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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE iJtJ.KIi. 7T.;lit 8"" odn building of four '. ... r.. . .V?""' lwl and most of them WILSON TO LI. KUHnr and Publisher,!- h-J d , the e,w Entored t the North Platte, N'obraaka Postofffco h Socond Class Mutter. SUBSCRIPTION PJMCK: One Ycnr, In ndrnnce $2.00 ' TtfijSDAY, AUGUST ii.'ld, 1021. KDl'i'OitlAL. "Wo Itgtonod to a ocinlnU ipBaknr in tho Court Hoiwa park the otlior ev oning. Ills talk was protty good even if It was quite extreme and we were qnoylng It because he w a ready siteskor and was taking a shot at nliBOat overyone Tfien lie not to talk Ing about the lillotere. Someone said ho inoant odltors so we thought It was tlmo for ub to go. As slntori In these columns some tlmo ago, wo aro In favor of no cele bration of the Fourth of July nt North Platte next year. Wo holleve that the otlior communities In this county are entitled to know what North Plutto- Is going to do so that thoy can vlan wisely and early as to what thoy aro going to do. Thoro Is a Htrong senti ment nmong tho business men, that wo would llko to soo our neighbor ing towns colobrnto noxt year. If this Is tho thought of tho majority of our business and professional men, lot's mako It known nnd glvo tho oth er towns a chanco to do tholr host. Ono of tho best meals wo lmvo catrn for n long tlmo, wo had at homo tho other night. No ono but tho family' was thoro and It was sovon o'clock whom wo got soatod at tho table. Part of tho family called It suppor and part ortlled It dlnnor. That Is tho reason wo started out by saying It was a meal, But what mado tho monl so de lightful was a plato of mountain trour, well cooked nnd browned to a turn. Thoy woro a prosont from Leslie nnd Ira Baro and thoy had caught thorn In "Wyoming, cleaned and salted thorn and brought them cloar to North Platto for us. Wo certainly appreci ated thorn and If our vocabulary has any words to express our omotlon that aro strongor Mian "thank you" thoy nro "como again gontlomon." Wo consider Judge Bale tho best number on tho Cliautaupua program Wo do this bocaiiHOi wo havo hoard him and think ho Is wonderful. Wo also havo from certain worthy sour ces, Information which loads to bo llovo that tho lecturo ho presents this year Is abovo that of other years. Ho Hpoaks tonight and ovory business man, otory laboring Juan, ovory farm or and ovory othor. man should bo thoro. And each should tnko his family. It is good for overyonO. Judgo Dalo 13 a big man 16 como to North Platto nnd wo should glvo ltfm a wolcomo. At a special mooting of tho Board gf Education hold yestorday morning Frank L.' Smith was elected to a vac anoy Iri tho Sonlor High School fac ulty, lie will have work in tho coin morolal branchos. Mr. Smith wan Superintendent of SchoolB at Brady. ' High at Suthorliind, than at Chuppoll Ho has boon on tho west coast ro contly with tho Whlto-Ellfson Chnu- - Bystom but bus decided to stay" in North Plutto n while. Ho has bcou boro many times, knows tho city intlmatoly and has many frlonds and acqualutnncos among our citi zens. Wo nro frank In saying that wIiqi our schools can attract uuch man to tho teaching positions In our high schools it will mean a stronger high school mid hotter training for tho boyo nnd girls. wore of wtou. , election at which ; the bonds were votod for the .tie building. We took part in the council at which the plans were made and the ! dciety irtliimm miff contracts lot. We wntohod tho A numbor of friends of Mrs. Asa building as it took nhape. Wo helped select the toachors and the Principal. We planned the opening exercises and invited the paronta who were thoro Snyder delightfully surprised her Frl j day e- oiling ut her home in honor f f her birthday. A pleasant ovonlng wns upont In cards after whloh refros'i menu wore served. that day. We have mado hundreds of trips to that school slnco. Wo have Mrs. 12. N. Ogior, Mrs. J. Guy Swopo met hundreds of tho patrons if nil havo and Mrs J. B. Edwards ontorUilnod at learned to know thorn well. We have ' one o'clock lunchoon at tho Country been In some of their homes. Wu'ciitw Friday. The club house was have vatch6a them build new and j prettily decoratod In gnrdon ilQwors. better housos.. Wo have watchod their. Following tho luncheon tho remain stores, their shops. wholesle houses'. der of the aftornoon was pont in garages, green house, etc Does anv- cards and kensington. j one think wo do not know the north sldo and that wo do not rogard tho r- v"u" "" a ,im,4 " ' nnni hn h.v. ,in. n nt ti,n. 