The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 09, 1921, Image 8

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Sentt'SBeeklu Subline.!
WILSOff TOUT. Kdllor nnd Publisher.
Entered nt tho North Platto, Nebraska
Postofflco as Second Class Matter.
OnqYcnr, In ndvnnce $2.00
,7 Tl'bSUAY, AUGUST Otli 1921.
uttnil rM
Miss Grace Moonoy and Mrs. Charles
Edwards will entertain todny und to
morrow nt a series of luncheons at tho
Country Club. Following tho one
o'clock luncheons brid 'will bo .tho
oiltortaliimont for tho afternoon.
Wo rocontly road of a "noon lunch
eon which woe hold at ono o'clock."
We approve tho suggestion that tho
nlno o'clock whlstlo bo hold at olynt
o'clock. After giving duo notlco to all
of the people that a chango would bo
made on a ceroaln day, tho whlstlo
could bo blown nt olght o'clock each
ovoning. This would test tho whlstlo
allow people to sot tholr clocks and
watches, show folks that they wcro
lato or on time to all public mcotlngs
and accomplish every purpose of tho
nlrio o'clock whlstlo wltrout tho horri
ble Interruption of concorts, locturou,
entertainments, etc,
::o:: r.
North Platto Floral Co. Flowors.
VI. Twelfth Streot. Phone 1023. Wo
deliver and Bhlp nnywhoro.
Hunters and tresspassers aroVarn
cd that they will bo dealt with accord
ing to law.
0. H. Watt,
T. S. McCrono,
Pat McGraw,
Henry P. Hansen.
Mack nnd white with a rod. bead It
is a target for shootors which few can
rosist. Not satisfied with being at
tractively dressed this bird keeps up
a continuous nervous flitting from
troo to tree and calls nil of tho tlmo.
It 1b common In the City Park. Hero
!a pair raised a brood of young early
this summer and they wore still tboro
last week. The nost was In tho decay
nil Hhil' of a cottdnwood. Wo did not
English Humor.
A JiivoiiIU' Huh advertises:
You fur
nish the Job. wo furnish the buy." A'
correspondent stated that be rtiVVlii an
"English saloon an amusing variation1
"of the above, as follows: "Youfuro
tujBH tho bob, we futnlwh tll Joy."
liostoti Transcript.
ovoning nt a lawn picnic nt tho homo o'
tho lattor in honor of MIbb ' Sylvia
Watts of Hillings, Mont, who is a guost
at tho home of l'ier brother Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. I. U Stcbbms ontortaln
cd nt a six o'clock wedding dinner on
Sunday complimentary to tholr dau
ghter and husband Mr. and Mrs. llalph
Shawgo who wcro rocontly married In
Davenport, la. Tho honorees received
many pretty wedding gifts. Covers
wore laid for twenty guostg.
Mrs. York Illnnmn entertained a
numbor of young people nt her homo
Friday ovoning complimentary to Miss
Roba Eaves Qf Oakland, Calif, who has
been hor guost A pleasant evening
wob spont in dancing, music and
gamos alftor which dainty refresh
ments woro served. Miss Eaves ro
turnod to her homo yostordny after
spending a month at tho Illnman
Office over tho McDonald
State Bank.
Tires, Tubes and Ac
cessories FERN STRE1TZ
, v' ' '
Corner 5th and Locust
Phono 625W. g
Tho bans of marriage woro proclaim
ed for tho first tlmo Sunday at St.
Patrick's Church betwoon Arthur
Nolan Tmd Miss Closto Katan of
Alliance, Nour. Miss Katan Is tho
sister of Mrs. Glenn Milled of this city
and has vlsltod horo on many occasion"
Tho marrlago will tako place tho lattor
part of this month.
Has Various Pronunciations.
There are ten ways of pronouncing
"ough." .Those lire, written phonotlc
nlly, as In bow, coff. cnuf (each Is al
lowable), euuff, thuut, tho, tbroo. hic
cup, the Irish lough add the Scot's
pronunciation of sough, "suMi."
