THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE ft PLANT LICK AM) SQUASH BIG CAN UK CONTROLLED SAYS EXPERT. Tho following letter Ib a mussago to ovory gardlnor In Lincoln County To tho Editor: Several Inquiries liavo lately come to the office regarding the control of tho .Cucumber Aphis or commonly called tho plant louse. The AphlB Ib a very small, greon, soft bodied Insect that Is easily over looked, It has sucking mouth parts and destroys the plant by extract ing tho juices. A good sign of the presence of tho Aphis Is, when the vinos begin to wilt and turn brown. Tho best roiuedles for control is to spray tho plants with a solution made by mixing a teaspoonftil to a tableapoonful of Nlcotlno Sulphate or Ulack Leaf 10 In a gallon of water. This is a contract Insecti cide and tho Aphis must bo hit by tho spray to be killed. Tho spray can bo applied with a 'hand sprayer. Tho Squash Bug (atiasa trlstls) Is another Insect that destroys tho vinos of the Cucumber, Squashes and Melons. Tho full grown bug is a little over ono half Inch long and 1h of a rusty black color abovo . and yellow beneath. Tho best means of control for this Insect Is hand picking In tho morning and evening at which times tho bugs are somewhat torpid. Boards laid among tho vinos at night will bo found to have many bugs under them In tho morning, and these may be killed by cruch ing. or otherwise. t Walter BfoBs, Horticulturists, :o: - LOCAL AND PERSONAL H. W. Campbollo loft Wednes day. Tor San Frnnslsco. Miss Mabel Johnson loft Wednes day for' Omaha to vialt friends, MIbb Elhol SUIto returnod Tues day from Denver and Yellowstone Park. Misses Blanch Bellows and Ellza , both Bertha wont to. Grand Island Wednesday to visit friends. Loron Hastings returned this morning from Platte Itivor, S. D whore bo attended a Bound Up. ' Miss Jessie Mlddagh returned to her homo In Alma, Nobr., Wcdnos- ' day artor visiting Miss Dillon Jn tho ' city; Mrs. W. A. O'Donnoll, Mrs. W. H. vLoDloyt (and Morton Thayer will leave 'tomorrow for Paxton and Madrid. Mrs. H. F. Staples ami daughters left Wednesday for Kearney to meet Edna Staples who has been1 visiting In Holdrcdge. Mrs. Margaret Gorham and dau ghter and granddaughter of Grand Island aro guests at tho W. A Buchflhch homo. Mrs. W. H. Dlener and daughters Marie and Evelyn returned to tholr homo In Lewollou this morning. .Thoy were accompanied homo by Mrs. E. N. Oglor. Itev. Delo of Laramlo, Wyo., arrived Wednesday to visit at tho homo of Mrs. Elizabeth Confor. Mr. and Mrs. D. Myor of Suthorland aro also guests at hor homo. Joe Plzor arrived homo from , Hastings whore ho has boon play ing baseball during tho summer months. Ho and Donald Nowton will leave today 4by auto for west ern points. Tho Chandler Motor Car Co. or Cleveland are In no way connected with tlio Chandlor Brothers', stock brokers of Now York, who recently failed. Tho Chandlor Company Is vory strong financially and this rumor and falso presumption on tho . part of snmo is without foundation , J. V, Romtgli, Dealer. DAIRYMEN We print all kinds of milk tickets. Our new perforated strip ticket is sanitary, cheap and conven ient. We print statements, bill heads, dairy letter heads, and envelopes. Why not run your dairy like a business? Prices Right. the Semi-Weekly Tribune. LOCAL AND 1'KRSONAL D. Seaburg of Hershoy was n' city vliltor yesterday. ' v Mr and Mrs. E. Votow of Wellflect visited friends In the city Sunday. Mrs. K. Ohorg of Suthorland trans acted business in the elty Saturday. Kolth Neville returned Sunday from Omaha where ho transacted business. Miss Lottie LaRue had her tonsils removed at the Osteopathic 'hospital Sunday. . F. L. Mooncy and son returned Sun day from Colorado points. They made the trip by auto. Now Fall Oxfords In Scotch Grain and other new styles at Wilcox De partment Store. Miss Irene Norton of. Grand Island Is a guest of hor grandparents Mr. and Mrs. P A, Norton. A baby boy was born Saturday to Dr. and Mrs. Claude Solby. Mrs. Solby and boy aro doing nicely. Fred Bacon returned to his home In Omaha, Sunday after spending sever al days visiting friends In tho city. Mrs. Minnie B. States left tho first of the week for Billings, Mont, and othor points to spend a two weeks vacation. Mrs, Anna Davis and daughter Efflo of Chicago who have been guests at the J. S. Stone home have left for Kansas City. , , Tho ticket sellors booth in the Kolth theatre Is Going moved from Its original place to the center of tho on trance to tho theatre. Bcoler Scott, Itobort Oglor, Lynn Twlnem, Paul Overman and Ralph Wickwlrc loft Tuosday for Colum bus to ontor tho stato Boy Scout Camp. Mrs. Snydor's Sunday School class of tho Prosbytorlan church