'urUty evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cathors who will leavo the latter part of the week for their new homo In Omaha. Tho husbands of. people who have done all of those things, as old frlonds? Tho Board of County Commission ers was in session yesterday and in consultation with tho County attorney j and assistant logul talent as to what) I ; boat to bo done. Tho now lawn ' require the Commissioners to con tract as soon as possible for ropalrs to bridge and yet do not provide more than half tho monoy to pay for them. Such a contract was ontorod Into somo time ago with ono of tho big bridge building concerns and it iias takon the matter sorlously and has put a lot of men and machinery nt work cloarlng up tho wreckage and making tho temporary repairs. Now there does not seem to bo any money in sight and it Is uncertain Just what to do. The Commissioners are un certain. Somo aro urging the Com missioners to call off all repair and construction work nnd allow tho peo ple to mako the noxt movo. Others say tho bridges and culverts aro nec essary and that a speclaj levy should bo mado and tho tax collected this year to pay for tho wholo thins. Others lmvo otlior plans and propos itions but all call for monoy In largo amounts. There Is a gonqral feolina that had tho' peoplo of the County understood tho situation that tho vote would lmvo boon different Of course thoro is somo local fooling to bo taken into consideration, Ono part of tho County does not llko ono pf tho Com missioners so It Is against the bridge proposition; nnotuor part of .the County Is not In need of bridges and so It does not see -the need of build-i ing bridges. Another part of the coun ty boob n business disadvantage fir Itaoir If tho bridges aro not built so It ia ngnlnst tho bonds nnd so on thorp are Innumerable strings leading In different directions, each bolng pull ed by someone who hns something to gain. But when those havo all boon taken Into consideration, thoro Is still tho larger ract thn Lincoln County cannot make any permanent progross or tako Its place among tho leading counties of tho state unloss It has good substantial roads and hrldgoi. Those will cost lots of monoy for Lincoln county Is about four times ns largo as tho avorago county of tho state and so should havo about four times ns much monoy for roads an.l bridges. Tho doclslon of tho Com missioners Is ono of groat Importance nnd thoy nro taking tholr tlmo to havo It as nearly right as possible. TO SACRIFICE PIANO PLAYER For quick turnover will sacri fice price. Flavor In our possess ion in North Platto nnd must bo moved at onco. Easy payments. Write quick for particulars to tho Donver Music Co., Denver Colo. Wo wont down to Johnny Mc Mlchaol's last Saturday and found him no busy that It was some tlmu before ho could got around to attend to our wants. Ho and his entlro forco of halp wero ovorwholmod for tho tlmo being with onstomors. Tim reason Booms to bo that ho is rutin ing a goou store, lie lias built a large addition to his old building and htgi inqvod most of his stock in jto thi now part. Ho now has a light airy new store and whon It Is coin plotoly flnlshod It will look hotter than It daos now. Mr, McMlohnel bolloves that peoplo will go whore thoy can. got tho goods at low prices Ho ul9 boltevoB that Is of no use to havo the goods and mnko the low prlcoa unlase ho lots people know it So he usoh the columns of tho Trl buno from tlmo to tlmo and leta pooplo know about his Wares. Prlooi talk in thoso times and J. W. is onn ol tho first to find, It out and aet upon It. Quo man read our editorial about tho North sldo and Ub improvements and naked ub what wo ltnow about tho north flldo anyway Wo replied thnt wo first becamo intorcBtod In the north sldo about thlrtcou yoara ago tho club members woro also guosts. Tho evening was spont In caVds after which rofroshmonts wero served. Maurlno Maloney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win, Malonoy entertained a number of young pooplo nt her hotnej yestorday afternoon In honor of hot j birthday. After an aftornoon. of gamos dainty refreshments woro sorv-, ed. Miss Maurlno rocolvod many prct-i ty gifts. ' j A numbor of young ladles surprise 1 1 'Miss Clwondolyn McRcynolds . at her homo Saturday ovonlng In honor of! hor birthday. Tho guests gathered at j the home of Miss Lucille- Beyorlo nnd tyont In n body to the homo of Here's the Greatest Tailoring Value in America They're All One Price! They're All Wool and Made to Order. BS. SUIT MADE TO ORDER Fell Suitor Overcoat Wade to Order 532.50 Such Values Have Not Been Offered Anywhere Slnco 1914 Three Hur.drcd