Poem UyI
Uncle Jo:
Miss Arvllla Whtttnkor and Miss
Bossio Salisbury will entertain tills .boo tho Insldo of that particular nest
but those wo have seen held from uvo
to sovon glossy whlto eggs. The red-
hend Is ono of our valuable birds
feeding largely on insects and secdB.
It stores bard seeds In cracks and
crovlces about tho trees and cats them
in sonsonB of drouth. Tht red-headed
woodpecker seems to bo a migrant
horo, ns wo havo no records of its
"being Been boforo May lGth nor later
thrln, August 2Dth. It 1b ono ot our
most -beautiful birds ana is v.ery vai
mililn an. It should not bo killed under
any circumstances.
Tho Byncopatcd tooting of calllopon
tho pulBO-Btlrrlng tonVpo of red-coated
bands, tho insolent comments of jun-
clo beasts on our city and cur people
tlio good naturcd "aBldos" of hords of
olopliants as thoy lumbor along- trunl
to tall nnd tall to trunk, tho steady
roll of massive tableau, don and nl
logorlcal wagons fall these sounds
will fling tholr strident but welcome
melody against our eardrums Sat.
morning, for tho circus parado will
wjlnd thru downtown streets; soon
after 11 o'clock.
The long trains of Solls-Floto clr
sub will Bteam Into tho railroad yards
early Sat. bringing over 1000 peo
plo, 550 horses and a groat menager!o
of "beasts of tho Jungle, tho plains,
tho mountains, and the air," as the
old-timo announcor used to put It. All
of our old frlonds of the sawdust and
tho spangles will bo hero to entertain
us, and. tho circus men say, they
havo many now friends to give us
thrills, new laughs and much more
pleasure than of yoro, foremost n
raong them, "Poodles" Hanneford,
tho famous New York Hippodrome
riding clown and his family.
Soon after tho great, billowing
swoop of canvas that Is tho "big top"
1b raised on tho circus grounds
sroros of men start to hoisting
tho maze of rigging that Is tho sotting
for tho aerial offerings of trouper
frotn all lands, including the Condo
nas and tho Nelsons. Other groups bo-
gin laying tho three rings and tho
two largo stages. It Is stated that the
Solls-Floto performances, which will
bogln nt 2 o'clock In tho afternoon and
o'clock at night exceed by far those
of other years. Russian, French, Jap
aneso, Arabian, Chineso and Ameri
can troupes will spring novelty after
novelty In tho rings, on tho stages anj
in tho air. Tho Albert Hodglnt troupe,
tho Hobsqns, tho famous Hannefords
and others will bo soon on tho whlto
Ing horses; tho Solls-Floto famed
horsoB will exemplify tho blessings
of higher education for oqulnes; pret
ty lady riders will put tho blue ribbon
monago horses thru Interesting
tunts, and elephants nnd clowns and
spectacles will add to tho diversions.
Why Not?
An nut concern ndvuftises "The
cur with n conscience." correspond
ent sucgostsv nlso. "The motor with
a mind." "The vehicle with itm,"
"The truck tluU thinks." -Boston
Why Librarians Laugh.
"Father wants me to get 'Twenty
Thousand Legs Undor the Sea" mU L
- ...... ... M.n ltl..nttiilu tlnUl P
11 JUUUSLl'l 111 WIU iiihuiiuiio v.v..
Possibly bo thought It was a Revero
beach story. Hoston Trunscrfpt.
New Paper,
new wall
Hang the new wall paper wjtn
which you are going to patch the'old
In the sun for n while, and It will soon
bt faded to match.
Tho North Platto Country Club has
arranged for a Golf Tournamont with
tho Koarnoy Country Club to bo played
thlB month. All members desiring to
enter nro requested to notify Guy
Swopo. Tho Country Club last year
made n good showing at Koarnoy anda
bettor.' orio is looked forward to this
vnnr. . . J , ,
.Clinton & Son. Graduate Opticians,
Vy us for eervlce'v",, ' i '.
IJr. lif J. KUAUSE; Dentist, X-ltny
Diagnosis. McDonnld 'Bank Kulldlng.