hold tholr annual picnic. nt tho Experimen tal Station Tuesday. Suppor was served at sovon o'clock. Mrs. Allison Wilcox entortalned at dJnnor Tuosday evening at hor homo In honor of Mrs. Bailor of Illinois who Is tho house guest of hor brothor and wife Mr. and Mrs, M. E. Scott. Mrs. E. F, Sooburger ontcrtalnod tho Indian Card Club at her homo Thursday afternoon. Tho assisting hostess woro Mrs. A. B. Hoagland, MrB. F. J. rurtollle and Mrs. Chaa, Horrod. Mr. and MrB. C. O. Dcdmoro return ed Saturday from an auto trip to points In Illinois, Indiana and Michi gan, They wero accompanied homo by tho lattor's brother Arthur Hod gesB of .Toilet, 111, DON'T negloct the most important thing you own your oyos If thoy feel weak obtain tho host of oaro. The Dixon Optical Co. mako a specialty of oyo care. Make them a visit. Fredrick Huxoll loft Tuesday for Omaha to Bpond a fow days visiting. Mr. and Mrs. J. Forstdt left Tuos dayfor North Dakota and Minnesota, to visit friends. Thoy will go to Wlnno pog to visit boforo returning homo. Mr. and Mrs. Prank East returned to tholr homo In Omaha Sunday after spending sovoral months visiting frlonds and relatives In Page, Horsh oy, Suthorland and North Platto. Tho lattor is a slstor of Mrs. Simon White whom she has not scon for twolvo 5'oarB. Thoy also visited at tho Slze moro home. r FARMERS TAKE NOTICE You can buy a 500 or 1000 bushel grnln bin, ventilated to savo your grain and I am sure you can savo the valuo of tho bin In six months. Phone 617 or write Wm. Waldorf, North Platte, Nobr., 2nd door north of tho Post Offtco. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Jas. Elliott of Maxwoll was a city visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Torblt of MaywOod Msitod at the home of hor sister Mrs. Dcnn Logan this week'. Mrs. Evelyn Olllfian of West Sal em, Wis. Is a guest at tho home of hor son A. L. Leavltt. Miss Ncvita Coatcs arrived tho first of the weok from Long Beach Calif, to visit with Mrs. PulVer. Tho small son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wood of Wallace underwent an operation for appendlcltus Tues day at a local hospital. Miss Georgia May Hopkins return ed to her home In Omaha Wednes day after visiting at tho home of her sister Mrs. A. D. Bamum. Mrs. C. A. Pease returned to her home in Holden, Mo. after visiting at tho homo of hor daughter Mra. Fred Rector. She was accompani ed to her home by her daughter. Mrs. Frank Sheldon of ' Sparta, Wis. who has been visiting at the homo of her nephew A. R. Leavltt loft Wednesday for Wilcox, Nebr. to visit at the homo of A. J. Coker. Tho small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win, Myers of Maywood had her tonsils removed Tuesday at a local hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Mo era are guests at the A. N. Dtirbhi home. 1 . 1 Theodore Tottonhdff wild has been foreman of the boiler makers In tho local shops has been promot ed and transferred to Cheyenne. He will move his family there In the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Williams of Grand Island and son Dorsey Williams and wlfo of Sholtoii are oxpocted tomorrow to visit Maurice W lllams enrouto from Colorado points to tholr home. NOTICE Thero will bo an examination at the federal building at North Platte on August 12. for the position of post master at North Platte under tho civil sorvjeo department of the covprn mont. Candidates will not he required to roport for examination but will be rated on tho following subjects (a) education nnd training 20 per cent (b) business oxperlenco and flMNi 80 per cent, total 100 per cent, i nose interested should call on tho Clerk of tho local Civil Service Commission, Pos(t Office Building, North Platte, for particulars. (John Grant, Attorney.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estato No. 1?31 of Joslo O'Haro, do coasod iu the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said OBtato will take notice that tho tlmo Hmited for presentation and filing of claims against said Estate is December 13, 1921, nnd for settle ment of Bald Estate is August 9th 1922; that I will sit at tho county court room In said county, on Sept ember 13, 1921, at 9 o'clock A M.. and on Docombor 13, 1921, at 9o'clock A. M to receive, exnmlno, hear, allow, or adjust alt claims and objections duly filed. WM. H, C, WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Notice Is hereby given that tho City Council of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, will sit as a Board of Equalization beginning at tho hour of 8 o'clock A. M. on tho 6th day of Soptombor, 1921, at tho Council Room of tho Flro Station situated on tho cornor of West Front and Vino