The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 23, 1921, Image 3

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American cheese is such a good,
rich palatable food that no homo
should bo without it, eapodnlly whei
It is conBidcrod that it can bo made
almost a8 easily as buttor. The Unit
ed States Dopartmunt of Agriculture
rccontly iasud a farmers' bulletin giv
ing full directions for making this
choose. With a milk supply on every
farm thorc is no good reason why ov
ory farmer should not havo this food
on his table. Ask any agricultural
oxtonBlon agent or write tho Collegia
dt Agriculture for farmer' bulletin
Sovoral eastern Nebraska countleu
arc sufficiently Infested with Hosstnn
files to make lato whoat sowing ad
visable, according to tho State Col
logc of Agriculture. Tho fall whoat
counties along the Missouri river and
tho second counties Imck may well
delay sowing until tho laBt week In
Soptcmbor.' As a gonoral rule, fairly
early seeding Is doslrablo. Condi
tion In certain soctions this year, how
over, warrant delay In order to avoid
tho IIcsBlan fly post Those attending
tho Stato Fair should not fall to study
tho charts and other oxhlblts of tho
College- of Agriculturo nnd tho State
Entomologist, showing tho distribu
tion of tho Hessian fly dateB of seed
ing, and other information relative to
tnsccts and poBts.
Ed Kierig,
Auctioneer. .
General Farm Sales A Specialty, alst
Ilcnl Estate. References and Datm
First Nuilonul Rank.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Office 340 Hou80l2fi7
Osteopath Physician
Ovor the OaBls. North Platte.
Many farmors, attracted by tholr
higher yielding quality, are arranging
to bow Kanrod and other Improved
Blralns of whoat this fall. Complaints
regarding tho milling qualities of
thoso improved strains have llttlo or
no foundation. Tho samp complaints
wore heard whon Turkoy Rod whoat
waB Introduced. There Is no way tn
ldontlfy Kanred wheat- aftor It Is
and In each of 39 counties next year.
Competition is open to all club boys
this year, but It will bo limited to
thoso raising corn, wheat or pota
toes next yoar. Tho winner in eacu
county will bo solected from among
tho ten highest ranking boys.. The
scholarship must bo used in tho Col
logo of Agriculturo, School of Agricul
ture or In tho winter short course Id
agriculture. Tho railroad officials
bollovo that club work Is doing much
to Intorost tho coming generation In
tho land, and thoy deslro to oncour
ago boys and girls to continue tholr
study of agriculture by attonding the
state school at Lincoln. Full informa
tion about thoso scholarships may be
obtained from agricultural extension
agonts or tho College of Agriculture.
Much Interest Is developing over
the stato in stopping tho washing of
tho soil. This Is especially truo in the
couthcastern counties, whoro the soil
washos quito badly, and ,whcde much
good soil Imb already beon allowed to nuntf HPlift Qtnfn Pnlloiro nf Afr.
threshed. Tho only certain moans 'of ... " . nn . -,
identification Is by tho rust tost whim fam buponuB Q 8tag,nB domonstra
It is standing in the flo d, Kanred be- Uong a8 to w,mt bo dQno tQ fltop
In- iwmnnt n U4nrnlti ar-nlna rsf '
ing Immuno to lortnln strains of
washing. In many cases, a simple
tack rust Experiments conducted In ' . .
kmum. xno noma oi . ...uw . washing and save a lot
....lnln I t Mm tnlllfrtrr mini .
,,.0, ... ....... ........ ,,of floIl In fl()mo In8tancoa a ,uor(J
olaborate dam is necessary. In all
cases tho sooner tho work is begun
tho better. A fow counties In Imphov-
Ing tho road, are co-operating with
farm owners In Installing a special
culvert that will help prevent tho for
matlou of dltchoa through tho land.
Siivoral oountv farm bureaus are
plan"! iv demons crationp- and wort
for this fall nnd wlntor, In an effort to
institute a dollnltw program to save
tho soil of valuable farms. Farmers
interested in this work should talk
wllh tholr agricultural extension a-
gont orwrlto the Colloge of Agricul
tlos of this whoat than In tho milling
qualities of other strains grown un
dor similar conditions. Tho NobraBtai
Collcgo of Agriculture ha Issued a
circular sotting forth what tho Kan
cas Crop Improvement Association
has to Bay about Kanrod. Thoso iJV
torestcd should ask tholr agricultural
ag6nt or wrlto tho Colloge for Exten
sion Circular 112.
Tho Uulon Pacific Railroad Is Hook
ing t oncourage boys to take move
Interest in farming by oft'orlng fre.
scholarships in the Onlvorslty of Ne
braska to tho highest ranking club
boys In the counties served by the
road. A scholarship worth $75, and
freo trunBiortatlon will bo given n
way In each of 29 counties this yoar
quartors, a producer-owned and con
trolled co-oporatlvo livo stock com
mission company Is to bo established
at tho National Stock Yards, East S'..
