THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE SemMliteeklu &ribuite. V WILSON TOUT. Editor nnd Publisher. Entered kit the North Platto, Nebraska fPdstoffloo lis Second Clns3 Mattor. v, SUJlSCItll'TlUN I'JUCE: One Yflnr, In ndrnnce $2.00 FlUDAY, Al'fllST lOlh, 1921. -sr.--rr tv KDITOiilAI- No one will ovor know how easy It Is to leave out op Insert a lino In a newspaper until lie for bUo haB helped the printer make ri the forms. What wo tried t6 say In the mmpflr6Tnotos last week was abou.t like this: It waB tho unanimous oplhlon of-those prea qnt that much of tho credit for tho bucccbb of tho callip wan duo Mrs. M. E. Crosby who took a leading part in liio preparation and who looked after tjic dlBOlplIno of th6 camp In a vory satisfactory manner, Whnt wo did nay was really very different. The City Council at its .regular meeting Tuesday ovoning oponod tho bldi for tlic construction of tho sower Intorals and accepted the bid of tho North Platto Plumbing and Heating Co. This firm bid on comont sower Wo havo made up a number of the little booklet -called "Naturo Study in Our City jParks." Tho pagor arc blank and on them nro to bo placed tho articles appearing from tlmo to timo In tlio Tribune under that heading. Wt ti'ttl lm tlnT In rivt nrtvnnn nnn nt thoBo booklets free of charge. Call ,(no an on luuh at tiUfl tfffloo and anyone at the desk ",tl wfro "m or V otbr b,dB; e wilt got one for you. ! "wunc 18 ulK,nB u, . " , , ,lu; visomoni tut ui wmcu ia iuu uubu There Is qulto a difference in the cost. Messrs. Hackers an Haue aro to bo congratulated an securing this con tract In competition with all others and in UiIb way holding tho local bun incus to local firms. Work will start as soon as tho details have been work od out. Whon tlio matter of Ford day waa first suggested to us wo did not know Just what to think. Wo tried. to picture ourselves In tho other man's shoes with tho following results, If wo wero a Ford driver wo would bo there and win Bomo prizes it possible. If wo drove some other mako of car wo Would bo thord to sco tho fun. If wo sold Fords wp would be glad. If wo Bold anothor make of car wo would get all tho Ford drivers to trndo off their' Fords and buy our cars, if wo could. If wo rodo a blcyclo wo w'duld put It away for that day for tboro will be iio room for anything but cars in all tho streets. So wo aro for it. - With dlir noxt issue wo bogln a now sorial by Kathleen Norrls en'tHtlcd "SIslors," Somo peoplo laugh at a continued Btory In a soml-wookly pa per but wo havo a largo number of cubscrjbors who tako tho paper and Insist on . getting every number so they can roail the continued Btory. It isa good story by a good writer. Wo havo not road it but wo expect to One installment will nppear in one Issuo of ovory week unless some thing requires an installment to bo postponed. Tho oponlng chaptora will appear in our noxt Ibsuo. Look fen". It and then decide whether you want to read It all. possible adoption by other stores. We liked It. ' ; f Last Sunday morning wo llstenod to Itev. SltOi a Japanese preacher, who Is a graduate- of one or tho great prbachor schools -in this country and. who hits Just returned from a trip to Japan,- Ho,, brings a Japanese bride with him. Wo. could not holp being impressed with tho sincerity' of tho man as bo told of tho great things Christianity enn do for a person and If wo were tho County Commission ors wo would call mootingo at a ntim bcr of places in tho county. Wo would ask tho votors to moot with us and discuss tho mattcrf of roadp and bridg es. Wo would toll tho people about our $00,000 debts now on hand. Wo would glvo thorn figures about tho culverts, thoir structure und condition of ro pair. Wo would toll of tho bridges and their needs. Wo would lay all tho cards on tho table faco up and ask the votors what wo should do. If anyone had a proposition that could bo pos sible wo would discuss It with them. Wbcs wo gpt through wo would afllt for nn expression of opinion and those dlfforont opinions would bo carried back to tho Court houso and workoJ Into' a program which would bo aomo whoro noar what tho peoplo want, Wo bellovo that all problems can be solv ed by taking tho different parties Inly tho discussions and frankly going ovor the mattor with them. Thoy some times have Homo ideas that aro bottor than thoso under consideration, dl courso, it wo' wero tho County Com missioners, wo 'might not do nnythlng of tho kind but' vo think now that wo would. " " ' ' Sam Soudos' tolls us, thatthfcro are flvo thousand culverts in Lincoln! County. 