompanied to Oma ha by her mother, Mr3. M. E. Watts, who will visit there. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leavick will leave tomorrow for Wichita, Kansas Where they will make their .future home. Mr. Loavick "has been connected with tho North Platte Credit Association since Its organization In this city. Mrs. Slate of Portland who was In ''ed several weeks ago nuar tho city in a car was able to leave tho hos pital yesterday nnd lett for her home. SV was enroute with a party froml Washington D. C. to her home in Port- land. ' f f P""" Lincoln County . Judging toam will leavo Wednesday ; for a trip to some of the farms where j pure Llpod live stock can bo soon and studied. County Agent Kellogg wi'lf i.ccompany them and assist them In i ho judging. WITH TEARS NOW E NORTH PLATTE . SEMI-WEEKLY TlliMtfS 1IB JIOUT'IS INSTITUTED III'! N'Olt iil PliATTK LOWJU OF MASONS. Friday was Do Molay Day in North , Plntto Masonry. Organizers from Oin-, aha nccompaniod by a DoMaloy totun from Grand Island- put over fifty! North Platte boys through tho initia tion during tho afternoon and evening. Than at nine o'clock tho mothors and fathers woro invited into tho lodgo room and witnessed tho institution of tho North Plntto Chapter of tho Order of DoMolay. The work was impress ively put on by tho Grand Island bova l and they received highest commenda tion for their proficiency. Tho Do Molay. motliors served a banquet at six o'clock to almost' drib hundred boys Tho local order starts' out with fifty-four members and many on tho list of applicants. : to: : CIIKYKNNK BALL TEAM MEETS ITS FIRST DEFEAT AT HANDS OF LOCAL LEGION TEAM. Tho North Platte American Legion team defeated tho Cheyenno ball club Sunday at the Fair Grounds in a one sided game by tho score of G to 0. Tottenlioff pitched a no hit, no run gamo and struck out twenty-three men. North Platte got nine hits off of tho Cheyenno twlrlcr. Batteries North Platte, Tottenlioff and Sandall; Cheyenne, Guygcr and TJotts. LADIES GOLF TOURNAMENT FOR RUSH CU1 AT COUNTRY CLUB SOON. All lady members of the Country Club wishing, to play in tho golf tournnment for the Rush Cup aro re quested to call at the Newton Book store nnd pay their fifty cents reg istration fee. Tho qualifying score of nino hole dashes must be in by August 20. TOMATOES $1.50 a bushel at our place. $1.75 a bushel delivered. NdRTH PLATTE FLORAL CO, :o: A GOOD DINNER When in town try our special dinner at from 35c up. Served from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. Short orders served at all hours. Open day and night Lunches put up for or trains on shoit notice. Crystal Cafe, C. B. Bailey, prop- Opposite U. P. Station. :b: J. V. Romigh reports the arrival Monday of another carload of Dodgo Brothers carB, all of them sold. Also sale of a new Winter Top Touring to Chas. Gerken of Wellfleet, who will drive his car from Detroit. Yon can save money by driving jour car out and get quicker delivery. If you want North Platte delivery do get your or der in at once, as wo are far behind on deliveries. J. V. Romigh, Dealer. Tuesday & Wednesday "Misther Daniel Omavaji" delightful Irishman, fighter, lov er and regular human being. A character you'll never forgot, in a' picture that's 100 percent comedy. GOLDWYN Presents TOM MOORE "Hold lYoiir Horses" Adapted from the famous Saturday Evening Post Story ISDN THEATRE I "CANAVAN, by Rupert Hughes. ALSO WSf m i iTr af&uiiMBxf 2 reel Comedy and News Reel. JACK FROST WILL CATCH YOU AGAIN IF YOU DONT HURRY Don't wait until winter is at your heels to make prep arations for heating your home,. Get a CaloriC Pipe . less Furnace NOW and have guaranteed comfort in coldest weather and save 1-3 to 1-2 your fuel. NX Come to our Prepare-for-Winter demonstration and learn how more than 125,000 satisfied users have better heated homes at less cost with the CaloriC. CaloriC advantages are -so 'revolutionary that other methods of heating are obsolete in comparison. , - -( , CaloriC eoonoiny is so positive and unmistakable that you can't.afford to waste fuel with out-odate methods. ! ' Demonsteation every day up to and including Satu'rday, $eptemler 10th. Gome! ( J"- .BIGNELLJXOTrES. The 31iguell Community Cluh -will lol(l a meeting on Wednesday Auj, inst 24. S. M. Souder, Secretary of rtlie ISncoln County .Agricultural Afi- Koolation will bo present and tnllc n- fliout tlio Lincoln County :Fnir. Mr. ami Mrs. C. E. Snyder onter - tulnud at lllnner Wwlnomlnv nvoninc . - - j . -in honor of (their daughtar, Mrs. Ames Krurik of Cozad and Miss Helen Gum aer of Lincoln. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ingward Holm and son, 'eal, and Mr. and Mrs. E. 1. Trimble. Mrs. Harry Mnyfleld and children of Stouehelm, Colo, are vlBltlng Mr MayfleW's father Win. Rose necik. A surprise party was given Mr. and Mm. Hay Stlngar last '.Saturday itven- ing. Many neighbors and friends 1 gathered at their homo and spent an piijoyable ovenimg. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morris and tsoii Lyle motorefl to Sutherland Sun- j 'iiiy and spent tho day visiting with j Mrs. Morris' folks. J. E. Hutchinson . ad family. Mrs. G. Scrivven of Lincoln, wltli l'cr on and daughter are visiting at i the homo of Mrs. Mcta Kaelber. William Itoso celobrated- his 75i liirthdny on -Saturday, August 201 1 Ith a dinner party. Tho guests in cluded Prank nackus and famlh. James Hose and family, Mrs. Oarman. ( lias. Dlscoe and family, Henry DIsco and family, Hurry Mnjield nnd fain 1 1 and Ernest Itoso and family. Miss Ht'len Guinaer entertaliwd Urn following ladies Friday afternoon at a theatre party. Mrs. Clyde Shaner, MIsb Delia Donaldson and Mrs. E P. Trimble. Mrs. E. V.. Trimble entertaJut'l Tuosdny afternoon in lionor of her sis ter Miss Uolcu Gumaor of Lincoln Tho Invited guctits for tho afternoon woro Mesdnmos L. L. Elder, Sarah Combs, C. E. Snyder, Clyde Shliner. Plaino Combs and MIus Dolla Donnlil Bon. Mrs. R. A. l'holps nnd children nrr iattlnjjrolntlvos In DeWItt and Per thin weak, -:o: RItOKOKK ?MSTJtKT DOINtJS. i , Wo got a much needod rain lust Sunday which makes u all look Peasant and In'-ures m aomethlng t ) ( t next v. Intr-r. IOU'f Iirr-fd'-r. bn !imV ),rrn '"1 U4 SIMON " BROS., Agents: NORTR PLATTE, NEBFJISKA. A1th iHiouttaitlsm, Us imjmovlng aircly at present WMlo Qie familj' was uwnv Irrtm home .latA Wodnesilny, Uov. , Harry aiouivey'B holme was burned to tho grounu. 110 lire was caused Itj !f ollrtovo ex;nliKfltin. TJw fnmllv lost -ovory tiring excoiit Uio clothes they )r,VBro wwirinB- Tho house was a lotnl 1'3o8K-"rl,e community sympaUilzes with Jlt'V. and Mrs. Moonoy and stands to 3h0ji ;fhuHi get tarteU again. furl Swartu and Ed Chlttcndctn ,aif Huiullng liogs .! XorUi Platte miurJtois tli'is wul;. lOverybody and their klnfolk turned out 'Uluevday. hi SellorH precinct anrl t,)l8i'voted against the bridge bonds. Utigo llroeiler's pet coyote broke oitf of its pen the other night, uto !i HOW MUCH LONGER WILL THE WORLD SEE THIS ? Here IS -OTSPninjesty. th' Ivincr Quecii, Ifir icv ,i rones c , irn o ariB ImPiBKSfWl i J ! oi thorn, r ' ' ' V - t-v - , ' ita fill' of chicken; bid him good night, and departed for parts unknown. Th jbko la on Hugo, . Ed, qhlttondon was callod to Arthur I County. Thursday on account of tho an.serloufi iljnosfl of his mother. it1 NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT" Estate No. 1809 of Alico R. Hoyso, de ceased, in tho County Curt of Lin coln County, Nebraska. . - Tho State of Nebraska, to all per sons interested In the said Estnto-tako notlco that tho Administrator has lllod a lnnljuccount and report of his administration and a petition for final uottlomon'. and discharge as such ad ministrator, which liavo boon set for hearing before said court on Septem ber 13, l2l, at 10 o'clock. a. m., .when .you may appear and contest thoumc Ljtcd August 1!) 11)21. vV.VI. jr. t. WOODHITRST, County Judga. of Fnnlnnil. nnd Imr lifnl...... ".I.. nn the throne .nn-l with e ihnrr at tho