The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 23, 1921, Image 4

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. '" 'HfP'Q&U 'M'.GONMA j 2 S I' MM ' SAWBETTY KtSS I I THATS THREE T1MD Uv ( WE."--WATS MV ll IBlllllUUllllimilUli ' . : 1 1
HQft 1 l F
At a called meeting of the physicans
ot Keith county In Dr. C. E. Vnndl
vers office Tuesday afternoon the
Keith County Medical sjocioty was
formed with Dr. C. B. Vandiver na
president and Dr. C. C. Walllngsford
as secretary-treasurer. The four city
physicans and Dr. Brlggs of Paxton
were In attendance. Keith Co. News.
tonsivo farming and heats dragging
over an ontire section half farmed to
get the amount of grain. Sidney
Last Friday a farmer living out
south of Sutherland was killed, at
the crossing in Sutherland by nn
extra - local east. Ho had followed
No. 19 across and the east bound
train struck him and killed him. He
was driving a truck. In splto of nil
the whistling tli trains do, thoy
continue to kill. The whistling is
not getting the railroad company
nnywhero and it is a thoro nuisance
to residents of most ot the smaller
towns and larger ones as well.
Horshey Times.
could crawl on his hands and knees
and do the Job in twenty days. Our
County Commissioners should tfcun
closely tho bills of the assessors.'
Sutherland Courier.
George L. yYoung of tho, northeast
table has reported the banner yield
bo far, but there may bo others to
equal him who have not been heard
from. Mr. Young threshed eighty acres
of summer fallow which yielded fifty
bushels to the acre and tested sixty
one pounds to the bushel. This is in-
Just a little Idea of where the public
money goes. Any precinct in Lincoln
county could be safely assessod in
from twenty to thirty days. Yet, tho
assessor of Hershey precinct puts in a
bill for sixty-six days at $4.00 per.
which makes a grand total of $264.
One man, who has had considerable
experience in assessing, says that any
able bodied man with fair intelligence
A federal gamo law agent arrested
Mr. Adams who lives southeast of
hero on the tableland and on Monday
morning he was taken boforo Judgo
Gummer charged with huntingwithout
a licenso and pursuing gnmo birds out
of season. It is said tho young man
was caught in the act of crawling up
on u bunch of ducks on tho river. Ho
was fined $15 each on both accounts
and $5.85 costs, tho gun also bolng
confisticatcd. Ho was in company
with a Mr. Johnson but no chargo was
preferred againsr tho latter. Threo
gamo wardens, one federal and two
state, are now located in tho county
and- it behooves one to think twice
before he attempts to hunt out of sea
son. Garden Co. News.
they would bo paid In July. He no.v
finds that what ho thought possible
is Impossible at tills time because
county treasurers In making annual
settlement with the state, in many
instances ignored instructions, and
Bent premium collections for 1020
with collections of 1921. Tho pay
ments aro fixed and must be separated
before it will bo posslblo to mako pay
ment of losses in 1920. One-half tho
face of 1920 claims for hail looses
wero paid months ago, but tho other
half will nover bo paid In full. Tho
unpaid one-half amounts to $380. Mr.
Brian belloves thoro will not bo to ex
ceed $200 to pay these claims. Lln
coin Journal.
L. G. Brian, chief adjuster 'of state
hall insurance, is obliged to admit
that hiB bureau was mistaken when
it told holders of unpaid claims that
Thero has been Bomo talk about ad
vertising "No Hunting" notices in the
paper. This is tho thing to do and
every land owner should place signs
on their holdings and not allow any
non-resident to trespass thereon
unless accompanied by somo local
friend, or the convenience of friends
and residents. The Graphic will make
a special rate to everybody ot 2io
each, provided several wilt take ad
vantage of thiB offer, and wo will go
still further and advortlso for noth
ing if you feel llko you aro not abla
to pay tho 25a The idea Is to get our
eastern sports on tho run and kedu
them going till they aro out ot tho
country. We' feed and ralso tho gnmo
and let's get tho benefit. . Send in
names ot yourselves and neighbors, In
as largo a list as posslblo also the re
mlttanco if you have It, and It w;l
receive our prompt attention. Tryon
To drivo straight off tho end of a
broken bridge and plunge to tho riv
er below a distance of ton to tw'clvo
feet, and escape without death or
serious injury, was tho thrilling ex
perience of Mr. and Mrs. Banks nnl
their four children Monday night, the
scene of tho nccldent being tho Mla
atare Melbota bridge
The Madison County Farm. Bureau
Picnic which was hold at tho Andy
Tomhagan Grove near Battlo Crook
Thursday was the biggest thing ovor
pulled off In this Rcctton of tho state
If numbers aro to bo used as a basis
ot reckoning. An official count showed
3916 cars pnrked at tho grounds and
threo hundred eighty eight parked In
town who came out by taxi. Count
ing fivo to tho car this would mako
21,520 peoplo, not Including tho Battlo
Creok residents. Pres. Taft and Coral
Jenkins, Chairman of tho Exccutivo
Committee estimated 700 peoplo from
the town attended.
Rain sent tho people scurrying for
sholter a littlo after four, novor-tho-
lcss tho ovent wns a great succoss.Tho
'Sergei Rachmaninoff, Esq. .
Ullat 96th Street.