Louis. The Farmers' Livo Stock Mar
keting Committee ot fifteen has ap
pointed a special committee with au
thority to select the first board of
directors for tho new company. Tho
committee is also authorized to pro
ceed in tho organization of the St.
Louis co-operative commission com
pany in accordance with tho co-opera
tlve marketing plan of tho committee
ot fifteen. The first terminal board
will consist of seven members.
A resolution calling for a flat duty
of thirty cents per pound on wool to
be Incorporated in tho Fordney ta.
lff bill, was passed at a meotlng held
recontly by the national wool commit.
teo of tho American. Farm Bureau
Federation at tho Chicago office of
that organization. Duo to the low price
of foreign wool, and tho low rate of
exchange, tho resolution states, the
provision in the present draft of tha
bill calling for a tariff limit on worl
of .15 per cent advoloram minimizes
tho effects of the tariff to the vanish
ing point, and would work a flagrant
Injustice to the production of domestic
wool. Arrangements were made at tho
mooting for carrying on a strenuous
light bofore tha senate finance com
mitee, tho congressional agricultural
bloc, and for Informing tho consuming
public In regard to actual conditions
pertaining to the sheep industry In
this country.
Mrs. E. R. Marshall visited In tho
city Friday.
Mrs. 0. C. Cross of Paxton visited
local friends Friday. . .
Mrs. C. W. Wood left Saturday to
visit relatives for a week.
Miss Miriam Jones left Saturday for
Cheyenne to visit friends.
Quigley Wilson went to Paxton Sat
urday to visit hid grandmother.
Miss Lucy Tllfdfd spent Saturday
tn Maxwell transacting business.
Mrs. Robert Queale spent Saturday
and Sunday In Brady visiting friends.
Miss Gladys Bird returned Saturday
from Chicago where she visited
friends. .
Mrs. Roy Johnson and baby went to
Lexington the latter part of tho week
to visit.
Mrs. A. B. Wortman and baby went
to Cozad Saturday to spend a week
visiting friends.
Mrs. Omar Huff left Saturday for
Grand Island to visit at the home of
Mrs. J. Horrigan.
MIsb Alma SJpliuter returned to her
homo in Grand Island Sunday after
visiting local friends.
Mrs. Elmer Mastin and children re
turned Sunday Donver whoro
thoy havo been viBitlng.
According to announcement made
nt tho American Farm Bureau head-
Notlca Is hereby given that tho city
Council of tho City of North Platto,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, will sit as
a board of equalization beginning at
tho hour of 8 o'clock A. M. on tho Gth
day of September 1921, nt tho council
room ot tho Flro Station situated on
tho corner ot West Front and Vino
Streets, In tho City of North Platte,
Nebraska, for tho purpose of levying
on tho real estate lying and being
within Sower District G 5, taxes for
tho purpose ot paying costs of tho
construction of tho lateral sower In
said sewer district G 5, and that the
Bald taxeB will bo levied upon each
parcel of real estate according to tho
oxtent of benefits to such property
by reason of tho construction of Bald
latoral sower and if tho city council
shall find such benefits to bo equal
and uniform, such levy of taxes will
bo according to the front foot of tho
lots or parcel? of real estate within.
said sower district C-5, or accOrlng Id
such other rules as the City Council
Bitting as a board of equalization may
adopt for tho distribution or adjust
ment of such costs.
fllo their objections, If any thoy have,
to tho assessing of taxes against their
property on or before the Cth day of
Septombor, 1921 at 8 o'clock P. M.
with tho City Clork.
By order of the Mayor and City
Council mado the 2nd day of Augus",
0. E. Elder, City Clerk.
Physician nnd Surgeon
Diagnosis and Treatment
Calls answered Day and Night
Ovor Union Stato Bank.
Offico Phono 29C Houso Phone 123GJ
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex-
assistant deputy State Veterinarian.
Hospital 315 South Vino Street Hos
pital Phone C33, House Phone 633.
Chiropractors -'),
0. 7 Building & Loan Building.
Offico Phono 70.