4Thoy cost about twenty do'.-. lnrs a plftco to mako and 'grade them. A now law wnB passed by tho Just leg islature requiring tho County to set two posts at tho ends of each culvert! and paint tho posts white. Lincoln County has boon doing this In rnanv parts for somo tlmo and thpexperi enco Is that tho wooden poSta do not stay In place on nn average of one month. Somo ono needs them to pry out an auto which la stuck in tho mud or someono needs them for repairing a fonco qr for wood to start a camp flro or for somo other purpose. It would cost Lincoln County two dol lars a culvert to comply with tho la now. That would bo ten thousand dollars and thoy would last thirty days or loss. The Commissioner wanted somo monoy so they could put In concrcto culverts aid concrete posts. This would bo permanent and would not havo to bo replaced. They would cost twenty dollors oach which would mako tho total bill $100,000. It is a big question about tho culvert alono and ono which will requlro tho united efforts of all our peoplo to find a satisfactory solution. Wo must havo good roads. tf ::o:: Itay Cantlln, Howard McMlchael and Carl Simon left yesterday for Fremont and Omaha to transact busi ness for the City Council. ::o:: "Roar" of an Ostrich." A lecturer at the London "Zoo" Bald that very few people knew that nn ostrich roared. Tho roars of an ostrich and n Hon wero so allko that Dr, Livingstone could never distin guish tho difference, save by the fact .that the bird roared by day and the Hon by night. Scientific Americnn. Such Values Have Not Been 'Offered Since 1914! One Price for Any Fabric i 300 styles to choose from Guaranteed strictly all wool Made to order They're All One Price! Two Piece Made to Your Order suit s o Q Your Order dsW totr 50 Full Suit or Overcoat Made to Order 632.50 BURKES TAILOR 606 Dewey Street. Up-Stairs. The Pessimist's Reward. About the only reward to being n pessimist is that everything comes out 'just ns you expected. Galveston News. ..! , .-i '' Tho other day wo 'wont ovor to tho Economy Grocery bocatiso'wo hoard they havo a now liVah for tho custom er. Whon wb wont In, wo saw a sign which told us to go through a llttli wo aro Klod that Rev., Stto Is to bosato and tako a basket'. Wo 'wanted horo In North Platto most qf tho tlma . some salmon so wo examined Jho dit to work ,wlth tho JapancBo peoplo foront brands offered and noted tho who dlvo in or near, hero. Ho win. prices. We picked out tho ono wo mako -hotter mon nnd women If thev, wanted and put it Into our basket, will glvo ear to his nronchlncs. ..-We wuntcd edeoa. Wo looked over . .' . , '1 the kinds offorod, plckod out tho ore (John Poulos has bought the smalt1 we wanted and put It Into our baskot. gnicory storo on Oak street between We solocted Bomo nlco tomatoes, Just eighth and ninth from Stovo Pappas, tho kind we wantod and tnoy woni Ho litis udnced Kenneth Wolnborger Into tho baskot. A cantoloupo and in chargo and. Intends to mako It a somo soap complotod tho purchases first class store to sorvo tho grocery needed. Wo handed tho baskot to the ,(noedg of Mm npoplo who llvo In that man noar the door and ho put tho 'part of tho city. Johnny has made a goods into a big papor sack, took our success of tho restaurant businoiw monoy and wo wont out. Tho prico and' he Bhould do well with his new waB right, the caBhlor waB courteous venture., Wo havo tho highest tonfl- and wo had soon nnd examined ovory donco In his managor, Kenneth Woln- nrtlclo wo' had purchased and Know Merger, having known him alnco ho It was Just what wo wantod. The waa a littlo follow and wo bollovo ho plan of tho grocorltoria or Solfstrvo has tlio traits to make a good manage. Grocery Is not a now ono but it is for the Oak Street Grocery. Hero's now horo. It appeals to somo peoplo good luck to tho now venture. and wo predict Its succoss and latar PLATTE VALLEY ROUND-UP -AND AW A A SI iimuur Ail' Jays mm AT THE Old John Bratt Range Northwestfof Sutherland AUGUST 22, 23 AND 24, ,i Pioneer scenes enacted by men who were there. 