Phono 07.
Tho othor day, nl)l Iilll Hicks dlod as auybody might do. Thoy Bay
our loss was old Bill's gain, from tho troublos that ho wont through. . . I
knowed him for nearly tflfty year an' so fur as I ovor hoard, nobody lont
him a helpln' hand, or glvo him a pleasant word. . . .
I'vo often thought that Rill might fool, ns I wntchcU him from day to
day that ho was u Bort of a surplus horo, an' mightily in tho way. . . . An'
I hair surmised, from Ills weary look, an' tho sadness about lila face, that It
wouldn't mattor ot ho was took.'an' sent to sdmo othor placo. ...
But"-wo burled old Bill tho othor day, an' you ort to havo saw tho
crowd! Thoy brought him llowors an" honied worlls, an' somo of us cried,
out loud. . . . U'b funny wo novor loarnt It boforo, an' L'm wondorln'
about It still, that nono of knowed to his dying' day, how much wo loved
old Bill!
We print all kinds of milk tickets. Our new
perforated otrip ticket Is sanitary, cheap and conven
ient. We print statements, bill heads, dairy letter
heads, and envelopes.
Why not run your dairy like a business? Prices
The Semi-Weekly Tribune.
to bring your frlonda to dlno.
placo whoro tho greatest euro Is ox
excised In tho soloctlon of tho faod
matorlals. A place wlicro tho cuisine
Is exquisite, whoro tho china and cut
lory is tasteful, and tho surroundings
ploasant This Is such a placo. Come
and enjoy It.
Select your Paper
at Home
Homeopathic Physician &
General Practice nnd
Construction Surgery i
Hospltnl Accommodation
Plntto Valley Hospital
( i iaiiu vauey iiospuai ij
f.t Former Namo Twlnem UospitaL a
Wo call to your memory again that
wo are putting forth all efforts to
gather an exhibit for tho Stato Fair as
wqll as the County Fair. Lincoln
County must do Its best and that
means that we aro all to do our ut
most to gather up something of all
kinds of agricultural products such as
tamo and wild grasses, grains, etc.
It Is now Just about a month until wo
"must load our car which must ronch
Lincoln not later than September 2.
Wo want to put this ovor In first class
shapo. If thero Is apythlng you want
to sco mo about In regard to tho ex
hibits call at Union Stato Bank on
Saturday afternoon or call 1130 it
G:30 In tho morning. E. A. OLSON,
In Charge of Agricultural Exhibits.
Want Ads
For Hcnt Office G05 North Locust,
Phono 1209J,
Awuitcd To buy a good tonnla
racket. Call 430J.
For Snln Cucumbors, any size any
quantity. Ordor now. Doolittlo
Phono 788F31.
For Salo Flvo room houso,nll mod-
orn. 21G So. Ash. Also 3 lots on west
3rd. Phono 330W. .
For Sale My boautlful bungalow at
111 So. Locust St A llttlo cash will
halidlo It. Guy S. Popojoy.
WAISTEIK A Socond hand Ford.
Roadster proforrod but would buv
touring car. Wrlto P. O. Box 297
Suthorland Nebraska.
FOlt SALE Brand now 1921 Ford
touring, starter and domountablo
rims. You can snvo $25. It you want a
Ford today. J. 'V, Itomlgh Dodgo
For Salo or Trndo For farm loaso
t i oquipraont noar North Platto, an
1. 1 proved irrlgatod 10-acro tract closa
tc Fort Morgan all in alfalfa. Flvo
r m houso, etc. Flno location, deal
with ownor. Addross Howard P1lo,
Fi i t Morgan, Colo.
For Salo By owner,' 26x40 1
Btory houso, living room, dining room,
kltchou, four bedrooms, threo cloaoto,
pantry, bath room and 12x14 base
ment. Two 50 foot lots, with oloctrlo
lights, city water and tolophone.
Walking distance from High School.
Perfect tltlo and no encumbranco.
Prlcod for Immediate sale at $5000.00.
