- THE NORTH PLATTE- SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WILSON TOUT. Editor nnd Publisher, Entered at the North Platto, Nobraska Postofflco as Second Class Matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Olio Ycnr, In ndrnncc $2.00 FJUDAV, AUCJUST 12th, 102t ' KMIOHIAL. The Saturday Mrenlng Port, fol lowing the lead of the 8eml-Wokty Tribune, has reducod (ho price of a subscription fifty cont a year. In our family "treat 'en rough" means about tho same as "givo 'em fits!" A good calling down or BPOftklng one's mind Is a favorite way of fronting 'om rough with poo plo vfyo do not habitually resort to physical vlolonco; And that is not law-broaking. Many peoplo do not undorBtnnd any othor kind of treat ment. Wonthorinan Shilling cannot bo boaton at his own game. Ho pre dicted fair weathor for North Platte ana vicinity for Tuosday. A big4 storm camo up. Kvorythlng pointed to wind, rain, hail, otc. Wo wore so cortaln of a storm that we got ovorything under covor and got thore ourselves. About six drops fell, because Pa Shilling had decreed that It was to bo fair and fair it was. Howovor tho oast half . or the county broke away from hla reign and got; a good dronching. How long will wo put up with such tyrany? Thoro is no placo in North Platto whero thoro is a finer spirit ahown by ovoryono concerned than in our offico. Evoryono seems to bo try ing to show some courtesy to tho othors without boing mushy. Wo do call attention to things Uiat do not go right but not with the Idea or placing tho blamo on someone so that ho will bo humbled. And the boys and girls who work with us go tho limit to bo holprul to us in male lug tho Trlbuno all that it should bo Our readcrB would hardly believe us .... vU wuio l0 ion mom or tho 0ach county In tho state as fixed bv many acts or unselfishness which the state board ' of equalisation, have come to our notice in this office The value per aero for Lincoln and wo have no intention of thus ; county is $10.09. This is tho aver mlstreating the fine spirit thus ago for tho county. At this rat, ohowin. Each realizes tho weakness Lincoln County will pay Into tho " l otngr anu irios to Do helpful and wo bellovo that is tho right way. Wo visited tho Campflro girls last ovonlng nnd Baw ono of tho protty ost Bights wo over saw. A big clr clo of girls and guardians seated in an open apaco, surrounded by ' Bhrunbory, tho broad oxpanso of tho rivor at hand and a large crowd of I visitors in tho background. Tho ritualistic sorvlco connoctod with bo-1 stowing honors and awarding of toners mot Aug 8 In tho Llncolu rnnkg nnd tho coromonlal meotlngB ' County Court Houso with prosont woroj carried out with graco and dig- ' Commissioners Sprlngor, Cohagen, nity which gavo a splendid effect. 111111 Cokor and County Clork Allen AH was as puro and sweet ns could 'x0 following bills wore approv bo Imagined. Thqn tho big camp 0(1 1111,1 allowed: flro n,nd tho songs, tho specchos, tho ' c'"do Graham, dragging $10.80 yollfi and ohoorfi Bhowod tho enthus- Theo. McNool, dragging, $45.00 Jasm of tho girls. Wo Join with tho Wllllo Carlson, dragging, $15.00 visitors in expressing our apprecla- j Shafor, dragging, $9.00,. tjon of tho invitation to bo thoro. , Cyrus Cochran, dragging, $39.00 .Goo. Brown, dragging, $18.00 Harry Cramer informs us that ho'Wm- A- McNool, dragging, $30.00 and Mrs Cramor havo purchased thd'JnC0U JohnBon, road work, $35.40 stock in tho Stylo Shop, ownod hy!G- c- Long, road work, $58.00 Guy S. Popojoy and that fi om now o:i Hobt. Sharp, Com. 3, $10.00 thoy will own and operate tho hiiBl- J S. Davis Auto Co. Com. 2, $2.00 neas ulone. Mr. una Mrs. Popojoy have 1 1,1rd Tobas, brldgo work, $18.00 been active hi building up tho bus!