Res. Phone 1242
I'ractlco Limited to Diseases of
Women nnd Surgery
Phones Office' 113. Rosldence 640J
Bobby Schcrcr, of Milwaukee, three years old, makes the claim of
ibting tjic youngest motorcycle rider in the world. In a recent 1,500-mt e
Itour with his mother, lie drove the machine a majority of the ttmc, while
!uj mother directed the operation from the side car. He displays rare judg
ment in driving for one so young, it Is said.
to bring your friends to dlno, A
place whoro tho greatest care la ox
exclscd iu tho Boloctlon ot tho food
materials. A place whoro tlx) cuisine
Is oxqutslte, whoro tho china and cut
lery Is tastoful. and tho surroundings
ploasant. This Is such a placo. Come
and onjoy It
Tho Farmers Live Stock Margetfng
committee of fifteen has agreed upon
tho essential plan for livo stock mar
keting, according to word received at
Nebraska hcadquurtors of the Farm
Bureau Federation. The main feat
ures of the plan which will soon be
submitted for national ratification are
us follows:
(a) That co-operative live stock
shipping associations will hold mem
bershlp In tho terminal, livestock
shipping associations, which in turn
will hold membership In the national
association of live stock producers.
Individual stock growers may also
hold memberships In the terminal association.
(b) The terminal livo stock com
mission association provides for the
establishment of producer-owned and
controlled co-operative livestock com
mission companies at the markets
whoro noedod. Tho demand for the
terminal association must come from
the momborB thomselves. Subsldury
to each commission company will bo
u stdekor and feeder company, pnt
ronago dividends to bo prorated back
to tho consignor mombor. Tho asso
ciation at tho tormlnal markots wi'l
ho governed by a board ot five to niue
mombors. This board shall Holoct tho
managor, biro employes and direct th,!
gonoral policy. Earnings from tho
commissions will bo proratod back on
tho pntronago dividend plan. Tho di
rectors of tho tormlnal association
will bo olocted by delegates to tho an
nual convention.
(c) Tho various tormlnal associa
tions will fodorato into a national or
ganization, govornod by a board of
not less than sevon or more than fif
teen directors. Tho national board
will bo supported by the. terminal
"ommlsslon associations. National
eadquartors will bo In Chicago.
No contrnct to bo signed by tho
I members Is anticipated.
tho suu-comnmioo on co-opornuvu
"arkotins will call a conference to bo
' eld In Chicago September 2 to work
out a standardized plan for tho vari
ous livo stock shipping associations.
Au effort will bo made to outltno Ideal
shipping associations.
President Jamos R. Howard, of tho
Amorlan Ffirm Bureau Fodoratlon
has beon reqtiQBtod to call a ratifica
tion conforonco of tho Uvo stock pro
ducers of the nation between Octobor
15 and November 1 to consider tho
full report of tho commlttoo ot flftoon
A baby girl was born to Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Smith Friday. All con
corned are doing nicely.
Misses Hattlo and Lydla Bjorklun.l
are off duty at tho W. J. O'Connor
store on a two weeks' vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Andorson left
Saturday for Franklin, Nobr. whoro
Mr. Anderson has accepted a position.
Coy States returnod tho latter part
of the week from Lincoln whoro ho
has been attending tho stato univer
Mrs. Win. T. Piitchard returned the
latter part Of the week from Omaha
whoro she visited her sister for a fow
Miss Sylvia Watts returned from
Gothenburg Saturday and, Is a guest
at the home of her brother Thos.
Misses Wilma Coates, Eva Hoagland
and Marjory Russell returnod yester
day from Kearney whoro thoy attend
ed a houso party given by Miss Mary
Notice is heroby given that the City
Council of the City of North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, will sit as
a Boari of Equalization beginning at
tho hour of 8 o'clock A. M. on tho Gth
day of SeptemboE, 1921, at the Council
Room ot the Flro Station situated on
the corner of West Front and Vine
Street, in tho City of North Platto,
Nebraska, for the purpose of levying
on tho real estate lying and being
within paving District No. 2. taxes
for the purpose of paying costs of tho
construction of the paving of the al
leys in said paving District No. 2, and
that tho said taxes will bo levied upon
each parcel of real estate and lots an,i
lands abutting upon the alloys so
iplavcd, according to jthe exitent of
benefits to such property by reason of
tho construction of said paving and it
the city council shall find such bone-
fits to be equal and uniform, such levy
of taxes will bo according to tho
abutting foot of the lots or parcels of
real estato within said Paving Dist
rict No. 2, or according to such other
rules as tho city council sitting as a
Board of Equalization may adopt for
tho distribution or adjustment or such
fllo their objections, If any they have
to tho nssesslng of taxes against their
proporty on or bofore the Gth day of
September, 1921 at 8 o'clock P. M,
with tho City Clerk.
Bv order of tho Mayor and the City
Council made the 2nd day of Aug
ust. 1921. ,
0. E. Elder, City Clerk,
Expert Piano Tuner and Repairer.
Leavo orders at 914 W. 4th St
Or Phono 334.