Hew lor.
deer ttr. Rachmaninoff:
tweon yourself and Thomas
""continue oW o ,B SoyOono f awjne .Is.,
.phio recording of permls8lm
navo Bii6o
Yours very truly.
Faeiimile of Utter
written by Mr. Ediaon
to Rachmaninoff, the
noted Ra$$ian com
r This letter gives talking-machines the rieht
' to record Rachmaninoff in his famous "Prelude
in C Sharp Minor," and other compositions
which he has recorded for Edison.
Will any of them exercise that right? We
. fear not the parallel would be too deadly.
Rachmaninoff has recorded other
selections for the talking-machines. Hear
how they sound. Then come in, hear Rach- r
maninoff on the New Edison, and see what
an astounding difference the comparison
Do it now
help you in
-because the experience will
Mr-Edisons $10,000. Contest - Closes Sept
Mr. Edison offers 23 prizes totalling $10,000 in cash, for the phrases
which best express the difference between the New Edison and the
talking-machinesl Ask for folder of information.
If you wish to experiment with the New Edison in your own
home, we will gladly loan you an instrument for 3 days. No charge
or obligation. Simply use the coupon.
Dixon's Music Shop.
3 Day
Trial Coupon
1 1 NAM
'""HMiasaaiiiMiiiiiR Hi
Till, coupon, when filled out y rc
pomihle piTKin, entitle, hint (or her)
id in. man 01 n new r.unon and r io.
eclion oi HLHtA I IUJN5 for 3 drs.
No chrc cr obllzattcn.
water below and turning over In 1U
The bIx occupants, ot tho auto, ono
being ii babe but fifteen months ot
age, managed to escapo the bnbo not
being oven scratched. Tho most ser
iously Injured Is Mrs. Banks who suf
fered a fracture of tho upper jaw, tho
others of tho occupants being more or
less bruised or scratched but escap
ing without broken bones.
The ear tifrned completely over
during Its fall and finally came to
rest standing on Its head in tho wa
ter. The occupants wore taken to
tho Glouse home and medical n'.d
How or why the barrier guarding
Tho Banks family wero traveling , foBtlvlUoB RtflrtCl1 ,vlth hall
from tho south being enroute to tho mi a bnnd concert at ton In tho morn-
-J. P. Clouso farm north of MInatarc, ,ng ffom thon on tm u,0 ra,n Btoppca
jttae two families being related. The thInBB thcro wcro no 1Jlo momonl8.
guards or obstructions to the entrance ThorJ woro olthor aportB or mua,Q
' of tho bridge had been removed and ,ng on nt al, UmcB andB from Nor.
' tho driver not knowing that tho Maon, Newman Grove and
bridge was practically destroyed in BatUe Crook wor(J 0 tUo Job aU day
the flood last spring drove squarely. 0nft of th, outfltnnclfnc futures of
to tho end, tho car plunging to Uio the (lfty waH tho tompor ot tuo orowd.
Thero woro np disorders or. auto nc
cidenes to mar tho day. Traffio and
policing was cared for by forty spec
ially deputized farm bureau offlcqrs.
A special well was sunk to furnlbk
water for tho ciowd. A Klndornook
In charge of tho Misses Marion and
Gone Preeco of Battlo Crook was ono
of the most popular and best arranged
corners of the grounds. Hero tho
mothors and littlo youngstorU mado
their hoad quarters when they tired of
the Crowd. Sand piles, swings, hori
zontal bars, tee-tar-tottors, cots, rock
ing chairs and child playthings mado
this a busy corner of tho grounds.
Another junlor'nctlvlty in chargo of
L. Ii. McClow and Wm. Krutch both
tho bridge came to be removed Is, a former physical directors of tho Y.
matter thnt will In all likelihood be M. C. A. of Norfolk1 kept tho' ton to
Investigated according to h Star- seventeen year old youngsters busy In
Herald reporter. Goring Courier. tho morning and during tno spoaicing
;u; ' with athbjtlo gnmes and a big Junior
Your boy or girl should have thoir, Tho basket dinner at noon was
eyes carefully examined to mako pos- served from Blxteen township tables.
Itivo that thoy aro roady for tho heavy Cpffeo nnd lemonade woro sorvod by
close work of tho coming school year, the bureau. But two concessions wore
Wo nro sure that you will be pleased permitted on tho grounds other than
with our examination as our equip- those run by the bureau. Ono bam-,
ment is tho latest design. Come In herger stand nnd tho othor a baloon,
and talk with us, it will cost you whip, souvonler stand which got In by
nothing. Tho Dixon Optical Co. Wo a fluke. A stand for auto sorvlce,
1 omorgoncy tiro work and taxi Btand
was put out by a local dealer who took
tho contract to transfer tho peoplo
from town out to tho grounds nt 15c
grind our own lenses.
Hunters and tresspassers are warn
ed that thoy will bo dealt with accord
ing to law.
C. II. Watt,
T. S. McCrone,
Pat McGraw,
Honry P. Hansen.
25 per cont discount on all wall pa
i or now in Btock. Phil Deals.
Having succeeded the late Col, F.-iW.'Galbraith, Jr., as National Com
mandir ol the American Legion, John'T.JEmcryvas quick to get on thai
firing line. Plus new Picture.nvithjCoUTUeodorojRoosevclt, Jr., on.liU)
left, was snapped in Waslungton.'.whcrc he is fighting for better legislation
lor wounded soldicrs.i