-joo Sodorman, brldgo work, $G6.00 nosB or tho Stylo Shop and have many Sundry PorsoiiB, brldgo work, $58.50 friends who will bosorry to boo thcmlEdw. Dorsoy, rofund taxes, $7.38 leave tho city. Thoy aro planning on Sundry PorsonB, surveying, $48.40 moving to Donvor in tho noar future. , Mr. and Mrs. Cramor havo had an in torost In tho business slnco Its organi zation and whllo not actlvoly ongngotl ill tho Btoro, havo had an Interest in tho operation or tuo businosB which $50 complete with cntu For your office! EVERY ofiico needs at least ono Corona. For your phono (jlri, your fllo clerk, or as an "extra" machine, Corona In Idoal. It weighs only 04 lbs., nnd can bo easily carried about tho ofiico. Stands harder use than a heavy machine Stone's Drug Store. Corona Tli: Pvrfoail Writing Michirxt gives thom a . good sUtrU Thoy wlll'fb' tnln Miss Anna Jtubls in active olitirgo of cortaln dopartmonts Of tho "store and sho will bo assisted by Mrs. Cram or und Mrs. Carl Bonnor. Wo nro glad that Mr. Crnmor is Investing his mon oy In North Plutto, and hopo ho will got lago roturns from tho now vcmj-turo. . Msowhoro wo ara publishing an dx,rnct from tho Motor laws dealing with children driving cars. The legislators had ho Uttlo confidence in a child's ability to bundle a car In an emergency that they placo child ren nnd intoxicated persons in tho same class and they nro tho only ones forbidden to drlvo cars. Wo will admit that thore are some boys under stxtoon who arc more mature and more capable than some men of twice that ago. This was consider ed In making tho law and tho avor ago boy was tnkon as tho standard. Had It boon loft to tho paronts, we would have four year olds driving cars for wo fathers aro llkoly to ovorostlmato tho maturity of our childron. Tho law is specific in all mattorB except placing tho responsi bility for onforcing its provisions and since no ono is chargod with this duty it naturally rails on tho regular offlcors. It is not nocose ary for ua to montlon that too many childron aro bolng allowod to drive cars horo In North Platto. Because thoy aro In most casos childron of woll-to-do paronts, tho Idea grows that thoy aro allowed to drive cars bocauso their paronts aro woalthy. It Is more often true that tho par ents have lost control or what tho children shall or Bhall not do or do not havo tho backbone) to say no to tho pleadings of- tho child. Prac tically all childron want to drive cai-8 and it is a question ror parents to restrain thom until thoy aro old onough or Biirfer tho consequences. Wo hopo tho conscQuences will not, bo dlsastorous to tho children. VALUATION OF LINCOLN COUNTV FAK.MS IS AWOUNCHI) UV TAX COMMISSIONER. W. H. Oshorn, state tax commiss- loer for Nebraska has Just anno Cod tho valuation or farm lands n;n- wv. iiiu . ui llll Jll ItlliUD 111 t .. Btato treasury as tax on her farm lands for tho year 1921, $117,708.- 84. The valuation of farm lands In adjoining countios is as rollowB: Dawson, $41.1.1, Keith $13.48, Per kins, $10. 2C, Arthur; $4.35, Logan. $8.45, McPhorSon, $5.22, Gardon, $9.81, Douol, $25.1fl, Cheyenne, !'. Oft mill Snnliolillifr 111 fifl ...... WV V. blHUIllll f U I .Vf COMMISSIONER'S I'JIOCIOEDIXUS To Hoard of County Commlss- T. M. Cohagen, tlckot for poor $1.99 5. S. Davis Auto Co. state $74.06 Pojor Hurko, blacksmith, $3.00 F. D. Westoufold, mdso co. poor, $G0.95. Dr. S. J. Richards, fiorvlcos, $24.00 L. E. Ludwig, onginoman, $4G.OO E. W. nrown, mdso co poor $42.57 N. W. Roll Tolo Co., $72.31 Johnson Bios, mdso $154.01, The extension to road Dlst. Nr. G5 came boforo tho Board for final action. Tho Hoard acting on tho opinion of tho County Attorney that tho potltlon doos not moot tho legal roqulromonts under the statutes, de nlos tho potitlon. Adjourned p Aug. 15th. :ot- . A damage case against tho Union Paclflo Railroad Company hna just boon Mod in tko District Court by Wm. E. Shuman on bohalf or Wil liam. L. Robb. Tho plaintiff claims in his petition that duo to tho neg ligent or tho Railroad in roquirlng him to work during tho night or October 20. 