Styloj to Select From. Every concnlvcnblo color ord wcoVei? hsre Tailor Shop 6061-2 DtwySf. Up Slain Want Ads Miss McRcynolds Covers wero laid for six After an ovonlng " Sale Tomatoes, $1.25 por of games a three course lunch was , bushel. Frnnk Cook, Routo 1 ..... i t... . . sorved. teen. LOCAL AM) VKKSOIS A.L Lawrence Carjpcntcr of Hastings is visiting rolatlves In tho city. For Sulo One soft coal and one hard coal stove, good as new, A. O, Kocken, 220 West Gth St. For Sale Corn, tomatoes, beam-, bcots and cucumbers. Do canning now. Doolittlo. For Snlo Two-horso gasollno en- Wo aro picking tomatoes now. North gine on truck in good working order. Platto Floral Co L, E. Jones of Horshey is reported to bo soriously ill nt bis home. Miss Minnio Williams ' left Friday for St. Paul to visit her parents. Howard Hockor loft this morning for Grand Island to visit relatives. Clinton & Son, Grnduate Opticians. Trv us for service. Mrs. C-. W. Monks and daughter wont to Lincoln this morning to vlsil. Rugs dusted, cleaned Phones 1033W or CG1W. or sized. ::o:i Miss Faith Campbell roturned to hor homo In Los Angoloa Friday after vis iting at tho homo of her slstor Mrs. F. Arthur Rlckard. Mrs. F. C. Soukut returnod to hor homo in Woodblno, Iowa, this morn ing after visiting at the O. W. Size moro homo. Rugs dusted, cleaned or slzea. Phones 1039W or GC1W. Mrs. Pouti Smith has uccoptod a (position In tho Brutt, Goodman & Buokloy offloo during the absence of Miss Nova Troxlor Mrtj. N. F. Clough of Ogtilallit came Friday to visit at the Chas. Edwards homo. Win. Xprris returned to his homo In Choyouno Sunday after visiting local f rioiulrt. Harold Stono returned to his home in Lexington this morning after vis iting in tho city. Mrs. C. F. Spencer donated a iium Iwr of books la tho city library in the linino of tho D. A. R. Mayor Evans who has boon trans acting business in tho ea3torn part ft the state will return today. I)r. L. .1. KHAUSK, Dentist, AMlny Diagnosis. McDonald Iinnh Building, riionc 1)7. Mrs. Evuott Smith and children left yesterday for Erlckson, Nebr. to visit relatives for a few duyu. J. Q. Wilcox and Miss Anna Krampti wont to. Kearney this morning to transact business MIhb Cecelia Horrod returned Sun day from Hastings whore she visited at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Nolson. : :o: : BROKEN LENS Sleepers In Wreck Safest. Aetfonllrii! to ono medical authority, the piissenuers who nro asleep when a train collision occurs oaewpi' 'most of , the bud olvecti ot shaking nnd con- i i'ussjon. 914 E. Third St., or phoso 1039W. For Sale Five room housc,all mod ern. 215 So. Ash. Also 3 lots on wost 3rd. Phono 330W. For Sale Heating stove, also first class range In good condition. Put ting In heating plant is why wo sell. R. Plummer, 114 south Sycamore. Fifty Dollars Reward Wo will pay $50 for the arrest and conviction of party or parties taking melons out ot our patch. Gregg Brothers. . FOIt SALE Brand now 1921 Ford touring, starter and demountable rims, You can savo $25. If you want a Ford today. J. V. Romlgh Dodgo Dealer. At Anchor in th? Bay of Yeddo. The evening we dropped anchor in tho buy of Yeddo the moon was hang ing directly over Yokohnnin. It was a mothcr-of -pearl moon, and might have boon mnnufnclurod by any of the delicate artisans In tho Ilnnchndorl quarter. It Impressed one as being a very good Imitation, but nothing more. Nniiimlknwn. the clolenniio-worker at ToklO, could have made n better moon. Thomas Bnllcy A'drleh. War First In Mind of Kafir. The Kafir's ritual of worship, such as It is, consists of war dnnee and wild appeals to the god of war. Throughout these ceremonies there is lrlerwoven n curious thread of Zoro nstrlnnlsin, and Hinduism, as we might expect, but mainly it ! pure pa ganism, and the god whom they de light chiefly to' worship is their god of war Glsh. LOCAL AND PEltSONAL Misses Ethel and Minerva McWil Iinms will leave this ovening for Chl cago to visit friends. Mrs. W. T. Allien spont the latter part of the week In Kimball and Lodgepolo visiting friends. Rugs dusted, cleaned or sized. Phones 1039W or GG1W. World's Supply of Indigo. Indigo, which is obtainable from plants of severnl species, Is, probably the oldeat dye known to mankind. At tlrw present time the bulk of the world's supply of Indigo Is obtained!) chemically from aniline. The Impor-3 tntii-e of nntural Indigo Is rapidly dl-l mlnlshlng. About the only reglol33 where Indlsm farming still prevails 6b a commerclaksiale are Bengal. In In-M din. and Sulidor. In IWral Amer-1 lea. India Rubbv!" the Earlier Name. India rubber Is an earlier