Stroots, In tho City of North Platto, Nebraska, for tho purpose of lovying on the real estate lying and being within paving District No. 7, taxes for tho purpose of paying costs of tho construction of tha paving of tho al loys In said paving District No. 7, and that tho Buid taxes will bo levied upon each parcel of real estato and lots and lands ablating upon tho alleys so paved, according to tho oxtent of boheflts to Buch property by reason of tho construction of Bald paving and it tlio city council shall find such benefits to bo oqual and uniform, such lovy of taxes will be according to tho ' abutting foot of tho lots or parcels of real ostato within said Paving Dist rict No. 7, or according to sucli othor 1 rules ns tho city council sitting as n Board of Equalization may adopt, for . tho distribution or adjustment of such costs. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED WILL fllo tholr objections, if anji thoy havo, to tho nssosslng of taxes against tholr proporty on or beforo tho 6th day of September, 1921 at 8 o'clock P. M. with tho City Clork. ' By order of tho Mayor and City Council mado tho 2nd day of Septem ber, 1921. O. E. Elder, City Cleric NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Notice is hereby given that tho city Council of the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, will sit as a Iward of equalization beginning at the hour of 8 o'clock A. M. on tho 6th day of Soptember 1921, at tho council room of the Fire Station situated on the corner of West Front and Vine Streets, In the City of North Platte, Nebraska, for tho purpose of levying on tho real, estate lying and being within Sewer District G 5, taxes for the purpose of paying costs of tho construction of the lateral sewer In said sewer district G 5, and that tho said taxes will he levied upon each parcel of real estate according to the oxtent of benefits to such property by reason of tho construction of said latoral sewer and If tho c(ty council shall find such benefits to be equal and uniform, such levy of taxes will bo according to tho front foot of the lots or parcels of real estate within said sowor district G-5, or accorlng to such other rules as tho City Council sitting as a board of equalization may adopt for tho distribution or adjust ment of such costs. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED will fllo their objections, if any they have, to tho assessing of taxes against tholr property on or before tho Cth day of Soptember, 1921 ' at 8 o'clock P. M. with tho City Clork. By order of the Mayor and Cltv Council made tho 2nd day of Auguj, 1921. O. E. Elder, City Clerlf. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS, Notice la hereby given that the City Council of the City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, will sit as a Board of Equalization beginning at tho hour of 8 o'clock A. M. on tho 6th day of September, 1921, at the Council Room of the Fire Station situated on the corner of West Front and Vine Street, in the City of North Platto, Nebraska, for tho purpose of levying on the real estate lying and being within paving District No. 2. taxes for the purposo of paying costs of tho construction of the paving of the al leys in said paving District No. 2, and that tho said taxes will be levied upon each parcel of real estato and lots an,j lands abulttlng upon. -the alleys so iphved. according to jtho extent of benefits to such property by reason of tho construction of said paving and If tho city council shall find such bene fits to be equal and uniform, such lovy of Itetxes will be according to th,o abutting foot of the lots or parcels of real estato within said Paving Dist rict No. 2, or according to such other rules as the city council sitting as a Board of Equalization may adopt for tho distribution or adjustment or such costs. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED will file their objections, If any they have, to tho assessing of taxes against their property on or before the 6th day of Soptember, 1921 at 8 o'clock P. M, with tho City Clerk. By order of the Mayor and the City Council made tho 2nd day of Aug ust, 1921. O. E. Elder, City Clerk. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will bo received by the City Council of tha City of Nbrtn Platte, Nebraska, at tho offlco of O. E. Elder. City Clerk of said City up until 8 p. m. of August lGth- 1921, for tho furnishing all labor and mrftorial for tho complete construction of two proposed main sowers for said Cltv. as per plans and specifications now a- dopted and on file with tho City Clerk. Soaled bids to cover vitrified clay sower pipe, or comont concrete sower pipe and all appurtenances thereto. City Engineer's estimate on tho cost of constructing sold maln sewters, comploto in place is as follows: 3000 ft. 12 inch sewer pipe $1.40 per ft. 18000 ft. 15 inch Bower pipe $1.80 por ft 8500 ft. 18 Inch sewer pipe $2.50 por ft. Manholos -1 ft. deep (Including cov er), $15.00 per manhole. Extra dopth of manhole over 4 ft., $3.00 por ft. Cast Iron Pipe whore roqulred $85 por ton. Bids must bo made on the propos als in tho specifications furnished up on application by tho City Clork and accompanied by a certified check for three (3) per cont of tho total bid. Said plans and specifications will be furnished upon application to tho City Clork for a foo of three dollars, said amount to bo returnod to tho Con tractor whon plans and specifications are returned. The successful bidder will bo roqulred to take sower bond3 in paymont for his work and said bonds shall be taken at par value. The Mayor and Council reserves tho right to rtjoct any nnd all bids. By order of tho City Council of North Platto, iNobraska; Auguitj 3, 1921. Attest: E. H. EVANS, O. E. ELDER, Mnyor. City Clerk. (SEAL) Ed Kierig, Auctioneer. G'encral Farm Sales A Specialty, aU Itcnl Estate. References and Datoi First National Dank. North Platte, Nebraska. Offlco 340 ' HoaselW DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over tho Oasis. North PlatU GO TO II. & F. FEED STOIIE For Millot Seed and Feed, Phono 639W HEIUIINGHAUSEN & FltOJIAN. OTIS H. PLATT, M. D ' Physlclnn and Surgeon X-RAY Diagnosis and Treatment Calls answered Day and Night. Over Union State Bank. Office Phone 29G House Phono 123CJ W. T. PRITCHARD , Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Veterinarian. Hospital 315 South Vine Street Hos pltal Phono 633, House Phono 633. DRS. STATES & STATES Chiropractors 5, G. 7 Building & Loan Building. Offlco Phone 70. Res. Phone 1242 DR. J. R. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to Diseases of Women and Surgery OVER REXALL DRUG STORE Phones Office 113. Residencp C40J WYLIE WALKER Expert Piano Tuner and Repairer. Leave orders at 914 W. 4th St." Or Phono 334. GEO. B. DENT Physician nnd Snrgeon Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstetrics Office Building & Loan Building . Phone: Office 130. Residence llf HOWARD YOST Dental Surgeon Oral Prophylaxis Mouth Hygiene Phone 307 Twlnem Bldg Office phone 241. Res. phone 21? L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebrask Knights of Columbus Building. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. . Special Attention Given to Snrgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phone 83 Residence 38 DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath OVER HIRSCHFELD'S Office Phone 333 Res. Phone 102C DR. REDFIELD PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN Surgeon, X-Ray Calls Promptly Answered Night or Day Phones Office 642, Residence 076 DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embalmers Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors Day Phone 41 , Night Phone Black 588 NOTICE At the special meeting of tho legal voters of School District No. 77 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will be hold at tho school houso on Mon day. August 22, 1921, at 2 o'clock p. m. tho proposition will bo submltta.1 to tho Yotors of raising the budget of Sevon Hundred Dollars to conduct tho school for tho coming year. This will require a levy not to exceed ono hundred mills on the dollar of the as sessed valuation of said district. A. P. McCLELLEN, Director. NOTICE, At tho special meeting of the legal voters of school district numbor 47 of Lincoln County, Nobraska, which will bo hold at tho school houso on August 15, 1921 at two p. m., tho prop osition will bo submitted to tho voters of raising tho budgot of $1100.00 to conduct tho District 47 school for the coming ear. This will requiro a low not to exceed ono hundred mills on tho dollar of the assessed valuation of said district. C. C. BOWMAN, Director HOW DOES IT SOUND TO YOU? G room modern except heat on fine I cornor lot nt 901 wost 4th. A good homo In a real location nt $5,500; easy terms to right party. ' A nice flvo room cottago, modorn I oxedpt heat at 804 east 3rd street. Big I lot. nlco trees and garage; prlco $4200 THE H. & S. AGENCY has them. NOTICE At a special meeting of tho legal voters of school district number. 