1919 without light, in ropalring some swUchoa in tho yards nt North Platto ho collldod with a heavy Jack which foil upon hla right foot and crushing a numbor or toos eo that ho has sufforod permanent Injury to his foot. Ho asks dam ages in tho sum of $3,000 IMPORT OK CHAIN YIELDS IS . flIVK.V IlV SPECIALIST AT STATU FARM Following is a roport of the yields of grain at tho North Platto Ex perimental station for the season Just closed. Tho report' Is made by L. L. Zook, Agronomist at the sta tion. It says: Throshing has boon completed on tho Experimental Farm. No record In high production have been broken but considering tho shortago of moisturo, yields aro somewhat belter than oxpoclod and in most cases abovo tho average for tho per iod sinco tho station was established YlOlds from tho rotation exper iments on the table laud are shown In tho following summary: CHOI'S S 1921 Yields Aver War Max. Pre Yr 22.0 38.2 15.2 Winter wheat Spring wheat. Oats Darloy Ityo .12.3 22. G 20.1 20.8 17.3 44.3 39.3 34.9 13.0 24.3 21.1 On table land tho average yield or wintor whoat waB 34.2 bushels per aero following summer tillage, 20.7 biiflhols por acre following corn and 18.3 bushels por aero following whoat or other small grain. On bench land tho avornge yield of wintor whoat following summer tlllago was 33.3 bushels per acre and 24.7 busholB por acre following corn. The highost yield of wintor whoat from a slnglo plat of bench land was 44.2 busholB por acre. This yield was from tho Kanred variety This variety also produced tho high est average yield, but ita gain over Turkey Red was only 1.1 bushels por aero. Tho four year average gain of Kanred over Turkey Red Is 2.7 bushels por acre. Variations in tho dlfierenco in yield between the two varieties havo varied rrom year to year, as ni3t was or was not an important ractor. Kanred is much tiioro rust resistant and when rus injures Turkey Red the larger yield can be expected from tho more ruBt resistant variety. -:o:- REI) CROSS COURSES IN HOME HYGIENE STARTS TUES DAY AT WALLACE. Miss Florence Charrin, Public Health Nurse for Lincoln County inrorms us that bIio organized class in Home Hygiene nnd Care or Sick at Wallace, Tuesday, with thirty ladles enrolled. She says the members or tho class are enthuslas tic aboutflho work and were anx- lous ror hor to open the course This work Is being done by the Lin coln county Chaptor of the American Red Cross and is avallablo to any community In the county. Some of tho othor villages aro getting ready to start classes as soon as tho arrangements can bo completed. Mrs. J. H. Crabill and daughter shopped in tho city yosterday. Mrs. Frod Do Forest of Cozad vis ited friends in the city this week. Mrs. Peter Eglnton of Paxton was a city visitor Wednesday. Miss Tholma Overman of Oshkosh visited local frlonds Wednesday. Mrs. C. Wlllorton and children havo returned from Oxford whore thoy visited relatives. Wilbor Swanson will leavo Mon day for Wyoming to visit relatives. Mrs. O. Gump ontorod the Gen oral Hospital yestorday for treat ment. Ray Williams of Broadwater Is taking treatment at the General Hospital this week. ;;o:; FOR RENT. Forty acres of hay land oast of town. O. II. Thoolccko. Sun Theat e, Sunday, Mon., Tues., MATIN E EACH DAY. Also Clyde Cook Comedy. 