n'uno for rubber, but now little used. .Soin af ter the discovery of Am ""fii ('lion called Indln). Enroponns heiinf nf the use of this substance. Tluv c:tnd It j elastic gum until they discovered that" . lead pencil marks could be rai'd with It, when they began to call it Iiullu rubber. i Wonderful Timepiece. One of ttie native ruler3 In India, the nnwab of Rampur, Is the possessor of a watch valued nt more than 00, 000. The lower cno Is cut from a 'cln"ln . tnrinzh Miu tinnnr frntn n n flmor. aid. and a diamond, ground very thin,: serves for the crystal. Tho watch j snows toe seconds, miliums, quarter hours, half hours, hours, days, weeks, months, seasons, ye-irs and leap years nn to the vear 0OO1) When Matching Colors. After one has looked nt a cofor for ii few moments the eye becomes adapted to Mint color and Is no longer able to distinguish small differences. When matching dress goods .voir should not look nt the materials longer than a minute nt a time if you want a close match. ANNOUNCING Wells C. Jones Attorney-at-Law ; NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Office over? Stamp Bakery Phone 739- Can be roplaced by tho Dixon Op tical Co., and If thoy do not fit Juet take In tho pieces and thoy can measuro thorn and make duplicates. Uses Havo Smallest Flats, Tin. tiimillfwit niiiti'ttnuiit UnUMitH urn I ..if ..'.. ..... - - - those' occupied by bees. In a cubic foot of honeycomb thorn are about O.OOy cells. Raven Always Mischievous. Tho ravon cun bo taught to artlcu lute. It is mischievous when tamed, showing u disposition to htdo things, llko Its cousin, the crow. Liberia Has Red Cats. MosV of tli cuts In Liberia nro of a bright red tint, and they nro very conspicuous In tho moonlight. What Is Important. It does not matter how many, bnt At that time tho school houso constat-' now good, books you have. -Seneca. $50 eomphta with cam For your office! EVERY office neods at least one Corona. For your phono girl, your filo cierK, or as an "extra" machine, Corona is ideal. and can bo easily carried about tno ornco. Stands harder uso than a heavy machine. Stone's Drug Store. Corona. The Pufontl Whtwg Mtdune Mlss Arvllln Wimtjalior returnod yesterday from Omaha whore she pur chased fall mllltnory for hor shop. Frank Patty who has beeir a guest at the W. T. Wilcox homo left this morn ing for his home In Fonda, Iowa. Dr. and Mrs. Fnrrell of Hastings are expected tho latter part of the- week to visit at tho F. C. Conneally home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kroehler of Lin coln will return to their homo today after visiting at tho Frank Kroehler home. To whom aro you going to sell your Hay and Grain? The Harrington Mer- cantllo Co. will offer tho highest prices. Miss Nellie Smithear who has been visiting nt tho homo of her slstor Mrs. H. A. Shinn left Friday for Orleans to visit. Misses Evelyn and Gladys Dlenor of Lowollen who havo beon visiting local frlonds returned to thoir home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marston Van Dornn nnd baby wont to Choyouno Sunday to visit at tho homo ot tho formorM brother. Wondoll Calllson loft Sunday for Salt Lako City where ho will spend a two wcoks vacation from the O'Con nor storo. Miss Holen Gumnor returned to her' homo in Lincoln Saturday aftor vlBlt- ing at tho homo of hor slstor Mrs. E. P. Trimble. I Miss Alberta Ward has beon elected J to toach penmanship In tho City I Schools following tho resignation of MlsB" Baker. Win. Stack and daughter Floronco returnod Saturday from Lincoln. Tho( woro accompanied homo by Miss Ag nos O'Neal. Mrs. Chus. Edwards left. Friday for Indopondonco, Mo. whoro Bho was call- Trees Used In Best S'lor. An nvernge spruce tree when con verted into minor yields about 500 I iinnnds of tlmt nroduct. iiconllnu to the Scientific American. If a novel rims to IIOO.OOO copies, the destruction of trees would be 500. Ii S.TWiM M.D.1 lli'iiu'oiatlilr I'hyslchni & Goddess of Water. Tho Virgin do los Kemedfns Is a small wooden Image about twelve Inches high, evidently carved with a dull penknife. The carv'n'- bosin-nks the work of tho Indian. Th stutue 1 revered ns the Goddess of Water. f'Hiriil Practice mnl on-itriictifin Snrirery . Jlipiliil AccoiiiiniMiatliin :j I'lntt- Valley Hoxplta) ill Koniicr Niwiif Twlnein Hospital. S wnuTn pi ittp n.-17 T) ft H g NEWS PHOTOGRAPH FROM JAPAN Here. is a ;new:picturc 'thatllusj just jacrivcdifromTjapan.j showing ed by tho death of hor mother Mm. i '? paraaeiqtuingHnecrecent'grw I , ',' i 1 J1'" never in herhi3toryV'cnjoycd'arstnke,' 'Note'thc bannets.J.ust like ntzgerald ?m,wMcOjcji"iandfr -