'Nothing artifici<but all just as it was 50 years ago. Bring camp outfits and stay the three days. Indians, cowboys soldiers, cowgirls, ponies all the life of the west of a half century ago. For further in- x formation write JOHN HARSCHFIELD SUTHERLAND, NEBRASKA Expression Was Originally job's. It Is a long way to go to tho days of Job for a "modern" expression 1 The phrase, "Escaping by the skin of-the teeth," may be found in tlio 20th verso of tho lOth chapter of tho Bbok of Job: "My bone elouvetb to my skin and to my flesh, and I am esenped with tho skn of my teeth." , .Where He Put Nlckti,' It was Sunday and DoiinldVent to church .for the first tlmo with; his mother, On arriving home f rohY church his father asked him what Jio did whllo at church, and Donald replied: "Mammn gave me a nickel' nnd 'I put It In the popcorn .popper." Sleep Is Hard to Make Up. jt lakes 15 days for the average hu man body to recover fully from th Iflss of two consecutive nights' sleep. To Remove Insect From Ear. Tobnceo smoke blown Into the ear will dislodge a bug.- Medical Summary. Dally Thought. Nature fits all her children wlti something to do. Lowell. Want Ads -:o:- NATUKE STUDY IN OUJK CITY . ' FARES a AMERICAN ELM. Sometimes called the Whlto Elm. This, is tho common elm of the parks in this city. It has been planted In numerous places in each of tho parks. Somo of tho finest of tho younger olniB aro in tho Court House park, Tho blossoms aro tho earliest flowers wo havo In tho spring nnd tho seed Js flying beforo most plants havo thoir leaves en tirely grown. This Is tho same variety as tho Washington elm In Cambridge and tho William Ponn elm In Philadelphia.' It Is the fin est and host shado treo wo havo in North Platto and has been oxtensl- voly planted horo within the last fow years. Somo of tho trees wero raised horo from . seod but all or iginally camo from tho oast. Tractor and Plowing and Belt Work, Done on Short Notice. S. J. MACEY, 215 So. Walnut. Or call Hendy-Ogier Garage. For Jtent 2 largo rooms for light housekeeping. 5M East Third. N antedTo buy a good tennis racket. Call 430J. 'For Sal; Corn, tomatoes, boanr, beets and cucumbers. Do canning now. Doollttlo. For Snlo Two-horso gasoline en gine on truck In good working order. 914 E. Third St., or nhoso 1039W. For Sale Flvo ropm house,all mod ern. 215 So. Ash. Also 3 lots on west 3rd. Phono 330W. For Sale Small Toilet Goods Mfg. business cheap. Will Bell formulas and show you how to mako It. Wm. Thomas, 215 East 6th St. For Sale Heating stovo, also first class rango In good condition. Put ting in heating plant is why wo sell. R. Plummor, 114 south Sycamore. FOlt SALE Brand new 1921 Ford touring, starter and demountable rims." You can save $25., If you want a Ford today. J. V. Romlgh Dodgo Denier. Vulcanizing Tires, Tubes and Ac cessories. v ? FFRrt STRPIT7 VULCANIZING CO. Corner 5th and LocuBt. Phono 525W, KEEP a Corona in tho drawer of your desk I When you want to writo a confidential letter, or dash off a memo you can write it with Corona quicker, easier, moro legi bly than by hand. Call at the nearest C . store orwe will i. ... stratoatyourconvcnienCe. Stone's Drug Store. Weighs 0 lbs. Folds and fits ) iu b neat carry ing case. Skq with ThxPcnoml Uhcing Machme GO TO II. & F. FEED STOKE For Mlllot Seed and Feed Phono C39W IIEItaiLN'GHAUSEN & FKOJLAN. i Ask the Cashier Ask tho cashier of any business concern numbered among, the patrons of tho Platto Valloy State Dank and you will easily verify the statement that this bank Is something moro than merely a place to oposlt and with draw monoy. I DO YOU XJKE Tense, gripping, heart stirring emotional drama? The wistful adventures of youth and' love? The radiant of !i star? . loveliness 8 L -ft it PRIVATE 5CANDM.' 4V i.tory that sweeps you alon with its powerful tlienie? Wonderful- effects in photography and settings? Suspense that grips and holds from one great scene to another? Then,. don't miss MAY McEVOY 'in "A ritlVATE SCANDAL? at the SUN THEATRE SUNDAY AND MONDAY. Also 2 Reel Comedy. In ovory posslblo way wo aim to as sist and co-operate with business houses, and can rotor you to numer ous coucerns who do not ltesltato to vconimont most 'favorably upon tho helpfulness of our service. The Platte Valley State, Bank Cattle 300 Cattle AT AUCTION 'A Monday, Aug. 22. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. A, At the North Platte Feed Yards one mile east of old stock yards will have for their sale yearling two and three year old steers, stock cows and heifers, butchers stuff, milk cows. These are all native cattle This Auction will be in large cow barn rainor shine, Farmers and Stockmen Bring your cattle to this sale. We will sell them for the high dollar. Why not have & home market? Casper Ranch, North Platte. "Charles Olson and Col. H, M. Johanson, Autioneers j.t 8 ft ft t.t i,: ft ft ft :.t :.: ft :.: t.t ft ft :.: :.: ft ft i.t i.i ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft il 1