1IH CIRCUS ATURDAf. AUGUST The siock is all new, cle,an up-to-date goods, marked to sell at new low prices, and you may lake them away with you at from 15 to 30 percent off the regular price, not the old price of a year ago but the low price of today. This is Your Opportunity and You Cannot Afford to, Miss It. 18x36-in. Axminister 22x36-in. Axminister 27x54-in. Axminister 36x63-in. Axminister 36x72-in. Axminister " 27x9-ft. Axminister runners 27x12 ft Axminister runners 36x9-ft. Axminister runners 36xl2-ft. Axminister runners 34x72-in. felt rug 4 28x58-in. felt ru 18x36-in. Congoleum Matts . i Cocoa Door Matts W. Lost White Spitz Dog. A. H. Shar- rah. Phono 499. Wanted Sewing. 515 No. Pine, Phono 1242W. Wanted To buy a good tounis racket. Call 430J. k For Sale Cucumbers, any size any quantity. Order now. Doolittln. Phono 788F31. For Sale Five room house,aH mod ern. 215 So. Ash. Also 3 lots on west 3rd. Phono 330W. FOR SALE Brand now 1921 Ford touring, starter and demountable rims. You can savo $25. ir you want a Ford today. J. V. Romigh Dodge Doalor. For Sale By owner, 2Gx40 1& story house, living room, dining room, kitchen, four bedrooms, three closeto, pantry, bath room and 12x14 base ment. Two 50 foot lots, with electric lights, city wator and telephone. Walking dlstanco from High School. Perfoct title and no oncumbrance. Priced ror immediate salo at $5000.00. Call at 505 South Chestnut or phono 853W. CAHD OF THANKS. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the kind neighbors and friends for tho sympathy extended to us and the boautlful rioral offer ings at tho death or our fathor. Mr. and Mra. Frod Wendeborn. Mrs. Lizzie Sploa Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hogsett k Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Wolngand . Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Johnson. Vulcanizing Tiros, Tubes and cessories. Ac- FERD STRE1TZ VULCANIZING CO. Corner 5th and Locust Phono 525W. Want Ads DAY Our Entire Stock of Small Rugs . j Will be on Sale ONE DAY ONLY CIRCUS DAY ONLY! PAY CASH AND CARRY THEN AWAY. MALONEY CO. BARGAIN SALE 1 D-55 Bulck Car. , 1 Overland Country-Club. Logan Bulck Auto Co. :o: FOR SALE Threo young Shorthorn bulls ready for small herds. A fait' fTrtn.l TLTftafy.lv. Tcit . I n . I.nl ) ready for service. These aro priced to sell. Experiment Substation. WALL P APE R Select your Paper at Home PHONE 1061J Homeopathic Physician & Surgeon General Practice and Construction S.urgorj Hospital Accommodation Plnttn Vnllnr Ifosnlfnl Former Nnnio Twinem Hospital. i NORTH PLATTE, NEBH. NOTICE Wo call to your memory again that wo aro putting forth all efforts to gather an oxhiblt for tho Stato Fair as well as tho County Fair. Lincoln County must do its best and that means that wo aro all to do our ut most to gather up something of all kinds of agricultural products such as tamo and wild grasses, grains, etc. It is now just about a month until wo must load our car which must roach Lincoln not later than September 2. Wo want to put this ovor In first class shapo. If thoro is anything you want to soo mo about in regard to tho ex hibits call at Union Stato Bank on Saturday afternoon or call 1130 at G:30 in tho morning. E. A. OLSON, In Charge of Agricultural Exhibit SPECIAL 1921 1.75 2.00 -4.25 7.00 7.30 11.85 13.75 12.45 17.75 2.15 ' .25 1.25" x '( .m Keith Theatre, Sunday, Mon., Tues., THE BRAND I NG.IRQfS a Reginald Barker Productiqj OjsareoLowYMf Also 2-reeI Comedy. The greatest ring-fight you've ever seen on the screen. A comedy-drama with a splendid thrill. Based on Charles E. Van Loan s Saturday Evening Post story. A KNOCK-OUT! wnKMB TO! M HOME MILLER wkHofsl Rome J Irak QafetcKia M ry62 & Jackson JtiB