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention Given to Surgery
nnd Obstetrics
Office Building & Loan Building
Phone: Office 130. Residence 115
Phono 307
Dental Surgeon
Prophylaxis Mouth Hygiene
Twinem Bldg-
Office phone 241. Res. phone 217
L. C. DliOST,
Osteopathic Fhysician
North Platte, Nebraska
Knights of Columbus Building.
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Office Phone 83 Residence 38
. Osteopath
Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 1020
Surgeon, X-Ray
Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day
Phones Offico 642, Residence 676
Licensed Embalmers
Undertakers nnd Funeral DIrectorn
Day Phono 41
Night Phono Black 588
The Farmer's Auctioneer
H. M. Johansen,
North Platte, Nebraska.
Phone 783F3
For thoso who do not havo enough
stock or machlnory for a genoral
farm Balo, I am located bo I can hold
a combination sale at North Platto
or at tho Falrvlow dairy 1 mllos
west of town. I havo always got
onough stock or machlnory listed with
mo so we can hold a combination sale
any time.
(John Grant!, Attornoy.)
Estato No. 1825 of Georgo Lannln, do
ceaBed, in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska, bB: Credit
ors ot said estato will tako notice that
tho tlmo limited for prosontatlon and
tiling of claims against said estato is
November 30, 1921, and for Bottleraent
ot Bald oatato isJuly 29. 1922; that I
will sit at tho county court room in
said County on August 80, 1921, at 10
o'clock a. m. and on November ou
1921. nt 10 o'clock a. m., to receive,
examino, hear, allow, or ndjiwt nil
claims and objections duly filed.
Dated July 29. 1921.
(SEAL) , County Judge,
Notice is hereby given that tho City
Council ot tho City of North Platte,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, will sit as
a Board of Equalization beginning at
tho hour of 8 o'clock A. M. on tho Gth
day of Septombor, 1921, nt tho Council
Room of tho Flro Station situated ou
tho corner of Wost Front and Vino
Streets, in the City of North Platto,
Nebraska, for tho purpose ot lovyln
on tho real estate lying and being
within paving District No. 7, taxes
for tho purposo of paying costs of tho
construction of tha paving of tho al
loys In said paving District No. 7, and
that tho said taxes will bo levied upon
each parcel of real oatato and lots
nnd lands abutting upon tho alloys
so paved, according to tho oxtent of
boneflts to bucIi proporty by reason
of tho construction of said paving and
if tho city council Bhall find such
benefits to bo equal and uniform, such
levy ot taxes will bo according to tho
abutting foot of tho lots or parcels of
roal ostato within said Paving Dlst
rlct No. 7, or according to such other
rules as tho city council sitting as a
Board ot Equalization may adopt for
tho distribution or adjustment ot such
WILL file their objections, it any
thoy havo, to tho assessing of taxes
against tholr property on or beforo
tho Gth day ot Soptombor, 1921 at 8
o'clock P. M. with tho City Clerk.
By ordor of tho Mayor and City
Council mado tho 2nd day of Septem
ber, 1921.
O. E. Elder, City Cler
By virtue of an order of salo Issued
from tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendored in said Court
wherein Continental Guaranty Cor
poration, a Corporation, is plainuif,
and Fred J. Bremers is defendants,
and to mo directed, I will on the 19th
day of September, 1921, at two o'clock
P. M. at tho east front door of tho
Court Houso in North Platto, Lincoln
County, Nobraska, soil at Public Auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy said decree, interest and
costs, tho following described proper
ty, to-wit:
Lot Ton (10) of Plattoviow Subdl
vision, Lincoln County, Nobraska.
Dated North Platte, Neb., August ID.
A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
In tho County Court Lincoln County,
In ro Thomas M. Dawson, deceased.
Notlco is hereby given to Charity J.
Dawson, John V. Dawson, Charles L
Dawson, Frank G. Dawson, Guy T
Dawson, Laura J. Mooro and to all
othor porsons, both creditors and heirs
interested in tho ostato of Thomas
M. Dawson, deceased, that a petition
was filed in tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska, August 1st,
1921, in which was set out as facts
that Thomas M. Dawson died July 31,
1902, that at tho time of his death he
was. a resident of Lincoln County, and
was seized in feo of tho Northeast
Quarter of Section 26, Township 9,
Range 26. West of tho Gth P. M. in
Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tho peti
tioner Arthur D. McNlcklo is now tho
owner In feo of. tho said premises and
prays for a determination ot tho time
of tho death of tho decedent, and a de
termination of tho heirs of said do
ceased, tho dogrco of kinship and tho
right ot descent ot tho roal property
bolonging to tho deceased. That tho
tlmo for hearing said petition has
beon fixed nt Soptombor 15th, 1921, at
10 o'clock a. m. by tho County Court.
(SEAL) County Judgo.
Attorney for tho Petitioner.