Call at 505 South Chestnut or phono
The battery that is
more than "Gooti Enough"
WHEN Prcst-O-Litc entered the car-equipment
field, all automobile manufacturers
.lHr tUnf mntAa rC cf rrn fT hattAIll A3
WCrC uailtg Uiivt uinnvii w& tJWfcMc -
original equipment. And they were gooo1
To displace these batteries, Prest-O-Lite had
to demonstrate not merely a better battery, but
a battery and service such a lot better that its
superiority justified replacing the other makes.
Manufacturers were naturally reluctant to
change such a vital unitfof their car. This
preference for Prcst-O-Llte is tremendously
significant to you as a car owner.
The Prest-O-Lite Battery uses less than one
four-hundredth of its power-reserve for a single
start and the generator quickly replaces that.
You naturally think of this high-grade, high
powered battery as high-priced. The prices
which we will quote you will correct any such
Prove this today. Ask also aboUt the definite
guarantee whose letter and spirit say, un
equivocally, that you, the car owner, Must Be
Midway Motor Co. ,
215 East Sixth.
The llitof cits nnd
trucks mine Prest-O
Lit Uatteriea as
standard equipment
grows apace. For in
stance, in
1916 '
Six makes of cars and
trucks chose Prest-O-Llte
ch'oife Prest-O-Lite
chose Prest.O-Llte
(tb Julr 1st)
chose Prest-O-Llte
"Watch It erow"
. 4
NO 1
Saturday Aug,
Second Largest Show on Earth
Direct from Coliseum, Chicago
Sealed bids will be received by the
City Council of tho City of Nortn
Plntto, Nebraska, at tho office of O.
E. Elder, City Clerk of said City up
until 8 p. m. of August lGth- 1921, for
tho furnishing all labor and material
for tho complete construction of two
proposed main sowers for said City,
as per plans and specifications now a-
dopted und on file with the City Clerk
sealed bias to covor vitrified clay
sower pipe, or comont concroto sowor
plpo und all appurtonances thereto.
City Engineer's estimate on tho cost
of constructing sajd maln sewters,
completo in place is aB follows:
3000 ft, 12 inch sower pipe 1.40 per
18000 ft. 15 inch sewer plpo $1,804
por ft.
8500 ft. IS Inch sowor pipe $2.50 por
Munholo3 4 ft. doop (Including cov
er), $45.00 par manholo.
Extra dopth of manholo ovor 4 ft.,
$3.00 por ft.
Cast Iron Pipe whoro required $85
per ton.
Dids must bo mado on tho propos
nls in tho speclflcations-furnished up
on application by tho City Clerk and
accompanied bya certified chock for
threo (3) por cent of tho total bid.
Said plans and specifications will by
furnished upon application to tho City
Clerk for a feo of threo dollars, said
amount to bo returned to tho Con
tractor when plans and specifications
aro returned. Tho successful bidder
will bo required to tako sowor bonds
lu pqymonygr; his work und said
uonug snail do taKen at par vaiue
Tho Mayor andvCouncll reserves tho
right to rtjoct any and all bids.
Ily order of tho City Council of
North Pla$, (Nebraska, August; 8
Attesi: E. H. EVANS,
0. E. ELDER, Mayor,
Cltv Clerk.
1 I?A(IAbW
The SUtr Riding Clown of the New York Hippodrome
l and His Riding Hannefords.
Downtown Reserve Seat Sale Show Day at STONE'S PHARMACY
Tho Metropolitan 'ITrlo is a trio ot music and tun makers. Good music,
light music, and Just ireal music, together with tho playing of that most'
popular chautauqua instrument, the organ chimes, go to make up the musical
program of tho third difty. Their work on the chimes is the work of artlaU.
Many of their songs are accompanied by chimes with perfect harmony of
voice arid chimes. Lyniu Olbb Is a Canadian with a fine bass baritone volc
and a gifted reader. Dcbnald Ashford, second tenor, Is a moat capable artist
in piano solos and his bus. brother planologues are a feature on tho program.
Franklin Kidd Is a reajl vllrst tenor and soloist. They are a hundred Dar
cul niirncuon.
At North Matte, August 21 to 26.