112 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will be held at the school house on August 16th, 1921, at 1:00 P. M., tho proposition will bo submitted to tho voters of ralBinjr tho budget of One Thousand lollars to conduct tho Dis trict 112 school for tho coming year. This will roquiro a lovy not to oxceed ono hundred mills on tho dollar of tho assessed valuation of said district, J. B. CRAIG, Director. (Hoagland & Carr, Attornoys.) NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estato no. 1734 of E. R, Raworth, do coascd, in the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested In said estate tako notico that tho Administrator has fil ed a final account and report of his ad ministration and a petition for final sottlomout nnd discharge as such' which havo boon sot for "hearing boforo said court on August 23, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m When you may appear and contest tho same. n e Pated August 1, 1921. ' WM. H. C. WOODHURST" , " (SEAL) r County Judge. (J. C. Hollmnn. Attorney.) NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estato No. 1782 of Nottlo A. Yohe, de ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, to all por sons Interested in said estato tako notico that, the Executors have filed a final account and roport of tholr ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and dlschargo as such which have been set for hearing beforo Baid court on August 23, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m when you may appear and contest the same. Dated August 1, 1921. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge, (Hoagland & Carr, Attorneys.) NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT. Estato No. 1610 of Evangelino Gough, deceased, in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said estate take no elco that tho Administrator has filed a final account and roport of his ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and dlschargo as such which havo been set for hearing be fore said court on August 23, 1921 at 10 o'clock a. m., when you may appear and contest the samo. Dated July 29, 1921. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge. (John Grant, Attorney.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1825 of George Lannin, de ceased. In the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska, ss: Credit ors of said estato will tako notico that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said ostato is November 30, 1921, and for settlement of said estato is July 29. 1922; that I will sit at tho county court room in said County on August 30, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on November 30. 1921, at 10 o'clock a, m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all clarms and objections duly filed. Dated July 29, 1921. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) , County Judge, (Hoagland & Carr, Atorneys.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estato No. 1827 of Glenn Scott, de ceased, In the County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato ,of Nebraska, bs. Cred itors of said estate will tako notice that tho time limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Es tate Is November 23, 1921, and for settlement of said Estato if July 23, 1922; that I will sit nt tho county court room in said County on Au gUBt 23, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m., nnd on November 23, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m to receive, oxamlne, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. Dated July 21, 1921, WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) county Judge. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DE TERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP. In tho County Court Lincoln County, Nebraska. In re John M. Dawson, deceased. Notico is hereby given to Charity J. Dawson, John V. Dawsort, Charlos L. Dawson, Frank G. Dawson, Guy T Dawson, Laura J. Mooro and to all othor persons, both creditors and heirs, Interested in tho estato of John M. Dawson, docoased, that a petition was filed in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska, August lBt, 1921, in which was Bet out "as facts that John M. Dawson died July 31, 1902, that at tho tlmo of his death ha was a resident of Lincoln County, and was selzod in fee of tho Nortboast Quarter of Section 26, Township 9, Range 26. West of tho 6th P. Mr in Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tho peti tioner Arthur D. McNicklo is now tho owner in feo of tho said premises and prays for a determination of tho time of tho death of tho decedent and a de termination of the heirs of said de ceased, tho degree of kinship and the right of descont of tho real proporty bolonging to tho docoased. That tho timo for hearing said potitlon has beon fixed at September 1st, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. by tho County Court. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge. WELLS C. JONES, Attorney for the Petitioner.